WWE’s Natalya Neidhart Sizzles With This Full Body Garage Workout

WWE’s Natalya Neidhart Sizzles With This Full Body Garage Workout

WWE’s Natalya Neidhart is known for being one of the most well-conditioned athletes in all of professional wrestling, and if her Instagram posts are anything to go by, she owes much of her enviable physique to getting her sweat on during sizzling garage workouts. As the dominant grappler demonstrates, all you need to complete the Natalya Neidhart Garage Workout is a pair of dumbbells and a will to succeed.

“Don’t tell me, show me,” read the caption of Neidhart’s recent IG training video, shared with her whopping 5.6 million followers. The WWE superstar, who is the daughter of the late Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, and the niece of Bret “Hitman” Hart, understands that actions are louder than words, and that’s why she is just as happy crushing her workouts in her home garage as she is in WWE’s flashy Performance Center.


Natalya Neidhart Turns Up the Heat With a Sizzling Garage Workout

The former WWE champ can be seen taking a dumbbell and passing it over to each hand before lowering and raising it, while executing lateral lunges for good measure. This type of movement will activate your entire body, utilizing the quads, abductors, glutes and hamstrings in the lower body, while tightening the core for stability, and working the arms with the dumbbell. Neidhart then takes the dumbbell and raises it skyward for some slow and controlled triceps extensions. She’s also wearing Power Cuffs around her upper thighs to add the element of blood flow restriction training.

One impressed Instagram follower wanted to know more. “What’s your current workout split?” they asked. “I just try to work hard every day,” responded the popular pro wrestler. “And I take a ton of vitamins and I do a lot of recovery work,” she added. “We’re nothing without our bodies being in the best shape.”

Neidhart talked in greater detail to M&F about her fitness regime earlier this year. “I’m into intermittent fasting,” she explained. “I’ve lost 25 pounds in the last year-and-a-half. I’m religious about vitamins, I take so many vitamins, it just keeps me on my toes. I just got a hyperbaric (oxygen therapy) chamber. I’m big on brain health, just getting tons of oxygen to my body. And I’m obsessed with living a healthy life. But it’s all about balance, because I also love my Oreos!”

Natalya Neidhart is currently part of WWE’s RAW brand and can be seen on Netflix. She also has a new best-selling autobiography out titled “The Last Hart Beating.”

Available now on Amazon. 

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