Exercise & Fitness

The ONLY 3 Exercises Men Over 40 Need for Muscle Growth

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] as we age building muscle becomes more difficult not necessarily due to the aging process but rather external factors like time and energy become more scarce and while we may not be able to make more time we can certainly make the most of the time we do have that's why in this video I want to share the only three exercises men over 40 need to build muscle and yes these three exercise can hit every single muscle group effectively now if you think that isolation movements are necessary for optimizing muscle growth consider this research done on single joint and multi-joint exercises found that multi-joint exercises are as effective as single joint exercises in gaining upper body muscle and strength this supports the notion that hitting multiple muscles with one movement is just as effective as train training a muscle directly and while both types help you build muscle the key difference lies in the number of exercises you need so without further Ado let's...

MICHELLE LEWIN: Exercise of the Week – Crunches (Abs)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel el ejercicio de la semana crochet no necesariamente tenemos que hacer 100 o 500 repeticiones a la hora de ser abdominales cuando sabes la técnica vamos a comenzar con el primer error que siempre hacemos a la hora de hacer unos coaches así si estás entrenando abdominales es verdad lo estás haciendo pero desafortunadamente estos movimientos eran muy duros para los flexores de cadera y también tu lumbar pero como ves esta no es la mejor manera de entrenar los abdominales no está muy bueno entonces lo que no está muy mal pero tampoco está muy bueno mejor vamos a hacerlo de una manera que esté más concentrada en los abdominales esta es mi mujer en lugar de mover todo el cuerpo de esta manera un movimiento mucho más pequeño será más efectivo pero primero respira correctamente agarra el aire al comenzar a hacer este ejercicio y saca el aire cuando haces el crown tus pulmones deben estar completamente vacío en la posición del crown haz una pausa...

MICHELLE LEWIN: Ultimate Ab Circuit // Home Workouts with No Gym Equipment

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey 'alley-hoop' a he creado un circuito un poquito muy fuerte para los entrenamientos de abdominales pero comenzamos bastante exigiéndonos para luego ir disminuyendo esas repeticiones no importa si no lo logras hacer completo lo importante es que cada vez te exijan un poquito más así que ejercicio número uno ok aquí vamos esto es un comienzo algo fuerte de nuestro circuito comienza levantando las piernas y flexiones ligeramente antes de levantar todo el cuerpo con los pies sobre la cara gire hacia un lado y empuje los pies hacia el techo lo más alto posible regresé a la mitad hacia abajo y gire su cuerpo hacia el otro lado y empuja hacia arriba una vez más luego regresa y no permite que tus pies toque en el piso este ejercicio no permitirá que descansen ninguna fibra en tus abdominales o en tus oblicuos esto es un buen comienzo algo duro ahora cambiamos el segundo ejercicio ahora no hagamos el giro del cuerpo este ejercicio es muy similar...

MICHELLE LEWIN: Booty Training with JUAN

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] aha so what's gonna train today and who's a trainer wha this guy short movements what's going on right now I'm just gauging the hamstring stretching it out a little bit and putting a lot of tension to stretch the new connection to the meat nice and short isolate them [Music] like what what is she doing raise your hips up will it get on the knees exactly go short of a nooner Protestant movement now it's also isolated from a hamstring always people are baxworth before you know huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what reverse Heinberg all the way from the lower back to the hamstrings also working the more I scream beginning the teaspoon of that wait : one that's an eighth of exercise you sure it is we did a lot of exercises that engage the lower back so here we are transferring it to the front of the ABS to release the lower back [Applause] [Music]

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MICHELLE LEWIN: Beach Bum Blaster (Español/English)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hello michelle hello hey how are you i'm fine good uh what's what's up today lower body yes it's a lower body yeah now i'm doing donkey kiss are a great exercise for targeting the largest part of the glutes no i started with a glute and then i want to do more good a reverse to one leg lunge yes it's a perfect combination for glooks and quarks nice nice yarostas entrance [Music] though yes and this exercise is very important because it's really connecting the hamstring with the glutes and this is very nice jose are you going all the way down no i don't go lower then i can keep the arch good point it is a perfect exercise for lower body because it includes all the muscles oh it is in this case is the last exercise but the reason i do so many reps and lower weights yes i need to ask something why you speak spanish and i speak english i don't...

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