Tag - lower body

10 min Legs & Booty | Pilates Home Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Ons het dus net 50 sekondes aan, 10 sekondes af. Alle onderlyf Pilates, booty quads, die hele lot. Ek weet ons het dit. Ons begin dus met ons voete mooi wyd en kom af in daardie lae plek posisie. Tone oor die middel, knieë volg oor die middelste tone. Ons gaan net met 'n pols hier begin. Pragtige opwarming. Nou het ek 'n klein verrassing vir Teddy hier. Ons het sy Champagne gekry. Haai, Haai. O my aarde. Wees versigtig, Teddy. Wees versigtig, skat. Goeie werk en gaan. Ek sweer ek is heeltemal te lief vir hierdie hond. Ja ek doen. 20 sekondes oor. Ons gaan nou probeer om op die tone te kom en daai pols voort te sit. Wonderlike werk. Ek is mal oor hierdie oefening, maar dit is besig om op te warm tot in daardie onderlyf. Wonderlik. Goeie werk. Jy gaan nou in jou longposisie kom en jou linkervoet terug trap. Jou regterbeen is vorentoe. Skuif daardie liggaamsgewig effens vorentoe. Jy gaan jou...

Day 10: Hamstrings & Quads Strength Workout with Dumbbells / HR12WEEK 4.0

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel all right here we go today's strength workout is a lower body session with a focus on the quads and those hamstrings three different circuits and we've got three rounds of each with a number of strength sessions in this 12we program it's really really important you guys that you are eating enough of the right Foods you want to be getting in quality proteins carbs fats these are all essential and play a significant role in achieving overall health and Wellness now if you need guidance or you're looking for a place to start check out my nutrition guide it's packed with information on the importance of these different macronutrients plus there's also some sample meal plans a meal planning template and some super simple easy delicious so simple I can make them healthier recipes I'm going to drop the link below if you want to check it out all right if you are properly fueled up and ready to take on today's workout go for...

Day 5: Quads & Calves At Home Strength Workout / HR12WEEK 4.0

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel okay it's day five of the hr1 12we 4.0 and  today's strength workout will Target the   quads and the calves we will be using light medium  and heavy dumbbells as well as a yoga block that   we're going to be using for those split lunges and  elevated squats we have some standing calf raises   today now if you find yourself losing balance with  these you can always switch things out and   use a single weight instead of two then you're  going to have a free hand to rest on a wall or   railing for some extra balance and of course there  are low impact modifications included for any of   the jumping exercises today now guys never worry  about fumbling losing balance or feeling challenge   having to modify this program is not about  perfection it's about progress and I personally   plan on fumbling and messing up many times along  the way so I really hope that you feel comfortable   doing the same okay let's have fun with with  this one today team grab your gear and let's warm up well that is a wrap on week one we worked...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back today I'm leading you through a quick 15minute lower body session all you're going to need today is a set of dumbbells today I'm keeping it simple I'm just using a pair of 15s for the entirety of the workout make sure you can see your screen you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right so today we're working in sets of two so our first exercise is going to be a sumo squat so the dumbbells are going to be held in front of you like so and our feet are a little bit wider than regular squat stance toes pointed outwards you're going to come down press through those heels and the outsides of the feet and our top point of our squat is here so our hips are we're still hinged slightly forward coming down and up so we're not hinging forward here at the [Music] [Music] top bab feel [Music] feel good taking a quick 15 second rest our second exercise is a deadlift so just regular stance feet about shoulder width apart we're really focusing on sitting back in our heels...

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