
Perfect Yoga Session From A Namaste Yoga Instructor

Alright, yogis and yoginis, gather 'round! Let's talk about the perfect yoga session and Namaste practice, the kind that'll leave you feeling like a pretzel dipped in serenity. This ain't your average downward-facing dog (although we'll get to that furry friend in a moment). We're talking a full-body adventure, a journey of the mind, body, and maybe even a giggle or two! First Things First, The Right Yoga Attire Ditch the stiff jeans, and dust off your most comfortable clothes. Think pajamas...


How to Choose the Best Exercise Bike

With all the high-tech equipment you can find in gyms these days, it’s easy to overlook the trusty stationary bike. But an exercise cycle can be a smart investment when you’re building a home gym or just looking for an easy way to get some cardio at home. Exercise bikes can help you experience many of the physical and mental benefits of cycling without having to face the elements (or the traffic) outdoors. So how can you choose the best exercise bike...


Two 20 Minute HIIT Workouts that Will Give You a Full-Body Shred

Time, or lack of it, is often used as a reason for not getting after it.  Finding time for your usual workout can be a challenge, even for people who love to workout. Either way, some will skip their workout altogether due to a lack of time which these two 20 minute HIIT Workouts aims to avoid. Because there’s a common misconception floating around that you need a lot of time to work out. Well, I’m here to bust that myth...


How to Do the Triceps Dips Exercise

There aren’t many bodyweight movements that mobilize as much upper-body muscle as the triceps dip exercise. Spanning two joints and four major muscles, classic bar dips are an incredibly simple and effective way to build muscle and strength in your triceps, chest, shoulders, and back — as long as they’re performed safely and correctly. Here’s how to make sure you do them right during your workouts. Triceps Dips Exercise: Step-by-Step Instructions Grab the parallel bars on a dip station and push yourself up into...


Maximizing Your Workouts in Less Time

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, is one of the most popular fitness workouts. A HIIT workout is a series of timed intervals of intense activity followed by periods of rest, which creates a challenging and efficient workout. Not only does HIIT save time, but this type of fitness routine can also be done just about anywhere and at anytime.       Top 5 Benefits of HIIT Workouts Efficiently Burn Calories Moving at high intensities increases heart rate and metabolic stress in a...


5 Best Nutritious and Delicious Foods You Should Start Eating Now

Inquisitive, open and adventurous is not how it’s best to describe the eating habits of most men. The idea of eating something different ends up being a little more than using ground turkey instead of beef for a batch of burgers or opting to top breakfast oatmeal with raspberries instead of blueberries. Wow, look you mister courageous eater. You can and should start thinking beyond the pork chop and brown rice and dive into more nutritious and delicious ingredients. Branching...


20 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

A solid list of go-to bodyweight exercises is like an insurance policy for your fitness goals. You could find yourself miles from a gym with no exercise equipment in sight and just 15 minutes to spare and still have the means get in a good workout. Seriously — all you really need to build muscle and maintain a healthy weight is your own body, a bit of floor space, and a willingness to work. At BODi, a number of our...


Are You Engaging Your Core Correctly? Here’s How to Tell

You’ve heard the term bandied around at the gym, in yoga classes, or maybe even from your personal trainer: “engage your core.” But what does it really mean? Understanding how to engage your core helps not just with workouts but with your daily activities as well. But before we delve deeper into the how, let’s clear up the what. Your core refers to a complex series of muscles; many are hidden beneath the exterior musculature people typically train. Knowing how to...


6 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Your Biceps

It’s tough to have brag-worthy arms if your biceps are lagging. But if you think endlessly pumping out bicep curls is the only way to build them, think again. After all, gymnasts flaunt some of the most well-defined arm muscles that an athlete can possess, and most — if not all — of their training is performed using just their body weight. So whether you want arms like a gymnast or just want new, more challenging, and/or fun ways to...


The 10 Best Arm Exercises You Can Do at Home

If sculpted arms and shoulders top your “Most Wanted” list, we’ve got good news. You don’t need a biceps curl machine or cable rope to get a good arm workout at home — you can build sleeve-busting muscle with minimal equipment. “Just grab a set of dumbbells, equally weighted objects, or a set of resistance bands to get an effective arm workout at home,” says Katie Mumford, NASM-CPT. In some cases, you can even use just your body weight. Here are 10...


Side Crow Pose in Yoga

Sharing tips on how to get side crow pose!   Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! I’m getting in a quick workout and then getting to work here.. our floors are being replaced and that means we have to move everything downstairs. It’s a mess, but will be amazing when it’s done! For today, let’s talk about yoga things. Yoga has been something that has felt consistently good to me for many years. I...


Elderberry: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

If elderberry sounds familiar, that’s because you’ve probably seen it as syrup at your local pancake house, in a sweet wine at a spirits shop, or on the shelves of your pharmacy’s supplement section. Here’s everything you need to know about the benefits of elderberry and what elderberry is good for. What Is Elderberry? A dark purple berry from the European elder tree, elderberries can be eaten fresh in salads or cooked into jams and pies. The most popular edible variety Sambucus...


Hamstring Curls: 6 Variations From Basic to Advanced

Whether your fitness goals are performance-related or more about how you look in a pair of jeans, get ready to meet your new favorite strength move: hamstring curls. Located south of your glutes, your hamstrings are a powerful (yet often overlooked) muscle group that helps bend your knees, extend (straighten) your hips, and rotate your legs. The hamstrings come into play during functional activities, like walking and climbing stairs, and can be strengthened with compound movements, like the squat and...


Tea vs. Coffee: Which Drink Is Better for You?

In Shakespeare’s time, average folk believed the body contained four essential “humours,” including blood and bile. Today, many of us would add to that list the coffee and tea that seem to flow through our veins. So many of us can’t (or won’t) start our day without one of them. Both brews provide energy, along with a constant stream of studies proclaiming their health benefits. But, in the battle of tea vs. coffee, is one “better” than the other? You...


7 Best Bodyweight Chest Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

To develop a killer physique and a strong, functional upper body, it’s important to train your chest. Your pecs play a role in everyday tasks, like carrying heavy things, pushing open doors, getting up off the ground, and even sitting up straighter. Fortunately, you can build your chest muscles — not to mention your triceps, shoulders, and core — with a few simple bodyweight chest exercises. All you need for these seven push-up variations is your body weight, a bit...


5 Best Lat Exercises to Build a Stronger, Broader Back

On the quest for a V-shaped torso? You’re probably already focusing on building your chest and shoulders. Makes sense — they’re the muscles you see in the mirror every day. But don’t ignore the chiseled rear view that lat exercises can build. Your latissimus dorsi (aka “the lats”) are the broadest back muscles (you have one on either side of your spine), and targeting them can help give you a broad-shouldered, slim-waisted, fitness model physique. Even if bodybuilder aesthetics aren’t your priority, it’s still...


Get the Results You Need When it Comes to Calf Training

This story has been told a few thousand times, but we’ll go again. In his bodybuilding heyday, Arnold Schwarzenegger was so embarrassed by the size of his calves that he cut off all his training pants at the knees (or maybe he just wore shorts) to shame himself into calf training. History tells us he was successful. And his calves were pretty good, too. Calf training is one of the many things that get neglected in the weight room. Some are...


7 Best Abs and Butt Moves You Can Do at Home

Targeting your abs and glutes can help you get a sculpted booty and six-pack abs — but that’s not the only reason to add this abs and butt workout to your weekly routine. Your core plays a key role in nearly every move you make, and your glutes are essential for power generation — especially when it comes to athletic performance. And who better to lead you through the best at-home exercises for abs and glutes than Jordan Morello — the fitness influencer affectionately nicknamed “the butt guy”? If...


How to Do Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

Locust pose, or salabhasana, is a belly-down, or prone, yoga posture that stretches your chest, shoulders, and spine. It’s also a backbend that’s suitable for beginners. “Locust pose improves strength and flexibility, and it is thought to reduce the effects of physical stress because it reverses slouching,” says ACE-certified personal trainer Jennifer Fuller, RYT 500. There is so much happening in this relatively simple pose, which strengthens the entire back side of the body. Whether you’re learning the basic yoga poses or you’ve been practicing...


7 Pilates Leg Exercises For Lean, Beautiful Legs

No doubt about it: Pilates exercises offer incredible benefits for the core. But when it comes to the best leg exercises, Pilates can also provide a major boost, according to Andrea Rogers, founder of Xtend Barre and XB Pilates. Best of all, the practice uses compound moves, so you’ll feel those Pilates “leg” exercises working other areas of your body, too. Pilates can help improve posture, lift your rear, and build strength from head to toe, she says. “Even when you’re doing moves that are focused on the...


How to Do the Hip Thrust Exercise to Reboot Your Glutes

Although this exercise may be called the hip thrust, you’re really going to appreciate what it does for your butt. In fact, hip thrusts can fire up your entire posterior chain, according to Holly Perkins, C.S.C.S., Los Angeles-based trainer and author of Lift to Get Lean. That can help reduce your risk of low back pain and also give you more power for everything from lunges and squats to sprinting and climbing. “It’s easy to love hip thrusts, because they’re so good at giving you results,” says Perkins. “They’re...


Overcoming Fitness Plateaus: Making the Gym Fun Again

Do you spend time in the gym every week, working on your personal fitness goals and trying to improve your overall health? If you’ve been working out for awhile, comes a time when we might start to notice our progress in the gym slowing down or halting altogether. You may find yourself losing motivation and feel like you are stuck in a boring routine. This is known as a fitness plateau, but don’t worry, we will tell you how...


Mindset To Success and Achievement

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck delves into the notions of growth and fixed mindsets, illuminating how our perceptions of our skills and intelligence significantly influence our achievement. I'll include an outline of each chapter and the main ideas in this synopsis. The Mindsets Two basic mindsets are introduced by Carol Dweck: growth and fixed. People with a fixed mindset are afraid of failing and reluctant to take on difficulties because they think knowledge and skill are innate qualities....


Book Review of James Clear’s engaging self-help book “Atomic Habits”

The Atomic Habits Book Review of James Clear’s engaging self-help book. “Atomic Habits” explores the psychology and science of habit formation. It provides doable methods for forming and maintaining healthy behaviors while kicking bad ones. I’ll summarize the main ideas of each chapter in this synopsis to help you understand the book. Atomic Habits: An Introduction James Clear presents the idea of “atomic habits,” highlighting the significant influence of tiny, gradual adjustments. He promotes concentrating on systems rather than goals and...


Romanian Deadlift: How to Do the Hardest Simple Exercise

The Romanian deadlift may be the hardest simple exercise you can do in the gym. Like the squat, the Romanian deadlift (or RDL) looks straightforward, but doing it well takes practice and precision. The payoff, however, is great — and strong-looking glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles are just the beginning. “The RDL is more than an aesthetic or strength exercise,” says Jolie Kobrinsky, RKC, TRX. “It’s the lynchpin for explosive strength and power.” Here’s a primer. Romanian Deadlift: Step-by-Step Instructions Stand...


148: Berberine and herbs for wellbeing with Dr. Bill Rawls

Hi friends! I have a new podcast interview live today, and I’m so thrilled to welcome Dr. Bill Rawls to the show. I recently started reading his newest book, and I love his commitment to a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and how he shares natural healing methods with others. Here’s a bit about what we talk about: – His experience with Lyme and how he healed – Berberine. Why is it so hyped up, and what are some of the benefits? – Herbs for...


Deficit Reverse Lunge: How To, Benefits, Variations

The great Dan John downplays the importance of lunges, while other coaches overplay their significance in the strength realm. No matter where you fall on the lunge scale, there is one fact most can agree on. They suck, and they’re difficult. IMO, almost every lifter will benefit by having a lunge variation in their program. The reduced support base means lifting less weight than your bilateral exercises, but you’ll be training more muscles due to the offset load and to...


How to Do the Dead Bug Exercise

Social media is rife with crazy, seemingly physics-defying ab circuits that promise a chiseled midsection in 15 minutes. While those circuits likely won’t work against your goals, all you really need for a strong core is a handful of simple, yet effective moves like the dead bug exercise. “The dead bug is one of the most effective ways to train the core,” says Allison Tibbs, NASM-certified personal trainer. It’s also great for training proper spine extension to avoid anterior pelvic...


15 Resistance Band Workouts for Abs – Born Tough

Resistance bands are elastic bands that help to increase strength, flexibility, and range of motion. They come in different sizes and elasticities, allowing you to adjust the level of resistance based on your fitness level. Resistance bands require effort to stretch during concentric (lifting) and eccentric (lowering) phases. They can help build strength and muscle mass by creating muscle tension. They can also assist with stretching, allowing you to increase your range...

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