Tag - leg workout at home

10 min INNER & OUTER THIGH BURN Workout (No Equipment)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey guys welcome back today's workout is all focused on the inner and outer thighs this workout is 11 minutes and 30 seconds long but it is 10 minutes of working time you don't need any equipment for this workout just yourself a little bit of space and definitely a soft surface beneath you as we are going to be on the ground for the entirety of this workout i think that's it make sure that you can see your screen so that you can follow along with me and without further ado let's get to it all right guys so first off we're going to start on our backs and we're going to do some glute bridges so you're going to bring your toes in closer to your bum going to be available so we're here for 30 seconds and then we're going to move into a one leg glute bridge squeeze those glutes and press those hips up so getting ready you're going to choose...

10 MIN LEG/BOOTY WORKOUT (No Squats + Knee Friendly)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hey guys welcome back today we're doing a 10-minute lower body focus workout that is knee friendly I have been getting a lot of requests to do workouts that are easy on the knees so this lower body workout does not include any squats or any lunges we're going to be doing some exercises that are targeting our legs and a lot of our glutes without putting any pressure on the knees so for this workout I am using some weights a resistance band a mini band and also a bench but if you're working out from home you can just use a chair or a table or not going to be sitting or laying on the bench we're just going to be using it for our feet and also just for balance for our hands and then weights are optional I'm just going to be using those to do some straight leg deadlifts but if you don't have any weights that's totally okay you can do...

Day 10: Hamstrings & Quads Strength Workout with Dumbbells / HR12WEEK 4.0

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel all right here we go today's strength workout is a lower body session with a focus on the quads and those hamstrings three different circuits and we've got three rounds of each with a number of strength sessions in this 12we program it's really really important you guys that you are eating enough of the right Foods you want to be getting in quality proteins carbs fats these are all essential and play a significant role in achieving overall health and Wellness now if you need guidance or you're looking for a place to start check out my nutrition guide it's packed with information on the importance of these different macronutrients plus there's also some sample meal plans a meal planning template and some super simple easy delicious so simple I can make them healthier recipes I'm going to drop the link below if you want to check it out all right if you are properly fueled up and ready to take on today's workout go for...

10 min LEG/BUTT/THIGH (Killer No Equipment Workout)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] Hello everybody welcome back today I'm leading you through a super quick lower body workout that you can do absolutely anywhere requires zero equipment we are going to be doing lots of squats and lunges so please make sure you've warmed up I've linked my lower body warmup in the description down below so go do that first then come back here like I said you don't need any equipment just make sure you have something soft beneath you make sure you can see your screen so you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right so we're going to start off with a series of squats your first exercise is just going to be a regular body weight squat then your second squat you're going to pulse at the bottom and come up here we go 30 seconds when you come up make sure you're squeezing your glutes but you're not not squeezing your glutes to where you're pressing your hips forward you're going to keep your body slightly angled forward ground in those feet and squeeze the [Music] glutes next up we're going to add a...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back today I'm leading you through a quick 15minute lower body session all you're going to need today is a set of dumbbells today I'm keeping it simple I'm just using a pair of 15s for the entirety of the workout make sure you can see your screen you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right so today we're working in sets of two so our first exercise is going to be a sumo squat so the dumbbells are going to be held in front of you like so and our feet are a little bit wider than regular squat stance toes pointed outwards you're going to come down press through those heels and the outsides of the feet and our top point of our squat is here so our hips are we're still hinged slightly forward coming down and up so we're not hinging forward here at the [Music] [Music] top bab feel [Music] feel good taking a quick 15 second rest our second exercise is a deadlift so just regular stance feet about shoulder width apart we're really focusing on sitting back in our heels...

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