50 Minute Upper Body Circuit Workout | IGNITE – Day 16

50 Minute Upper Body Circuit Workout | IGNITE – Day 16

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 50 minute upper body circuit workout so grab your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for this upper body workout we have a circuit style workout today and i want you to think of this as four kind of little mini workouts in one we’ve got a lighter circuit a medium weight circuit and then more of your heavy circuit followed up at the end by a little burnout circuit so you can kind of focus in on each circuit one at a time knowing you’re working hard then we can move on to the next one okay as always your mission today is work hard for strength okay for my dumbbells i’ve got 10 15 20 25 and 30 pound dumbbells so anywhere in your medium light medium to heavy exercises the lightest exercise that we’ll do is probably your tricep kickback or a lateral raise heaviest will be either chest press on the bench which if you have a bench you can pull that out or bent rows that’ll be your heavier moves okay so bench if you have it water and a sweat towel as always and let’s jump into this workout guys don’t forget before you head out to make sure you’ve subscribed and let’s start with arm swings big open big cross two one let’s go good start your breathing right here so within each circuit we have four exercises we’ll do three rounds of a circuit and then we’ll move on okay and i’ll keep you moving so you won’t have any straight sets today it’ll all be circuit style so one through four and then back to the top okay circles backwards there we go gonna be targeting all the upper body muscles so we’ve got chest back biceps triceps and shoulders and switch directions here we go no jump rope today i know i’m gonna miss it i know you’re thinking the same thing right no jump rope just some dumbbells just a solid strength day okay take your left hand point your fingers to the ground pull your fingers back under your elbows your mission of course as well as just focusing on strength is progressive overload so within each of your three rounds i want you to try to increase your weight or your intensity or the reps that you get in in that certain period of time within the three rounds at least once okay flip your hand over let’s pull back i’m just opening up your forearms here since we’ll be holding dumbbells okay let’s flip it over other hand pull back good this always feels great go ahead and flip your hand over pull your fingers back [Music] there you go all right nice wide stance arms out to the side i want you to hinge and then touch down right in the middle with one hand switch switch [Music] good big twist big reach up open your torso four three two and one good now put your hands down onto the mat we’re gonna go into a down dog position okay so come on down okay push your head right behind your biceps and then push it right over the front you don’t have to go into a plank but i just want a little shoulder rotation here okay head goes in front of and behind your arms [Music] good give me three two and one good last one drop down to your knees reach your fingers out straight big push down with your chest [Music] all right come on up let’s get started we’ll go together in 25 seconds your first move is a chest fly okay you can choose to lay on your bench or on the mat all right i’m gonna go on my bench here okay so i’m using my 10 pound dumbbells just opening it up wide for a chest fly 40 seconds okay so grab your dumbbells and we’ll go into one let’s go big open and close okay so we’re starting off with your lighter weight set and my attempt here is throughout the workout to progressively overload you but also to make sure that within this first circuit you get everything nice and warm you’re not immediately pushing your max weights but you’re waking up those muscles great job guys 15 more seconds and then we’ll move to your second exercise of the circuit [Music] good one at a time open squeeze in you’ve got three two one beautiful likely gonna be around the same weight for dumbbells i’m gonna use my same weight back flies as your next move so you’re hinging pulling back now make sure there’s no shrug involved okay keep it down you drive your wrists and your elbows back towards your tailbone ready two one let’s go fly back and if you need to modify this maybe you just go one arm at a time taking it backwards and release okay there you go yeah no modifications today everything is low impact the only modification you’ll need is just if you need to drop down and wait okay [Music] good shoulder blades are squeezing together towards the middle of your back okay so make sure they don’t come up first they go they stay down and they go back okay five four three two one good job all right same weight we’re gonna go lateral raises okay elbows are slightly bent lift come back down my hands are nice and flat so palms face the floor and then back down okay ready let’s go in four three two one lift lower same thing to slow it down give me one arm at a time elbows are just slightly bent and i’m thinking about getting my pinkies up nice and high good focus on power up control down that’s it [Music] 14 13 and then i’ll show you your last exercise of circuit one lift it out come on three two one all right last move also a little bit of shoulder we’ve got front raise flip to lower okay so we start in a pronated position you come up flip come down supinated okay so palms face your legs lift rotate lower ready let’s go two one come on we lift up flip at the chest lower good so you’ve got some bicep involvement on the lowering right [Music] good really makes you control the weight right [Music] beautiful job you’ve got 12. how you feeling okay good don’t bop your hips leave them back i know someone was just like damn she got me okay two one rest so what i’m saying is make sure you’re not doing this okay we’re back to chest flab and i just want to show you what i was talking about okay so here we go round two chest fly it’s up to you if you want to go up in weight intensity at least okay let’s go three two one dumbbells over your chest and we open the elbows away from the rib cage and then meet them back together right over your sternum exhale pull good likely you’re feeling a little bit more range of motion this round right arms are warming up that’s good use that moving into round three if you want to go up in weights know that you’re getting warm your muscles are firing they’re working for you we’re getting stronger seven six two one all right come on up back flies move this out of the way for a second okay back flies keep the hinge make sure you’re not going here you’re going backwards okay five seconds three two one bend the knees hinge over drive back good you feel your shoulders easing up drop them back down think of your wrists reaching back for your tailbone reaching back for each other good it’s so okay for your chest to open up a little bit here as your back muscles squeeze just make sure you’re not bobbing great job guys you’re doing great seven three two and rest amazing lateral raises we’re back okay out to the side to slow it down one at a time okay and then we’ve got the last round of the circuit so let’s keep rocking five here we go four three two one come on lift lower remember power on the lift control on the lower good there you go lead up with the wrist [Music] keep your pinkies high here we go come on there we go you’ve accomplished something already today showing up for this workout okay stay with me here it’s one of those workouts you have to just dig deep grind it out strength workouts really push us rest good job they really push us to mentally dig deep stay focused stay pushing ourselves okay front raise and flip okay no that’s our motive today dig deep push ourselves i’m here with you okay i’m not gonna quit on you two one let’s go i’m not gonna start to take it easy know that if you need to look up at any time you’ve got a coach right here beside you pushing herself pushing you to do the same because we’re worth it our time is worth it okay here we go so let’s finish off here be thinking in this round can you go heavier on that last round than any of the moves okay if you’re not ready to go heavier can you give me a little bit more explosive energy [Music] can you give me a couple more reps in our 40 second work period all of these are progressive overload three two one all right let’s go let’s think about it can we go up just fly last round almost done with circuit one show yourself what can i do here for me all right here we go four dumbbells up three two one come on good strong wrists make sure you’re not bending your elbows at the side like a wide chest press okay keep them open and long good shoulders biceps chest oh come on [Music] good job give me a couple more reps come on six five go go go pull four one more three two one yes there we go chest fly complete done with that one now we go back fly okay if you want to go heavier and go one arm at a time you can do that okay you want to stay with the same weight give me more power on the way up do that ready two one let’s go i’m gonna go one arm a little heavier [Music] be thinking hook your elbow towards your spine and you notice i’m stopping here okay a couple reasons to make sure my chest isn’t bobbing okay and also to make sure my back doesn’t round out okay so i stay flat [Applause] good job ten nine come on finish two one yes good job lateral raises i’m gonna use my 10 pounds again so same weight i’ve been using the whole workout but i’m going to work on how i perform the reps pushing harder okay three two one let’s go lift up slow on the way down that’s it okay increasing the intensity it’s also progressive overload you don’t have to just go up in dumbbell weights and that’s great for a lot of us that don’t have a big dumbbell selection right now you just got to work those dumbbells differently okay good thirteen [Music] eight seven three two one rest good okay last one front raise rotate too supinated and lower okay and then we’ll take a breather and move up to our medium weight set okay medium weight circuit all right five seconds let’s finish this one off strong two one come on we lift pause turn lower [Music] good exhale lift keep your hips right there don’t move them no shakira come on the hips stay right where they are right now [Music] good come on good job 12 push push push seven one more three two rest oh okay amazing job guys grab some water you’ve got a minute rest here i need your arms to recover a little bit so a minute rest grab water if you want to jog in place or stay moving to keep your heart rate up that’s fine i just want your arms to recover a little bit [Music] all right so while you rest your next four exercises i want to show you okay so then when we rock into it you can be thinking about it bicep curls is number one okay right here right in front okay then we go up to tricep overhead extension we’re here okay you can also do this on the floor if you would like okay laying flat all right after that we’ve got a hammer curl okay and then dips on the bench we’re on the floor all right so let’s start with our bicep curls i’m gonna start with my 15 pound dumbbells okay start with something that’s medium for you okay let’s go in three two one here we go 40 seconds again [Music] good right up to your chest beautiful [Music] good now each of our three rounds on this circuit i’m gonna add a little bit of spice okay so if you wanna stay the same weight the whole time i’m gonna intensify it for you okay nine eight seven four three two one yes there we go all right overhead extensions grab one dumbbell or two click together all right you wanna hold it this way you can do this some people prefer this okay just keep your elbows in line all right let’s go four three two here we go bend and push good job [Music] you might have to kind of lean your head forward just a little bit that’s okay just keep your elbows right where they are feel the stretch in the back of your arm push your hands back up to the ceiling [Music] beautiful fifteen [Music] seven six five three two one good all right next exercise we’ve got a hammer curl okay so we’re taking our dumbbells right by our side alternating on this one okay you curl here relax curl relax right palms face my leg i’m using my 15 pound dumbbells three two one let’s get it i like to make sure i’m not swinging so if you feel yourself coming down and going like this okay you’re adding momentum instead of making your muscle move that dumbbell okay your muscle pulls on your bones that’s how we get this lever action okay feel free to look over at your arms make sure your technique is great good i like to just look over make sure i’m not accidentally scooping my elbows out we’re not letting them come here and then curling okay adding a little scoop three two one all right good now we have dips if you don’t have a bench i want you to take it right here okay bend straighten okay if you have a bench pull that guy in or your couch or a chair or a table and sit on top and we’ll do the same thing then straighten ready let’s go good so the further away your feet are from your hips meaning the more weight that your arms have the tougher this is so start here if you need to bend push slowly inch your feet away okay the modification is just pulling your feet a little bit more under you and using your arms as much as you can but having your feet here to help you fifteen five four three two one and rest back to your bicep curls i told you i was gonna make it a little bit spicy right so bicep curls okay we’re here flipping it over to hammer and then lowering okay so curl neutral lower all right let’s go together two one here we go curl neutral lower now bonus points if you can take your neutral hammer and before you relax open it back up then start your curl again okay instead of going down and then bringing it back here okay just an option to add a little bit more spice [Music] seven three two one and rest great job now overhead tricep extension you’re gonna add a little pause halfway up okay so you’re gonna go down pause and extend down pause extend okay so pause in the middle of that rep three two one you bend all the way halfway hold straighten good two seconds hold one two and go good nice work nine eight seven [Music] three two one rest oh gosh that was hard okay hammer curl two reverse curl so we’re adding a little twist to this curl as well okay we pull up hammer then i want you to turn your thumbs in towards each other so palms are open lower this way okay so we go neutral reverse all right let’s go two one pull up lower this way if this doesn’t feel good for you just keep rocking that hammer curl okay hammer and reverse good this will be tougher on your forearms okay so like i said it doesn’t work just keep it right here but if you can try it [Music] the key here is to not let your wrist roll forward okay when you curl keep that wrist strong and rest good job so just a little variation like i said if it’s uncomfortable for you for your elbows or your wrists don’t worry about it okay the whole objective is targeting the biceps we’re back to the dips now let’s finish out round two right here ready two one let’s go good and an option for this one if your wrists start hurting you can always grab dumbbells and just do tricep kickbacks same kind of thing we’re just targeting the triceps so if the wrist pressure is too much grab those light dumbbells tricep kickbacks good job 15. good six five [Music] three two one and rest all right bicep curl we’re going to pause halfway down on the way out of this curl okay so you’re curling up come here pause one two and lower okay so you can use the same weight as you’ve used all three rounds i’m intensifying it for you ready two one let’s go curl hold one two down curl [Music] that’s it good come on visible pause right don’t just say yeah i’m kind of stopping here hold one two lower fifteen something i just caught myself doing don’t do this okay i just did it myself so i know you might have the chance of running that same mistake three two one rest beautiful job all right tricep overhead extension i want to challenge you to do this two-handed wide stance okay if it feels good for you you can also go a little bit heavier if you would like round number three two one come on let’s go and be mindful of your elbows do not let them come here okay keep them right where they are right above your shoulders good different stabilization challenge right [Music] find what feels good for you everyone’s angles will be different we’re all different in terms of mobility body alignment [Music] good job four three and rest [Music] okay hamburg carl we’re gonna do the same thing that you did in your bicep curl up first curl up pause one two down okay here we go let’s intensify together four three two one come on curl pause one two down there you go think about giving me a thumbs up halfway down there we go one two release don’t swing don’t take your dumbbells past your legs [Music] 15 seconds ten nine one more four three two one and rest and one last round of dips and we’ll take another breather come on you’re doing great have a seat on whatever you’re dipping on finish this one out and then we breathe and we move up to our heaviest set okay four three two one let’s go [Music] like i said wrists are hurting tricep kickbacks for you [Music] good push through the burn that you may or may not be feeling as well good job twelve [Music] five four come on a couple more three two one and rest all right grab some water you’ve got a minute rest and we’re rocking into our heavier circuit okay shoulder press chest press bent row and then we’ve got a superman to kind of even that out [Music] so if you have your bench you can pull it out if you don’t no worries okay shoulder press standing or if you’re working on a little bit of controlling your core you can also sit down this feels better to you okay shoulder press angles do not have to be out here you can also pull it in a little bit more 45 degrees to feel a little bit better for your shoulder okay so shorter press is here chest press on the floor or on the bench you’re coming right outside your ribs not up by your head down here around your ribs okay and then bent rows and come up here pull here or alternating pull okay you can also stabilize here okay you can do one arm then the other arm for round two and then we’ll split round three in half all right i just like to give you options everyone’s at a different place everyone feels different with different moves so let’s start together with your shoulder press overhead okay six seconds i’m gonna use my 25 pound dumbbells okay let’s go in two one here we go like i said you can sit down you can even do a little split stance here [Music] good [Music] twelve eleven five four two one and rest chest press is next so lay it down on the floor or in the bench okay round number one i tried to give you kind of similar weights as far as exercises okay seven seconds demo we’re gonna go around the chest press up turn the pinkies into neutral are you ready let’s go [Music] don’t worry about your lower back if it’s not touching the floor that’s okay [Music] breathe i need to breathe as well breathe with me breathe in lower exhale push ten [Music] two one good come on up bent rows like i said you can do here you can alternate here or you can take it one arm at a time going right here okay so let’s go together i’m gonna go with my 30 pound dumbbell in three two one come on let’s go [Music] [Applause] drive that elbow back up towards your back not up towards your armpit so you don’t want to go here okay shoulder doesn’t need to go here and your wrist doesn’t need to go here needs to go back and back good job seven three two one rest and now we go superman on the floor okay so you can move your bench out of the way or just step to the side of it okay on your stomach we’re laying down we’re gonna lift and we’re gonna hold okay right here two one let’s go lift up hold here i want you to notice are your glutes squeezed together yes they are right legs are nice and straight lower back is lifting your chest up now if you need to kind of digress a little bit pull your hands in here a little closer to your body okay just keep that chest up keep pushing your hips into the floor all right arms out straight if you can let’s pulse let’s go 12 11 10 9 backwards eight seven five four three two one and rest and we’re back to shoulder press [Music] here we go you can sit it down if you would like i was just kind of showing you the seated position so you kind of see my hands all right shoulder press round two let’s go in two one here we go [Music] beautiful keep your arms your forearms stacked right over your elbow so don’t let your elbow shoot forward great job stabilize at the bottom too so make sure you [Music] two one rest chest press great job lay it down what i was saying in the shoulder press and in the chest press when you lower those dumbbells make sure you’re not doing any kind of scooping or wiggling you lower transition right back up chest press let’s go in four three two come on let’s go [Music] keep pushing good job last half good i know your arms are tired because you’re working hard i’m feeling it too these feel so heavy eight seven come on don’t give up let’s go one more together two one great job rest all right single arm row or double arm row whatever you’re choosing all right here we go come on strong back muscles let’s go two one [Music] good elbow goes back to the tailbone do not pull it up to your armpit don’t pull your shoulder up to your ear think about grabbing something and you want to pull it right to your ribs hip bone area okay core is also working hard right i know i feel it great job come on eight seven three two one beautiful superman lay it down on your tummy [Music] okay squeezing the glutes squeezing your low back muscles come on three two drop those hips to the floor up yes there we go let’s go arms straight bent forward bent out bend reach bend let’s go [Music] good straight bend reach bend keep my pace bend reach bend good good now straight back let’s go reach back reach back come on ten nine eight seven six four three come on two one rest okay last round let’s go we turned it up this is our last heavy circuit we’re dialing the weight down a little bit in the next circuit so i need you to give me your all i need you to give you your all most importantly it’s not about me it’s about you what are you getting out of this let’s go in two one here we go now if you’re going heavier know that your speed does not have to match when you were going lighter good job fifteen [Music] hello okay chest press how you feeling can you go heavier can you give me a more intense press step it up however you can six five i don’t know if anyone just noticed but almost flipped off the bench no worries we’re still here just kind of woke me up a little bit keep pushing that’s it strong together you got 15 seconds [Music] if you ever wonder if i’m getting tired on upper body days you can look at my toes they’re tapping and they’re doing some little dance i’m really tired i’m really pushing three one more together two rest all right so i mentioned if you did single arm rows round one you did left round two you did right we’re going to split this one okay so let’s start off with the arm you started with first for 20 seconds okay you’re doing double arm let’s go round three two one let’s go 20 seconds on the left and 20 on the right if you’re splitting it if you’re not last 40 of your rows [Music] if you’re splitting this we switch in two and let’s go [Music] good job ten nine [Music] two one and rest okay superman let’s go move the bench out of the way if you’re using it or just scoot it to the side [Music] here we go superman and eight seven four hands beside your ears squeeze the glutes and let’s lift here we go straighten and bend out in out in good stay right here now take your feet out out out out good job good relax your feet bring them back into neutral arms go forward let’s go forward pull forward pull i’m going crazy good ten nine lift it up as high as you can go go go reach reach reach reach we’re up we’re higher two one and rest okay grab some water amazing job three circuits down and we have one to go beautiful work [Music] grab water [Music] we’re moving into i’m probably just going to use my 10 pound dumbbells for the rest of the workout okay we’re gonna do a little builder okay we’ve got four rounds of this we’re gonna do tricep kickbacks okay so right here tricep kickbacks second exercise bicep curl pulses one two third exercise lateral raises one two fourth exercise front raises okay you can go here if you’d like one two okay so four minutes four rounds of 45 seconds what we’re gonna do is a little builder okay in your 45 seconds you’ve got two kickbacks two curls two raises two raises then you go to three three kickbacks three curls three raises three raises okay four rounds of 45 seconds that’s it okay we’re gonna start in about 15 seconds so just make sure you know you’re counting two of everything three of everything four of everything as high as you can get in 45 seconds then you rest okay then we do it all over again four rounds that’s it are you ready start off with two kickbacks in two one let’s go you’ve got one you’ve got two two bicep curls one two two lateral raises two front raises go back to tricep kickbacks you’ve got three three curl pulses three laterals there you go you just keep climbing three front raises good job now we’re up to four keep going i’ll tell you when to stop three two one now you stop you rest for 15 seconds you’re going to resume right where you started so if you’re in your four round in eight seconds you start right back there and you keep going keep counting higher ready three two one so i’m going to resume at my four curls keep climbing [Music] 45 seconds at a time you get done with your fours you go to your fives get done with your threes you go to your fours wherever you are five seconds and you’re gonna pause three two one pause right here where are you just breathe in about 10 seconds you just keep climbing we’re going on to round three okay resume in five four three come on two one start right where you were let’s go beautiful [Music] keep climbing keep pushing higher higher [Music] five four three two one rest fifteen seconds to rest you resume one last time one last time you keep counting right where you are in five four come on three how high can you get two one let’s go don’t stop on this one just keep those dumbbells moving at all times [Music] [Music] good job come on five four three two one rest for 15. good job we’ve got one minute of work left each of the exercises that you just did you’re going to give me a 15 second hold in your flexed position okay so what does that look like 15 seconds meaning one minute total of work first 15 seconds you’re holding here 15 14 etc second 15 you come right here hold your bicep curl okay third 15 you come here hold your lateral raise last 15 we’re right here holding here okay that is it so 10 seconds shake it out we’re starting with the kickback hold if you have to drop drop shake it go back to the hold come on we can do this three two one flex let’s hold hold hold hold tap your toes if you need to that’s it hold here for six five get ready to bend your elbows in four three two pull it in hold here 14 good this will probably be your rest one this will be the one you feel good about okay breathe seven six excuse me five four three out to the side two one big deep breath let’s go good if you need to pull it in to modify pull it right here stay up stay up if you’ve got five four come on this is your last minute of work two one hold front right here if you want to go down you go right here let’s go 15 14 13. [Music] good job hold four three two one and drop no jokes i was going to say one more minute of push-ups that’s just rude you made it to your cool down amazing job first of all just give me a big shake out i’m so proud of you i don’t know about you guys but i feel like that workout i was so focused that i feel like i just started i just kept pushing i hope you feel like that anytime you come work out with me hope you have fun doing it it may be tough to get here i give that to you it’s tough for me to get here some days but once we get started we’re good we’re off to the races we’re pushing each other okay point your fingertips down on your left hand pull them back okay make sure you give me just a minute more to stretch your arms out make sure you also keep stretching okay switch hands great job and i hope today and every day you dug deep you dug inside of yourself that said oh it’s going to be hard oh i could take it easy and you pushed further okay we saw some research yesterday as a team when we’re looking this up it said the most new year’s resolutions fail on january 19th okay so if you’re doing this program in the time that it’s uploaded take your hands overhead think about the fact that you just proved the statistics wrong you just stepped up to the plate and you said not me not this year i’m not quitting i’m not giving up okay you just showed yourself something incredible and every single day you can do that you have the chance to do that okay mediocre attitudes are everywhere right the attitudes of don’t work too hard are everywhere okay i’m here to show you what you can do to help you believe in yourself that’s it i’m not here to push you to a comparison standard or to tell you you’re only great if you do this weight or don’t do a modification none of that is true here with me i’m here to show you what you already have inside of you i’m here to help you discover your strength and discover how incredible it can feel when you start getting stronger you start getting stronger here you start getting stronger here you start getting stronger here you believe in yourself okay you start to inspire others around you whether they say it or not you’ll never know but the way you live if it’s positive and if it’s full of abundance and strength and gratitude you are inspiring other people so think about that double effect you’re doing great things for yourself you feel good you push yourself here and then secondary to that you’re inspiring people around you to feel that way as well okay how incredible is that so i want you to continue to live your best life okay prove the statistics wrong don’t fit in with the mediocre don’t fit in with everyone that’s telling you don’t work too hard if you have goals you can push and you’re in great company and you working hard inspires other people to work hard and most importantly discover your own inner strength okay i want you every day to believe in yourself after leaving this workout i want you to go into something that maybe you wouldn’t and approach it and crush it okay the crushed it mindset is what i want you to do outside of the workout as well so i’m so proud of you make sure before you head out today you never forget this message and then you head over to the subscribe button give the video a thumbs up and subscribe comment below that you crushed it and now go crush something else in your day and let’s keep proving the statistics wrong i love you guys i will see you tomorrow watch me just watch me

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Comments (42)

  • @sydneycummingshoudyshell Reply

    HAPPY MONDAY FAM! <3 Take a second and make sure you are subscribed to the channel for new free workouts every single day! You are going to feel so strong and proud after this workout!! Comment below if you are subscribed and share this workout so you can help others stay healthy and strong at home!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @sonjabrooks2686 Reply

    Back on 01/20/2024…stilling crushing it 💪🏽

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @fatimarahimi3747 Reply

    This was tough but I did it, I feel great, thank you so much

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @ddot9566 Reply

    I totally felt the burn with this one. For a 50 minute workout the time flew by. I felt so strong at the end. This one is a new favorite.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @martharobinson5623 Reply

    Doing this program in December 2023 after falling off track for a while. Just crushed Day 16 and haven't missed a single workout!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @sonjabrooks2686 Reply

    I started with Sydney in March 2020, once the gyms closed down, and that one song that says, “…give it all you got” means so much to me. No knew what life would look like during that time but her workouts (and other) kept me physically motivated.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @kellyclark2258 Reply

    I really liked this workout. Even though it was 50 minutes, the circuits were long so I didn’t watch the clock! I crushed it and feel better because of it! Thank you Sydney Squad🎉

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @benclouddey4191 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @kiauau Reply

    Best upper body workout EVER!!!!! ❤

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Day 16 done!!! Excellent workout! Thank you!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @alejandrafernandez1552 Reply

    Day 14✅💪🏼💪🏼😅🎶

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @charlenebackus1240 Reply

    That was an awesome workout Sydney! I'm not quite sure why I wasn't doing your workouts before but they are great
    I specifically love the bonus burnout in the end and the extra spice here and there 😂
    Thank you

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @helene1234 Reply

    I can’t believe this workout was loaded 2 years ago 😮😱. I did it again this morning!! I love it ❤️🙏 It is just superb 👏🙏❤️😁

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @Sirivaax Reply

    You are a BEAST!!!

    Coach goes hard everyday!
    What’s my excuse? None!

    Thank you so much ☺️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @neeelahmad43 Reply

    Thanks Sydney your workouts are amazing.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @4M_ismail Reply

    Statistics is wrong 💪💪

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @conniedesimini4185 Reply

    I totally pushed myself and loved it. Thanks, Sydney!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @MaryHadALittlelamb1 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @korielance Reply

    50 minutes of upper body with no cardio is my worst nightmare. this was torture to finish! and not in the good way lol

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @dinarmaharani1058 Reply

    Luv u.. 😍😍😍

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @meetmehta5926 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @conniedesimini4185 Reply

    did it…..

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @kelseyjo9078 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @andrewsaje8885 Reply

    All fitness instructors fib to get you motivated?

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @whitneylindquist456 Reply

    Loved your energy in this one Sydney! That kept me going.

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @henriettekrause9645 Reply


    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @pchan1728 Reply

    I missed doing this last week but made up for it this morning . I definitely do not remember doing this work out last year but know that I did because I have been following your programs for almost 2 years now! I generally don’t like doing workouts that are longer than 45 mins, but I know that once I’m finished, I feel great. Thank you for always putting out great content ❤️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @lisaagard811 Reply

    ohhhhhh this was so powerful!!!!!! enjoyed all the different formats

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @ashleyschurman688 Reply

    50min workouts typically have me intimated and I catch myself trying to talk myself out of doing them. But this workout really did go fast! Thank you!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @shivid7680 Reply

    Always love this one. Very mind muscle focused. Thanks Sydney, crushed it again 😊💪💪💪💪💪

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @kathygallagher8273 Reply

    Embrace the shake! Crushed it!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @r.michelle.h.b. Reply

    Crushed it!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @manonmethot1980 Reply

    Love your decor and love that kind of workout! Thank you AMAZING Sydney, you did it again !!! XOXOXO

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @silviafamania3606 Reply

    My Boyfriend and I did this one just now. We loved it

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @VMC104 Reply

    Second time through for Arise Sept 2022! 50 mins flew by!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @ginamarisa8605 Reply

    Thanks as always for another fire workout!!!!!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @sagime2506 Reply

    Sep 24, crushed

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @shannonhardiman1954 Reply

    WOW what an arm burner. Loved the round and I stayed with it!

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @lynseypayne Reply

    Crushed it added on 30 mins abs workout also from Sydney

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @maryamkhan9277 Reply

    Back here in Sep22

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM
  • @kirstenwalker8360 Reply

    Completed September 2022 loved it love the format and definitely went by so quick thank you Sydney 😊 💛❤️🖤🏋‍♀️

    May 28, 2024 at 12:56 AM

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