60 Minute Strength & Conditioning Workout | IGNITE – Day 9

60 Minute Strength & Conditioning Workout | IGNITE – Day 9

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 60 minute strength and conditioning workout so grab your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 60 minute workout we have a full body workout a strength move paired up with a cardio or conditioning move or a body weight move okay i’ve decided to bring a couple more things in today so i’ve got my little dumbbell rack here but i’ve got my 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells okay and then my water and sweat towel of course and then i’ve got a bench here as always you will not need any of this equipment if you want to do body weight i’ll show you everything up here in the window for modifications as well as low impact so if you don’t have dumbbells or you can’t jump right now watch the modification window okay very excited to get into this with you let’s go ahead and get started make sure before you head out today you give the video a thumbs up as soon as you’re done and subscribe to the channel it helps us out a lot guys and i really appreciate it alright big wide stance we’re going to take heels to glutes in three two one let’s go good i know your time is valuable so we’re going to jump right into this two one arms to the side let’s twist now if you’re intimidated about a 60 minute workout don’t be okay i pace it out so there’s more rest throughout this workout versus a 30 minute workout okay i know we have to last the whole time and i know i want you to get good incremental work throughout this workout okay stop in the middle cross and open so the intensity will be dialed back a little bit focus on strength good job and breathing the whole time i’m gonna constantly remind you to breathe good three two one and let’s hinge it down front bend and stand bend stand good squeeze the glutes at the top there we go three two and one perfect step it back high kicks and switch that’s it be here today ready to respect your body for all it can do for you okay you’re gonna show yourself you’re strong you’re gonna show yourself you’re making the right choices to live this fit and healthy life okay one more that’s it open it up to a squat i always think of a workout as showing up and giving my body respect right i challenge it by getting some blood flow to my muscles getting my heart pumping getting a good sweat on okay and that way i’m respecting my body respecting my health okay keeping myself strong three two one hands down here let’s take your legs out a little wider bend and straighten good job perfect feel that stretch in the straight leg push back over with your bent leg three two and one good hop back into the middle let’s jog it out okay get your mind right for this workout okay i feel like there’s so much pressure with the 60 minute workout i feel it i see it in the comments every single time we do a 60 get your mind right okay you’re going to be fine we’re going to push each other we have rest throughout okay let’s go side to side just make sure you come into this with an attitude that says yes i can whatever it looks like modifications pausing a little bit rocking the whole thing yes we can okay let’s get into your first move all right light dumbbells we’ve got a push-up and row modification right over here okay one push-up one row all right let’s go together in four 40 seconds three two one let’s go strong body big pull that’s it now if you want to go down to your hands get your hands off the dumbbells that’s okay okay go with what works for you think about flexing your legs squeezing your glutes together 15 seconds [Music] beautiful 5 four three two one good 20 seconds rest we go again for 40 and then we go for 30 seconds okay so you’ve got a 40 a 40 and a 30 today okay we’ll do these one at a time here all right ready four three two one let’s go [Music] good i want you focusing on activating all your muscles up top here legs abs glutes and arms [Music] 40 seconds here this is our last 40. i’ll push up row there you go good mindset saying yes i can [Music] beautiful eight seven two one rest good twenty seconds rest we have one last round of thirty in the 30 second round it’s your opportunity to turn the intensity up just a little bit more progressive overload so if you can go heavier you need to last this whole time with the same weight bump up the intensity ready let’s go last round three two one come on 30 seconds [Music] good job almost there 13 12. eight seven come on three two one and rest throw those dumbbells out of the way beautiful work we go into a jump rope i realize now i left my jump rope off stage so i’m gonna go right here with you okay jump rope with or without the rope 13 seconds we’ll go together 40 40 30. okay let’s go in five arms right here three two one let’s go good and you can use sweat towels if you have them right here okay [Music] there you go breathe perfect just keep it moving okay 20 seconds to go can you speed this up a little there we go arm circles right here [Music] five four good job three two one rest same thing twenty second rest let’s stay right here side to side tap after this two more rounds of jump rope we’re gonna go into supersets okay so one exercise of strength one is cardio jump rope round two and four three two one let’s go beautiful just get your heart rate up a little bit get your whole body moving [Music] good arms are rocking elbows stay right here at your sides okay let’s go here you go 12 11. four three two one let’s tap it out right here breathe good 20 seconds rest we’ve got a 30 second sprint then we move on to some super sets okay let’s go in eight seven six let’s go sprint for 30 in three two one let’s go good can you get a little quick foot here yes there we go come on arms are going arms are going 14 13. [Music] good nine eight three two one and rest beautiful job grab some water [Music] all righty we move into a leg exercise with mountain climbers okay we’ve got a deadlift squat and stand okay i’m going to use my 20 pound dumbbells feet are wide right outside the mat a little bend in my knees okay we’re gonna hinge down before we engage our glutes you’re gonna drop your hips and open your chest then push up full speed looks like this hinge sit press okay modifications right over here if you need it let’s go in seven seconds ready 40 seconds of work three two one come on hinge sit push push back strong back as you sit your butt down dig your heels in [Music] drive [Music] [Music] good job seven six [Music] two one and rest beautiful if you can go heavier you’ve got 20 seconds to bump up before no sorry we’re going mountain climbers we’ll go into the mountain climbers right here okay sorry about that low impact is right over here let’s go in three mountain climbers two one almost forgot our superset there good job i love that move mountain climbers it’s okay if your hips lift a little bit make sure you’re not marching with your butt in the air though okay keep your nose right between your thumbs pull your ribs in right up underneath your rib cage good work good work 14 13. good seven six five [Music] three two one yes there we go twenty seconds and now we’re back to our deadlift and squat [Music] all right i’m going to move up and wait if you want to let’s go you want to stay right there stay right there let’s push ourselves okay four three two one hinge down sit and stand [Music] good [Music] a little bend in the knee the whole time you’re hinging okay so i’m here then i sit lift my chest [Music] push there we go seven good work two one yes there we go all right i’m gonna sit these guys right here round two of your mountain climbers water if you need it all right let’s go four three big deep breath two one come on think of getting strong and then getting your heart rate up strong heart rate up okay double benefits for these strength and conditioning workouts i love them you can focus on working hard in two different ways just all in the same workout [Music] good job give me 15 more seconds [Music] come on let’s get these mountain climbers out of the way seven six [Music] three two one yes here’s our thirty second round thirty dead lift and squat thirty mountain climbers we’re so happy to have crushed these mountain climbers with you oh we love to hate them they’re good though anything that challenges you right outside of what you love and what’s easy good for you two one let’s go [Applause] only 30. good job ten nine [Applause] two one rest good 15 seconds and let’s go into your mountain climbers are you ready here we go let’s go right into them two one come on we got this 30 seconds and we breathe come on push push we get a one minute rest after this okay in which i expect you to breathe drink some water come on 15 14. that’s it seven more seconds six five four three two one and breathe you’ve got a one minute rest all right these rest breaks are intentional they are incrementally programmed throughout your workout today to make sure you push really hard and then you breathe and you push really hard again and then you breathe [Applause] [Music] all right so we’ve had a strong upper body move we’ve had a strong leg move now we’re going for some strong abs okay modification is right up there you still got about 25 seconds but your next move is a dumbbell single leg crunch okay legs are out straight you’re going to take your dumbbell right over your head as it crosses your chest you’re going to drive one leg crunch over up crunch over okay if you want to make this tougher legs are floating here and here let’s go in three two one come on good job exhale remember 40 seconds here good work [Music] seven six [Music] three two one and good we come up for in and out quick feet okay so you can move your towel out of the way start with your feet together out in out in low impact slowing it down staying on the floor okay quick in quick out ready three two one let’s go let’s go think of your feet going in a circle and then they step out of the circle you’re gonna do this sideways on your mat off your mat same thing [Music] good job come on keep moving keep moving keep those feet quicker breathe ten [Music] five four three two one beautiful let’s go back to our abs forty second round again if you are going up in weight let’s go if you’re not let’s go we’re all working together whatever we’re doing with our weight if we have a weight ready four three two one come on [Music] breathe as you exhale lift those shoulder blades up [Music] good job 13 12. four three two one good rest and let’s throw that dumbbell out of the way in and out or on and off your mat you want to go here off and on that’s okay doing okay yes i’m gonna answer you there yep we’re doing good okay perfect three two one let’s go out in out in [Music] now this is very different than this right notice the difference get low and tighter go boom boom notice i’m not bobbing up and down a lot low fast that’s what we need last 20 turn it up [Music] good move move move come on ten nine [Music] three two one breathe thirty seconds of work come on let’s hit that strong core now after this we’re going to move into some combo moves we did an upper body did a lower body now we’re hitting this core okay let’s focus hard on just the abs ready two one come on good job 12. four three and rest come on up let’s go ten seconds we go in four three two one let’s go 30 seconds right here [Music] that’s it that’s it come on move move with you good last ten come on ten nine quick quick quick don’t slow down five four three two one and breathe breathe breathe breathe you got one minute rest again all right we move into some combos okay romanian deadlift and high row as your first combo and then standing knee drivers is your cardio okay super sets again all right dead lift and row not much of modification for this other than just go a little bit lighter okay so we hinge back bent knees shoulder blades pull in like you’re trying to pull them down into the middle of your back and your back pockets so it’s not here it’s here okay going down squeeze forward high row high row is right outside of my chest okay you’ve got 10 seconds and we’ll start there i’m going to start with my fifteens and work up each round okay let’s go together three two one hinge squeeze pull you do not need to go any certain depth so if you get here and you start to feel your back rounding a little bit don’t go that low only go as low as you can go come back forward squeeze and drive [Music] good [Music] that’s it right outside your chest three two one great job standing knee drivers you’re gonna go two per side okay so hands start up top here fingers are touching one two one two like you’re trying to pull something down yes yes okay you can say yes every rep if you would like just kidding hands up let’s go two one right here let’s get it use your core to turn over that’s it once you get that feel free rock it around okay you can stay right here turn it around move side to side make it your own keep your heart rate up 15 seconds good nine eight three two one yes there we go and we’re back dead lift high row now i know you can probably lift heavier with your deadlift but this is a combo move so it’s not necessarily two isolated moves it’s hip power and pull okay i want that combo strength let’s go in two one come on here drive pull that’s it good now if you want to really step it up here single leg drive don’t let your background out though okay that’s something we don’t compromise on good three two one great job all right dumbbells out of the way two knee drives anytime you need water near 20 seconds [Music] all right let’s go two and two hands up three two one come on one and two make it your own are you sliding across the room boom are you turning go for it come on heart rate is up we’re moving [Music] that’s it good fourteen thirteen ten [Music] seven six come on five four three two one rest your 30 second round is here okay let’s go [Music] one or two legs i’m gonna go two legs a little bit heavier okay really focusing on power coming from my glutes and hamstrings four three come on 30 seconds two one let’s go [Music] good [Music] [Applause] almost there 13. get those glutes back and power forward four three two one and rest all right two and two ready let’s go in four three two one come on [Music] beautiful job let’s go let’s go [Music] three two one and three amazing job go ahead and grab some water you’re moving right along guys [Music] all right we’re moving on to a glute bridge and chest press okay as you press your arms you’re gonna press your glutes up okay i’m gonna start with my 20s okay so elbows are down heels are down glutes are down as we dig into our heels squeeze the glutes and the chest at the same time everything rises together you come back down together okay sound good all right let’s go in 10 seconds are you ready grab the weights you want to use [Music] four three two one let’s go drive press right out beside your ribs drive press make sure your belly is not here it is here okay [Music] that’s beautiful come on keep going [Music] seven four three two one and rest good dumbbells down we’re gonna go bear crawl hop up and turn okay modification is up here okay getting on all fours you’re gonna crawl down hop up and turn crawl down okay hop up and turn ready let’s go in five four three two one come on forty seconds right here hop up turn back down beautiful work you can stand and turn [Music] beautiful quads are burning anyone else [Music] seven [Music] two one oh good work the quads hello quads chest press and glute bridge we’re back in 13 seconds [Music] all right go up if you can rumor down three two one [Music] focus on your strength come on squeeze the glutes that’s it sit in this strength that’s it beautiful i’m with you come on you got seven six [Music] three two one rest all right we’re back bear crawls come on down big deep breath ten nine come on hands and knees tuck the toes down lift the knees four three two we’re up and we’re going [Music] come on breathe keep your abs tight and if you’re doing any sort of modification for this just keep going okay it’s not important that we all look identical the only thing that needs to be identical is our work effort working as hard as we are together okay five four three two one last round let’s go chest press glute bridge ready five four two one let’s go [Music] good work let’s go let’s go everything is squeezing chest glutes [Music] keep in mind we already did some pretty good upper body work right you’re feeling pretty tired in your arms i’m with you me too that’s why we’re working hard eight seven [Music] beautiful three two and rest all right last round of these bear crawls 30 seconds [Music] all right ready 30 seconds of work in four three two let’s go come on get up turn quick get back down quick and we keep rocking 15 more seconds come on eight seven three two one oh boy breathe rest i’m with you good work quads feeling good right [Music] okay get water we’ve got lateral lunge curl and press okay so i’m going to start with my 15s get a couple things out of the way here you’re resting okay so modification will be of course up in the corner here all right dumbbells are in front you’re going to go lateral lunge curl press switching sides lateral curl press okay let’s go together in five four three two one come on out to the right now if you want add a little stabilization component drive that knee right into right in front of your belly button okay 40 seconds right here [Applause] good job big push side leg come on four three two one rest we’ve got skater hops okay starting in the middle take one leg back over switch okay stay on the ground if you would like we’re going in five breathe with me two one let’s go back and switch good i like to make sure my arm’s opposite is out front okay that prohibits me from twisting too much or doing something awkward with my knee okay i keep everything centered right here hips chest facing forward [Music] there you go there we go come on 10 more seconds let’s rock [Music] and rest beautiful okay lateral lunge curl and press how you doing good great everyone just said amazing okay perfect let’s go lateral lunge knee drive at the top if you would like curl and press ready let’s go big push there you go push that’s it beautiful come on saw someone the other day say sydney never looks like she loses balance i do constantly we all really do okay this doesn’t have to be perfect we just have to keep working together and rest beautiful yeah i lose my balance all the time it’s okay no harm in losing your balance only harm and just losing it and giving up quitting being mad at yourself being angry at the process just keep moving ready four three two one let’s go [Music] there we go come on get into your rhythm here [Music] that’s it find a spot focus on it [Applause] here we go come on 15 more seconds and then we’ve got our 30 second round [Music] nine [Music] five four two one rest let’s go 30 second round come on towel off if you need to let’s go four three two one let’s go [Music] good job last 15 right here let’s go six three one more two rest okay skaters come on a 30 second round and we breathe for a minute four three two one let’s go [Music] come on get low get quick last 15 right here come on eight seven three two one and rest you’ve got one minute rest grab some water big deep breath guys one minute rest here and we’ll jump back in okay use this to grab water breathe i want you working so hard in these work periods that you need this rest okay great job [Applause] all right reverse lunge with a shorter press at the top okay so keeping your dumbbells here you’re going to take it back lunge press okay take it back lunge press now you want to make this a little more challenging you can press at the bottom okay so you can go here press stand ready let’s go 40 seconds dig that front heel down keep your chest up and stand and switch [Music] good especially when you bring your dumbbells back down it’s going gonna be very easy to come here and go right see where my back is in this instance okay you’ve got to bring it down straight then push okay come on five four three two one beautiful still breathing okay we’ve got binge knee drivers if you have a bench grab it if you don’t modification right here you’ve got the foot here you’re tapping three two one down switch okay three and switch let’s go hands up three [Music] good big pressure on your bench push the bench push the bench push the bench [Music] good job seven six two one rest and we’re back reverse lunge shoulder press this is an intense circuit i know that i know we’re strong i know we’re capable are you ready yes we’re ready i’m with you here we go reverse lunge press at the top or the bottom here we go [Music] good don’t lose your form in your upper body also make sure you’re not going here straight leg not really a lunge right you’re just kind of planting your weight in between two pivoted points bend those knees [Music] good work two one rest three drivers modification here stay on the ground just drive three times [Music] seven come on one leg up press hard into this foot two one lean over drive drive drive notice all my weight is here i’m not going [Music] okay i want you to stay right over this front foot [Music] there we go yes come on five let’s go one more round three two one okay we’re at our 30 second round you’re doing great i know we’re in that home stretch guys eight seconds we go together for 30. press at the top or the bottom two one come on [Music] control on the way down [Music] i’m with you come on fourteen nine five one more three two one rest thirty seconds come on three and three there’s my woo and exhale [Music] ready four hands up three lean over that front foot two one come on [Music] come on keep driving quicker your core tight [Music] seven come on up up three two one and breathe how you doing good you’ve got one minute rest breathe breathe breathe [Music] there you go fill your lungs up good all right water breathe [Music] we’ve got a bicep move up next okay biceps and a sumo squat or plie if you would like to switch it up a little more okay you’re going to curl at the bottom hold on the way up release at the top okay so we’re down here nice and wide sumo is here plie is here either one’s gonna get the quads and the glutes okay i want your dumbbells here nice and open you’re going to sit curl stand release okay curl at the bottom hold it as you press up then come down this is going to challenge your core as you hold that curl and drive up your back’s going to want to go here core strong ready two one come on sit curl push release let’s go hold it drive good [Music] ah there you go you’re strengthening your back muscles really well right now as you come here you curl it would be very easy to go here okay or here hold that chest up tall [Music] four three two one rest all right you’ve got options donkey kicks on the bench okay you can go here kick okay you can also go here kick okay you can also go with the modification whatever you need ready let’s go butt kick over [Music] okay either way pull your core in don’t let yourself go here and fade back and relax okay pull your abs in here bend kick [Music] good job ten [Music] three two one and rest summa squat and curl how you doing pretty good pretty great 40 seconds here we go eight seven come on we’re so close to the end four three two one let’s go curl push up release that’s it [Music] beautiful i’m with you we’re gonna make it we are going to make it keep thinking this way nine [Music] beautiful two one donkey kicks read i’m telling myself as well breathe sydney [Music] that’s it come on let’s finish this one we’ve got two more super sets after this last 40 second round on this one three two come on we’re strong let’s go butt kick up in the air [Music] come on keep it up breathe are you breathing there we go 20 seconds [Music] keep it up eight seven four three two one our thirty second round here we go come on the 30 seconds like a nice sweet reward at the end okay go up if you can stay here if you need to come on finish this strong like you’re proud of yourself three two come on 30 seconds [Music] yes there we go come on come on come on don’t slow down [Music] 12 11. five four two one come on 30 seconds donkey kicks you doing okay let’s go in three two one come on let’s finish [Music] good job good job come on last 15 right here up and pull those abs in nine eight two one and rest [Music] beautiful job okay move this guy out of the way man you’ve got a minute rest [Music] and we’ve got one more two exercise [Music] superset okay so we’re going into single arm clean and press this will eventually evolve as the month goes on okay clean and press single arm okay we’re gonna go from the floor so we’re going here pull up across your body catch bend press put it down go again [Music] ready three two one let’s go clean bend press down reset [Music] good as soon as you catch that i want you bending to push clean bend push why because that requires a lot of your core strength okay come on 10 seconds [Music] five four three two one move that guy out of the way you’ve got seven high knees seven jog steps these need to be different high knees you’re sprinting for seven seven here okay you know a jog and a sprint difference right you know that for yourself let’s go start off with your sprint two one give me seven seven here one two three four five six seven one two keep that going good fast seven not just high but quick [Music] there we go hot lava on the floor 10 9. [Music] two and let’s go again single arm clean and press go up if you can second and last 40 second round are you ready seven come on let’s close it out like you mean it five four two one come on clean punch [Music] good right up across the front of your body do not let it venture out okay you clean it up like you’re taking something right up from the floor grazing everything across the front of your body hips power forward ten nine four three two good all right let’s go seven and seven come on let’s go in six five three two one come on seven jog for seven [Music] jog for seven come on keep it up keep it up seven curl here good 15 seconds eight seven [Applause] three two one beautiful all right let’s go in 15 seconds last round of both if you can go up and wait let’s do it ready four three two one come on clean and press come on last round go go go we’re strong together we finished strong 15 [Applause] come on seven four three two one put it down let’s go seven and seven five four let’s finish come on three two seven and seven let’s go good right out front in front of your hips good keep it up keep it up good let’s go five more seconds three two one and breathe hands on your knees fill your lungs up you’ve made it to your cool down amazing work come on down to your hands and knees i want to get you cooled down before you head out don’t forget to subscribe to the channel please let’s keep growing this community all right good workouts every day with your own personal trainer i want more people to experience this rock your hips down in front thank you for doing that thanks for helping me grow this community and i hope you’re proud to be a part of it hope it’s something you can brag about i know that you’re on a mission to change the way people view fitness and health okay we do it for ourselves not to fight against ourselves lift your belly up reach your hips back we do it to benefit we don’t do it to punish to restrict to undo [Music] to place ourselves inferior until we do it right we do it to make ourselves better stronger healthier happier good lift it back up let’s take the left leg up top drop your hips down come on up right here if you can if not stay right here breathe nice and deep good if you need a little bit more of a stretch after this check out the stretch videos playlist here on the channel let’s go back to my main page on the channel click on the playlist tab it’s right there for you almost 200 stretches tuck your toe down out back straighten your leg out beautiful all right take it back and let’s switch legs okay back down front stretch the hips and be proud of yourself right now do not leave this workout or any workout with me feeling inferior feeling like you’ve been defeated if you showed up and you worked your hardest you succeeded mission accomplished mission accomplished is not perfection you saw me lose my balance plenty of times right i didn’t quit though same with you you’re here right now because you didn’t quit straighten your legs up that’s what it’s about fighting through the tough days feeling so grateful for the days where it feels a little bit easier but regardless showing up on both of those days come back into the middle toes face forward bend one leg at a time and as you leave this workout today i want you to comment below that you crushed the workout leave on a positive note okay i know if you come here all the time you’re like yeah i’ll do it tomorrow or you’re kind of used to it by now but it truly means a lot to us okay roll it in nice and slow and then keeping this team environment positive grateful i want you to comment on someone else’s comment and say great job to them okay encourage yourself be proud of yourself hold yourself accountable to finishing this workout and being proud of actually showing up no matter what mood you’re in and then congratulate someone else i always think giving positivity actually returns positivity so give it out receive it in return be proud of yourself and as you head out today i want you to always remember you show up you give your best mission accomplished okay so i will see you guys back here tomorrow i love you and i’m so proud of you mission accomplished we made it right here have a great day see you tomorrow [Music] i got your wraps

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Comments (44)

  • @sydneycummingshoudyshell Reply

    Take a second and make sure you are subscribed to the channel for new free workouts every single day! You are going to feel so strong and proud after this workout!! Comment below if you are subscribed and share this workout so you can help others stay healthy and strong at home!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @kyledodgion4693 Reply

    This one is a KILLER, but I crushed it! Thanks Sydney, you’re such a badass and I feel myself evolving into someone stronger under your guidance!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @mareacapadanno7885 Reply

    Thank you for kicking my butt!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @cecemwam5808 Reply

    Crushed it! I thought I’d leave halfway through but stayed til the end – THANK YOU!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @sowmyaks3530 Reply

    Crushed it!!! Crushed it!!! Crushed it!!! Love these 60min workouts

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Awesome Workout! Crushed It! Loved the Strength & Cardio!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @velvetyblue Reply

    Thank you Sydney and Dustin! Already feeling much better ❤

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @alexanderwagenpfeil9043 Reply

    Great Workout 🎉🎉I am ready for the shower 😅😅

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @newhisam Reply

    I what to be cool like you

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @newhisam Reply

    you are cool

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @newhisam Reply

    Me and my mom what to be just like you and like you by-by have good day ow its me Marnia

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @monicadatta9678 Reply

    Crushed it. Amazing workout

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @sarahsimmons8921 Reply

    I preview the video before doing it and had my doubts but I should trust that every Sydney workout is a challenging accomplishment. Dripping sweat!! Cheers to all who commit!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @LeBeElzas Reply

    crushed it!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @user-tr9jp1zl3f Reply

    Just started working out at home with Sydney, she is great! So real and just a normal person. This session was great! Thank you Sydney from Australia ❤

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @swatigarg3161 Reply

    1st time 60 min workout. Crushed it🎉🎉

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @kerribillingsley5658 Reply

    Midday workout always tough-all of words seem to come right way I need them. Luv yall!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    What a way to start a Monday after a lazy holiday weekend 💯
    Added this to Reps Phase 2 workout and whoa baby, I am spent!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @flyonthewallcounselingandc7062 Reply


    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @minis5057 Reply

    Amazing!!!!!!! Sydney is the best

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @Flower200 Reply

    CRUSHING IT !!!!!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @janmurphy4360 Reply

    Great workout Sydney! I like these longer workouts as you really can get a good sweat on! Thank you for all you do!!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @KerriKays Reply

    Doing it FOR ourselves not TO ourselves. Wow that was HARD!!! Thank you!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @fanniboros1181 Reply

    Thank you, Sydney! I had a bad day, but now I feel amazing❤

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    10 Oct 2023

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @lettyginsburg5393 Reply

    CRUSHED! Thx Sydney!!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @user-ry4mo9hj2n Reply


    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @kimberlyclifford9320 Reply

    Great workout!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    holy shit that was difficult! But what a great workout!! Thank you for pushing me. I really loved the Clean and Press'!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    Wowza!! Def a good one ☝️

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @Rob42125 Reply


    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @user-fw1fk4pd3x Reply

    I enjoy the 6o min workouts

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @brandikendall5740 Reply


    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @MichelleSanchez-pd5xk Reply

    My energy was a little low starting out, I had to push myself through this workout today, But so glad I did, I feel great! Thank you for another great workout and always leaving us with an inspirational message of encouragement . Much Love

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @twix7745 Reply

    😲…you killed me…but in a good way. Im 57 years old and sweating my buns off but I didn't quit. Ty❤

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @elliekath2537 Reply

    loved this workout

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @beepee8992 Reply

    Crushed. It. BOOM.

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @cpaquette5552 Reply

    I crushed it! Mission accomplished! More of this type of workout please! Thanks Sydney!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @terrifichb6304 Reply

    I crushed it. Grateful to sydney for posting these free vids. As a sahm it's difficult to step out both physically n financially. U r doing great sydney.

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it!! What a great workout!! 2 years ago I did this and I KNOW I have gotten so much stronger and LATEST THE WHOLE WORKOUT!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @zeldawilliams9133 Reply


    Crushed it 👍🏽

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @margaretblume9633 Reply

    Crushed it and then saw my message from 2 years ago! Can't believe I've been doing this so long. It works out great for me!! Thank you!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM
  • @lynncasey4270 Reply

    Sydney – i found your channel during the pandemic and you bring me joy at least 3 times a week. Honestly – your energy, enthusiasm and pure belief in all of us makes me a better and happier person. THANK YOU for all you do!!

    May 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM

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