Tag - at-home workout

DO THIS EVERYDAY FOR 2 WEEKS! Intense Slim Waist & Abs Workout, No Equipment, At Home

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] this is for my day on don't forget the ones I made you deep St sweating out flavor this is for my day one day one showed up day one before the Clow up don't need as for than [Music] show it and I'll throw it right back ooh take it back when nobody used to know me like I was just ching with my homies now that we're popping everybody is talking this is for my day ones don't forget the ones I made you deep stop sweating out flavor this is for my day one day one this is for my day one don't forget the ones I made you deep St sweating out flavor this is for my day one day one showed up day one before the glow up don't need ask for that show love don't need for them show love love take it back when nobody used to know me like tell you I was just chilling with my homies...

10 Min | 10 Days | 10 Exercises to GROW BUBBLE BUTT – Intense Booty Challenge, No Equipment, At Home

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] started out so small we drank and then we talk she got to know me I got to know her and suddenly it's War than peace so on and off it's getting to me I'm getting to here's what I been thinking here's what I would do when two people are sinking you should get them out the pool here's what I've been thinking I don't know what else to do so I'm forever calling her truth she's a roll Goose to ride going up down I'm for to feel feelings that I can't fight not 20 anymore got to realize that I'm too over puy love heart is getting weaker but the years now can't take it anym time out I'm 20 any more got to realize that I'm tooy yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] ooh yeah yeah ooh yeah [Music] yeah we met in July summer right tonight but some don't last and Ne should we I won't break down and...

Get NARROW WAIST & ABS in JUST 7 Min/Day! Intense Ab Workout, No Equipment, At Home

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] I feel the way behind my eyes the that lies with between you and I do you right there my been been there's no fall C leave me a on the fall me so I'll [Music] be silence deep inside [Music] wish shine right here I've been waiting I've been waiting there's no fall eyes C something my so I be I'll be Wai I'll be [Music] waiting I'll be waiting I'll be W I'll be W I'll be Wai oo I'll been waiting I been waiting I've been W i' been there's no c meing onone i but something my come so I'll be Wai in your arms I'll be waiting [Music] arm I'll be [Music] W I'll waiting I'll be waiting I'll be waiting I'll be waiting I be waiting I'll be waiting oo I'll be waiting [Music] [Music] fantastic with a G be one to the side it's still fantastic it up this a new it up it up drink it up one...

EXPRESS BOOTY PUMP to Get Instant Result! Very Intense, Floor Only, No Rest, No Equipment, At Home

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] lately I've been going through some hard stuff getting knocked down getting right back up only mistake I may was thinking you would have my back but it's one way track that's right now I've had enough your bad behaviors and what I'm worth now that's right now I've had enough you don't see it but I see it ooh Mar on speaking with a different Native Tong you're entric I'm a you never get me o you're still the same used to problems while I see Keys even thought we always will be friends sometimes you grow apart you're taking all your problems all on me forgetting you have a respons let's see way you don't care cuz your anxiety isn't reason enough to be acting so love that's right now I've had enough your bad behavior isn't what I'm worth no that's right no I've had enough you don't see it but I see [Music] it speaking with a different EC I'm you don't...

Hard & Controlled 6 Pack Abs Workout | 5 min

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Super belangrik vir hierdie oefensessie. Hou die bewegings baie stadig, regtig beheer, en dink deurgaans aan daardie kernaktivering. So jy wil jou naeltjie terugneem na jou ruggraat, bekkenbodem, op en in, en ribbekas af. Ouens, ons het hierdie 1 minuut. Elke oefening, jy begin af op jou rug hande in 'n diamant vorm, en ons begin met ons omgekeerde crunch Spyp daardie heupe na die lug reguit, dan tik die hakke af en stadig terug op. Beheer Die beweging, stadig en Beheer. Goeie werk. Hou dit aan die beweeg, maar hou dit beheer. Ribbekas af en in die kern, verloof. En haal asem. Jy is amper daar. Wonderlik. Hou daardie bene na die lug met die vingerpunte by slape, jou elmboog kom na jou teenoorgestelde knie. As dit te veel is, buig die knieë en kom hierheen, maar moenie moed opgee nie. Goed? Hou aan om dit te pas. Asem uit as jy bereik. Asem in as jy sak, amper daar. Wonderlik. Laer af. Van daar af...

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