Tag - mobility routine at home

Day 9: Core Strength & Shoulder Mobility / HR12WEEK 4.0

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel welcome to your core strength plus Mobility  workout first up we are going to be targeting   those abs we're using a dumbbell for some added  resistance to help build a nice strong core we've   got two rounds of ab circuit and then we'll  be moving into a shoulder Mobility session   last year I was dealing with a little bit of  a spicy shoulder a little bit of shoulder pain   and once I added consistent Mobility work into  my routine it hasn't bothered me since and I'm   happy to be able to continue building strength  in that area so again just another reason why   you don't want to skip out on Mobility day  take the time to show that body some love and   remember during Mobility sessions it's really  really important to listen to your body just   never push things too far there should always  be a moderate level of discomfort in some of   the movements as you work through building  range of motion but you should never ever   ever feel any pain pain pinching or numbness  if you do please stop just stop what you're   doing and possibly may...

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