Video Transcript

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is nicole and for today i have a beginner full body pilates workout for you so let’s get started in a seated position with our knees bent take your hands behind your thighs inhale lengthen your spine opening through your chest and exhale round your spine tucking your chin down towards your chest feeling a stretch for your back and again inhale as you lengthen exhale as you round let’s do two more of these taking your gaze slightly up as you open through your chest and then drop your chin down as you round your spine last one inhale lengthen and this time as you round let’s carefully walk our hands down our thighs lowering ourself all the way down to our back rest your head bend your knees and scoot your feet in towards your glutes take your hands on top of your rib cage and feel free to close your eyes on your inhale feel your rib cage grow out to the side expanding into your hands and on your exhale close your ribs in and drop them down towards your hips let’s do this a few more times inhale through your nose expanding through your ribcage exhale through your mouth closing your ribs in and lowering your ribs down to your hips keep going each time that you inhale really try to expand through your ribcage versus lifting through your chest and on your exhale feel that closing in of your ribs and dropping of your ribs down towards your hips engaging through your abdominals and flattening through your lower abs then from here let’s take our hands behind our head interlacing your fingers elbows nice and wide take your inhale this time on your exhale as you lower your ribs down to your hips lift your head and shoulders up gazing towards the top of your thighs then inhale come back down exhale you lift up keeping your chin drop down towards your chest and inhale lower back down so really important here that we are using the strength of our abdominals and that rib to hip connection to lift our head and shoulders up versus pulling on our neck with our hands to prop ourselves up let’s do two more of these exhale as you curl up inhale as you lower and on your last one let’s hold in our curl extend your left arm past your hip and let’s start pumping that left arm nice inhale two three four five and exhale two three four five inhale two three four five and exhale two three four five keeping your chin drop down towards your chest supporting your neck with your right hand last one inhale two three four five and exhale two three four five stay lifted let’s switch hands and let’s go inhale two three four five and exhale two three four five every time that you inhale you’re really thinking of drawing up through your pelvic floor muscles and every time that you exhale you’re dropping your ribs down towards your hips one more round inhale two three four five and exhale two three four five well done rest your head back down and let’s take our hands now down by our sides imprint your spine so all that means is using your lower abdominals press your lower back down into the mat so there’s no gap between your lower back and the mat one leg at a time lift your legs to a tabletop position your knees are directly over your hips and their hip distance apart exhale tap your right toe down to the mat inhale lift it back up then exhale tap your left toes and inhale lift back up so as you exhale and tap your toe down think again of dropping your ribs down towards your hips maintaining that imprinted spine position now you can stay here with your hands on the floor or if you want more of a challenge take your arms up towards the ceiling and as you lower your right foot down reach your left arm overhead and come back through center other side left toe taps right arm reaches back so exhale as you reach the arm back and the foot down inhale as you bring them back through center as you reach that arm back behind you make sure that you’re not flaring through your rib cage we want to keep our ribs nice and closed in now you can stay with this or let’s take our hands behind our head again elbows wide and lift our head and shoulders up into our abdominal curl same thing exhale tap your right toes down inhale lift exhale tap your left toes inhale lift [Music] stay with this or let’s add a twist exhale bring right elbow to left knee as you tap your right toes down then inhale come back through center other side left elbow to right knee as you tap your left toes down and then come back through center keep going with this at your own pace making sure that you keep your lower back in contact with the mat as you tap your toes down to the floor keep breathing exhale twist inhale center exhale twist inhale center [Music] let’s do one more on each side last one well done hug your knees in and rest your head back down let’s take our feet back down onto the floor now shuffle them in towards your glutes so that you can tickle the back of your heels with your fingers make sure your feet are hip distance apart and in parallel on your exhale tuck your pelvis under and roll your hips up vertebrae by vertebra squeezing your glutes lifting your hips up to a bridge height hold on your inhale then exhale vertebrae by vertebra roll your hips back down hold for your inhale and then exhale tuck your hips under roll your hips up again finding your bridge inhale at the top exhale roll back down really trying to articulate through your spine here finding a nice squeeze through your glutes as you lift those hips up towards the sky really press through the heels of your feet to help engage the base of your glutes and stay relaxed through your shoulders and your upper body on this next one let’s hold our hips high making sure our hips are tucked under and there’s no arching through your spine keeping your hips still inhale reach your arms over the head by your ears and exhale tap your arms back down so inhale they reach over exhale they lower so the challenge here is keeping the rest of your body super still it’s just your arms moving make sure that as you reach those arms overhead that your ribs are not flaring open we want to keep them closed in and keep our core engaged [Music] let’s do one more then hold your palms pressing down into the mat keeping again your hips super still on your exhale lift your right leg up to a tabletop position and inhale carefully set your right foot back down exhale left leg lifts inhale set the left foot down so just alternating lifting one leg at a time focusing on keeping your hips nice and stable and level and squeezing through your glutes to keep your hips lifted let’s do one more on each side [Music] then after your last one hold both feet down re-tuck your hips under keeping your hands on the mat or if you want more of a challenge extend your arms up towards the ceiling and let’s pulse our hips up and up just eight more seven pressing through the heels of your feet five four three two and one hold your hips high take your hands back down to the mat and then vertebrae by vertebra roll your hips all the way back down to the floor well done okay we have a little bit more ab work to do take your hands behind your head interlacing your fingers with your elbows wide then let’s imprint our spine again pressing our lower back down into the mat and lift your legs to a tabletop position this time squeezing your thighs together on your exhale curl your head and shoulders up or open your knees but keep your toes together then inhale come back down so exhale you lift up opening your knees inhale lower back down closing your knees so coming into a nice little foggy position with our legs think of all of the same techniques that we did before last one now hold in your curl with your knees open let’s flex our feet now and squeeze our heels together inhale shoot your legs straight up towards the ceiling engaging your inner thighs exhale bend your knees back in then inhale shoot your legs out on a diagonal exhale pull your knees back in keep going extending them straight up to the sky back in and then out to the diagonal and back in now if this is too much with your head lifted you could always take your head back down onto the mat with your arms down by your side on your next one hold your legs up towards the ceiling and point your toes start crisscrossing your legs really working your inner thighs maybe take them down a few inches challenging your lower abs maybe even a little bit lower for 10 9 8 7 6 five four three two one well done hug your knees in rest your head turn your head right and left to release any tension and then let’s come on to our side so coming onto the right side of your body resting your head in your hand bend your knees and stack your hips and your legs on top of one another if being propped up on your elbow starts to bother you a little bit you could always come all the way down onto your arm resting your head on your arm let’s start by opening our left knee out and then close it in so you just open and close you have eight more of these as you open your knee make sure that your toes stay together and that your hips are not rocking back so we want to keep our hips nice and still as we open our left knee out we have two more of these on this next one inhale open your knee exhale extend your leg out in line with your body inhale bring your toes back together and exhale close your knee back down so you inhale open the knee exhale extend really reaching through your toes inhale bring your toes together exhale close your knees so this is really great for the outside of our glutes as well as our outer thighs and legs we do four more of these keep trying to stay lifted through the underside of your waist so keep pushing your hip away from you with that left hand we have two more [Music] and on this last one hold your left leg extended out in line with your body let’s take ten circles in one direction really reaching with those toes finding length through that leg and then reverse it ten circles the other way taking your left fingertips down onto the mat for a little extra support here now hold your circle keeping your leg at hip height or slightly higher flex your foot on your inhale kick the leg straight forward exhale point your toes kick the leg straight back we do this 10 times really focusing on keeping the leg at exactly the same height as you kick the leg forward and kick the leg back trying not to rock too much through our hips we’re keeping our core nice and engaged trying to keep the rest of our body super still [Music] got two more last one hold your leg extended back reach your left arm up towards the sky and let’s finish with little pulses we lift it up and up really reaching through those toes you got it this is the final little burn for our glutes just ten more nine eight seven six five four three two and one well done rest your leg back down give that glute a nice little hit and then push yourself up so that you’re sitting on your right hip inhale reach your right arm up towards the sky exhale side bend over to your left then inhale take your right hand down to the mat exhale reach your left arm overhead and again inhale right arm lifts exhale side bend to the left inhale right hand lowers exhale left arm reaches overhead well done okay let’s switch sides so now lying down on the left side of your body let’s find that same position so you can have your head propped up or you can take your left arm long and rest your head on your arm whichever option feels best for you exhale open your right knee inhale close so we do this 10 times again making sure that as you open your right knee that you’re not rocking through your hips we want to keep our hips super still and really just using the strength of our outer glute and our outer thighs to open our knee okay let’s add that extension so inhale open your knee exhale extend your leg out in line with your body inhale toes come together exhale close your knee so inhale open exhale extend inhale tap your toes exhale close make sure here that as you extend your leg out that it’s in line with your body so it’s slightly extending back behind you making sure that your hips stay still and they stay stacked on top of one another really reach through those right toes extending through your right leg finding that engagement through your leg muscles [Music] on your next one hold your leg extended out let’s go back to those little circles so 10 circles one way let’s take our right fingertips down onto the mat in front of us for a little extra support for this one and reverse ten circles in the other direction really reaching through those toes finding length through the right side of our body and last one hold your legs still inhale flex your foot kick the leg forward exhale point your toes kick the leg back really important here that as you kick the leg back that you’re not arching through your spine so think of that rib to hip connection inhale kick forward exhale ribs drop down towards your hips as you kick that leg back you’ve got it guys keep that leg at the same height embracing the burn that you’re feeling in your glutes let’s do one more now hold your leg extended back final change reach your right arm up to the ceiling and let’s lift the leg up and up you got it try to lift the leg a little bit higher than hip height final little burn here let’s do 10 more nine eight really reaching through that right arm six five four three two and one good job relax that leg back down give your glue a little hit and then pop yourself up to that seated position for our mermaid stretch inhale reach your left arm up exhale side bend over to the right then inhale left hand comes down to the floor exhale reach your right arm over one more time inhale and exhale side bend inhale left hand comes down exhale reach your right arm over and then come back up to seated well done guys we don’t have too much longer left of class let’s come into a tabletop position on our hands and knees now so making sure that your knees are directly underneath your hips and your hands directly underneath your shoulders draw your navel in towards your spine engaging your core on your inhale carefully lower your elbows down towards the floor and exhale straighten your arms so inhale you lower your elbows down to the floor exhale straighten keeping your spine nice and straight one more now stay with this or if you want more of a challenge inhale you bend your elbows your weight shifts back slightly then shift your weight forward and exhale press up so inhale lower the elbows shift your weight forward more into your hands and press up so creating these kind of circles with our body here really getting into our triceps and the back of our arms let’s do one more well done hopefully you felt a little burn through the back of your arms with that one okay from here stay in your tabletop position on your exhale walk your right foot back into a plank and then your left foot then set your right knee back down and your left knee back down now lead with the left you step back and back then lower the left knee then the right knee alternating the leading leg each time that you walk those feet back to a plank on your next one hold in your plank position draw your navel in really press through your shoulders inhale lift your hips up and exhale lower them back down finding your plank so you just lift and lower drawing up through your navel to pike your hips up really pressing through your shoulders each time you exhale returning to your plank remember that rib to hip connection okay let’s do one more now hold in your plank position we are finishing class today just holding in this strong plank so really draw your navel in take your gaze towards the top of your mat press through your shoulders and breathe you’re here for eight more seconds seven six five four three two and one well done set your knees back down and press your hips back into a well-deserved child’s pose flip your palms up towards the sky to release any tension through your shoulders and just let your forehead rest heavy into your mat here letting your whole body relax [Music] then very carefully vertebrae by vertebra roll your spine up finding a nice straight posture up tall inhale reach your arms up towards the sky interlace your fingers and exhale side bend over to your right [Music] inhale come through center exhale side bend to your left feeling a nice stretch for the right side of your body inhale come back through center then exhale release your hands behind your back interlacing your fingers inhale straighten your arms open through your heart center taking your gaze up and feeling a nice open sensation through your chest and through your shoulders then carefully release let’s take our hands on top of our thighs closing our eyes and just take a few big shoulder rolls up and back and reverse lifting the shoulders up and forward beautiful let’s finish class today with one last big inhale reaching our arms up to the sky and exhale lowering our hands down to prayer thank you so much everyone for joining me today for this beginner pilates workout i hope you enjoyed it if you want to see more videos like this don’t forget to like this video leave me a comment share this video with a friend and subscribe to my channel thank you so much everyone and i look forward to seeing you next time you

Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer

Your Destination for Yoga and Pilates Excellence

Are you ready to transform your body and mind with the power of yoga and Pilates?

At Top Fitness Influencer, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals by focusing on flexibility, balance, and core strength. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey, our comprehensive resources and high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing will support you every step of the way.

The Benefits of Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are two powerful practices that offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

Here’s how they can enhance your life:

Yoga: Harmony and Relaxation

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote overall well-being.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved Flexibility: Regular yoga practice stretches and lengthens your muscles, improving your range of motion and reducing stiffness.
  • Enhanced Balance: Yoga poses a challenge to your balance and coordination, helping to prevent falls and improve stability.
  • Stress Relief: The mindful breathing and meditation techniques used in yoga can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Mindfulness: Yoga encourages you to be present and aware, fostering a deeper connection between your mind and body.

Pilates: Core Strength and Posture

Pilates focuses on controlled movements and precise techniques to strengthen your core and improve your posture.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Core Strength: Pilates exercises target the deep abdominal muscles, helping to build a strong and stable core.
  • Improved Posture: By strengthening the muscles that support your spine, Pilates helps you maintain good posture and reduce back pain.
  • Increased Flexibility: Like yoga, Pilates enhances your flexibility through controlled, flowing movements.
  • Body Awareness: Pilates promotes body awareness, helping you understand and correct your movement patterns.

What We Offer

At Top Fitness Influencer, we provide a wealth of resources to help you get the most out of your yoga and pilates practice.

Here’s what you can expect:

Expertly Designed Workouts

Our collection of certified instructors has created a variety of yoga and Pilates workouts tailored to all fitness levels and goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, we have the perfect routine for you.

Comprehensive Training Guides

Our in-depth training guides provide step-by-step instructions and tips to help you master the fundamentals of yoga and pilates. From beginner poses to advanced techniques, our guides cover everything you need to know to practice safely and effectively.

Wellness Tips and Articles

Stay informed and inspired with our wellness tips and articles. Learn about the latest trends in yoga and pilates, discover new practices, and find advice on how to incorporate mindfulness and relaxation into your daily life.

Community Support

Join Top Fitness Influencer with our vibrant community of yoga and pilates enthusiasts. Connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, and find support and motivation to stay committed to your practice.

Enhance Your Practice with Top Brand Clothing

To get the most out of your yoga and pilates sessions, it’s essential to wear comfortable and functional activewear. We recommend Top Brand Clothing products for their superior quality and performance.

Why Choose Top Brand Clothing?

  • Durability: Made from high-quality materials, Top Brand Clothing products are built to last, ensuring you can rely on them for your intense workouts.
  • Comfort: With features like moisture-wicking fabric and ergonomic designs, these products provide unmatched comfort during your practice.
  • Style: Top Brand Clothing offers stylish and trendy activewear that makes you look and feel great both on and off the mat.
  • Performance: Designed to enhance your performance, these products support your movements and help you get the most out of your workouts.

Top Brand Clothing Products We Recommend

  • Yoga Sets: Perfect for your yoga sessions, these sets offer flexibility and comfort.
  • Activewear: Versatile and durable, activewear from Top Brand Clothing is ideal for both yoga and Pilates.
  • Shorts: Stay cool and comfortable during your practice with lightweight and breathable shorts.
  • Sports Bras: Provide the support you need with sports bras that are designed for maximum comfort and performance.
  • Swimwear: Whether you’re practicing yoga by the pool or hitting the beach, Top Brand Clothing’s swimwear keeps you stylish and comfortable.

Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to embark on your journey to improved flexibility, balance, and core strength?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

Browse our extensive library of yoga and Pilates workouts and choose the ones that suit your goals and fitness level. Each workout is designed to help you progress and improve at your own pace.

2. Read Our Training Guides

Dive into our training guides to learn the fundamentals of yoga and Pilates. These guides provide valuable insights and tips to help you practice safely and effectively.

3. Join Our Community

Become a part of the Top Fitness Influencer community and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Share your progress, ask questions, and find motivation and support from like-minded individuals.

4. Shop Top Brand Clothing

Invest in high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing to enhance your practice. Browse their collection of yoga sets, activewear, shorts, sports bras, and swimwear to find the perfect gear for your needs.

Focus on Your Well-Being Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the transformative power of yoga and Pilates. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental well-being, reduce stress, and find a greater sense of balance and harmony.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced firsthand the incredible benefits of yoga and Pilates, and I’m passionate about sharing this journey with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a supportive community where people can come together to learn, grow, and achieve their wellness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, Top Fitness Influencer is here to support you every step of the way.

Join us today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you. With our expert resources, motivating community, and top-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing, you’ll be well-equipped to transform your body and mind.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

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Comments (35)

  • @georganaromano6577 Reply

    Still living this class ❤so very much. Wakes me up in the morning and gives me energy mentally and physically. Thank you so much!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @7Brenda.Aguilar Reply

    Thank you!❤ 05.29.24

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @peppiwah7040 Reply

    Well this humbled me 😅

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @jhodiesonit7789 Reply

    thanks Nicole

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @user-so4fs2fs4l Reply

    Ummm…..beginner…. If beginner is level 1 I think I need a level 0 😂🤣

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @natalieg4632 Reply

    This is a legit workout, my legs were on fire the majority of this video….

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @georganaromano6577 Reply

    I just love ❤ doing these first things in the morning after drinking a glass of water. This is really all I need to stay in shape. Thank you so much!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @tugceuludag7366 Reply

    Is this L4-L5 herniated disc friendly?

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @nicolastavrinou3163 Reply

    Crikey what's the advanced like lol

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @shermaynneong751 Reply

    Thank you so much for this!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @ayyrar1770 Reply

    Day 1 : 11:08

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @BiniAvocado Reply

    the sweat came out of my eyes… i started crying

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @joeltam7079 Reply

    Very good workout…!!!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @isabellarxd Reply

    Does anyone else keep getting confused on exhaling and inhaling 😭😭😭

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @visje0012 Reply

    this is not for beginners at all

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @NatiDeNut Reply

    Misleading title! This is definitely NOT for beginners. There are not enough rests to make it possible to keep working at these positions.

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @urmilaghelani Reply

    This was so worth 25mins. Felt a lot of burn in my thighs especially and that's what my target area is. if this was beginner level.. i'm gonna have to master this first.. for next few days i'll try to be consistent.

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @user-vv8nc3zi6r Reply

    so happy that i found this video! super relaxing for a beginner like me🤗🤎

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @goldenqueen836 Reply

    This is my first time doing pilatrd but it was very fun and overall relaxing for my body. Now I understand why a lot of people do this as a workout.🩵🩵🩵

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @ledouximmobilier Reply

    I wanted to try pilates and came across your video. I was skeptical about a « calmer » workout since I once tried yoga and really didn’t like it. I’m a gym girl, used to sweat. I’ve been having some issues getting back in shape after the pandemic. This workout helps me so much with my motivation to exercise! When I finish, I’m calm and even though I really felt the burn, I don’t feel exhausted at all. I was sore after the first time I tried it, but ever since, I don’t get sore at all!!! I can do this everyday, from home, to take a break from my studies and from work. I have no excuse to not do it, you’re basically laying down through it all 😂 once I’m able to get through all of the workout without feeling too much of a burn, I’ll definitely level up to a harder or longer pilates video! Thank you so much for this ❤

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @eri7-11 Reply

    That was real good 4.5

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @bluereallyhatesyou Reply

    this is the 4th time i’ve done this and it’s the 1st time i’ve been able to do it all the way!! progress!!!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @gemmalouandpoppytooxxx3573 Reply

    If this is beginner it’s game over for me 💀

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @zoemfino Reply

    The glutes part!!! My legs are shaking Ma’am!😭

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @isabel-to4os Reply

    Glute burn was intense!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @krititailor8159 Reply

    This humbled me really quick lmao

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @charliexox9793 Reply

    Those glutes 😅

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @carrotland3875 Reply

    15:22 hurts me in words I can't explain.

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @samanthabeatty5494 Reply

    Ain’t no way this is beginner baby I’m burning up 😂

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @imtherealminyoonginokiddin9999 Reply

    When I see other people doing pilates, I thought that it was so easy! And now that I'm doing these myself, I never even imagined the intensity of it😩. Respect to all pilates instructor here on YouTube. I have to chug 3 glasses of water after this one

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @kymsmith4430 Reply

    Day 2 of my “28 day challenge after having a baby and not exercising for 2 years” done!

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @erinsymone1645 Reply

    This was the perfect gentle workout to ease me back in after not being on the mat for 2 weeks! Thank you.

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @MagdalenaBridger-Ulloa Reply


    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @analjubica8730 Reply

    If this is begginera one what is pro one😢

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
  • @elizabethhohman3928 Reply

    I loved this! This is my first time trying Pilates and I feel like it was the perfect intensity for me being a beginner. It was challenging enough to feel super accomplished after 🫶

    May 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM

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