Tag - at-home workout

30 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT || At-Home Pilates (No Equipment)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel welcome back to move with Nicole today's class is a 30 minute pilates workout that will work the entire body you won't need any equipment just yourself and a mat so when you're ready let's begin let's start in a nailing position at the back of our mat sitting up nice and Tall on your inhale reach your arms up to the sky then exhale side out through your mouth as you lower your arms one more deep breath in raise your arms up and exhale slide out beautiful interlace your fingers press your palms away from you as you round your spine really drawing your navel back and then straighten your spine and reach your arms up to the sky relaxing your shoulders down and back take a deep breath in then exhale side bend over to the left inhale return through Center and exhale bend over to the right then inhale return through Center and exhale release your arms let's come forward onto our hands...

Lose Weight FAST! | Full Body FAT BURNING At Home Workout | Intense HIIT, No Equipment!

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel مرحبا بالجميع، اسمي أبريل لقد شاركت معكم تمارين (كثافة عالية التدريب المتقطع) للمبتدئين قبل أسبوعين تقديم فقط للتمارين ذات الكثافة العالية التدريب المتقطع وصلني الكثير من التعليقات يقولون أن التمارين كانت مفيدة جدا بعضكم فقد القليل من الباوندات في وقت قصير لنفترض أنك كنت تقوم بهذه التمارين الخاصة بالمبتدئين لفترة معينة وتريد حرق كل الدهون في جسمك بكل فعالية اليوم سأشارك معكم تمارين مكثفة لحرق دهون الجسم بأكمله هيا، لنبدأ التمارين المخصصة لهذا اليوم سنقوم بتسخين الجسم أولا اليوم سيكون هناك بعض الجري والقفز لهذا أقترح عليكم لبس أحذيتكم إذا لم تكن تريد ان تجري او تقفز لا تقلق لم أدرج أي تأثير ناتج عن القفز التعديلات لكل تمرين حسنًا، لنبدأ الآن بتحريك الذراع قم بالدوران للأمام 12 مرة حسنا، قم بالدوران في الاتجاه المعاكس هذا الإحماء سيقوم بتحضير جسمنا للتمارين القادمة لتجنب الإصابات يمكن أن يساعدنا أيضًا في القيام بهذا التمرين بشكل أفضل ثم الان تمارين ثني الركبة ستّ دورات في اتجاه واحد كرّر التمرين في الاتجاه المعاكس يمكن لهذا التمرين أيضا أن يقوم بدوران كاحلنا...

50 Minute Strength and Conditioning Workout | IGNITE – Day 22

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel what's up guys it's sydney and this is your 50 minute strength and conditioning workout so grab your dumbbells and let's get started what's up guys i'm so excited that you're here today for our 50-minute strength and conditioning workout and you know this is my favorite style of workout so we mix a strength move with a cardio or conditioning move a body weight movement i'll of course be providing you with a low impact modification over here i will use dumbbells for most of the modifications but a couple i'll show you just a body weight low impact option so if you ever need to dial it back that option is there for you okay as for my dumbbells i've got 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells so anywhere from four up to 13 kilograms for myself but pick what works for you okay the heaviest move we'll do today will be a squat and a snatch so snatch and squat combo the lightest...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hello lovely people and welcome back to my channel today i have a 20 minute pilates workout for you so when you're ready let's start in a child's pose on your inhale shift forward to tabletop arch your spine and look slightly up feeling a nice stretch through your back exhale round your spine gaze towards your navel and press back to child's pose let's do this movement a few more times inhale shift forward arch your spine looking up and exhale round shift your hips back finding your child's pose let's do this one more time just because it feels so nice for our back so inhale shift forward arch your spine then on your next one exhale find your neutral spine pulling your abdominals in curl your toes under and press back to downward facing dog feel free to pedal your heels here alternate bending your knees and then pressing both heels down into the mat inhale bend your knees keep pressing through your shoulders...

40 Minute Low Impact Full Body Strength Workout | IGNITE – Day 20

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel what's up guys it's sydney and this is your 40 minute low impact full body strength workout so grab your dumbbells and let's get started what's up guys i'm so excited that you're here today for this 40 minute low impact strength workout we have a full body workout today we're targeting chest triceps back biceps legs and glutes and i know you're gonna love this workout only two rounds per exercise 40 seconds each and i'm gonna keep you moving today tons of variety okay i do want to mention before we get started because i get so so many questions and i'm so excited to finally have these back in stock for you guys the glute resistance bands are back so we have the light medium and heavy glute resistance bands we have the tri-color set which comes in a little pink bag if you get all three and then we also for the guys that have asked or for the girls that don't like...

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