Tag - yoga for weight loss

Yoga For Complete Beginners – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Bok svima. Dobro došli u Yoga s Adriene. Ja sam Adriene i jako sam uzbuđena jer danas imamo sekvencu za potpuni početnike. Ako ste novi u yogi ili ste želite saznati o yogi i svim njenim predivnim prekrasnim prednostima, ovo je odlična sekvenca za vas. Ne trebate bilo kakve blokove, ne trebate nikakve deke; sve što trebate je vaše tijelo i otvoren um. Ako imate prostirku super, ako ne otvoren um, otvoreno srce. Započnimo. U redu, moji prijatelji i moji novi prijatelji, počet ćemo u poziciji s prekriženim nogmaa koju zovemo Sukhasana, ili lagana poza, poza lakoće. Uzmite trenutak u ovoj pozi i provjerite disanje možda rotirajte ramena par puta naprijed, prema gore i natrag. Udahnite dok rotirate prema naprijed, izdahnite dolje i natrag. Samo pronađite prirodne kretnje te možda malo obratite pozornost na vrat možda samo pomicanjem uha preko ramena. Zatim naprijed prema prsima, mičući glavu, da i ne. Vračajući se u sredinu, pozicionirajte glavu preko srca, srce preko zdjelice. Uzmite trenutak i možda zatvorite oči...

Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hello everyone and welcome to psyche truth it's sanella here today the flow is gonna be beginners for weight loss it's one of the best exercises to do to build strength to overall get to know the body and the movement and everything that comes along in this flow it's going to really help you drop the belly fat and build the strength in the body so go ahead and let's begin so the first one is gonna be we're gonna come all fours here in here in your all fours make sure that your arms come directly down from your shoulders just like that and then have your knees open hip apart so it's not everything is stacked on top of each other here and then from here we're gonna take a deep inhale and then you're gonna tuck your tailbone in as you suck your stomach in towards your spine and the last thing is tuck your chin in this is your cat keep your core really tight here just bringing all that fire in there and then gently release into your cat here again your tailbone is going towards the ceiling push...

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