Tag - belly fat burn

5 MIN AB BLAST – a quick & intense core workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back today I'm going to lead you through a quick F minute ab Blast workout you don't need any equipment just make sure you have something soft beneath you make sure you can see your screen so you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right so how today's workout is going to work is we have four exercises today mountain climbers elbow to knees half burpees and some leg drops we're going to take it two exercises at a time starting off with mountain climbers then flipping it right over into elbow to knees then we'll take a rest so we're going to do 30 seconds of mountain climbers do the best that you can keep that booty down here we [Music] go bring those knees up right to your chest keep the bum down getting ready to flip it over right on your back elbow to [Music] knee good nice and simple 15sec rest now we're going to do some half burpees so that means in a plank you're going to jump the knees in and jump it back out then we're going to flip it back...

ABS FAT BURN PILATES WORKOUT 🔥 Tone & Sculpt a Flat Stomach | 10 min

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Dit is jou 10 minute Abs Pilates-vetverbranding. Ons gaan in al 4 lae van die abs inwerk, en ek kan waarborg jy gaan die ongelooflikste, ongelooflikste brandwond voel. Glo my, ek gaan jou hard werk binne net 10 minute. Nou, voor ons begin, is hierdie babas op die oomblik eksklusief vir julle op YouTube te koop, 20% afslag. Jy wil nie hierdie uitmis nie. Hierdie is saam met jou vir jou ontwerp, alles wat jy wil hê en nodig het in 'n mat. Hulle is super, super hoë gehalte. Ek het hierdie een vir 2 freaking jare, en hulle is so goed soos nuut. Hulle is nie-gly, bo en onder, ronde kante sodat hulle nie omdraai nie, lekker dik, langer en breër as 'n standaard mat, en hulle is super oulik. So waarvoor wag jy? Kliek om te shop ouens. Gebruik daardie kode vir 20% afslag, en kom ons werk uit. (Timer piep) Goed, ons begin onder op ons rug, 'n dubbelbeen tafelblad. Nou, bring daardie vingerpunte na jou slape. Jy gaan reguit, lig, sak en dwars. So jy wil regtig konsentreer daarop om jou naeltjie terug na jou ruggraat te neem, daardie ribbekas onder...

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