Tag - Pilates

Hard & Controlled 6 Pack Abs Workout | 5 min

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Super belangrik vir hierdie oefensessie. Hou die bewegings baie stadig, regtig beheer, en dink deurgaans aan daardie kernaktivering. So jy wil jou naeltjie terugneem na jou ruggraat, bekkenbodem, op en in, en ribbekas af. Ouens, ons het hierdie 1 minuut. Elke oefening, jy begin af op jou rug hande in 'n diamant vorm, en ons begin met ons omgekeerde crunch Spyp daardie heupe na die lug reguit, dan tik die hakke af en stadig terug op. Beheer Die beweging, stadig en Beheer. Goeie werk. Hou dit aan die beweeg, maar hou dit beheer. Ribbekas af en in die kern, verloof. En haal asem. Jy is amper daar. Wonderlik. Hou daardie bene na die lug met die vingerpunte by slape, jou elmboog kom na jou teenoorgestelde knie. As dit te veel is, buig die knieë en kom hierheen, maar moenie moed opgee nie. Goed? Hou aan om dit te pas. Asem uit as jy bereik. Asem in as jy sak, amper daar. Wonderlik. Laer af. Van daar af...

7 min Lower Abs Burn Pilates Challenge | At Home Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Hallo van Teddy en ek. Ons het 'n 7 minute diep kern laer abs oefensessie. Jy gaan in 'n plankposisie op jou voorarms begin, en trek jou kern in 'n mooi en stywe naeltjie terug na die ruggraat. Van hier af, hou sterk, geen oorkoepelende snoepie wat stertbeen onder en jou ribbekas is af. Goed, ons gaan een knie op 'n slag tik. 50 sekondes op 10 sekondes. Rus, ons kan dit doen. Goed. Hou aan asemhaal. Jy is al halfpad diep. Rustige asemhalings deur die neus, sug hulle uit deur die mond. Hou daardie kern besig. Dink aan daardie diep, diep maagspiere. Transversale abdominis onder 10 sekondes oor. Wonderlike werk. Van daar af, bietjie strek. Jy gaan hande-viervoet opkom, jou vingerpunte sprei, jou tone ondertoe steek. Ek gaan met 'n bietjie lift hierheen. Goed, vat die knieë mooi wyd. Hou daardie kern besig. Ons gaan die teenoorgestelde skouer met die hand tik. Goeie werk. Nou met alle Pilates is ons baie stadig. Ons is super beheer,...

10 min Legs & Booty | Pilates Home Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Ons het dus net 50 sekondes aan, 10 sekondes af. Alle onderlyf Pilates, booty quads, die hele lot. Ek weet ons het dit. Ons begin dus met ons voete mooi wyd en kom af in daardie lae plek posisie. Tone oor die middel, knieë volg oor die middelste tone. Ons gaan net met 'n pols hier begin. Pragtige opwarming. Nou het ek 'n klein verrassing vir Teddy hier. Ons het sy Champagne gekry. Haai, Haai. O my aarde. Wees versigtig, Teddy. Wees versigtig, skat. Goeie werk en gaan. Ek sweer ek is heeltemal te lief vir hierdie hond. Ja ek doen. 20 sekondes oor. Ons gaan nou probeer om op die tone te kom en daai pols voort te sit. Wonderlike werk. Ek is mal oor hierdie oefening, maar dit is besig om op te warm tot in daardie onderlyf. Wonderlik. Goeie werk. Jy gaan nou in jou longposisie kom en jou linkervoet terug trap. Jou regterbeen is vorentoe. Skuif daardie liggaamsgewig effens vorentoe. Jy gaan jou...

Build a Booty Workout | POP Pilates for Beginners

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey guys Cassey here guys I'm wearing full-on dark blue well except for my shirt but okay look at purple purple everywhere and my healed event - can you see that oh my gosh matching everywhere hey guys thank you so much of those of you who have taken photos and put on Instagram because every time I search the hashtag I like I die I die inside it it's so amazing so keep taking pictures it makes me so happy inside today we are going to talk and work on a little bit of butt shaping okay not a little bit like a lot bit this is but shaping for beginners pop Pilates as I always say just because it's beginners doesn't mean it's easy it just means I explain things a little bit more it's a foundation so those of you who are advanced or intermediate go ahead and do this video and really pay attention to your form and your technique because it will...

POP Pilates for Beginners – Total Body Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Pop Pilates for Beginners with Cassey Ho Hey Guys! Cassey here and today we have a special edition of pop Pilates - Pilates for beginners. Today, we're going to really focus on your breath, posture, your form and really the whole essence of Pilates I'm going to take it down a notch - really explaining everything as we go through all of the moves. So, this is really good even if you've been doing all of my other videos but you really want to understand where all the moves really come back to - where they come from. So if it's your first time doing Pilates watch this video, go ahead and try it at home. Get out your mat, that's all you're going to need. No tools whatsoever. If you don't have a mat, just go on the carpet. So guys, let's get started! Alright, I'm going to be standing but you're actually going to be lying down on your mat right now. And I want...

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