Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine

Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine

Video Transcript

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hello everyone and welcome to psyche truth it’s sanella here today the flow is gonna be beginners for weight loss it’s one of the best exercises to do to build strength to overall get to know the body and the movement and everything that comes along in this flow it’s going to really help you drop the belly fat and build the strength in the body so go ahead and let’s begin so the first one is gonna be we’re gonna come all fours here in here in your all fours make sure that your arms come directly down from your shoulders just like that and then have your knees open hip apart so it’s not everything is stacked on top of each other here and then from here we’re gonna take a deep inhale and then you’re gonna tuck your tailbone in as you suck your stomach in towards your spine and the last thing is tuck your chin in this is your cat keep your core really tight here just bringing all that fire in there and then gently release into your cat here again your tailbone is going towards the ceiling push your shoulders back and then look towards the ceiling here too we’re gonna do five of these inhale deep cat here hold and then gently exhale inhale cat exhale out inhale exhale [Music] maybe wiggle your tailbone in here just a little bit one more time deep inhale cat really keep that stomach really tight and suck it in as hard as you can in here take your chin in and then exhale good job all right from here maybe move your arms just a little bit just to kind of move it around and release some tension if you have a wrist issues here perfect now from here we’re gonna move into what’s called spinal balance now you can hold it right here and then you’re gonna extend your right hand in front of your left leg is gonna go back just like that you’re gonna take one deep breath exhale release and we’re gonna switch the sides we’re gonna do six of these take a deep breath exhale go in your own pace here keeping your core tight everything is engaged here let go switch switch just like that nice one more time [Music] good job now from here you’re going to come all the way down onto your elbows just like this then you’re going to extend that left leg back and then from here we’re just going to do five pulses here so just like this one keep your glutes engaged two three breathe here four five good job switch sides here same thing extend that right leg take your time be gentle with your body listen to your body here and let’s go ahead and begin one two breathe three four almost there and five good coming back down go ahead and move into a child’s pose here take one deep breath here nice and from here we’re gonna go ahead and lay all the way down on our back gently coming down all right now from here what we’re going to be doing we’re going to be focusing on your lower abdominals so what you’re going to do you’re going to lift your tailbone up as you suck your stomach in your belly button is going to be going towards your spine here just like this really keep it tight and then release it back down let’s do five of those just like this this is going to really help you strengthen your lower back and your abdominal going pretty much your entire core here it’s going to really help you advance your practice and it’s going to help you be able to handle more stress especially when we are trying to lose weight it’s really important to keep the body moving and sweaty sweat you have to sweat in order for you to lose the weight you have to sweat a little bit so push yourself i know you can do this so from here we’re gonna lift your tailbone off the ground just a little bit as you as your belly button goes towards your spine here really keeping your lower abdominals nice and strong and engaged and then release it back down just like that and then do it again so this is going to really help you strengthen your lower abdominals and pretty much your entire core and bring that awareness and what it really means to tuck your tailbone in here we work in the pelvis area as well here so don’t be afraid if it’s a little bit challenging but really squeeze your core really feel that activation in your abdominals here to bring that fire in there and exhale release it back down and let’s do two more here release it down one more last one and let’s hold here five four three two one good release it back down good job now from here let’s get back up again nice and gently again go in your own pace here and i know that this is a definitely a beginner’s floor all right let’s come back up cat and cow again again make sure those arms come directly down really be engaged with your body and really noticing each muscle activation and really noticing what’s happening with your body right now go ahead tuck your tailbone in suck your stomach in tuck your chin and hold here and exhale release inhale deep [Music] exhale and this is what i mean tucking your tailbone in right here noticing that activation here as i suck my stomach in tuck my stomach in pushing my belly towards my spine here and then exhale release [Music] having no judgment just being here now and just knowing that you know you’re already on your way to lose weight to achieve your goal and just overall be healthy feel good about yourself and stay consistent with these practices in order for us to see results we have to stay consistent don’t give up all right good let’s move into that spinal balance here just like this and hold here and switch sides again move with your breath here we’re gonna speed it up just a little bit to bring that in intensity here one more time on each side here switch nice all right let’s come down onto our elbows here and then extend that left leg and let’s kick it one nice and gentle two go as high as you can here three breathe four five nice and gentle coming back down switch sides here here goes right side and one two three good job four and five there you go coming back to center go ahead moving to that child’s pose here take a nice deep breath here nice let’s come back all the way down again don’t hold your breath here really allow yourself to let it go let it go don’t hold it express yourself through your breath allow your muscles to relax and breathe breath here it goes we’re gonna again we’re gonna thrust those hips up as you tuck your stomach in and release it back down nice and gently and go breathe can really feel how strong my stomach is right now and yours should be just as hard as mine is here just like that so you can really feel that activation in your abdominals again all the way up [Music] let’s do two more here [Music] exhale last one let’s hold here smile as you’re feeling tension in your lower abdominals don’t give up hold hold five four three two one exhale you can notice the difference right you can feel when you release that you were really activating those abdominals and you work in your pelvis area as well and you’re strengthening that midsection the midsection is really important to have it nice and strong because it’s going to really help you [Music] advance your practice and be able to handle more stress and things like that when you are trying to go a little bit harder with your training or your yoga practice and things like that all right let’s go back into that cat and cow here exhale [Music] maybe just quieting your thoughts here and just really listening to your own breath here wow one more time deep inhale exhale good job all right again shake your hands a little bit releasing some pressure off of your wrists nice and then go ahead let’s move into that spinal balance here just like that if you feel like you want to push yourself a little bit further lift that left leg up just like that and then switch sides we can do this you can do it together let’s do it lift your right leg up nice little breath here and switch again listen to your body if it feels comfortable for you to hold it right there dude so if you want to push yourself a little bit challenge yourself a little bit lift that leg up and switch sides i really like the spinal balance here because you are working on you know not making the spine nice and strong you’re working those arms you’re working your core your entire body is engaged here so you’re definitely going to feel a little tension here you’re gonna feel each muscle activation here and that’s gonna really allow the body to start burning the calories and being more activated here switch sides last one here i’m definitely feeling it in my arms here so all right coming down to our elbows [Music] extend that left leg here and kick if you can go a little bit higher in this one to challenge yourself a little bit go ahead do it with me [Music] one more all right let’s switch sides here same thing extending that right leg and then go as high as you can here again to really feel the activation in your glutes it’s one of your biggest muscles in your body so it’s definitely going to force the body to start using more energy start burning more calories here by doing so there you go and you’re working your lower back here too so like i said overall this flow is really good to give you a nice kick to begin your journey to losing weight or getting stronger getting more toner body this flow is definitely for you so go ahead take a deep breath here [Music] i just want to stay here now but we’re going to go ahead and go back down i’m going to keep working that midsection here especially for us women we have a really hard time dropping that belly fat so it’s really important to get that midsection stronger nice and strong so that way when we really want to go to the next level and start sweating and pushing ourselves to the limits past our comfort zone the body is going to be strong and it be able to handle more stress and more pressure it thinks like that all right go ahead tuck your tailbone in lift it off your mouth here suck your stomach in and gently place it back down i did something out of my comfort zone this weekend i did a kickboxing boxing and it was awesome i’m definitely feeling my body really sore but it’s well worth it i’m always looking a new way to challenge myself and push myself you know it really helps to not only that you get physically strong but you also get yourself mentally prepared for this journey because you’re constantly pushing yourself past limits let’s do one more here nice let’s turn around and go back all right let’s get back to cat and cow [Music] all right and tuck your tailbone in suck your stomach in here exhale release into cow and sometimes these flows look kind of easy but really they’re pretty hard and intense and same time very effective [Applause] i like this one too because it stretches the upper back as well and stretches the spine cat and cow [Music] really dropping your belly down towards your mat here in your cat i mean in your cow let’s do two more here [Music] one more [Music] nice shake those arms a little bit all right let’s move into that spinal balance right here again push your shoulders back so the spine is nice and long and let’s go ahead lift your left leg here a little bit more advanced but even if you just lift it off the ground even if it’s one inch do so challenge yourself push yourself get out of the comfort zone switch sides here all right let’s speed it up just a little bit bring more intensity here keep your core tight if you’re really ready to change your life and and get stronger and healthier take yourself seriously bring this to you make this part of your lifestyle and i promise you you’re going to start to see difference in your life physically mentally spiritually whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve go for it and let nothing stop you from that let’s do one more time on each side here switch man i’m feeling that burn in my arms what about you here he goes right here and let’s speed it up right here and one two kick it as hard as high as you can here push yourself here there you go working the glutes here like i said and working your lower back here let’s do one more here nice gently switch sides here and he goes nice [Music] i can feel my heart rate is going up as well last one alright let’s move into that child’s pose here again in your child’s pose have your big toes touch each other and then place in your your glutes all the way down onto your feet here extending those arms nice and long in front of you here take a deep breath and exhale [Music] all right let’s turn around here [Music] man my body is definitely starting to feel a little more stickier and sweatier from this flow so that’s a really good sign you know when you are feeling the burn and you are starting to sweat you know the exercises are being effective if you’re not sweating you’re not feeling the burn maybe try a little bit harder all right he goes this is a one of my favorites because it really allows me to work my lower abdominals here and as i tuck in my tailbone as you can see all my core here is engaged so it’s really working this whole midsection and building a lot of strengths here strength in your midsection like i said it’s really important to have that midsection nice and strong because you can it will be able to handle more tension when you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone let’s do two more here [Music] and sometimes i even curve my like that my back just to kind of notice how this whole posture works this movement just like that if you want to a little bit see it oh my gosh this feels good though one more [Music] i’m starting to shake exhale all right good night just kidding all right let’s come back up all right that was awesome i feel good i feel strong i feel i broke a little sweat here it’s really nice again guys if you want to see the difference in your body stay consistent with this flow eat good eat healthy be active you know take a charge of your life take a charge of the things that you want to achieve and be and just go for it don’t let nothing stop you again thank you so much for doing this challenge with me and for more videos subscribe to psyche truth make sure to favorite this video and thank you again and we’ll see you in the next video namaste [Music] [Music] you

Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer

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Are you ready to transform your body and mind with the power of yoga and Pilates?

At Top Fitness Influencer, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals by focusing on flexibility, balance, and core strength. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey, our comprehensive resources and high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing will support you every step of the way.

The Benefits of Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are two powerful practices that offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

Here’s how they can enhance your life:

Yoga: Harmony and Relaxation

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote overall well-being.

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  • Improved Flexibility: Regular yoga practice stretches and lengthens your muscles, improving your range of motion and reducing stiffness.
  • Enhanced Balance: Yoga poses a challenge to your balance and coordination, helping to prevent falls and improve stability.
  • Stress Relief: The mindful breathing and meditation techniques used in yoga can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Mindfulness: Yoga encourages you to be present and aware, fostering a deeper connection between your mind and body.

Pilates: Core Strength and Posture

Pilates focuses on controlled movements and precise techniques to strengthen your core and improve your posture.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Core Strength: Pilates exercises target the deep abdominal muscles, helping to build a strong and stable core.
  • Improved Posture: By strengthening the muscles that support your spine, Pilates helps you maintain good posture and reduce back pain.
  • Increased Flexibility: Like yoga, Pilates enhances your flexibility through controlled, flowing movements.
  • Body Awareness: Pilates promotes body awareness, helping you understand and correct your movement patterns.

What We Offer

At Top Fitness Influencer, we provide a wealth of resources to help you get the most out of your yoga and pilates practice.

Here’s what you can expect:

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Our collection of certified instructors has created a variety of yoga and Pilates workouts tailored to all fitness levels and goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, we have the perfect routine for you.

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Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to embark on your journey to improved flexibility, balance, and core strength?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

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2. Read Our Training Guides

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4. Shop Top Brand Clothing

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Focus on Your Well-Being Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the transformative power of yoga and Pilates. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental well-being, reduce stress, and find a greater sense of balance and harmony.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced firsthand the incredible benefits of yoga and Pilates, and I’m passionate about sharing this journey with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a supportive community where people can come together to learn, grow, and achieve their wellness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, Top Fitness Influencer is here to support you every step of the way.

Join us today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you. With our expert resources, motivating community, and top-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing, you’ll be well-equipped to transform your body and mind.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

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Comments (25)

  • @psychetruth Reply

    Please CLICK THE NOTIFICATION BELL! Our subscribers aren't being shown our videos unless they click the notification bell next to the subscribe button.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @eliza6470 Reply

    I feel people energy a lot…
    Once i saw this video i felt instantly drawn to Sanela's energy.
    You have an amazing light in you and you make experices feel so easy and flowless.
    I am addicted! 😊

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @barnalikar6754 Reply

    Thank you ❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @emmasusie254 Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @user-gz3vw8cb3v Reply

    My first times ❤ day 1

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @ballsey4521 Reply

    Nice video. But breathing techniques are important and the breathing esp during cat cow is wrong. Supposed to be exhale on exertion not the other way around. Not sure it makes a big difference but when googling it, breathing the correct way is important.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @smokedavocados Reply

    Finally a video titled as “Beginner” and actually feels like a beginner level.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @Cyntcynt444 Reply

    Found this video! Iam gonna go for it!

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @NatureGirl215LLC Reply

    Are there yoga poses that are good for people with hernias? Sanela is my ABSOLUTE favorite yogi. ❤️💯

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @khurramsaleh368 Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @redpilled1117 Reply

    I know I'm a guy and just want to get back into shape… This actually made me sweat more than any other exercises, just did this today and I feel my body burning but afterwards I felt amazing…

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @irishsingersongwritertessp4223 Reply

    I love this yoga routine. Sometimes if I’ve lost the motivation for a few weeks I come back to it. It’s relaxing and I feel good after it. Really want to persevere this time. Thank you❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @latifayahya1108 Reply

    I do this some time. I feel fresh after. But canI stick on this video or better to change other video of yoga?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @LELE20242 Reply

    Your pants are beautiful

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @jilaaghaei1962 Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @user-yh4vr9wq1s Reply

    Кыргызстан летнии платья выпускает будим носить чапаны купила все родственникам детям красива спасибо

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @houriakassou8352 Reply

    For those who have back and knee problems, this exercice can help them lose weight? And is it suitable for them?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @asfaa93 Reply

    Doing this for a week. It's all great except my knees hurt! Any way to avoid that?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @snehamishra2333 Reply

    Damn…this is really helpful in weight loss and concerntration.. I tried many workouts but this one best among all..I lost 1 kg in a span of 4 days..yeah I'm maintaining a proper diet.. I'm not consuming sugar, carbohydrates and crabs

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @oluwafunmilayoatitebi3234 Reply

    Beautiful flow!❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @yvonnenasi Reply

    Love this routine so much!!

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @user-et9mh6tg1v Reply

    I've lost 6 kg. for 2 months my fam was shock with the changes and they were really curious why i was always hiding in my room for an hour

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @irinamelamud5930 Reply

    Just started, 115.4lb with 33” in belly line. will keep you posted. !!!

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @honeygracealoria1596 Reply

    This is incredible ill doing this just 1 day and my bloated stomach like a balloon that slowly release the gas my stomach flaten i can feel that it works effectively..

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM
  • @ShaylinVargas Reply

    Wow!!! First time doing it, and I love it. I will continue doing this. Thank you ❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:41 AM

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