Tag - no jumping hiit

Total Body Pilates Workout // No Repeats HIIT Fusion

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel welcome to today's pilates fusion workout today we're getting through a series of pilates inspired exercises using just our body weight we have three different circuits to get through and no repeats so we're just doing one round of each exercise so if you're ready roll out that mat give me a thumbs up and then follow along we're starting right now [Music] [Music] imagine what would happen if we did it right [Music] i'm standing here in places still it doesn't seem like you've seen me i hate everything about this night doesn't matter what i do can get to you i don't wanna see when your parties [Music] do we do it right imagine what would happen if we didn't pray [Music] why can't we just be honest [Music] [Music] imagine what will happen if we did it right [Music] honest [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm walking on air and every [Music] i can't lose [Music] got me homework crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every night...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey guys welcome back to another apartment friendly hit workout this workout is a full-body workout there is no jumping involved so you won't disturb your neighbors down below you you will need some form of equipment for this workout so today I'm using a set of ten pound dumbbells but you can use whatever you have access to at home whether that be household objects dumbbells or kettlebells anything will work for this workout the way that this workout is structured is we have four different exercises each exercise is going to be thirty Seconds on with a 15 second rest and we're going to do four rounds keeping it nice and simple today so I am going to give you a quick preview of the exercises before we get started so you know what you're getting yourself into right away so exercise number one you're going to need one dumbbell you're going to take a squat and at the top you're going to do two...

10 min FULL BODY HIIT (Apartment Friendly, No Repeat Burn)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] thank you Hello everybody welcome back today we are doing a quick 10 minute full body hit workout this is a no repeat workout so it's going to go by real fast you don't need any equipment just make sure you can see your screens you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right all of our exercises today are 40 seconds on with a 20 second rest your first exercise is a squat and then as you come up from your squat you're going to do an elbow to knee crunch so coming down and up make sure you're coming all the way down in your squat [Music] foreign exercise number two is a plank walkout walking out to a high plank then you're going to do two plank Jacks jump it out and in out in and sand it all the way back up here we go [Music] like [Music] make sure you stay nice and low...

NO REPEATS Low Impact HIIT CARDIO // Fusion Flow: DAY 5

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] welcome to day five of my seven day fusion flow workout series today we are picking up the pace we have a hit cardio workout ahead of us today it is a low impact workout meaning that there is no jumping but that doesn't necessarily mean it's low intensity we are going to be feeling the burn today my friends we have a series of exercises that require no equipment so just your body weight today and no repeats in this one today team clear some space get ready it's gonna be fun if you're ready give me a thumbs up and then let's go [Music] ain't else [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody else [Music] we came to party [Music] [Music] pulling me back [Music] i can't hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes oh [Music] foreign [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] bye [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] you just know how to push all my buttons [Music] i am [Music] [Music] there's something more [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] i try to fight you off but it's so useless [Music] i am waiting for you now there's something more that you don't want to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] hiding in the dark but we can see through the landscape [Music] [Music] can't take home [Music] [Music] let your body set you free [Music] so [Music] let go of your thoughts my mind is muted [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll touch the surface [Music] let your body set you free follow me [Music] is [Music] [Music] we don't...

15 Min Full Body HIIT | No Noise No Jumping Apartment Friendly

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel تمرين اليوم هو تمرين لكل للجسم بدون اي قفزات، يمكنك تقوم به بهدوء دون إيقاظ العائلة. هذا تمرين رائع لتلك الأيام التي تشعر بها أنك لست قويا للتمارين القادمة، أو تريد فقط تأخذ استراحة صغيرة من خلال التدريبات الشديدة يمكنك الآن توجد جدول الزمني لمدة الأربعة الأسابيع على موقع الويب و شارك رحلتك علي يوتيوب وإنستغرام وتيك توك. لدينا مجتمع جدا مذهل هنا لدعمك. الآن اضغط علي لايك، اترك تعليقات مع تقدمك و هيأ بنا نبدا! لدينا 19 تمرينا، 30 إلى 40 ثانية من التمارين و 5 إلى 10 ثوان من الراحة . لنبدأ مع لمسات إصبع القدم علي طول الجسم. اجعل قدميك متباعدتان بشكلٍ واسع، وذراعيك ممتدة وحاول توصل إلى إصبع قدمك المقابل بيدك. هذا يعمل على عضلات بطنك و يسخن جسمك بشكل رائع. و لدينا متزلجون، خذ خطوة كبيرة إلى الجانب وجلب ساق واحدة خلفك. لطيف وسهل، تأكد من أنك تقوم بها في نطاق كامل من الحركة. بعد ذلك سنجلس إلي القرفصاء ونرمي بعض اللكمات. هذا يساعد ان تعمل على كل من ذراعيك وساقيك و بطنك في نفس الوقت. تأكد من أنك تجلس إلي القرفصاء منخفضا أثناء إشراك عضلات...

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