40 Minute Cardio Bootcamp and Plank Challenge Workout | IGNITE – Day 6

40 Minute Cardio Bootcamp and Plank Challenge Workout | IGNITE – Day 6

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 40 minute cardio boot camp and plank challenge so grab some dumbbells and your water and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 40 minute cardio boot camp with a plank challenge at the end we’ll have mostly full body moves a couple body weight mostly dumbbell moves today as for my dumbbells i have my 10 15 and 20 pound dumbbells or four seven and nine kilograms so if you want to grab some light to medium weights going to be moving a lot rotating pressing punching dead lifting doing some burpees so we have a lot of medium weight exercises all right lots of movement i’m excited for this one okay water and a sweat towel of course and don’t forget to check out everything in the description as far as your workout calendar the sydney squad membership anything else i can help you with i always put it down in the description so make sure you check that out before you leave okay thumbs up if you are ready to get this workout in let’s start with a crossbody arm swing in three two one here we go there you go a little side step with it good let’s go five four three two one big wide stance move backward circles with your hands good work and switch directions good three two one hands at your chest heels to the glutes butt kicks [Music] good job four three i love this one two and one all right let’s take it back and push forward for me gently good job good inhale exhale let’s go one more [Applause] perfect take your left foot back right foot out front both legs are straight you’re gonna dip down turn okay back to the middle turn there we go turn so you get a good spinal rotation here one last one and good come on up and switch and if you don’t feel good about being on the ground for that one just take it right here okay all right let’s go big turn back to the middle turn middle turn good one more there we go go ahead and stand up reach it over top with your left hand to the right side and switch perfect four three two and one all right one last upper body warm up i want you to stretch out your lats here so we’re gonna take your hands back keeping your knees bent and your core tight open it up good you shouldn’t feel yourself opening your chest keep it right here reach those thumbs back behind you good two and one all right let’s get you started let’s jump into it yesterday was intended to be a sports theme i accidentally switched the day so today in your cardio boot camp you’re gonna have some sports themed cardio with dumbbells okay so we’re starting off exercise one dumbbell push and pull now this is gonna be basketball we’re gonna take a pass we’re gonna shuffle pass it again shuffle pass it again okay so i’m using my 10 pound dumbbell we’re gonna start in five start here in the middle you’re gonna grab it shuffle pass two one let’s go modification is always gonna be up there before we start the exercise good but for the most part if you don’t know modification take the little hop out of it take the impact out take the jump out or lower your weights or drop the weight okay 40 seconds here good job 15 14. there you go think of yourself as an athlete whether or not you’ve ever played a sport before irrelevant here you are an athlete three two one good now we put the dumbbell down still playing basketball we’re moving to defense lateral shuffle okay we go two shuffles down one two touch one two touch okay low impact will be right here let’s go in five ready three two one [Music] there we go touch down when you get to each side you’re watching your opponent they’re not getting between you and the basket back here good job take yourself there to a basketball court 20 seconds good job nice job ten nine five four three two one and you have one more round of basketball okay same exercise up top okay take the pass shuffle down pass it to your teammate okay great job here we go four three two one take it and shuffle down pass it off pass it off now notice my hips turn as i pass you don’t want to pass this way right turn okay give me some power in the push-pull that’s it come on [Music] trying to get it way down the court you’ve got ten five four three two one and breathe and we go lateral shuffle and we’re moving on only two rounds per exercise today so i’m gonna keep you moving keep you switching just like an athlete okay here we go six five shuffle down touch the floor three two one let’s go good work keep your hips facing forward so make sure you’re not galloping over this way okay keep them here you got to keep an eye on your opponent okay if you look in here they’ve already gone past you to the basket good job 12 11. good job four three come on two one and rest beautiful job grab some water basketball season is over just as quick as it started all right we have a baseball and a basketball move here so this one kind of interchangeable okay first move dumbbell press and rotate with the knee drive okay i’m gonna take one dumbbell okay take this one knee up come down punch okay sweet or no sorry same leg the whole first round so you come up punch now this can be kind of like a pitcher move or it can be a rebound and pass move so that’s why i say it’s kind of interchangeable okay four seconds we’ll go up and we’re driving the right knee two one let’s go up out beautiful come on core is in control this was a heavy dumbbell to pick good job [Music] good ten more seconds come on nine eight four three two and one okay baseball basketball interchangeable here after these two exercises we move on to complete baseball but next move you just drove your right knee now we’re gonna drive the right knee again so you step drive okay low impact right up here ready two one let’s go drive the right knee up step it back so this can be basketball layup it can also be jumping catch a pop fly okay perfect and you want to ride that knee up with [Applause] you there you go come on you’ve got 10 seconds [Music] three two one and rest good now we’re taking it back up with the knee drive on the left leg so you’re here turn okay [Music] lots of rotation today really getting the core involved in every move five seconds drive that left knee in three two one let’s go [Music] good job come on up and turn good i’m gonna get your heart rate up so far we haven’t done too much jumping right we’ve slid a little bit we had that single knee drive but you don’t have to come off the ground to get your heart rate up right six five three two one rest there we go so we drove left knee now we’re going to take that left knee drive it up here okay modification right here stay on the ground if you need to another way to modify this is to speed that knee drive on the ground up here okay ready two one let’s go up and back [Music] come on drive let’s go almost there you’ve got about 15 seconds left then we breathe then we get a total baseball you’re gonna be a catcher and a pitcher i believe seven [Music] two one and breathe grab some water good job all right we move into both exercise baseball [Music] all right so we are a catcher and an outfielder that’s the last one okay first exercise you’ve got a catcher position so you’re going to hinge all right say i take my 15s i’m going to do a hinge and then get down into my catcher’s position so dead lift pull here get ready to catch back up dead lift new catch okay so dead lift and squat ready i’ve got my 15 pound dumbbells we’ll go in five and you don’t have to touch the floor you can just hinge right here clean it up and sit let’s go [Music] only two rounds of everything right [Music] good you’re doing great come on hinge back nice flat back butt goes backwards come forward and sit again you’ve got five four three two one good job all right now we’re the outfielder okay we’ve got a knee drive and a lateral or twisting lunge okay two options here so you’re gonna take it up knee drive you can either go out or more advanced option knee drive turn lunge okay either way you’re going out to one leg whether it’s a lateral lunge or you want to bring it up and turn okay ready two one left leg up and turn so you’re out in the outfield big powerful throw good now if you’re just going lateral drive step sit drive step sit we’re envisioning throwing this way okay but i’m gonna keep the dumbbell right here there you go think of your hips where your hips go your weight follows good job come on three two one rest good job we’re back to being a catcher now if you want to go a little heavier here second round last round okay i’m gonna go with you all right let’s go in five four three two one here we go down get ready you’re a catcher good job come on use those glutes all right make sure you’re not just bending over and standing up with your back okay you’re going back you’re coming back forward with your glutes okay 10 seconds come on three two and rest good now we’re taking it over to the right okay knee drive like you’re throwing it in from outfield you can sit or you can come in and turn okay five seconds you’re doing great guys come on two one let’s go up and down [Music] that’s it up beautiful work maintain your focus here have a point where you’re focusing this way and a point where you look to focus this way as you sit ten [Music] four three two one and breathe okay grab some water baseball is done we’re moving on to some rapid fire football okay or north american football depending on where you are in the world for pretty much everyone outside of the united states this is north american football so we’ve got a dumbbell burpee so if you’re thinking about offensive line you’re here okay pick it back up all right so i’m going to take my 15s i’m gonna go five here down back up okay five here down back up okay if you don’t wanna do the dumbbells you can go here back up ready two one let’s go hold the dumbbells good quick feet when you come back up keep your core tight and arms strong good 20 more seconds [Music] nine eight [Music] four three two one and rest [Music] okay great job now you’re gonna be on the ground okay thinking of yourself as a receiver okay so you’re catching the football that’s being passed to you you’re running into the end zone here grab here grab ready two one reach back pull it in okay modification take it straight up and back down don’t do the twist [Applause] good job come on [Music] thirteen [Music] six five three two one rest great job we’re back to those burpees and if you want to switch these up whatever you need to do here i know this is kind of a compound move you got a burpee you’ve got dumbbells you’ve got some quick feet okay take the quick feet out if you would like and just do dumbbell burpees leave the dumbbells out do your quick feet make it your own okay let’s go [Music] good when you come up and start to do those quick beat if you have dumbbells especially lock it in right here okay so only your legs are moving 15 come on last round six five three two one rest ah that’s a tough one there’s a lot going on in that one okay have a seat let’s go receivers catching it over your shoulder bringing it back in and you can go body weight with this as well grab it pull in grab it pull in okay maintain that control let’s go [Music] keep your ribs tight i’m with you come on 15. [Music] seven six three two one and rest all right grab some water again you’re doing great guys all right we’ve got a couple sports to go through here before we get to our plank challenge [Music] okay water clearly i needed that all right we’re going into combo sport here bowling and cross country skiing you’re going to see a frontal plane of motion themed for both exercises okay so if i take my bowling i’m going to switch a dumbbell between hands for each round okay so kind of a curtsy lunge you’re going to hinge more so than lunge here okay so you’re gonna hinge come up tap hinge tap hinge okay that’s your bowling so grab a dumbbell that you feel comfortable with there you’ve got a lot of hinge power here all right let’s go in three two one opposite hand opposite foot come up switch there you go [Music] good you’re gonna feel this hamstring stretch you’re gonna feel the glutes squeeze to get you back up then you switch [Music] good 15. [Music] awesome job nine eight seven [Music] three two one rest good now drop the dumbbell we’re gonna go skiing you’re thinking two legs together swing your arms over just like you’re kind of going skiing here low impact is right here we’ll go in seven seconds legs together big swing two one up and over [Music] good grab it pull back bend reach back up right here [Music] that’s it come on 15. [Music] breathe i know this is a lot this is tough four three two one okay back to our bowling right back to it same thing hinge drive here okay use those glutes use those hamstrings five seconds are you ready let’s go three two one come on [Music] and if you feel good about hopping over go for it just maintain control okay don’t let your feet go here and way back out good work core and legs and a lot of glutes okay 14 come on seven [Music] four three two one rest good okay we’re going skiing again you’re doing fantastic we’ve got some track and field and cycling up after this let’s finish this one out strong okay skiing big sit big swing two one let’s go [Music] good breathe i’m with you trying to breathe as well good last 20 right here [Music] come on impress yourself remember remember that promise we made to ourselves a couple days ago four three two one oh okay grab some water that circuit was tough for me anyone else okay just goes to show you what an athlete you are right now [Music] big deep breath great job we’re going into track and field we have some shot put throws and we have some bicycles okay again different sports same type of frontal plane of motion okay so we’re going to be shot putters for track and field okay so we’re going to take a squat press turn squat press turn you’re gonna use one dumbbell per side per round okay so in 12 seconds let’s go with the left arm we’re gonna look that way squat press turn okay notice the hip coming through all right let’s grab that dumbbell two one come on sit it down push and turn that’s it you need all this power where does it come from here and here [Music] that’s it come on lock it out up top arms should be right beside your head good [Music] two one and rest beautiful job now we go into cycling have a seat you can go seated or flat seated is going to be a little tougher okay where you’re here okay arms are here or if you’re flat right here are you ready two one let’s go i’m gonna start up here you think about your hands on an actual bike right you’re in the tour de france right now we’re adding a little twist that they don’t necessarily do on a bike but that’s our motivation [Music] good job ten more seconds three two one rest big deep breath we’re taking that dumbbell in our right hand squat and press okay shot put throwers take it right here let’s go in seven are you ready [Music] three two one sit press throw [Music] good come on good job 15. [Music] i’m with you i know how hard you’re working right now let’s go [Music] eight one more two and rest good job see how you can use dumbbells to kind of get your heart rate up okay we’re barely jumping today we’re just moving with intensity with power with a lot of intention ready bicycles let’s go three two one come on [Music] beautiful you’re right there come on if you need to dial it back go ahead and go go on down keep moving twelve [Music] seven three two one and rest [Music] okay let’s grab some water we’ve got our plank challenge we’re rocking into it okay big deep [Music] breath all right we have six variations of a plank every single exercise i’m going to put the modification right here so you can know if i can’t stay up i can dial it back to that so look at it before you start know what your options are start off with the challenge then if you need to drop down you’ve got what that is for your option okay so very first one pretty simple it kind of sets the tone for our plank challenge here okay high plank knee drops we’re going right here okay taking it one at a time down down down down okay seven seconds and we’re going together are you ready three two shoot your heels back let’s go down down now the point here is to not let your hips go here if you start to get here or here not in a plank anymore we’ve got 45 seconds right here nice and slow and steady tap the knee and then push the heel back away you’re thinking of extending that leg okay [Music] good job ten more seconds and i’ll show you the next one ready seven six two one rest good take it down if you want to fold your mat right here that’s an option you have a side plank knee circle left elbow you’re here bend the knee circle circle okay you can go down onto your knee if you need to as well ready let’s go [Music] you’re going to really feel this in the oblique right yeah you’re like uh-huh she reduces me good job last half good remember this is a challenge so we’re turning it up 10 seconds come on five three two one rest fifteen seconds rest headed to the other side same thing okay same exact move we need that elbow cushion i’m with you okay remember lateral or your side part of your body obliques and glutes ready come on up [Applause] [Music] good whatever’s going on with your leg over top that’s just the added challenge for down here okay so even if you want to just hold it here you’re just adding extra challenge to your obliques that are closer to the floor okay you’ve got this come on we need a drop you’re right here still circling good job five four three two and one still challenging you still giving you difficult planks right here reverse plank okay so we’re here hands face to side flex those glutes right here two one let’s go if you need the modification it’s up there right here just give me that tight back core [Applause] keep the hips up if you start to feel here squeeze back up okay come on good sit here with me you’re doing great 15 seconds squeeze it up again two one yes there we go all right we’re going down into a low plank again we’re stirring the pot so your hands are here you’re taking your nose around the thumbs in a circle okay drop to your forearms let’s go in two one come on circle circle good pay attention to which way you’re going halfway through i’m going to tell you to stir the pot the other way [Music] three two other direction let’s go [Music] good job nine eight three two one and rest all right give me your left elbow side plank hip tap all right don’t worry about the top part now we’re just going up and down right here okay let’s go two one [Music] that’s it you really want to step this up throw a dumbbell right here on your hip you know what a dumbbell looks like on your hip i don’t think i can last the whole time with the dumbbell on my head right now good job breathe seven six three two one rest switch it to the other side you’re doing great last one right here let’s go in five come on give me all you’ve got this is it right here no surprises two one come on this is your last 45 of work no surprises we’re ending right here so don’t stop [Music] good job last half come on let’s decide not stopping not quitting come on breathe breathe let’s go together we’ve got ten count with me nine seven six five four three two one and rest come up off your shoulders you have made it to your cool down amazing job let’s have a seat right here in the middle legs out nice and straight and we’re going to cool it down grab your toes nice long cool down today you’ve earned it the first week of workouts or your first six workouts of the ignite program finished you’ve got a stretch coming up tomorrow make sure you don’t forget that make sure you don’t forget to subscribe to the channel before you head out today and share it with a friend today so maybe start this week there’s a better week for someone that you know okay or you can encourage them or you haven’t subscribed yet either way i just want this channel and i want this challenge to really help people set their own passions on fire and get in alignment with their goals okay come on in take your right leg out to the side left leg here in the middle fold over top so let’s think about that this is day number six right so far in the challenge in the ignite program have you been impressing yourself and i say this because you don’t have to impress anyone but you you want to look back and be proud of how hard you’re working right switch legs that’s what i’m talking about when i say challenge yourself impress yourself it’s not about anyone benefiting aside from you okay if you can use people as motivation competition is not always negative they can push you to do things that maybe you wouldn’t have done on your own okay but your biggest competitor is most of the time yourself right convincing yourself to work even harder than maybe you have before because you want things that you haven’t had before you want to achieve goals that you’ve had in mind for a long time and i want them for you okay come on up standing position i want you to see what you can do when you just push yourself a little bit more than normal okay we are very fond of our comfort zones amen we are always trying to stay right in this bubble of what we’re used to and what we know and what we’ve done so far right but there’s a high likelihood that you have some goals set for yourself that are a little bit more ambitious than where you’re at right now i hope you do okay no matter what the mission is no matter what the goal is it’s got to be up to you right here to say this takes my next best version of myself that person coming to life is going to help me get to that goal that i have never achieved before whatever the goal is you don’t have to tell me you don’t have to tell anyone you can tell a lot of people because they’ll hold you accountable whatever it is for you do that stay focused and believe that as you make these changes you start to become that best version of yourself there’s always room to love who you are right now and be ambitious for who you want to be in the future okay i’m here with you doing the same thing every day and what you know i support you i love you i’m here tomorrow today tomorrow the next day the next day make sure you subscribe to the channel guys and comment below that you crushed it great job on the first week of ignite make sure you tune in tomorrow for our stretch don’t forget the stretches they’re not a suggestion they are mandatory so let’s keep rocking all right i love you guys i’ll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] me [Music]

Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with Effective Cardio Exercises

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to cardio exercises that will transform your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina!

Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, incorporating cardio activities into your routine is essential for a healthy heart and overall well-being. Plus, discover our top-brand clothing products to keep you comfortable and stylish during every workout.

The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood.
  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

Maximize Your Workout with Top Brand Clothing

Wearing the right clothing can significantly enhance your cardio workout experience. Check out our top-brand clothing options designed for comfort, performance, and style:

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  • Comfort and Flexibility: Perfect for warm-ups and cool-downs, our yoga sets offer unmatched comfort and flexibility.
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Shop Now and Enhance Your Cardio Workouts

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Comments (22)

  • @lyndawaterhouse572 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @swatigarg3161 Reply

    Crushed it, day 6

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @mahakhalifa2356 Reply

    crushed it💥💥💥💥

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 8 2023

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @hayze13 Reply

    Absolute fave workout!!! Commenting in 2023

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Getting back on track! Day 6 done! 😀
    I LOVED this workout! I loved the theme and the functional movements! It had a crossfit feel to it!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @novelettefraser159 Reply

    Great workout. I crushed it!!!!❤

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @kpeeblez Reply

    I have loved all of the workouts I've done with Sydney, but this one completely blew me away! Thanks so much for this. 🤩

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @annamariacianciulli1964 Reply

    Aspettando il 5/12,oggi ho fatto questo bellissimo workout.Grazie Sydney.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @emmaharris3367 Reply

    Really enjoyed the mix up in this and great workout, I just found a little bit to much explanation of the exercises and then it was to long a break😛 but smashed it xx thank you xx

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @dorismarilyn Reply

    I always love the sports themed ones. So fun!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @Rosabella206 Reply

    Great challenge I crushed it 💪💪💪

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    Day 6 crushed 8/14 💪🏻

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    Yay!! I don’t what is up but that was a challenge for me. The cardio mix with weights and dang the plank finisher. That was something!!! Feeling energized for the day. Thank you.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @LndyLyn Reply

    Such a fun workout!!!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    I crushed it day 6💪💪💪.. it's tough even though is only cardio but with the combo of plank that really challenging..but for me,i take the challenge for myself to be more fit n healthy lifestyle..thanks coach Sydney for being with me almost 1 year ..love all the changes of my body now..💕💕💕💕.. love from fan of Malaysia..😍🥰🥰🥰

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @katherineacevedojaramillo7734 Reply

    Thank youuu Sydney!! love the workouts and thanks for being here for us, for your words and enegy! <3

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @naomiearhart2365 Reply

    👍👍👍 thanks Sydney. Crushed it.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @amanialqaq3943 Reply

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM
  • @priyagupta17042001 Reply

    You are awesome Sydney! A very challenging and satisfying session!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:29 AM

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