15 Yoga Poses That’ll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month

15 Yoga Poses That’ll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month

Video Transcript

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pose number one the downward facing dog we’ll begin our yoga sesh with a downward facing dog pose so get on all fours keeping your wrists below your shoulders and your knees under your hips then tuck your toes under press your hands into the floor and straighten your legs to bring your bum up towards the ceiling we’re gonna hold this pose for 30 seconds ready let’s go the downward facing dog is one of the main poses in most types of yoga it works stretches and strengthens your entire body if it’s too hard for you you can bend your knees a little bit 10 more seconds and great job [Music] pose number two plank nothing can pump up the effectiveness of a workout like the plank can so let’s do it start by getting into a push-up position now place your forearms on the ground so that your elbows are right below your shoulders make sure that your body forms a straight line from head to toe and that’s it you’re planking we’ll put 30 seconds on the clock go the plank is actually one of the rare exercises that not only strengthen your core but also work your entire body it can be pretty difficult to hold but controlling your breathing is a nice little trick to make this exercise a little easier five four three two one well done pose number three upward plank while we’re still planking let’s try another type this one’s called an upward plank sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and your hands behind you then lift your hips while keeping your toes pressed to the floor all clear great your 30 seconds starts now [Music] [Music] the upward plank pose stretches your upper body improves your balance and strengthens your arms legs glutes and core just like with the regular plank control your breathing to make it easier five more seconds [Music] bravo [Music] pose number four the tree [Music] to get in the tree pose stand tall with your feet together slowly lift your right knee up grab it and place your right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg close to your groin now lift your arms up to the sky with your palms together let’s begin with your right leg raised for 30 seconds if you’re completely new to the world of yoga practicing the tree pose is definitely a great starting point it improves your balance and teaches you how to breathe correctly you’re doing great keep it up and amazing now let’s do the same thing with your left knee raised [Music] [Music] tree pose also strengthens and tones the calves ankles and inner thighs so doing this exercise regularly will leave you with some very nice looking legs as an added bonus it also does a lot for your core three two one done pose number five warrior one take a really wide stance and rotate your hips so that your right leg is in front of you and your left leg is behind you bend your right knee so that your shin forms a straight vertical line roll your shoulders back lift your chest and reach your arms with your palms together let’s do 30 seconds on the right foot warrior one stance is one of the main poses in many yoga practices it’s essential for improving the strength of the core and the entire lower body while you’re doing it be sure to breathe calmly and now change it up to your left leg among other things warrior one also gives a good stretch to your chest lungs shoulders hips thighs and the list goes on try not to tip your pelvis forward as it can put too much pressure on your lower back we’re almost done and that’s it for warrior one now get ready for warrior stance two pose number six warrior two like warrior one stand with your feet about one leg length apart but don’t square your hips this time turn your right foot out and bend that knee at a 45 degree angle now stretch your arms out to the sides and gaze over with your right hand let’s do half a minute on the right side [Music] warrior 2 stretches your hips and inner thighs while improving your balance 10-fold if you have any kind of neck problems don’t turn your head to look over your hand though just look straight ahead [Music] okay now let’s do the left side [Music] warrior 2 can also help improve digestion and relieve backaches not to mention it significantly increases your stamina making you stronger both physically and mentally just a couple more seconds and done [Music] pose number seven the extended side angle [Music] start by getting into warrior two only instead of stretching your arms out to the sides bend your body to place your right hand on the floor next to your right foot then stretch your left hand up towards the ceiling keeping a straight line from the right hand to the left as always let’s begin with the right side this particular pose is designed to target the sides of the torso and strengthen the legs hips hamstrings calves shoulders chest and spine [Music] so basically your whole body not bad right and now time to switch to your left side the extended side angle pose also opens up the lungs improves digestion and helps relieve stress oh and it can sharpen your mind too try to focus on exactly what each part of your body is doing during the pose doing this regularly will make all of your problems with concentration disappear and that’s it for this pose take a deep breath and let’s move on to the next one pose number eight seated forward bend let’s get back down on the floor shall we sit down with your legs pulled together straight out in front of you now start to lean forward from your waist reaching for your toes once you’ve reached your limit as far as stretching goes hold it for the next 30 seconds you can probably feel it right about now but this pose is awesome for stretching your lower and upper back as well as your hamstrings it opens up the entire body teaches you to breathe when you’re in an uncomfortable position helps with headaches and anxiety and reduces fatigue just make sure to keep your back straight and do the pose correctly hold it a little more and nailed it pose number nine bridge lie on your back with your knees bent up lift your hips up towards the ceiling and hold this position yep it’s pretty straight forward your time starts now the bridge is yet another essential pose for beginners it manages to stretch both the front and the back of the body it also improves blood circulation and digestion helps relieve stress and opens the lungs and thyroid not that many exercises can do that right [Music] hold it and done keep up the energy the next exercise is right around the corner pose number 10 child’s pose start child’s pose by sitting on your knees on the mat then lower your head to the floor with your hands reaching forward or rested at your sides now just relax for the next 30 seconds child’s pose is the best resting pose for any stress and tension relief it’s also good to do it in between difficult exercises to calm down your body and mind plus it improves your digestion relieves back and neck pain and stretches your hips thighs and ankles and time’s up pose number 11 cobra pose to get into cobra pose start from the downward facing dog after that come forward into a plank bend your elbows and slowly lower your hips down to the floor roll your shoulders back and gently lift your upper body elegant and easy ready to hold it for the next 30 seconds then let’s get to it [Music] this pose strengthens your back and opens up your chest and shoulders it also decreases stiffness in the lower back do it carefully if you have any back injuries in that case it’s actually better to stay away from this pose until you get better [Music] three two one nice [Music] pose number twelve bow pose this one’s not too hard depending on your flexibility just lie on your stomach on the ground or mat bend your knees lift your thighs up off the floor reach back and grab your ankles hold it there for half a minute bow pose is a miracle for stretching the whole front and back of your body while additionally improving your posture and spinal flexibility however if you have frequent migraines or insomnia it’s better to avoid this pose the same goes for those diagnosed with high or low blood pressure just replace this one with a different yoga pose [Music] and wonderful three more exercises to go [Music] pose number 13 boat pose [Music] start by sitting on the ground bend your knees lean back and lift your feet until your shins are parallel to the floor if you feel comfortable with this position extend your arms forward straighten your legs so that your body makes a v shape there you go you’re now a boat be one for the next 30 seconds boat pose is a huge stress reliever it also improves digestion stimulates the kidneys thyroid and intestines and strengthens the thighs and lower back if you’re a lady and it’s that time of the month you are better off skipping on this pose since it won’t be very beneficial for you during your period it’s also not advisable to do it regularly if you suffer from asthma or diarrhea three more seconds and stop you’re doing great keep it up pose number 14 fish pose for this one start off by lying on your back keeping your feet on the floor and your knees bent then lift your upper body while sliding your hands under your butt keep your forearms and elbows close to the sides of your body and to lift your upper back off the floor your 30 seconds begin right now [Music] this pose strengthens your hamstrings and lower back it also opens up your hips and ribcage again if you have migraines or insomnia this pose definitely shouldn’t be part of your yoga training during menstruation however it can help ease the pain [Music] three two one done [Music] ready for our last exercise [Music] pose number fifteen wind relieving exercise this final exercise does exactly what it sounds like but we’ll get into that later let’s start by lying on your back and bringing both knees up to your chest press on your lower abdomen by holding your knees tight in your arms then raise your head neck and chest and bring them close to your knees hug yourself like this for the next 30 seconds this pose helps improve your digestion and release toxic gas from your system yep hence the name as for your muscles it mostly stretches your lower back and strengthens the spine come on almost there and congrats you’ve completed the entire workout give yourself a nice pat on the back for this

Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer

Your Destination for Yoga and Pilates Excellence

Are you ready to transform your body and mind with the power of yoga and Pilates?

At Top Fitness Influencer, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals by focusing on flexibility, balance, and core strength. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey, our comprehensive resources and high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing will support you every step of the way.

The Benefits of Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are two powerful practices that offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

Here’s how they can enhance your life:

Yoga: Harmony and Relaxation

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote overall well-being.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved Flexibility: Regular yoga practice stretches and lengthens your muscles, improving your range of motion and reducing stiffness.
  • Enhanced Balance: Yoga poses a challenge to your balance and coordination, helping to prevent falls and improve stability.
  • Stress Relief: The mindful breathing and meditation techniques used in yoga can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Mindfulness: Yoga encourages you to be present and aware, fostering a deeper connection between your mind and body.

Pilates: Core Strength and Posture

Pilates focuses on controlled movements and precise techniques to strengthen your core and improve your posture.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Core Strength: Pilates exercises target the deep abdominal muscles, helping to build a strong and stable core.
  • Improved Posture: By strengthening the muscles that support your spine, Pilates helps you maintain good posture and reduce back pain.
  • Increased Flexibility: Like yoga, Pilates enhances your flexibility through controlled, flowing movements.
  • Body Awareness: Pilates promotes body awareness, helping you understand and correct your movement patterns.

What We Offer

At Top Fitness Influencer, we provide a wealth of resources to help you get the most out of your yoga and pilates practice.

Here’s what you can expect:

Expertly Designed Workouts

Our collection of certified instructors has created a variety of yoga and Pilates workouts tailored to all fitness levels and goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, we have the perfect routine for you.

Comprehensive Training Guides

Our in-depth training guides provide step-by-step instructions and tips to help you master the fundamentals of yoga and pilates. From beginner poses to advanced techniques, our guides cover everything you need to know to practice safely and effectively.

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Enhance Your Practice with Top Brand Clothing

To get the most out of your yoga and pilates sessions, it’s essential to wear comfortable and functional activewear. We recommend Top Brand Clothing products for their superior quality and performance.

Why Choose Top Brand Clothing?

  • Durability: Made from high-quality materials, Top Brand Clothing products are built to last, ensuring you can rely on them for your intense workouts.
  • Comfort: With features like moisture-wicking fabric and ergonomic designs, these products provide unmatched comfort during your practice.
  • Style: Top Brand Clothing offers stylish and trendy activewear that makes you look and feel great both on and off the mat.
  • Performance: Designed to enhance your performance, these products support your movements and help you get the most out of your workouts.

Top Brand Clothing Products We Recommend

  • Yoga Sets: Perfect for your yoga sessions, these sets offer flexibility and comfort.
  • Activewear: Versatile and durable, activewear from Top Brand Clothing is ideal for both yoga and Pilates.
  • Shorts: Stay cool and comfortable during your practice with lightweight and breathable shorts.
  • Sports Bras: Provide the support you need with sports bras that are designed for maximum comfort and performance.
  • Swimwear: Whether you’re practicing yoga by the pool or hitting the beach, Top Brand Clothing’s swimwear keeps you stylish and comfortable.

Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to embark on your journey to improved flexibility, balance, and core strength?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

Browse our extensive library of yoga and Pilates workouts and choose the ones that suit your goals and fitness level. Each workout is designed to help you progress and improve at your own pace.

2. Read Our Training Guides

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4. Shop Top Brand Clothing

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Focus on Your Well-Being Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the transformative power of yoga and Pilates. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental well-being, reduce stress, and find a greater sense of balance and harmony.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced firsthand the incredible benefits of yoga and Pilates, and I’m passionate about sharing this journey with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a supportive community where people can come together to learn, grow, and achieve their wellness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, build core strength, or find balance, Top Fitness Influencer is here to support you every step of the way.

Join us today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you. With our expert resources, motivating community, and top-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing, you’ll be well-equipped to transform your body and mind.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

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Comments (49)


    Pose #1. The Downward-Facing Dog 0:45
    Pose #2. Plank 1:52
    Pose #3. Upward Plank 2:56
    Pose #4. The Tree 3:56
    Pose #5. Warrior 1 5:35
    Pose #6. Warrior 2 7:15
    Pose #7. The Extended Side Angle 8:52
    Pose #8. Seated Forward Bend 10:32
    Pose #9. Bridge 11:30
    Pose #10. Child's Pose 12:28
    Pose #11. Cobra Pose 13:22
    Pose #12. Bow Pose 14:24
    Pose #13. Boat pose 15:22
    Pose #14. Fish Pose 16:26
    Pose #15. Wind Relieving Pose 17:29

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @DavidMMKing Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @Sivakumar-lh8xr Reply

    Our Indian culture 💪🏻

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @sherules5005 Reply

    5/5/24 The reverse plank with both heel and toes on the floor was the most challenging pose for me. I managed still. Namaste 🙏🏾

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @benquinneyiii7941 Reply

    Be the boat

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @dimpleverma1942 Reply

    I have been following this since 2020, three times a week min, has helped me a lot mentally and physically. THANK YOU! Pls also post some other routine that I can add to this set of 15 yoga poses.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @Jordan-NaeBrown Reply

    Im 12 and i was in pain doing these moves and i am on my period which didnt make it any better😢

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @xoxo.shanzz Reply

    I've recently working on focusing more on my physical AND mental health… I stopped my bad habit of binge-eating and I also exercise regularly. These yoga poses, along with some jumping jacks, burpees, crunches and more exercises have really changed my body for the better. Feeling so much healthier and 100x more confident! Trust me, it's hard at first, but it's DEFINITELY worth it <3

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-ro3kc5yj7e Reply

    I really like Adrienne’s 30 day Yoga, for me it’s the best online class.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @bestboyteentitans70 Reply

    what for ?? tell me

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @oscarsaldanaudio Reply

    It’s not just the postures but breathing.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-xd2fk5gy9r Reply

    Practicing yoga since 12 years….️️️ Immensely beautiful change to mind and body….words not enough to explain it️️️

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-fq8ly1rm5h Reply

    This is a great video, a yoga instructor and these are amazing poses for your body, mind, and soul. Do these practices you won't regret it.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @moumitapaul5285 Reply

    Any yogas for weight gain?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @veejohn139 Reply

    Im doing yoga for 18 yrs. I wish people could try it.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @oneslice5059 Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @MarianDouglasUngaro Reply

    The repetitive “TIMER” NOISE is super annoying, and strange. 😳🙁

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @Msdjebe Reply

    Great exercises but ads in the middle are highly annoying.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @saimadisetty5805 Reply

    Thanks for sharing.❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @rapunzeluchiha Reply

    Lets do this
    Weight: 74 kg
    Day 1: Done

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @krishnaveni1349 Reply

    I am operated to my spine l4l5 fixation and fusion and I have spondylitis to my neck can try these poses

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @vimalag5194 Reply

    I started doing these poses last year and within a month my body improved tremendously.

    All my aches and pain were gone, stamina and flexibility increased quite a lot, insomnia was gone, focus and memory improved and increased my overall energy.

    Thank you so much for this video, the order of the poses works well for beginners and the countdown makes practising much easier than having to put timer or count on our own.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @kimsatathi3793 Reply

    It would be great if it's not interrupted by ads😥. So annoying!

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @gbz4187 Reply

    Bright Side, how about creating videos without copying other videos made by Indians.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @mahaadharunyasj4782 Reply

    13/1/2024 started today
    Day 1: ✅

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @princeiconterrellmiyake-mu249 Reply

    I gave my self a pat on the back my second day ❤😊 I always wanted to do yoga when I was a teenager it seemed so stress relieving and just a heavenly experience but now I see it's a little work to 😂 I really appreciate this video. Thank you. Everyday ❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @skyju2499 Reply

    Thank you so much for the help.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @krithikatanvi2379 Reply

    Will this yoga be helpful for diabetic patients?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @mateushosken4550 Reply

    Thanks a bunch!

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @ayatfatima1552 Reply


    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @starzsaligned Reply

    Too many ads in between the video

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @uniquecreativity4489 Reply

    I have pinched nerve issue in my right leg should I do warrior pose and extended side angle cause it makes pain worse

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @FreuaKane-vt4wl Reply

    It's too much for a 15 stone teenager

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @FreuaKane-vt4wl Reply

    I go to 9:24 too much

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @deetin3658 Reply

    how cute the drips of water

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-tn6ur7zv5v Reply

    mind and life

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @kavyakhandelwal8711 Reply

    When you realise that the majority of the yoga poses are from Surya namaskar❤

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @moongoddess88888 Reply

    Anyone know the calorie burn of this workout?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @elvijsx Reply

    can i just do some yoga without disgusting period and diarrhea talk

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @olgaovcharenko9350 Reply

    It helped me so much now I’m so flexible that I can even not break my leg😊

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @mariadoaga9376 Reply

    Mille grazie a quoando si posono fare meglio la matina?

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-naeima4 Reply

    I did this and i am so glad i did it it workes perfectly all 15 some was hard but i realy finish 😂😂😂😅😅😅

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @Highfive77719 Reply

    Day 1: 16 sept 2023.

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @sweetysharma8903 Reply

    Sweetydev day 2

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @sweetysharma8903 Reply

    Sweeetydev day 1

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-fj8dn4rr6y Reply

    I'm thin can I do these asanas ? But I doesn't want to loose weight

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @spadigha.s4920 Reply

    Pretty effective video. Been practicing these for 2 years straight! My spine thanks me. Gradually over the months it tones your body. Improves flexibility, strength and breathing. Improves mental well-being. Instant happiness. Been there through it all. It's simple yet effective. Happy yoga♥️

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @gursimrankaur8521 Reply

    It is my 3rd day and it has become quite easy for me 😊😊

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM
  • @user-ne4ol1sg1l Reply

    ashtanga yoga

    May 24, 2024 at 12:42 PM

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