30 Minute HIIT Glutes Workout | IGNITE – Day 26
Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel what's up guys it's sydney and this is your 30 minute hit glutes workout so grab your glute resistance bands and your dumbbells and let's get started what's up guys i'm so excited that you're here today for our glooce workout we are going to be operating in hit style so 30 seconds of work 15 seconds rest three rounds per exercise okay if you have them go ahead and grab your glute resistance bands we've got some work with these guys today if you don't have them you can grab yours in the link in the description below we have restocked the three colors and the all black set okay for my dumbbells i have 10 15 25 and 30 pound dumbbells heavier dumbbells will be for your glute bridges on the floor lighter dumbbells will be for things like squat and lateral raise okay also grab your water and your sweat towel and if you're ready i'm ready let's go ahead and get started okay...