Exercise & Fitness

Best Dumbbell Workout to Train Your Deltoids – Born Tough

Are you looking to build up your deltoids by working out? Dumbbells are the perfect tools to strengthen your shoulder muscles. You can also customize your dumbbell workout routine to focus on specific shoulder muscles. This article provides a list of the best dumbbell workouts to train your deltoids. Before going into the best dumbbell workouts, it is good to know a little...


Understanding the Link Between Physical Exercise and Improved Mental Health

The past few years have taken a toll on the mental health of millions around the world. Whether it’s dealing with pandemic fallout or fears of a recession, stress and anxiety seem especially high these days. With that increase in worry, individuals are searching for help. People spend millions of dollars annually in the pursuit of better mental health. What if there were a way to improve mental health that cost little to no money at all? Luckily, there is....


Best Ab Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment – Born Tough

Ab exercises are the simplest exercises since they can easily be done at home without any equipment. The best ab exercises are movements and positions that engage more than one abdominal muscle. Ab exercises are not complicated and can be easily included in a workout routine. This article provides a list of the best ab exercises to help strengthen your core muscles. 1. Abdominal Muscles Abdominal muscles are made up of several layers. The outermost layer resting vertically along both sides of the...


Best Lower Ab Workouts for Men – Born Tough

Having a strong core means that you have strong lower abs. Adding lower ab workouts to your workout routine will help strengthen your lower abdominal muscles, improve flexibility, and fix body posture. This article provides two lower ab workout plans for men. 1. Role of Lifting Heavy Weights to Build Stronger Lower Abs The lower abs, short for the lower abdominals, refer to the lower portion of the rectus abdominis muscle. They are part of one of the major muscle groups in...


Spider Lunges: Instructions and Benefits

Spider lunges might sound like some tricked-out maneuver that requires sprouting four extra limbs. Fortunately, it isn’t that complicated, and extra-fortunately, you don’t have to grow four more appendages. In reality, the spider lunge is a next-level mobility exercise that can help to increase flexibility, warm up your lower body, and ease tension in your hips, explains Cody Braun, CPT. And since you’re moving through a plank position, you’ll target your abs with this exercise, too. Hip mobility and core work, all in...


A Complete Guide of 10 Minutes Abs Workout At Home – Born Tough

Are you tired of crunches and sit-ups that are not working out to get toned abs? Then do not get frustrated because this blog entails the 10-minute Abs workout at home to achieve your abs and fitness goals. Every fitness enthusiast knows that strong core muscles are essential for a healthy and strong body. You don't need to go to the gym or invest in expensive equipment to work on your abs. In this article, you can explore the 14 easy...


Advanced Core Workouts to Challenge Yourself With

A strong core is the foundation of a healthy and fit body. A strong core improves stability, reduces the risk of injury, and enhances overall performance. If you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level, try some of these advanced core workouts that will help you build a powerful core and elevate your fitness game. The Advanced Core Workout Routine Safety first! Before you embark on advanced core workouts, ensure you have a solid foundation...


Stretch Your Limits With Fallen Triangle Pose

With patience and concentration, you can achieve challenging yoga postures like fallen triangle pose with ease! Fallen triangle pose, or patita tarasana in Sanskrit, is a mix of side plank and triangle pose and can incorporate a slight backbend. It strengthens and opens your chest, hamstrings, outer hips, core, and shoulders and is anything but basic. Read on to learn how to do fallen triangle pose step by step. Fallen Triangle Pose (Patita Tarasana): Step-by-Step Instructions As you prepare to take on fallen triangle pose, Derise Anjanette,...


Should You Do Cardio Before or After Weight Training? – Born Tough

Do you want to do cardio before or after weight training? If yes, then keep in mind that both exercise forms have unique benefits. Combining them can make your workout even more effective. Cardiovascular exercise can increase heart rate and blood flow, while weight training can build strength and muscle mass. However, the order in which you do them can impact your results. This comprehensive blog will explore cardio benefits before or after weight training, the factors to...


Best Exercises for Building Bigger & Stronger Lats – Born Tough

Are you looking to build bigger and stronger Lats? Then why wait if you have some tested exercises as a solution? Do you know that the latissimus dorsi muscle, or LATs for short, is one of the largest muscle groups in your upper body, responsible for pulling your arms up and down. Building strong and defined Lats enhances your physique and improves your performance in various upper body exercises. This blog...


How To Burn Calories At Your Desk – Born Tough

Are you sick and exhausted from being unproductive and sluggish at work? Do you need help finding time for exercise outside of your busy schedule? Well, you’re not alone because many spend most of their day sitting at a desk, staring at a screen. However, there are plenty of ways to burn calories at work without leaving your desk. Incorporating simple exercises, diet hacks, and lifestyle changes can boost your energy levels, mood, and health at the same time. ...


17 Push-Up Variations for Muscle Growth and Strength

If you want to hit loads of muscles in a single rep, you can’t do much better than a standard push-up. But the base move is just the beginning. To see new gains in strength, muscular development, and mobility, there are dozens of push-up variations to try. Push-ups come in many different forms, making it simple to advance (or dial back) the classic exercise as needed. Various hand positions, body angles, props, and add-on moves work and emphasize different muscles,...


15-Minute Upper-Body and Core Workout | POPSUGAR FITNESS

Get ready to challenge your upper body and your core with fitness trainer Amanda Butler, who leads this 15-minute workout joined by Paulyn Baens and Ellie Aviles! This routine incorporates lots of floor work, so be prepared to use your mat. You'll start off with Cat-Cows, lunges, planks, push-ups, and more! This one may be short, but it will make you sweat while you target multiple fitness zones. Don't miss new episodes of Class Fitsugar, now every Sunday on the POPSUGAR...


5-Minute Ab Workouts At Home – Born Tough

5-Minute Ab Workouts At Home – Born Tough Do you want to get fit and stay healthy but don’t have the time to go to the gym? If so, then 5-Minute Ab Workouts At Home – Born Tough is the perfect solution for you. This program is designed to help you get fit and stay healthy in just 5 minutes a day. It is a great way to get your body in shape without having to spend hours in the...

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