Tag - 25 min pilates


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel hello everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is nicole and for today i have a beginner full body pilates workout for you so let's get started in a seated position with our knees bent take your hands behind your thighs inhale lengthen your spine opening through your chest and exhale round your spine tucking your chin down towards your chest feeling a stretch for your back and again inhale as you lengthen exhale as you round let's do two more of these taking your gaze slightly up as you open through your chest and then drop your chin down as you round your spine last one inhale lengthen and this time as you round let's carefully walk our hands down our thighs lowering ourself all the way down to our back rest your head bend your knees and scoot your feet in towards your glutes take your hands on top of your rib cage and feel free to close your eyes on your inhale...

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