Tag - 6 pack abs

Hard & Controlled 6 Pack Abs Workout | 5 min

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel Super belangrik vir hierdie oefensessie. Hou die bewegings baie stadig, regtig beheer, en dink deurgaans aan daardie kernaktivering. So jy wil jou naeltjie terugneem na jou ruggraat, bekkenbodem, op en in, en ribbekas af. Ouens, ons het hierdie 1 minuut. Elke oefening, jy begin af op jou rug hande in 'n diamant vorm, en ons begin met ons omgekeerde crunch Spyp daardie heupe na die lug reguit, dan tik die hakke af en stadig terug op. Beheer Die beweging, stadig en Beheer. Goeie werk. Hou dit aan die beweeg, maar hou dit beheer. Ribbekas af en in die kern, verloof. En haal asem. Jy is amper daar. Wonderlik. Hou daardie bene na die lug met die vingerpunte by slape, jou elmboog kom na jou teenoorgestelde knie. As dit te veel is, buig die knieë en kom hierheen, maar moenie moed opgee nie. Goed? Hou aan om dit te pas. Asem uit as jy bereik. Asem in as jy sak, amper daar. Wonderlik. Laer af. Van daar af...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel what's up it's Chris Haria today's chest day and I've created the perfect routine you can follow along to for a complete chest workout hitting every area of your chest in just 7 minutes and for this workout I've chosen specific exercises that place the most amount of resistance on your intended muscles while allowing for the greatest range of motion to tear more muscle fibers build more muscle and increase your strength all using just your own body weight not just looking strong actually being strong these exercises are also super effective at developing your Rel strength which will help you when moving on to more advanced skills like the plan push-up handstand push-up 90° handstand push-up and so much more so add this workout to your weekly routine and take your chaining to the next level and like always to properly follow along and to schedule to do this workout from your phone anytime any day Download the Harry Pro app in the app store...

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