60 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout | IGNITE – Day 18

60 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout | IGNITE – Day 18

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 60 minute workout with jump rope so grab your dumbbells and your jump rope and let’s get started up guys i’m so excited to have you here today for our full body workout with jump rope we’ve got some big circuits to rock through today so this workout although it’s 60 minutes i’ll keep you interested we’ll have some good rest breaks throughout the workout so don’t worry if you’re scared of a 60 minute workout totally different intensity than a 30 minute workout we’ll pace it out we’ll have rest breaks and you’ll make it through pushing hard right along with me rep for rev i will not quit on you okay so we have a couple things to get set up for you i’ve got my dumbbells 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells are the ones that i have today for myself also jump rope if you have a jump rope go ahead and pull it out if you don’t you can have the cordless rope which i always link in the description of the website or of the description of the video and if you want to grab towels you can also grab those you can also just sub that cardio out for anything that you like okay there will be no modification window today everything will be pretty much self-explanatory lower your weight or the jump rope option just stay on the ground okay so are you ready let’s go ahead and get started big thumbs up this is going to be a great workout guys nice wide stance sit it back into your right hip two one let’s go sit push sit and push there you go open up your hips nice long warm up nice long cool down good i think you’re gonna like the bigger circuit style today only two rounds of every exercise so tons of variety and one more each leg right and left good come up in the middle bend and stand great job you can keep your legs nice and straight so you feel hamstring and glutes two more one and two good job come on up and the breakdown of the workout will be upper and lower body exercises so you’ve got a lower body upper body jump rope upper body lower body jump rope and that’s circuit one and we’ll repeat that one twice and we’ll keep going down just like that simple moves but a lot of variety three two one all right take your hands up and by your sides reach keeping your core tight so we can stretch out your lats triceps shoulders [Music] good three two and one bring your heels to your glutes great work and like i said you don’t have a jump rope you don’t feel good about jump roping sub this out for any cardio that you would like you can do high knees you can skip you can do burpees you can do knee drivers okay any kind of cardio you’d like the jump rope is just there to get your heart rate up arms out to the side twist twist [Music] good four three two and one all right let’s walk it out inchworm it out into a plank position good drop your hips down look up we’ve got a little core today as well in the second half of the workout okay good push up into down dog pedal your heels let’s stretch out your calves great job swing your left leg up outside your left hand dip your hips down good nice stretch in the hip push on that front foot to lift your hips up and let’s go back down keep cycling through that for five [Music] good one more and then lift your hips up and let’s switch legs right leg up we go down and up good three more three two and one perfect take it back to that pike position and slowly walk it back good all right come on up let’s get a little jog going okay i want to show you your first four exercises and then we’ll start in about 45 seconds so feel free to jog get your heart rate up while i show you okay every exercise is 40 seconds long exercise one squats okay barbell dumbbell kettlebell body weight whatever you would like okay exercise number two curls okay then we break for a jump rope right after jump rope you come back in lunge [Music] okay and then right after your lunge you’ve got a row and then jump rope again okay so let’s start off with the weight that you want to squat we’re going in nine seconds okay 40 seconds to squat here we go three two one let’s go body weight will be your modification here good you want to intensify this maybe go a little bit lower maybe work on pausing at the bottom maybe work on accelerating out at the bottom great job 20 seconds beautiful [Music] good five four come on two one and good you’ve got 20 seconds we go into curls okay remember only two rounds per exercise okay so i’m gonna go here all right pick a weight that you can do for 40 seconds and we’ll go in five four three two one come on [Music] good how to intensify this one come up and go down slow okay don’t pause at the bottom come up right back up okay you can make any exercise a little bit more of a challenge for yourself beautiful 15. [Music] nice job keep pulling two one okay good water if you need it and we’re going into jump rope your next 40 is jump rope [Music] all right ready seven seconds or your choice of cardio stay on the ground if you need to just skip in here two one let’s go good get your heart rate up nice work [Music] you smack yourself keep going that was going to sting on the back of my arm come on 15. good work let’s go right as that rope crosses your face hop you’ve got four three two one now we go into lunges forward lunges modification just be right here okay or a staggered squat all right if you’re not ready for a lunge all right here we go in five three two one let’s go step out sit it down in that front hip big push back [Music] nice don’t let your chest collapse over your thigh okay keep it up sit push and stand [Music] good work [Music] still with me 13 seconds good job [Music] three two one and the last exercise of strength bent rows okay i’m going to go here pull okay if you have lighter dumbbells you could go back fly okay just targeting the back muscles then we’ll hit jump rope again start at the top of the circuit for one more round through all right bit rows let’s go two one come on [Music] good job try not to initiate the movement of your dumbbells with anything aside from this okay backwards not up not grab your chest stay here shoulder blades go that’s it ten nine move your heels to the floor pushing so your glutes are firing keep your back flat three two one good all right jump rope we’re back you want to do a rope or your choice of cardio [Music] all right let’s go keep pushing yourself we finish here we’ll start back with squats curls rope lunges rows rope two one all right let’s go perfect come on have fun with this one if you’re doing your own cardio rock with it intensity is key here [Music] [Music] nine eight seven three two one beautiful and we’ve got one more round of that circuit let’s go squats in 14. all right ready body weight or dumbbell for dumbbells two one let’s go so many different variations of squats by the way you can go close like this you could go wider like this you could do front rack hold like this you could do overhead squats if you want you do body weight just sit fully extend as you stand good job six five three two one and rest beautiful okay curls bicep curls all right i was using my 20s for round number one i’m gonna stay right here okay breathe you’re doing great we’re working upper and lower so we’re definitely getting the heart pumping three two one [Music] good so when you go upper body and then lower body you’re challenging your heart to push blood up and then down so it’s going total body right now okay so you’re getting a really effective workout here in terms of getting your heart rate up breathing heavy that’s normal if you’re breathing heavy nine eight seven beautiful last curl three two one rest great job back to the jump rope or whatever you would like okay feel free to just dance it out you know get a little two-step on a high-intensity two-step so maybe it’s here seven six five three two one let’s get it good keep rocking last 20 seconds right here [Music] keep it moving if you’re doing ropes move your wrist come on light on your feet you’ve got five four three two one rest beautiful all right lunges and rows and then one more round of rope we move on to a new circuit all right the rope will be throughout the workout today so if you want to use that rope you can but if not maybe you switch up your cardio throughout that’s totally fine three two come on let’s lunge it out i’m using my 20s [Applause] good and i tell you which weight i’m using some people just like to know okay i want to compete with sydney which is fine that’s great okay i don’t say it so that you think you have to use that weight just extra info always go with what pushes you if that’s heavier than me go for it that’s lighter than me go for it we’re working together we’re working hard that’s all that matters four three two one beautiful dumbbells down you’ve got bent rows you’re gonna do single arm rows you’re gonna do that okay i’m gonna go double again then we’ll close this one out with jump rope okay yes you’re doing amazing let’s go keep working hard three two one [Music] that’s it breathe as you pull exhale breathe exhale come on eight seven four three rest amazing let’s hit that rope one more time and we’ll close it out we’ll take a one minute rest feel free to keep rocking okay jumping around jogging in place i do need you to grab some water though okay let’s go four three two one come on beautiful keep rocking last 20. keep pulling keep pulling you got 12 11 [Music] 4 3 2 1 and breathe good work first big circuit done and you’re gonna have lots of variety like that all day today okay breathe deep everyone grab some water yeah okay same style here lower body upper body rope lower body upper body rope i’m gonna challenge you a little bit more in the ropes this time but the single leg jump one one two two your exercises first one is dead lift okay so the first two exercises i tried to make them a pretty similar weight so first thing you have dead lift okay straight leg little bend in the knee back is flat squeeze second exercise chest press and then we jump rope okay so we’ll go in 10 seconds grab your dead lift weight okay let’s go in three two one come on romanian dead lift squeeze don’t let your shoulders come forward they stay back then your hips fade away your back still stays strong your butt squeezes together all the way back in keep your back locked right here take your heels down do not go any lower than you can go with a flat back meaning if your hamstrings start yelling at you here don’t go lower like this okay four three two one good let’s go down to chest press whatever you would like to do for chest press okay if you’ve got some lighter dumbbells your option would be to just go chest fly still getting that chest muscle are you ready five three two and let’s push good come right up over top of your chest and then right outside your chest not up around your shoulders good job 20 seconds six five three two one rest great job and we’re back to the jump rope where i challenged you okay remember single leg so you’re gonna go one one two two one one two two okay if that’s with the rope perfect if it’s just high knees one one two two ready two one let’s go good and maybe you start slower go here here here here okay slow that rope down that’s totally fine [Music] [Music] good job ten more seconds let’s go nine [Applause] [Music] four three two one rest we’re going reverse lunges i’m gonna take one dumbbell you can take one or two take it back one then switch okay let’s go in seven and also go here okay you can also go two dumbbells by your side or body weight ready let’s go you do not need to tap your knee on the ground as long as you’re getting down low front leg is powering you up you’re good step back far enough so your knee is not crunched over your front toe keep pushing your heel down you’re doing great eight seven [Applause] [Music] two one and rest and you’ve got a tricep overhead extension all right you’re right here laying flat okay overhead skull crusher right here i’m gonna use my 20. okay elbows are right over your shoulders let’s go down in three two one come on bend push to a slant okay arms are straight but they’re not just hanging out right here they’re still working right here [Music] good drive that pinky back up over your forehead elbows stay right here anyone else shaking a little bit you’re doing great triceps are working hard to straighten your elbow bend it slowly straighten it with power and strength let’s go five four three two one rest great job single foot jump rope we’re back again left left right right and i’m challenging you with these new skills just to try and improve your coordination give you a little switch up throughout the workout okay make sure we have some unilateral work so both sides are evenly strengthened okay ready let’s go left left right right sometimes this is good for balance too you’ve got a leg that you feel more balanced on you’ve got to work hard to make sure that other leg works just as hard if not harder to accomplish that same mission on the jump rope one one two two let’s go let’s go that’s it twelve more seconds and we rock through this circuit one more time and then we switch it up for some core you’re gonna like this next circuit three two one all right beautiful let’s go back deadlifts are you ready remember our order deadlifts chest press all right grab your dumbbells here we go four two one let’s get it there you go strong back dead lips are just as much for the hamstrings and glutes as they are your back your back has to be strong and focus on working through this deadlift not just being there your back is also contracting okay ten nine three two one great job come on down chest press doing okay all right chest press let’s go in six five put your heels down shorter blades are on the ground two one let’s go [Music] if you’re using a barbell for this chest press that’s fine as well make sure you’re coming right down to the top of your chest okay not up near your neck or your sternum area the bottom of your ribs it’s right around your rib cage good job 12 11 [Music] 4 3 two one and rest jump rope let’s challenge ourselves here triples three on the right three on the left okay so left left left right right right keep pushing yourself okay same thing with high knees left left left right right right three two one let’s go one two three one two three whoops [Music] keep it up keep it up there you go feel the calves working that’s good try to avoid letting your feet go back here okay they can really easily catch the rope if you start to dangle them back here [Music] good job two one that one went by fast all right reverse lunges and then triceps okay grab your dumbbells for those lunges [Music] okay i’m taking my 30 on my back just to give my arms a little break ready let’s go [Music] good don’t have dumbbells here take it body weight you can even add a jump okay [Music] there’s always a way to step it up [Music] there’s a way to make it work no matter what level you’re at [Music] come on you’ve got 12. [Music] here we go come on two one good tricep overhead extension lay it down and then we’ve got our triples again left left left right right right big deep breath five four three two all right come on [Music] good work we’ll finish it out here in your next circuit we have abs okay you’re thinking lower abs upper abs but in reality it’s more like hip pull up and rib pull down okay you can’t really just isolate your lower abs or your upper 3 13 12 [Music] 9 8 7 good come on one more three two one and rest okay back to our triples and then we’ll hit some abs and rope all right hope you’re loving this challenge of switching up your cardio a little bit good news is if you’re not doing the rope you got a little freestyle cardio option so hope you’re loving this workout triples three two one one two three two three let’s go last round of triples light on your feet good feet muscles working calves are working come on just baby hops off the floor you don’t have to take big galloping hops okay light hops ten four three two one and beautiful you’ve got one minute rest let’s go grab some water how you feeling okay [Music] all right very proud of you good news you’re already rocking into the second half of the workout that’s how well you’re doing right now okay so when i say lower abs upper abs what i mean is hips pulling up that’s what people consider lower abs but you can’t isolate just one section of your abs so we’ve got the upper pull from the hips and then we’ve got the lower crunch from the rib cage okay just want to be anatomically and scientifically correct all right hopefully teach you a little bit about your body i love doing that so first thing we have leg raises beginner option you’re taking one leg down bring it back up and switch you can go advanced you’ve got two legs even more advanced open like a canoe ready let’s go in two one come on good work it helps me to crunch up here a little bit so my shoulder blades are off the ground just to make sure my hips my tailbone stays on the floor if you’re feeling a pull that’s getting you to here you’re doing too much forward rotation i need you to crunch up keep that tailbone down and maybe go here okay ready two one and rest sit ups we’ve got dumbbell sit-ups that’s your next exercise okay you can choose to have a dumbbell on your chest or you can choose not to just go regular bodyweight sit-ups okay if you’ve got a dumbbell i want it here two one let’s go [Music] good so i want your dumbbell physically touching the front of your chest what i like to do is hold my dumbbell in this crease right here in my hands okay kind of like pray your hands and then anchor it against my chest okay that keeps the resistance actually on my chest instead of me using it to get up you’ve got three two one and rest all right rope again i want you add a little side to side option okay so feet go here just a little bit side to side okay it looks like this okay let’s go in two one come on just a little side to side action keep your inner thighs together okay light on your toes again [Music] good ankles are right near each other i like to keep the ball of my foot the that part of my shoe touching the other part okay so i know i’m not going here all right and skipping and losing my rhythm okay just a little side to side [Music] [Applause] there we go nine eight seven core is tight inner thighs are together three two one good you’ve got seated twists okay i’m gonna take my 20 pound dumbbell [Music] a little rotation so i’m here spine is nice and tall leaned back tap okay bigger breasted women take it over reach okay you don’t have to touch the floor with the dumbbell you just have to rotate your torso let’s go so even if you wanted to hold here you’re still rotating your torso right this is maybe honestly harder okay so go with what challenges you good job feel yourself stretch over and then feel your abs pull you back if you’re burping right now or anything else that’s normal okay we’re kind of massaging the digestive organs so you might feel a little bit burpee two one not that kind of burpee [Music] all right next thing you have is a mermaid lift okay back to the inner thighs together concept you can straighten your legs or you can bend them on your elbow you’re going up or up okay let’s go two sit on top of your glute here here we go good keep your ribs pulled in so a little bit of oblique action a little bit of just core in general good job and yeah you guessed it round number two we’ll switch over to the other hip so right now we’re on the right glute next round we’ll go left flute four three two one let’s go side to side rope come on and if you’re not using a rope here okay or maybe here all right that’s an option too just get your heart rate up you know me i’m about whatever works for you i’m about working hard with you ready two one good a little bend in the knees the ball of my foot right beside the other one and i’m using my core squeeze squeeze squeeze that’s it last half right here try to avoid the temptation to go here okay just take your core side to side all right legs are together so it’s not one leg at a time we’re moving our whole lower body three two one good we’re back to the top leg raises come on lower abs is where you’re gonna feel it we’re using the whole core though okay one leg if you need to i challenge you to crunch up here to keep your back flat two one let’s go how do you make this tougher don’t spend so much time here okay also arms above slow it down and just hover 45 degrees up and down fifteen [Music] six five four two one dumbbell sit-ups great job weight on your chest if you can and like i said i do hands together my dumbbell sits right here and hold it so it’s touching my chest okay if you need the dumbbell on the other end to help you up take it here come up control it down okay i want you to get stronger here let’s go come on [Music] how do you make this tougher soles of your shoes together i knew that was gonna be really hard [Music] good opens up your hips gives you a little bit less leverage out front nine eight good job four three two one amazing job okay back to the rope now if you really want to work on that side to side keep rocking here new challenge take a little split boom boom okay doesn’t have to be dramatic just a little split when you land ready three two one let’s go and your knees are going to be bent still so don’t think you have to do straight lock legs okay it’ll be here kind of like tippy toeing you’re trying to sneak back in tippy toe [Music] good job keep moving keep focusing core is tight hands are doing the same thing 12. good feel it in the calves that’s good four three two one rest that’s it seated twist take a dumbbell if you’re ready for that [Music] and then we’ll do left hip mermaid all right five two one let’s go [Music] good like i said you can make this a little tougher holding this guy here okay you challenge your arms a little bit here but also it’s tougher to stop the weight and turn it back than it is to just tap okay so always going to give you a way to dial it up dial it back as well here [Music] okay ten seconds three two one oh my gosh okay now we’re mermaiding on the left glute okay so you’re not actually on your hip bone you’re up on that glute okay let’s go legs together straight if you can bent if you need to two one let’s go keep those um shoes together or your ankles if you’re not wearing shoes good what i try to avoid is totally relaxing here letting all control just go keep the control okay 20 seconds [Applause] come on 12 11. six five four three two one and rest let’s close it out with the rope like i said you can go your splits where you can work on the side to side a little bit more okay after this we’ve got a power circuit i know you’re gonna love okay splits or side to side let’s go whichever one you’d like two one come on [Music] last 40 here then we take a breather you guys are doing great two-thirds of the way done through this workout i’m so proud of you showing up giving your all let’s go 15 more seconds quicker seven three two one one minute rest you’re doing fantastic breathe move around if you would like [Music] okay power moves for our last circuit i know you’re gonna like this one a little bit progressive in the power move grand scheme of things okay split jerk is exercise one okay so we still have 25 seconds jog watch me okay arms are here you’re gonna take a little dip as you dip start this press split lock it out up top bring your feet together lower dip press okay make sure there’s a lockout up top after that take it down hang clean okay let’s start with the split jerk i’m gonna go with my 20s and three two one here we go dip catch okay the attempt with the jerk or with the split i should say is to drop under those moving dumbbells so you get them going you drop down you have a lot less push to do doesn’t matter which leg is out front push and lock out [Music] good job seven three two one rest twenty seconds rest we go into a clean now the clean is a hinge so you go back come forward pull your elbows under catch okay don’t have to go to the floor just right about knee height ready three two one let’s go you also don’t have to go all the way into a squat just an up top power move back forward catch okay again back forward [Music] catch [Music] three two one rest [Music] back to the jump rope [Music] come on give me a little skip here so let’s go up down up down one two one two okay getting a little athletic one two ready start off with two feet let’s go think of two foot one two one good two and one two and one [Applause] keep breathing come on i know i’m getting tired as well we’re right there we’re so close five four two one rest now we take that clean and we do a single arm and add a press okay you’re coming here okay left arm only here clean press take it down hinge catch press left arm two one let’s go same thing hips back forward catch press everything’s locked on that press good [Music] make sure when you catch you don’t catch here crunch press okay clean catch press this stays tight ten [Music] four three two one and i know you’ve missed them snatches okay that opposite arm so we did this left arm right arm snatch okay if you’ve never done a snatch you’re taking it from the floor hinged pull forward catch up top just lock it out okay right arm only two one let’s go keep it close to your body okay so it doesn’t need to come out here like a kettlebell swing okay here it comes straight up catch [Music] good come on stay focused here dig those heels down before you take off heels on the floor butt comes forward good it’s hard to slow that down four three [Music] rest great job skip rope okay again we are two one two one two one two one ready come on you’re doing great so proud of you four three two one [Music] see if you can pull your abs in a little bit when you bring that one leg up so crunch crunch that might help a little bit keeping your legs out front [Music] the good part about jump rope is you’re not really pounding hard on your feet but you’ve got to stay moving right you’ve got to kind of keep a consistent pace you can’t slow down that’s why it’s good for a 60 minute workout you just keep moving 4 three two one yes okay you know what this means we’re back to the top split jerk okay here catch [Music] all right let’s get it four i’m gonna use my 30s for this one dip two one good dip and drop under good job 15. come on eight [Music] six five four one more two one oh my goodness okay cleans it’s going here extend catch you do not need to squat here okay i’m gonna use my 20s give my arms a little breather three two one let’s go hinge catch and it shouldn’t be a pull and scoop under okay it should be powered by your butt doing this [Music] okay keep your back strong [Music] that’s it you can do this come on 12 [Music] 2 1 and rest on get that rope in open and close here so you’re hopping together wide together wide like a jumping jack okay let’s go in three two one come on wait until it passes you to jump wide okay so it goes under open outside together open outside back to using your inner thighs a little bit right you’re light on your toes your knees are so bent you get out squeeze squeeze good seven six come on you’re doing fantastic three two one good we’re back to clean and press with the right arm now okay so remember last time we did left arm clean press this time we’re doing right and then we snatch left arm okay let’s go four three two one come on remember what we’re not doing catch here how do we not do this keep this strong okay keep it tight as soon as you catch all of this flexes [Music] okay keep your arm out to make sure your shoulders don’t dip here or here [Music] six five two one and rest and we’ve got a left arm snatch okay we take it get back here take it from the floor your back your forward catch okay right beside my ear five four come on you got this two one let’s go down and down [Music] you want this thing moving with so much power that you pull hard and then you just get under it okay there’s no point where you have to press okay you pull hard and get under it [Music] okay feel the difference pull hard power from back here get under it okay six five three two one and rest beautiful and we’re back to your jump rope power dumbbell moves done let’s get that rope oops okay in and out or whatever one you haven’t done yet today or you did it already and you want to work a little bit more on it two one come on try to switch it up for you just to make sure you get some good challenges with your coordination good variety of course we’ve been working out together for a while now today so i want you to have fun fitness should be something where you actually enjoy the time for the most part i know not every minute is heavenly but you’re not hating it all the time come on 10. [Music] there you go four three two one and you’ve got one minute rest we’re not done yet you’ve got one minute rest and we’ve got four exercises to rock through [Music] okay no dumbbells so if you want to move those out of your way you can okay we’ve got a little rope finisher just with your body weight and your jump rope okay first thing we have is a push-up burpee over the rope so your rope splits your mat in half okay you’re gonna come down push up okay come up hop over same thing push up 40 seconds there followed right by 40 second leg lifts okay so you’re at the back of the rope tap lift tap lift okay for a more beginner option you could go here tap lift tap lift over okay option number three or exercise number three squat and knee drive so you’ll take your rope hold it here or your sweat towel squat drive okay and then after that freestyle rope whatever you like okay so 30 seconds of work 10 seconds rest to switch to the next one all right we’re starting with your burpee hop over in five are you ready yes we are three come on two one let’s go pop it over 30 seconds of work 10 seconds to transition it’s your 40 seconds per exercise last 13. six five three two one rest ten seconds your legs are going up and over the rope okay so you’re here up ready two one keep your feet together don’t rainbow arch it bend your knees if you need to 15 seconds and then we’ll go into your squat knee drive seven three two one grab your rope double it up or your sweat towel right out front squat drive three two one squat and if you want feel free add a jump okay i’m gonna work on my core pull pull 13 12. good six five three two one ten seconds and you pick your favorite jump rope style of the day we go for a minute this is it close it out three two one let’s go now feel free to switch it up good let’s go in and out if you want to go with me i’m going to go in and out i’ll keep switching if you want to rock with me on those switches let’s do it doubles left left right right now triples one two three one two three good good come on every other one left right left right [Music] that’s it come on you got 10 seconds i just need you to sprint let’s go as fast as you can five four three two one and rest guys you’ve made it to your cooldown how many of you are proud of yourself right now everybody hands in the air we did it we made it let’s go ahead and get you cooled down so you can get out of here on time come on down hands and knees don’t skip the cool down reach your hips back definitely don’t uh skip the subscribe either make sure if you’re rocking with me today is your first time good news i hope it won’t be your last i’ll be here for you every single day come on up drop your hips down open your chest good if you’re rocking with me daily just check and make sure you’re subscribed or at least give the video a thumbs up before you head out that just helps youtube see that people are using the workouts they’re liking the workouts and they’ll show them to more people that way tuck your toes down i want you to lift your hips up in the air and drive your heels down to the ground when you get them down to the ground lean away from them so we get a good stretch in your calf lots of jump roping and i hope this was i think this might be my new favorite 60 minute workout i hope it was good for you with variety we worked a little bit of the peripheral peripheral heart action system so going upper body lower body upper body lower body stand up cross your arms over your chest okay so i was challenging your heart to pump blood up and then down up then down and then just pumping it hard for the cardio in between so if your heart rate was up understandable i wanted you to get the most out of this workout today great job pull your heel to your glute grab onto a wall if you need to and move forward throughout the day with one word in mind powerful okay we ended that workout today with some power moves throughout the workout we were building it up we got our arms ready and our legs ready then we got our core ready and then we ended it with some power moves those cleaning jerks okay split jerks snatches clean and press all of those require all of your body to work together okay can you show yourself what you’re made of and those moves okay if you didn’t have the coordination yet trust me it will come all right wide stance lean your left hip away the coordination for those comes from you trusting yourself getting stronger and just kind of figuring out the movement of the dumbbell it all centers around a strong powerful body your core your arms your legs just working together so don’t be frustrated if those were hard be encouraged i still have so much more that i can push for and i can still accomplish so much more if i just keep doing exactly what i’m doing okay i like to teach you about how your body should move together so we get the most out of our workouts that way and we are more well-rounded human beings functioning in life good posture sleeping well okay hands on your hips drop your shoulders down take left ear to left shoulder close your eyes for me and i just want you to think powerful think of another situation in your life where you could be more powerful okay switch it over right ear to the right shoulder or just switch ears keep your eyes closed here and envision you being that powerful version of yourself making it come to life not just dreaming about it but doing it visualize it are you showing up differently if yes take note of what this looks like okay open up your eyes nice and slow there you go lift your chin to the sky and chin down to your chest and keep this visual in mind what is that powerful version of you are you showing up differently if yes let’s do it let’s do that visualization let’s make it happen in real life you are powerful you just have to see it believe it and then go do it go be it okay it’s already inside of you just waiting to come to life okay i trust you i believe in you i’m going to do the same thing okay so no i’m with you i’m always on your team as your trainer i’ll show up here for you every day all you have to do is show up yourself push play let’s rock together and we’ll finish strong together as a team all over the world okay so thank you for choosing me as your trainer thank you for giving the video a thumbs up and subscribing it means a lot to us as we continue to be able to help more people that’s our whole mission making fitness accessible and thank you for helping us do that all right i’ll see you back here tomorrow so proud of you go grab some water and i’ll see you tomorrow bye guys [Music] i got your wraps

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Comments (48)

  • @sarahsimmons8921 Reply

    This jump rope workout is also great for Achilles tendinitis recovery. Are there at her jump rope heavy workouts?

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @sarahsimmons8921 Reply

    I think this is my new favorite workout. Love the jump ropes. Not so much the mermaid abs. But it’s good for me.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    I followed Laurel & Alyson and did it…. again ! Another thumbs up Even though I'm getting old, every once in awhile I feel like I am getting stronger.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it! Did this during workout while waiting for the new STF🎉

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @fanniboros1181 Reply

    This workout was my favorite too❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @junepatterson9984 Reply

    Love these workouts,able to lift heavier and see changes,endurance better too

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @SLocky82 Reply

    This workout is my new favourite full body!!! I'm gonna keep coming back to this one 😊

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    Thanks Laurel for the recommendation A great workout again Thumbs up

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @shanenchar Reply

    Awesome full body and cardio workout. I really need to get a decent jump rope though. I burned 450 calories! Awesome! Thank you ❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @evanspark8356 Reply

    just starting to add in 60 min workouts- I thought I couldn't do them.. BUT I AM POWERFUL. Thank-you for the great workout- I like the variety!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @anamonsalvegonzalez5559 Reply

    Hi Cindy,I have been doing your workout for 3 year and I love it you're my favorite training.. Anna from Miami fl.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @annhering6671 Reply

    I miss 60 minute workouts

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @minis5057 Reply

    This was the best workout of my life

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 20 2023

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @marissahurst1784 Reply

    This workout is in my favorites and I love revisiting it 🙌🏼💪🏼❤️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @lindseylu7693 Reply

    I really liked the format on this one!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @user-ry4mo9hj2n Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @AwesomePikachu808 Reply

    This was the best 60 minute workout that I've ever tried. I found this workout while browsing your videos for a workout that incorporated strength, cardio and bodyweight exercises. I'm slightly overweight so this workout took me a 1 hour and 27 minutes today to complete, due to the more frequent breaks that I had to take. I did this workout as part of my wrap up routine for the end of the day before I shower and go to bed and I am sweating head to toe right now.

    Next time, I will end the workout quicker, now I know the jumprope tricks. I used to be a jump rope fanatic in my teens so it definitely brought me back some good memories, and I was able to recall the tricks that you mentioned by just working on the footwork first and then doing 10 reps for each cardio interval, then mixing and increasing the reps.

    I did a modified low impact burpee with a jump in the end. I took very frequent water breaks after each circuit, it might slightly reduce the next time. My only warning is to have a lighter, less dense dinner if you want to do this workout in the night. I regret eating my egg and avocado sandwich before this workout and having a smoothie. I don't do workouts in the mornings because I'm a lazy, grumpy snob getting ready for my day job. My brain doesn't start functioning till like at 10 AM.

    I'm sore all over my body. The strength workouts are great and targeted nearly all parts of my body including abs. I took it slower as a beginner and didn't do much reps because I was focusing on form and technique. This is my tenth day working out consistently in this month, I used to do 20-25 minute workouts, then 25-30 minute workouts, with mild cardio, more bodyweight and I will definitely be using this workout to amp up my strength and endurance, so I can move on to your other jump rope workouts.

    The takeaway for me is to plan for 1 hour and 30 minutes timeslot including breaks if you haven't worked out for a while. And aim for 10-20 reps of jumprope till you get the rhythm. For those with busy and stressed out workloads in their day jobs, I would do this workout more on the weekend and stick to a twenty minute workout in the weekdays, or do yoga.

    I haven't tracked calorie burn in my watch or my weight today, I am following my intuition in what my body wants and can handle. My aim is sustainable weight loss to get more energy and to be less exhausted. My goal as of now is to lose 5 lbs, I might increase in the future depending on my health and my eating habits. I might put it in my playlist of favorite workouts.

    Intense workouts are like a antidote to curb the damage of stress in my body due to my emotions. I plan on doing this twice a week and supplementing with my favorite twenty minute workouts in the other days. Thank you.

    My apologies for my long explanation, I wanted to share my experience with this workout, don't let the time deter you and do modifications where needed. Wish me luck!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Day 18 dooooone!! Oh my gosh that was a long one. Also, I LOVE the Crossfit portion!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @laureljohnson4010 Reply

    I can’t believe I’ve never commented on this workout, I’ve done it so many times! This is my all time favorite workout from Sydney! ❤❤❤❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @gemgem2705 Reply

    Perfect Monday morning workout ❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @Rob42125 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    Such a fun one

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it!! Loved this workout!! ❤️ learning to different styles of rope I'm getting better!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @racheletherington4312 Reply

    Thank you Sydney xxx love your work xx tired today so jump roped for most of the cardio x

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @kjherm10 Reply

    I was really not looking forward to a 60 minute workout, but I feel as though it went by so fast and it was a lot of fun and you didn't realize how long it actually was!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    Did this one 15 months ago. goes by quicker than I expect it to !

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    Love this one

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @cierasky46 Reply

    Here in 2023 and this workout was AMAZING 🤩

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    Added this to day one of Results!! Perfect

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Loved this Workout! Awesome Variety! Crushed It!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @staceylouderback6911 Reply

    Working it!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @ayalula7 Reply

    Thanks 🎉❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @pattyhoffman909 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @laureljohnson4010 Reply

    This is still my ALL TIME FAVORITE WORKOUT! I could do this one every week.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    Wow ! So awesome 👏🏻 crushed this workout 🏋️ 🙏🏻 💪🏻 😅 9/11

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    On of my favs!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @JMS_Outdoors Reply

    Love ALL of Sydney's video's! Thanks so much for being amazing and a inspiration to us all.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @lynngardner76 Reply

    That. Was. Awesome. I loved it all. So good and challenging! So much variety and those power moves at the end. Kicked my booty! More like this one please! Thank you!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @denisedandrea2998 Reply

    Miss the 60 minute workouts.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @donnarhodes8357 Reply

    This is the second or third time for this session. So awesome! Wish you could do more of this type of 60. ❤️❤️❤️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @mariabarcelo4737 Reply

    Excellent full body, second or third time doing it…crushed it!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @nicolec6485 Reply

    Even the glutes burn 🔥 thank you for these! I was challenged just to try the moves. So inspiring!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @juliepajic7973 Reply

    I forgot about this one! It is definitely one of my favorites! Love being able to scroll back in time and keeping up while you are enjoying your time with your new son… ❤️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @ginjuice8951 Reply

    I really needed this after such a long time off sick with a bad shoulder. It was so good to work out again with Sydney and burn those calories. 660 Kcals burned 💪🏾🥵🤮

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @lgurchiani Reply

    Loved it!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM
  • @joycemann9787 Reply

    One of my favorites, BUT… every one of your videos should have a countdown clock so we can sense how hard to push at any given moment. Without that visual, it's hard. Many other training sites use one and it's very helpful.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 PM

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