Tag - fat burn

10 min Legs & Booty | Pilates Home Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Ons het dus net 50 sekondes aan, 10 sekondes af. Alle onderlyf Pilates, booty quads, die hele lot. Ek weet ons het dit. Ons begin dus met ons voete mooi wyd en kom af in daardie lae plek posisie. Tone oor die middel, knieë volg oor die middelste tone. Ons gaan net met 'n pols hier begin. Pragtige opwarming. Nou het ek 'n klein verrassing vir Teddy hier. Ons het sy Champagne gekry. Haai, Haai. O my aarde. Wees versigtig, Teddy. Wees versigtig, skat. Goeie werk en gaan. Ek sweer ek is heeltemal te lief vir hierdie hond. Ja ek doen. 20 sekondes oor. Ons gaan nou probeer om op die tone te kom en daai pols voort te sit. Wonderlike werk. Ek is mal oor hierdie oefening, maar dit is besig om op te warm tot in daardie onderlyf. Wonderlik. Goeie werk. Jy gaan nou in jou longposisie kom en jou linkervoet terug trap. Jou regterbeen is vorentoe. Skuif daardie liggaamsgewig effens vorentoe. Jy gaan jou...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey guys welcome back to another apartment friendly hit workout this workout is a full-body workout there is no jumping involved so you won't disturb your neighbors down below you you will need some form of equipment for this workout so today I'm using a set of ten pound dumbbells but you can use whatever you have access to at home whether that be household objects dumbbells or kettlebells anything will work for this workout the way that this workout is structured is we have four different exercises each exercise is going to be thirty Seconds on with a 15 second rest and we're going to do four rounds keeping it nice and simple today so I am going to give you a quick preview of the exercises before we get started so you know what you're getting yourself into right away so exercise number one you're going to need one dumbbell you're going to take a squat and at the top you're going to do two...

10 min FULL BODY HIIT (Apartment Friendly, No Repeat Burn)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] thank you Hello everybody welcome back today we are doing a quick 10 minute full body hit workout this is a no repeat workout so it's going to go by real fast you don't need any equipment just make sure you can see your screens you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right all of our exercises today are 40 seconds on with a 20 second rest your first exercise is a squat and then as you come up from your squat you're going to do an elbow to knee crunch so coming down and up make sure you're coming all the way down in your squat [Music] foreign exercise number two is a plank walkout walking out to a high plank then you're going to do two plank Jacks jump it out and in out in and sand it all the way back up here we go [Music] like [Music] make sure you stay nice and low...

10 MIN BEST OF HIIT – a compilation of the best parts of my HIIT workouts – INTENSE I Pamela Reif

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Ừ [âm nhạc] anh biết chứ nhưng tay [âm nhạc] [Vỗ tay] [âm nhạc] Việt Vietnamese young mother Garden Where Ever You very z-one Universe of lovers Who brought out of [âm nhạc] When You Tell Me That You Love Me đặt hàng online để biết được cho lại chẳng đi đến lỡ yêu em đến đâu rồi Khỏe muốn đây coi mà [âm nhạc] [Vỗ tay] vì tức Đang đâu Đức đang được nâng [âm nhạc] Bình you need your love and walk along with a perch impedance Quỳnh Yoon Ji Min Happy music for [âm nhạc] you or your mother love cho búp bê bài viết lại chẳng biết lỡ yêu đương đến đâu rồi Khỏe món này coi ma đêm [âm nhạc] [Vỗ tay] [âm nhạc] khuôn ra tình sướng khinh lịch sử YouTube [âm nhạc] riverview and events governmental các em thấy kenzu rất thông minh mày can you tell us Bank take you have you near lên đây mẹ cho con à anh nói cho tôi xem bao nhiêu lễ hàng online không để em yên tâm đi Anh lỡ yêu em đến luôn khỏe muốn lấy coi mà đi mẹ [âm nhạc] [Vỗ tay] [âm nhạc] bạn mới cảm quyết cho bị suy giảm cũng như rõ lát còn phong Tâm [âm nhạc] hồn cũng như...

10 MIN CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME (No Jumping/Apartment Friendly, No Equipment)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] Hello everybody welcome back today we're doing a quick 10-minute no jumping cardio workout this is perfect if you live in an apartment you have neighbors downstairs maybe you're in a small space you don't got a lot to work with this is a quick little 10-minute cardio workout that doesn't require any equipment just make sure you can see your screen so you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right we are working in 30 second intervals today our first little bit we're not going to be taking any rest so make sure you can see your screen so you can follow along we are starting off with some step Jacks you're going to step to the side bring it back to Center nice strong arms make sure you keep your core engaged [Music] [Music] next up we're going to do the same thing with our lower half but with our arms you're going to swing it across swing it across so right out from the shoulder and really use that [Music] core Next Step we're going to step to the side reach our fingertips to the floor back...

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