Tag - apartment friendly workout

10 min NO JUMPING CARDIO HIIT (Apartment Friendly, Low Impact, Full Body)

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel okay guys welcome back today we're doing a 10-minute full body cardio hint workout without any jumping so this workout is apartment friendly if you have neighbors below you or if you have a sleeping baby in the other room or if you're just looking for a low-impact workout this one is for you so the way that this workout is structured is we have five different exercises each exercise it's going to be 45 seconds on 15 seconds off and we're going to complete two rounds which will bring us to ten minutes you don't need any equipment besides today I'm using a pair of five pound dumbbells just something nice and light just to add in a little bit of resistance as this is a cardio based routine so we are going to try and keep the pace high if you are at home and you don't have any dumbbells feel free to use water bottle shampoo conditioner bottles whatever you have lying around the house will work just something nice and light and then other than that I think that's it so just make sure that you can see your screen...

15 min Intense HIIT for Fat Burn | Standing & No Equipment

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel لدينا 15 دقيقة تمرين HITT للجسم اليوم. هذا المرة ماكنت قادرة على عن اصور فيديو مقدمة ، فلذلك انا هنا اقوللكم مرحبا بلا فائدة. إذا كنت تبحثللحصول على جداول التمارين الرياضية، تحقق من موقع الويب الخاص في Chloeting.com. ‏أيضا ،يمكنك دائما تعمل هذه التدريبات بشكل مفردة ، فقط رجاءًا تأكد من الإحماء جسمك قبل هذا تمرين. لدينا 18 تمرينا اليوم. 30 إلى 40 ثانية تشغيل و10 إلى 20 ثانية إيقاف. أيضا، و رجاءًا استشار دكتور أو دكتورة صحي من قبل بدء أي تمرين، خاصةً إذا كان لديك أي شروط جسمانية أساسية. هذا التمرين هو صعب و متعب، فلذلك تابع التأثير المنخفض إذا كنت بحاجة إلى ذلك. سنبدأ بالقرفصاء داخل وخارج. قم بأداء القرفصاء العادي، ثم عندما تأتي، اقفز مع الساقين للداخل و الخارج ثم عد إلى القرفصاء. تأكد من أن تشارك عضلات بطنك و الأولية ايضا ويبقى ظهرك بشكل محايدا. عمل رائع يا رفاق! 10 ثوان من الراحة هنا ولدينا قفزة و التصفيق. اقفز مع الساقين للخارج، ثم أعدهم للداخل واصفق بيديك. شارك عضلات بطنك و وافعل هذا التمرين في حالة جيدة. لا تحدب للتأثير المنخفض، فقط افعلها بدون القفزات. جلب يديكي لفوق مع...

30-Minute No-Equipment Cardio & HIIT Workout

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel we are in luck today because we have the founder of the sweat charlie atkins here to take us through a no equipment cardio workout that's right we're going to do three circuits today guaranteed to break the sweat let's go all right are we ready to go let's go let's go let's go ahead and get started with jogging in place so we are doing the sweat workout today there is going to be three different circuits first part that we are going to get started with is our warm up because you can't start a workout without being warm that's right so we have anna over here doing modifications and i have my girl christina right here that will be keeping up with me high fives all around oh yeah now you two got a high five too there it is there it is yeah all right so starting out we're just gonna jog in place to make it fun let's do a little lap around our maps we're just going to do a little lap around our maps yeah just adding a little pizzazz i like it so if you...

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