Tag - small waist workout

LOWER ABS & OBLIQUES FOCUS | Intense 7 Day|Daily Belly Fat Burn At Home, No equipments

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel this cold there there CA there's heat there's Flames there's lava volcanic what can we do against manic I know what I'd ra when I pick up the mic is power when I pick up the M got powers when I pick up the m is when I pick up the M got powers [Music] 4 3 2 in the morning yeah I'm still up you're boring life keeps getting better and better and I'm not stressed I'm snoring you get messy get G simp not for me I don't care about football care about this care if acting 40 ignore me they even know my story any little stour in so he flows on Point like Gade in a Mich and star like always like conference call on forway man fixed this life as a role play to they hear about the family there's coldness there there's Karma there's heat there's Flames there's lava volcanic what can we do it get manic I know what got...

5 min Slow & Intense Hourglass Waist Pilates | At Home Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel As jy in jou middelspiere en jou diep kern wil teiken, is dit die oefensessie vir jou. Dit is Pilates, stadig en beheer, gekombineer met sommige gewigte. So al wat jy gaan nodig hê is een halter iPhone met 5 kg. Dit is heeltemal aan jou op watter vlak jy gaan. Goed? Jy gaan van hier af een knie op buig eerste oefening, ons neem die arm op oor die kop. Jy gaan jou vingerpunte afsak, ​​opkyk na daardie middel en dan weer terugkom. Goed? Draai dus daardie hand terwyl jy afsak en weer terug op. Werk regtig in daardie middellyfspiere in, trek jou kern lekker styf in. En moenie vergeet van jou bekkenbodem wat op- en inrits nie. Goed. Hou hierdie beweging baie stadig. Wonderlike werk. Nou as jy wil, kan jy 'n bietjie skouerdruk ook daar byvoeg. Regtig goeie werk, amper daar. Van daar af gaan ons reguit in ons syplankposisie kom , baie mooi en sterk vashou. Neem daardie gewig op die buitenste heup,...

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