30 Minute Legs Burnout Workout | IGNITE – Day 23

30 Minute Legs Burnout Workout | IGNITE – Day 23

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 30 minute legs burnout workout so grab your dumbbells and your glute resistance fans if you have them and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 30 minute legs burnout workout we’re going to be rocking for longer work periods less variety today just sitting in that tension for your legs okay it’s going to be a quad dominant workout so make sure you have your dumbbells around you i’m using anywhere from 15 up to 30 pound dumbbells so 7 to 13 kilograms also water and a sweat towel and i do have my glute resistance bands so if you have yours go ahead and pull them out if not we’ve restocked so they’re at the link in the description below i also have my bench out here today for you guessed it split squats okay so if you have your bench or a couch or something like that that you can do those on that’ll work perfectly if not i’ve got a way to show you how to do the exact same move without the bench and your modification window will be right over here on the side okay so thumbs up if you are ready let’s rock right into this workout heels to glutes in three two one let’s go good now try to open up your hips a little bit here so you’re not bent okay open open good let your ankle kind of flip backwards four three two one take that wide stance reach and sit slow good just open up the hips here get to the bottom big push into the floor perfect two more good last one there you go stay down here and let’s go side to side if you need a little support hands are here okay just want your hips kind of swiveling left and right four three two and one good stand up pull your heel to your glute stretch and push your hip forward then release grab it push release there you go good and if you need to grab onto a wall for this one you can one more each leg great job all right let’s fold it forward okay shift your weight left heel right heel good job so glad you’re here today you’re gonna really feel connected to this workout i can already tell i can picture us crushing this workout together take your feet back to a down dog position pedal your heels let’s go picturing us crushing this workout you’ve got two minutes per exercise okay some fun moves where we split up that two minutes [Music] but i know you’re really gonna like this workout you can really focus on it really sit in that burn okay and walk it back to your toes there we go slowly roll it up cross your arms over your chest since we’ll be holding some weights very glad you’re here today i’ll provide modifications for everything but there’s only one exercise where i actually have you coming off the ground so everything else will pretty much be just taking the weight out of it lowering the weight or if it’s a split squat or a lunge you can always split switch that into a squat position okay all right big deep breath in five four three two one all right let’s rock into your first move you have a goblet squat and pulse okay so like i mentioned two minutes per move then you’re done with it all right so we’re taking the dumbbell here you go one two stand okay we’re gonna work longer work periods so eight seconds will go together for two minutes all right come on let’s go three two one let’s go so longer work periods means you’re probably not going to use your max weight the whole time okay we’re just going to really set those hips back if you start leaning here with your knees forward you’re going to feel some pressure there i’d rather you sit back here float those hips behind your heels pulse and lock it out at the top don’t forget to lock at the top okay there you go 30 seconds down there you go this is where i was saying you can really focus in i’ll tell you when we have one minute to go you can evaluate do i want to go up and wait good [Music] nice job all right the burn starts to set in here and you’ve officially got one minute to go right now here we go 30 seconds left i’m gonna spice it up a little bit more okay so let’s keep going good push the arches of your foot and your heels into the ground [Music] and just battle through this with me okay [Music] make sure you’re pressing even through both feet good job all right in three seconds you’re going to have the option to stay down pull let’s go if you want to stand up that’s fine the option is there sit stand sit almost stand good last 15 right here [Music] good job nine eight seven five come on four three two one rest there’s your first exercise done that’s what you can expect for the workout format okay grab some water and we’re gonna break up these next two minutes left leg [Music] okay so your left leg you’ve got a squat here with this other foot just out of the way here stand okay grab a weight you want to use let’s go we’ve got two minutes good from the side i’m sitting back and down and driving that heel down to squeeze everything good just keep thinking of your heel [Music] you’re holding a dumbbell you don’t have to but if you are make sure you’re not rounding here okay keep your shoulder blades pulled back stand and sit looking for 22 30 on the clock there we go in 10 seconds i’m going to give you the option to pull this dumbbell up here we’re here this will be tougher front rack is going to challenge your core a bit more okay second minute let’s go if you’re doing overhead you’re gonna have to know to sit back and down a little bit more okay it’s a lot of thoracic control come on left leg work the one side right here right now that’s it last 30 seconds again can you stay there pulse let’s go if you can let’s do it and in your pulsing you’ll notice you’re not going all the way down right you’re staying about 75 of the way down and up just in that middle ground you’ve got ten come on left leg five three two one and rest thirty seconds we’re doing the same thing on the right leg okay grab water if you need it towel off if you need to same thing on the right leg we start out here for a minute pull it up here if you can or you don’t have to use any weights at all okay let’s go in seven four three two one let’s go two minutes so you’re looking for 20 on the clock try to get into that deep range of motion if you can okay if you’re able to sit way down there that’s gonna step up the intensity for you now this is not sitting way down okay do not lose form in the attempt to get a bigger range of motion your form where you feel challenged and in control okay good you often find me holding my arm out here to the side to make sure i don’t dip here we’re here good come on right leg push through almost done with that first minute here and then you’ve got the option pull it up right here three two one let’s go one minute [Music] good work 10 seconds you’ve got the option to pulse if you want don’t lose your core there we go five four three two if you want let’s pulse good push that foot down into the floor i’m going back here with the back hold let’s go sit [Music] good job ten nine come on right leg only five four three two one rest beautiful job okay grab some water i’m gonna throw my medium glute resistance band on if you want to you can not mandatory okay we’ve got a sumo squat back squat walk okay so we’re gonna take it backwards on the way back okay so for moving to the right we’re going squat squat squat if you’re coming back this way you’re going sideways okay so backwards step it out straight back sideways you’re going sideways okay or on the way back you go sideways okay so 18 seconds back squat hold if you can so the weight back here okay sitting right on my traps all right let’s go in eight two minutes again are you ready three two one let’s go sit and if you want to rotate a little that’s fine we’re here for two minutes so as long as you are sitting and pushing you’re doing everything you should [Music] [Music] good job come on keep those knees fighting outward [Music] good stand up on the side pull your core in good job two one you got your last minute here [Music] no changes here just keep rocking keep those knees out keep sitting good last 30 seconds right here let’s go [Music] good job work on range of motion keep your core tight good job work with me come on 14 13. [Music] five four three two one and rest beautiful job all right take that band off we’ve got romanian deadlift to curtsy lunge okay grab a dumbbell with your left hand right foot stays on the ground you’ve got a deadlift come up curtsy lunge okay first minute right leg stays second minute left leg stays ready three two one stagger and sit now if you feel good about the stagger when you’re dead deadlift feel free to lift come back curtsy okay [Music] reset if you need to any time you get halfway into a wrap and you feel a little off balance just reset [Music] good job you got about 15 seconds then we’re going to switch sides good work eight give me one more complete rep and then switch it over all right good here we go [Music] beautiful keep it up keep that focus on that left leg staying right here it pushes you up and then it pulls you back and forth okay you’ve got about 30 seconds left good we’re gonna keep moving i’m gonna keep your legs working the whole workout today okay 13. [Music] all right this next one i’m going to give you the option if you want to use dumbbells okay we’re going to stay down one leg at a time okay so we just worked our left leg here and here right i’m going to switch to my right leg now reverse lunge to close squat okay if you have a dumbbell you can hold it here we’re here but you’re gonna stay down reverse squat reverse squat one minute here one minute on the other side okay ready let’s go let’s go right into it reverse lunge keep your hips here squat that’s it tight core that front leg your right leg is pushing hard okay it pushes you back up to here in the squat you tap and reset and go back good work 20 seconds and you’re gonna switch legs that’s it sit sit sit almost there [Music] good switching in four three two one all right let’s go other leg don’t stop just switch it over right leg is moving so it’s kind of resting push hard in this left leg good job there we go come on this is meant to keep you working without resting pushing you past any mental barriers that you have that say oh slow down 30 seconds i know you can do this [Music] good [Music] come on do whatever you need to to stay moving fifteen [Music] nine eight seven three two one okay rest all right coming up is the only move that i have for you today where you’re coming off the ground okay no sorry split squats are next then we have a little hot move alright so if you have a bench you’re going to do just probably like you expect left leg first right leg second or whatever leg you want to do okay dumbbell in your hand if you’re ready for that modification right here if you don’t have a bench okay you do not have to do weight so i’m gonna take right leg out first we’re gonna go in five just like this four three two one here we go one leg one minute [Music] okay you need to make sure your front leg looks just like you would in a squat back and down stand all the way up back and down stand up keep your hips facing forward if you’re putting way too much pressure on this back foot you’re gonna feel really out of control keep it right up front here 30 seconds and we switch good stay right over the front leg you’ve got seven give me two more reps and then switch [Music] good bring it up switch and go [Music] good stay over that front leg don’t push hard in the back leg you’re pushing hard transfer that weight back up to your front heel sit right over it [Music] good stay in this come on good work last 25 seconds [Music] push come on don’t slow it up you can do this i know you can you got eight seven three one more two one great job now we have our heavier lift and a squat jump sumo squat squat jump every other one okay i’m gonna use my light my light band you can use a band if you would like you don’t have to okay just probably like you’re expecting you’re lifting these dumbbells off the ground you put them down and then you hop modification here no hop it’s just sit and sit okay so the movement is here sit with your dumbbells push your feet into the ground stand put them down from your down you explode okay five seconds and let’s go come on three two one let’s go sumo squat and stand put him down explode [Music] [Music] um first 30 seconds down i know how you feel take anything out if it bothers your technique okay so your back starting to hurt decrease the weight take the band off take the jump out dial it back how you need to to stay moving you do have to make sure your shoulder blades are set okay first minute is done before you take off so you can’t be taking off here with your shoulder blades relaxed okay you gotta sit retract your back dig your heels in bring your hips forward okay and then reverse that to get down you’re almost there 45 seconds this is a tough one [Music] [Music] 20 seconds eight seven [Music] three two one and rest all right take that band off grab some water we’re almost there we’ve got a lateral lunge to leg raise [Music] okay movement looks like this you’re gonna take dumbbell or body weight to the side come up lift okay [Music] yeah i know i feel it too so i’m gonna put a couple options out here for myself okay i’m gonna start with a more challenging weight if i need to i’ve got this guy to dial it back okay let’s go in four to the left three two one all right here we go step it out come up lift back out one minute here then we switch one minute on the other side [Music] good and if you feel good about it you can push lift go back down lift without coming in here that’s an option [Music] good sit down in that side let’s switch it over in uh 10 seconds here one more four three two all right switch sides keep going [Music] good intensify this by not stopping here we lift and go back out lift and sit beautiful come on we finished this we’ve got one more move we’re right there [Music] force that heel up to the sky [Music] 15 come on seven four three two one and rest okay let’s move everything out of the way bench out of the way dumbbells out of the way i’ll show you what we’ve got for our last two minutes okay you’ve got a banded squat holes you’re gonna be lifting your toes or lifting your heels you’re gonna be moving sideways you’re gonna be staying in a squat for two minutes kind of listening to what i say as we go okay so band if you don’t have a band i recommend dumbbell or two of them okay seven seconds you’re gonna sit it down it’s the last two minutes okay four shake it out three two okay let’s sit just go into your squat here first okay roll into your heels pull your shoulder blades up and back hands on your hips i want you to lift your heels up and down [Music] good now shift your weight over to your left foot okay just lift your left heel all the weight is here single leg [Music] good now lift it and hold it ten weight over here good hold it hold it hold it four three shift to the right let’s go weight on the right foot heel lift heel lift come on stay down the whole time we’re down [Music] good lift it and hold it let’s go ten nine eight good five more seconds hold here weight is on that foot three two one put it down let’s go step together step together not all the way together just wide and closer good good sit here sit sit sit sit good job [Music] pulse it out good 25 seconds come on hold hold hold let’s go up up up up keep your knees out pull the core in thirteen ten come on hold here you’ve got five four three two one and sit and stand you have made it bring your legs together drop your dumbbells if you have them take that band off you’ve made it to your cooldown come on down to the floor okay hands and knees walk your hands out forward big deep breath in exhale drop your hips amazing work today i hope you felt your strength okay i hope you felt your quads working for you i hope you felt your core and your back getting stronger if you felt something there i definitely felt myself getting stronger this month okay it helps support us through that workout and i’m asking you to put a little pressure here on it just to kind of calm it down okay tuck your chin lift your hips up and i want you to sit back now round your back out let your forearms tap to the ground forehead as well if you would like big deep breath in and come on up let’s shift your right foot up front and push your hips down open your chest up if you can alright great work today i’m so proud of you that is the second workout of the last week of the ignite program so we are rocking we are crushing this program guys we’re so close to finishing it and we’re so close to starting a new program with a new goal building on what we’ve accomplished here if you can look back at your straight leg pull it up grab on to it just pull a little tiny bit okay this should give you a really deep quad stretch up closer to your hip okay you shouldn’t need to pull too much all right go ahead and release it slowly carefully and let’s shift up switch legs after you give me a good five second hamstring stretch okay let’s go other side good drop it down i know you’re like i don’t want to stand at all today that’s fine i feel you on that one shift your hips down lift your chest up sink deep into this hip push your front leg a little bit away from you so you get a little inner thigh stretch and i’m so proud of you today look back towards that back foot if you can bend it if you can reach back grab it shouldn’t need to pull too much but with this stretch you should feel a really good stretch here in the top part of your quad good slowly release that foot come up straight legs turn into the middle okay straight leg bent leg stretch let’s get these adductors your inner thighs put your weight in your hands a little bit so you can shift good job and if you want to grab those glute resistance bands we have the three color and we also have the all-black set so whatever your style is i like both depending on the day okay so grab those in the description below if you would like to intensify your leg workouts any all right hands on your tailbone stand up for me give me a nice gentle push great job come back up neutral spine and i’m so proud of you today if you can grab onto your heel and pull to your glute let’s do it okay just a couple seconds per leg and i want to challenge you today to do something right after this that reminds you that you’re strong whatever that is something that you immediately just subject yourself to and overcome is it the temptation of going to the break room not getting anything there but taking your greek yogurt and berries out of the fridge instead show yourself how you’re strong expose yourself to a temptation don’t give in to it just already know that you’re not going to give in to it but watch yourself overcome these things okay if you kind of practice and i know this is like a little bit contradictory to what we think about right and we think about staying on track we think of avoiding temptation but i want to challenge you to think in a different way just to get to know yourself a little bit more i challenge you to go somewhere where you’re normally tempted and before you go there already establish that you’re not going to give into the temptation you already know what else you’re going to do but go there subject yourself to the cupcakes subject yourself to the whatever is tempting for you okay these are not bad foods i’m not demonizing them but if you tend to go overboard on these things i want to challenge you okay to dig a little deeper here go somewhere where you would normally cave okay just for a quick second just a test for yourself go there already know you’re not going to give in you’re going to subject yourself to something that’s a healthier option but watch how easy it is when you acknowledge all that you already overcome as far as temptations in a day okay we all have those areas where it’s tough right it’s the chip aisle at the store it’s the bar with friends it’s the bakery down the street okay whatever it is for you i want you to see if you can do this see if you can tempt yourself walking up to that and saying you know what i already have another plan this is easy for me to avoid okay this is easy for me to go here and know that this doesn’t necessarily make me feel good but i have things that do and i want to go there okay and i say this because i’m always challenging you guys to challenge yourself and expose yourself to things that push you a little bit more so i think if you’re up for it this is a pretty cool challenge just to show yourself how strong you are okay if you’re eating things that make you feel lousy but you keep doing it try and have a plan next time you go into that temptation area and say you know what this doesn’t make me feel good but this food does and i’m gonna go here and watch yourself keep overcoming these temptations that maybe trip you up sometimes okay it’s easier than you might think but sometimes we build it up to know that oh we’re always going to give in but if you know what you’re going to do aside from that before you go in i bet you could prove to yourself how much stronger you are than you think okay so i’ll be here for you every single day making sure that you constantly are being exposed to that strongest version of yourself digging deep pushing through i can definitely say we did that today my legs are shaking as i’m standing here talking to you but i just want you to know i believe in you wholeheartedly and your strength and i want you to believe in that too what you believe in it in yourself okay deal believe in it in yourself and i’ll be here for you tomorrow and we’ll keep pushing and we’ll crush this ignite program together all right two days down in this last week let’s keep crushing it all right you’re stronger than you think so make sure you give the video a thumbs up here and then subscribe to the channel comment below what you’re going to be strong through today and i’ll see you back here tomorrow bye guys [Music] you

Transform Your Fitness Routine with No-Equipment Bodyweight Workouts

Welcome to your ultimate guide to bodyweight workouts that require no equipment!

These workouts rely solely on the resistance of your own body to build strength and endurance. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned athlete, bodyweight exercises are perfect for any level. And while you’re here, check out our top-brand clothing products to ensure you look and feel your best during every workout.

The Benefits of Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight workouts offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness:

  • Convenience: No need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can perform these workouts anywhere, anytime.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
  • Efficiency: Bodyweight exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout.
  • Functional Fitness: These exercises mimic everyday movements, improving your overall functional strength and stability.
  • Minimal Injury Risk: With proper form, bodyweight exercises are less likely to cause injuries compared to weightlifting.

Essential Bodyweight Exercises


Push-ups are a fundamental exercise that strengthens your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

  1. Standard Push-Up: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up.
  2. Modified Push-Up: Perform the push-up with your knees on the ground for a less intense variation.


Squats are excellent for building lower body strength, targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

  1. Bodyweight Squat: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and knees over your toes. Return to the standing position.
  2. Jump Squat: Add a jump at the end of each squat for an extra cardio boost.


Lunges are great for working your legs and improving balance and stability.

  1. Forward Lunge: Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back to the starting position and switch legs.
  2. Reverse Lunge: Step backward with one leg and lower your hips, then return to the starting position.


Planks are a core-strengthening exercise that also engages your shoulders and glutes.

  1. Forearm Plank: Lie face down and lift your body onto your forearms and toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position.
  2. Side Plank: Rotate onto one forearm and the side of your foot, lifting your hips to maintain a straight line. Hold and then switch sides.

Bodyweight Workout Routine

Here’s a sample bodyweight workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a complete workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or jumping jacks.
  2. Push-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg.
  5. Forearm Plank: 3 sets of 1-minute hold.
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching.

Upgrade Your Workout Wardrobe with Top Brand Clothing

While bodyweight workouts require no equipment, having the right clothing can make a significant difference in your performance and comfort. Explore our top-brand clothing options to enhance your workout experience:

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Embrace the power of bodyweight exercises and transform your fitness journey without the need for equipment. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier you!

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