Tag - no jumping

15 Min Full Body HIIT | No Noise No Jumping Apartment Friendly

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel تمرين اليوم هو تمرين لكل للجسم بدون اي قفزات، يمكنك تقوم به بهدوء دون إيقاظ العائلة. هذا تمرين رائع لتلك الأيام التي تشعر بها أنك لست قويا للتمارين القادمة، أو تريد فقط تأخذ استراحة صغيرة من خلال التدريبات الشديدة يمكنك الآن توجد جدول الزمني لمدة الأربعة الأسابيع على موقع الويب و شارك رحلتك علي يوتيوب وإنستغرام وتيك توك. لدينا مجتمع جدا مذهل هنا لدعمك. الآن اضغط علي لايك، اترك تعليقات مع تقدمك و هيأ بنا نبدا! لدينا 19 تمرينا، 30 إلى 40 ثانية من التمارين و 5 إلى 10 ثوان من الراحة . لنبدأ مع لمسات إصبع القدم علي طول الجسم. اجعل قدميك متباعدتان بشكلٍ واسع، وذراعيك ممتدة وحاول توصل إلى إصبع قدمك المقابل بيدك. هذا يعمل على عضلات بطنك و يسخن جسمك بشكل رائع. و لدينا متزلجون، خذ خطوة كبيرة إلى الجانب وجلب ساق واحدة خلفك. لطيف وسهل، تأكد من أنك تقوم بها في نطاق كامل من الحركة. بعد ذلك سنجلس إلي القرفصاء ونرمي بعض اللكمات. هذا يساعد ان تعمل على كل من ذراعيك وساقيك و بطنك في نفس الوقت. تأكد من أنك تجلس إلي القرفصاء منخفضا أثناء إشراك عضلات...

Belly Fat Burner Workout | 20 MIN ABS & HIIT CARDIO Workout At Home | No Jumping alt

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Hey everyone, welcome back! So, today's workout is a cardio based ab workout. This workout is part of my free 30 days Flat Belly challenge. So feel free to check that out. But, if you want to do this on its own, it's totally fine as well. Let's jump straight into it! Before we start, I'd really appreciate it if you could smash that thumbs up button, drop me a comment and share this free workout program with anyone who needs it. Now, let's start this workout with some warm-ups. We'll start with some slow high knees. Next, we've got overhead reach. Give those arms and back a good stretch. Next we've got torso twist and crunch. Twist your body three times, then crunch up. We've got jumping jacks next. This will help you to raise your heart rate a little. For low impact, just take it nice and slow and follow along the mini me on the left. Mini! Now time for some side lunges. Stretch out those legs. Forward deep lunges are next to stretch out your hip flexors and hamstrings. Alright, we've got a quick 10 seconds...

10 min NO JUMPING CARDIO HIIT (Apartment Friendly, Low Impact, Full Body)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel okay guys welcome back today we're doing a 10-minute full body cardio hint workout without any jumping so this workout is apartment friendly if you have neighbors below you or if you have a sleeping baby in the other room or if you're just looking for a low-impact workout this one is for you so the way that this workout is structured is we have five different exercises each exercise it's going to be 45 seconds on 15 seconds off and we're going to complete two rounds which will bring us to ten minutes you don't need any equipment besides today I'm using a pair of five pound dumbbells just something nice and light just to add in a little bit of resistance as this is a cardio based routine so we are going to try and keep the pace high if you are at home and you don't have any dumbbells feel free to use water bottle shampoo conditioner bottles whatever you have lying around the house will work just something nice and light and then other than that I think that's it so just make sure that you can see your screen...

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