50 Minute Strength and Conditioning Workout | IGNITE – Day 22

50 Minute Strength and Conditioning Workout | IGNITE – Day 22

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 50 minute strength and conditioning workout so grab your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 50-minute strength and conditioning workout and you know this is my favorite style of workout so we mix a strength move with a cardio or conditioning move a body weight movement i’ll of course be providing you with a low impact modification over here i will use dumbbells for most of the modifications but a couple i’ll show you just a body weight low impact option so if you ever need to dial it back that option is there for you okay as for my dumbbells i’ve got 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells so anywhere from four up to 13 kilograms for myself but pick what works for you okay the heaviest move we’ll do today will be a squat and a snatch so snatch and squat combo the lightest move will be a shoulder press punch okay in a squat position so those two ranges for you and of course your water and your sweat towel and a jump rope if you haven’t okay so let’s go ahead and jump into the warm-up big cross over your chest in three two one let’s go good thumbs point to the ceiling when you open wide good working on the chest and interior deltoid here super pumped to have you here for this monday workout if you’re doing this program as it is designed this is the last week or the start heels to glute the start of the last week of the ignite program so i want you to dial it in here i want you to make everything that you’ve done so far useful in this workout okay draw from your strength draw from your dedication draw from what you’ve done so far and finish this out strong okay twist twist we’re definitely going to set the mood for the week with this workout it’s going gonna be a lot of fun three two and one beautiful let’s go high kicks good pull your toe to your knees and just be thinking of why you’re here today okay what matters to you most in terms of your health and fitness [Music] is it a mental escape it is your time so that makes sense it is a fitness goal whatever it is for you keep that y at the front of your mind throughout this workout okay feet down let’s go hinge and stand some of my best workouts are the workouts where i’m completely dialed into just doing the workout nothing else it’s my escape right and then i have something motivating me okay not motivating me to show up but within the workout i know i’m gonna show up if i can keep thinking of why i showed up when i do it makes it so much more effective and easier for me to push all right let’s sit down in your squat [Music] good and that’s different for everyone but what we have in common is there’s a reason that we are here today okay three two one and sit down stay down let’s push your knees open good getting your inner thighs [Music] there we go three two one hands down hips up i want you to walk back to a plank position pull in that plank nice tight ribs and abs flex your legs flex your glutes good and drop it down tilt your shoulders left and right and look up all right walk it back to your toes i want to show you your first superset we have three rounds of 40 seconds per move today squat curl and press is exercise one round one we go just the left arm okay so we squat curl press okay i’m going to use my 20 pound dumbbell for this one left arm first we go in three two one let’s go squat curl press and make sure you’re not going down and swinging to get your curl up okay it’s straight down curl press okay let’s go there you go this is your strength move you’ve got three rounds in each of our three rounds i’ll switch it up for you four three two one and rest good now we’ve got jump rope okay modification will be right here if you don’t want to jump you can also go high knees cardio of your choice anytime i do jump rope that’s your chance to kind of free yourself up for doing the cardio that pushes you if you don’t have a rope okay let’s go in two one come on i’ve personally grown to love the jump rope it does take some practice okay but once you get it it’s not as difficult as we sometimes make it when we’re first learning right [Music] and then from there it’s just about pushing yourself keeping those feet moving keeping your knees bent good job 15 more seconds [Music] good seven six five three two one beautiful job squat curl and press right arm this time okay first round we did left this round we’re gonna do right and then the last round we’ll do both okay so right arm squat curl press are you ready let’s go in three two one here we go sit see if you can dig your feet down into the ground push you’ll often notice me have my arm out here when i do a single arm movement that’s to make sure i don’t dip down here okay and also when i catch i don’t dip here okay this and this always stays straight controlled by the core [Music] that’s it ten five two one great job rest all right good throw that one back and if you want to use the two uh same number of weight dumbbells you can set it out for the next round we’re back to jump rope or your choice of cardio high knees jumping jacks let’s go in four three two one come on [Music] good job keep it up last 20 seconds right here beautiful keep it moving come on we’re getting the heart rate up to start this workout you’ve got six three two one okay last round of this circuit double arm so we go squat curl press pick your weights they go up or down challenge yourself you if you can go up stay right there or go down if you need to okay four three two one come on sit curl press good keep breathing come on strong in the legs the arms the core it i’m with you nine [Applause] five three two one rest great job and last round of jump rope for your cardio okay we’ll bring this guy back in at the very end of the workout but you won’t need it until then after we finish this set ready four three two one come on good if you can lighten your feet up a little bit move them a little quicker spin that rope a little faster let’s do it good work come on last 15 seconds right here seven six come on four three two one and breathe circuit one is done grab some water proud of you circuit one done we go into circuit two with some core strength and i have to admit we haven’t done these in a while okay you’ve got just single leg weighted toe touches okay so a dumbbell if you would like i do want you to push into your heavier weights here for resistance against your core bodyweight option there if you’re not ready for that yet which is fine we all have to get stronger right where we are today doesn’t matter where you’re starting it just matters that you keep going okay one leg up dumbbell is in my hand crunch i’m just crunching right up to my shin okay we’re going in 10 seconds with the left leg first only you want to make this tougher right leg floats if not put the heel down ready two one let’s go [Music] good keep that dumbbell over your chest so make sure you’re not swinging it backwards good exhale as you push nine eight seven two one and rest good job all right we’ve got standing mountain climbers for your cardio okay conditioning so you’re just punching here okay start with your knees and then give me the opposite opposite opposite okay modification is on the floor ready two one opposites here then speed it up when you get that good so arms and legs rocking here come on now pull your core in a little bit make sure you’re not marching here with your ribs flared out pull it here stay here helps you breathe a little bit better helps make sure you don’t get tired and start arching and putting pressure on your back good everything is in front of your body five four three two one rest right leg toe touches come on and then we’ll go both legs at the end okay or for round three [Music] and then your modifications you’ll notice i’ll show you single leg and both legs ready two one let’s go [Music] i always just think of my abs pulling down to get my shoulder blades off the ground okay so they pull here okay [Music] i’m just keeping my dumbbell over my chest because that’s what’s trying to come up right my chest and shoulder blades so keep the resistance right over them ten four three two one rest good standing climbers come on up and you’ll see here in the modification i take you down to the floor and i slow it down a little bit so you’re just tapping okay that’s an option also an option is just to stay here okay let’s go three two one opposites up up and then speed it up let’s go light on your toes just like the jump rope go go good job good give me that energy come on punch punch last 20. we show up we work hard together let’s go ten nine good four three two one breathe and we’ve got this double leg toe touch if you feel like maybe you could go up let’s do it okay so two feet up in the air excuse me [Music] all right if your legs are tight and you’re bending here just crunch here but also work on that hamstring flexibility let’s go good add a little toughness here by trying to pause at the top [Music] good [Music] you’ve got nine eight [Music] two one rest [Music] good job standing climbers and we’re done with circuit two this workout is gonna keep going just like this we stay moving okay heart rate’s up strength is being pushed five seconds standing or floor mountain climbers two one let’s go good now focus in here breathe keep that up let’s go let’s go a little bit lighter on the feet last 20. go go go go keep it up 10 push nine eight seven five three two one breathe grab some water great job all right we’ve got another left right both exercise [Music] okay romanian deadlift you’ve got options of course okay so i’m going to take you left leg first you can either do a stagger with your toe kind of being a kickstand okay my opposite hand has the dumbbell okay if you feel good about it you can float that back leg okay if you feel really confident you can float the back leg plant pyro okay that high row is an add-on option all right so let’s go with our right foot first all right you’ve got 12 seconds right foot stays left arm is here okay you can stagger or float and you can pull or just come back up focus just on the glutes ready two one let’s go right leg stays [Music] good wait until your hips are back over top your heels before you pull so don’t pull here pull here okay i don’t want you yanking your back [Music] that’s it seven six three two one and rest throw that dumbbell out of your way you’ve got a half squat and twist okay the main focus here is on the twist so we go half squat you pull your arms back hip forward okay squat twist squat twist ready just a half squat you don’t have to go all the way down two one let’s go [Music] good shoot that hip through your two arms okay rotation here that’s what we’re looking for and when you start to get the hang of it speed it up pop pop good job ten three two one breathe last round we kept our right leg here and we hinge now let’s keep the left leg here which means right arm has the dumbbell right since we’re going opposites here we go four three two one let’s go [Music] good flat back it’s all about stretching the glutes powering them forward [Music] that’s it keep it up come on fifteen [Music] eight seven [Music] four three two one and rest good heart rate is getting up i know me too i mean it’s already been up but it’s continuing to rise maybe that’s a better way to say it all right half squat twist two one let’s go good and what i’m doing here is just quick feet getting your core to rotate itself okay so we don’t rotate too often in the transverse plane meaning this rotational outside of seat twist so anytime i can sneak it in with your cardio or in your strength i do it’s good control helps everything seven good four two one okay one last round we’re doing double now so let’s take the high row out i just want you to go dead lift squeeze dead lift squeeze no high row okay here we go three two one let’s go here i said don’t do the hyrule when i did it take it out sorry here you go i was like why is this so heavy yeah that’s because i picked a weight to just do with my legs good job let’s go [Music] focus back stay strong seven three two one rest good last round of half squat and twist let’s get that hip all the way to the front okay good job six five i’m with you come on we got it two one [Music] good good give me a little dramatic twist okay boom and as soon as you get there come right back that’s it core controls it and we move and we move come on ten seconds five four three two one okay water grab some water you got your one minute rest second half of the workout here pretty much [Music] ah okay we’ve got a side plank option here okay so we’re gonna be on our elbows or on your hands i’ve got the modification up here for you modification is just going to be to make sure you’re more stable with your knees stacked instead of your feet okay so if you can go to your feet we’re here dipping if you want to add a dumbbell feel free to okay i’m going to add my tan and we’re going to go to our left elbow first okay i want your hips staying open i don’t want you fold it over okay all right 10 seconds and we’re rocking pick if you want to go on your knees and your hand still fully open we’re on your elbow and on your toes ready come on up let’s go dip push dip push [Music] and if you’re not touching the floor that’s okay all right but i do want this dumbbell feel your hip bone right here i want it right past that so not up here on your actual waist [Applause] and rest great job knee drivers come on up so we’re on our left elbow right now i want you to stand up and give me your left foot okay we’re going here right through the front like you’re making a big circle drive your leg through it left leg we go in two one let’s go you want to hop you can hop you want to stay on the ground stay right here and tap good so you still feel that oblique working [Music] good think of pulling something here right over top your knee my oblique is burning as well come on eight seven i’m laughing through the burn five three two one let’s go over to the right elbow here we go i know this is tough and i know we’re capable at the same time it’s tough but so are you and together we’re even stronger because we hold each other accountable okay i know you’re there so it makes me this much less likely to drop down okay same thing with you let’s push each other here we go knowing that you’re there rocking this workout with me makes me give my best especially on moves like this where you have to slow it down and focus still very much strength building right you really gotta focus here knowing that you’re there helps me out so hopefully hopefully knowing that i’m here it’s pushing you too we’ve got 10 more seconds left [Music] six four two one rest right elbow let’s move that right leg oh come on up you’re doing amazing we’re over halfway home guys so right leg comes boom right here five ready you’re doing great three two come on one let’s go and try not to open up here too much opening your ribs and your cord leaves a lot of instability so pull it here keep it here [Music] come on drive through [Music] ten come on nine [Music] i feel it too let’s go seven five four three two one two arm plank if you wanna grab a dumbbell and hold it please do okay i like to put mine right here on my tailbone so to get there knees down leave it there go to your hands or elbows slowly spread it out keep your head up there you go let’s go in two one now shoot your heels away there we go we’re in it quick anatomy check because this is tough okay elbows right under your shoulders breathe rib cage not flared towards the ground but pull towards the sky you can hear my voice shaking belly button pull it in towards your tailbone glutes or squeezed together quads are flexed your heels are pushing away from your body seven six [Music] four three two one drop your knees push your hands up keep your head above your hips there we go all right one last round of those knee drivers we’re going in the middle here here here okay eight seconds let me grab water and breathe four three two one let’s go good you can think of holding your sweat towel you take it over okay right over top of your shins come on last half let’s go breathe you’ve got ten [Music] four three two one and breathe [Music] okay i always find myself doing that when i’m out of breath breathe i just have to know your breathing if it will help you to count that’s what they used to make us do in college one two three and in order to count you have to breathe so if it will help you that’s a tip all right i mentioned earlier we have a lighter move it’s going to be four shoulder pushes okay i’m going to take my 10 pound dumbbell sit down in a sumo squat right here four three two one notice how that is not fast okay so it’s not punches it’s extend pull in okay eight seconds we’re going to start that together one squat you sit there for four and if you want to do body weight give me punches okay ready let’s go four stand up sit down again and go [Music] good try to keep your chest up all right collarbone looks forward not to the floor it looks forward [Music] ten nine [Music] three two one rest okay we’re moving laterally so if you need to move stuff out of the way like me you can go ahead we’ve got skater lunges float that back leg if you can if not you touch down here okay so we’re going here ready three two one let’s go over float and with my arm out front it goes the same way as my leg so that when i pull back it also helps me pull my leg back good control in that front foot right last half nine eight [Music] three and breathe we’re back 20 seconds rest shoulder press forward from a squat i’m working hard too come on feel your lungs up four three two come on let’s go [Music] [Music] good job [Music] good i know i’m with you come on ten nine four three two one okay come on this is where everyone says it gets tough they wanted to quit but at the end of this workout i want you to come back to this moment imagine this is tough i want to stop right now and then imagine yourself at the end of the workout so proud that you didn’t okay four come on don’t give up on you today you’re too valuable for that let’s go good so fun fact about this one you remember how earlier we were twisting on purpose this moves kind of an anti-rotational so your body wants to fold and twist and we’re stopping it okay also a great uh function of your strong core four three two one rest [Music] i think i stopped a second early there okay back on track last round let’s go and then we’ll move on we’ve got some core up next too so finish here four three come on last round let’s go [Music] check in with your shoulder blades pull them back and down towards your tailbone good job there we go last 20 good work through it come on last set let’s go five four three two one and rest come on let’s finish these out here we go i’m all over the place here that’s what happens though all right eight seconds last round remember we’re picturing yourself at the end so proud two one let’s get it [Music] strong course so you think of this side that’s stretching as you float your leg over it’s pulling back as well so much core involved in this one legs core cardio don’t quit ten even if you need to step it out eight seven don’t quit six five [Music] three two one and rest yeah so proud of you so proud that you didn’t stop there i’m proud of myself we’re doing it together okay next move we’re going for a 45 degree hold if you can with the dumbbell if you’re not ready for that i’ve got the option up here to bend and straighten but if you can try to give your dumbbell a locked in position right here between your legs squeezing your thighs hard hands are here you’re floating right here okay if you’re not ready for the dumbbell same thing float okay if you need a little less than that go here extend one or two legs at a time and then return back to rest okay so pick your level we’re going in ten [Music] and you have to squeeze hard in order to keep this dumbbell here okay three two one hold your head crunch up lift your legs away now just picture your tailbone pressing so hard through your mat that it’s pushing through the floor this little crunched up position also very helpful for keeping your tailbone down okay so if you’re here it’s going to feel a lot heavier crunch up pull that lower belly down like you’re pulling something up towards your chest good you’ve got seven four three two one rest good jumping jack front kick okay we’ve done this one i think we did this last week did a great multi-planer cardio move here punch and kick open punch and kick modification is right here let’s go in three two let’s go beautiful let’s go up punch up punch [Music] come on this is your time right here 15. [Music] good eight seven four three two one and we’re back down okay dumbbell hold if you can not a requirement the only requirement is that you give me a hold okay holding your legs out here whether it’s here and extend or you hold just one maybe okay let’s go two one [Music] hold good just settle in here yes everything feels tougher when you have to hold it and really recognize what you’re doing right go to where you’re challenged think about your core it’s holding you down not letting your legs lift your hips up and forward it’s holding you down to the floor [Music] seven six four three and rest oh proud of you let’s go back up jumping jack front punch and kick are you ready have some fun with this come on six five we’re almost there this is the time where you kind of celebrate being here in the workout let’s go up punch come on [Music] get a little twist with it if you want boom okay whatever pushes you and also make sure that you have fun i know this isn’t some people’s definition of fun spending time with you is the greatest part of my day though come on let’s go nine eight four three two one okay one last round of that let’s go strong core do not let your belly rotate away from you guys you’re gonna love this last circuit okay let’s finish strong here one more round of each ready two one all right here we go like i said if you’re modifying maybe you don’t have a dumbbell okay maybe you’re bending and you’re opening up slowly okay challenging your hips and your lower belly whatever way you can here come on last half crunch up even higher nine eight three and rest okay [Music] i hope you never feel like you’re the only one pushing your hardest you can tell the weird noises i make let’s go finish this out we’ve got a power move and jump rope combo at the end let’s finish here four three two one let’s go up kick punch up kick punch come on good quick feet come on last 20 quicker right here up down punch [Music] three two one rest you’ve got 30 seconds rest here’s your last move snatch and squat okay we’re alternating all three rounds you pull up from the ground modification is here okay pinch back power forward catch bring it right here squat stand and then you put it down and switch snatch squat switch ready we’re going in three come on two one let’s go full hip extension lower sit good switch turn your palm towards your chest sit stand there you go three two one jump rope let’s go grab your rope or your choice of cardio again high knees preferably let’s go in three two one come on [Applause] strong core just keep those feet moving light on your feet [Applause] good job come on i’m with you up up up six five three two one rest all right let’s go just the left arm only the left arm so you come up squat take it down to the floor and reset left arm only seven six come on four three two one left arm hips go forward up here come on left arm i know i know you can do this [Music] nine eight five three two one rest let’s go jump rope come on this is the end of round two we only have three that’s it right here two one all right let’s go let’s go keep it quick light on your feet add a little twist if you can last 13 right here seven six come on five three two one yes let’s go come on right arm last round we go in six five four three two one right arm let’s go back to the chest [Music] there you go feel like the strong athlete that you are come on up up i know we’re right there [Music] focus push ten more seconds right here can you give me one more five four three two and rest let’s go last 40 of jump rope what do you got left show me show yourself two one grab it and go good quick quick quick quick no surprises this is it right here empty it all out leave everything here on the mat come on stay here last 20. come on give me everything give yourself everything this is your time right here eight seven six four three two one and breathe you have made it to your cool down whoa in and out and come on down to your hands and knees i want to get your actual cool down started so you can get your day started or close out your day hands and knees here big deep breath in exhale again now picture yourself expanding your ribs like you’re blowing up a balloon in your chest one more exhale sit your hips back reach your arms out forward i’m so proud of you today i can’t wait to read your check-in comments let me know what you think it’s always so motivating knowing that you’re here so please let me know what you did let me know how you feel let me know how this benefited you today did it get your day started did it give you some energy that you really needed did it give you something to be proud of today or did it give you that escape to get into your zone and do something great for yourself let me know in the comments i want you to affirm that your actions are benefiting you and that way it’s so much easier for us to stick to this okay tuck your toes down push your heels down and leave your hips up in the air shift left to right and remember that moment midway through the workout where i told you picture yourself being done and how proud of yourself you would be if you didn’t quit and you did that you’re here right now because you did not stop and quit this workout maybe you stopped to breathe that’s fine maybe you skipped out on a round that’s okay okay but most importantly you did not quit bend your knees and roll it up slowly good give yourself a second to get reoriented cross your arms over your chest know that your effort today is everything that’s all we need your best effort consistently okay you’re here now because you decided you were worth it and you decided that you were enough to push through this workout and to never give up on yourself and your goals okay heel to glute pull that heel to your glute and then pull your belly button in know that i’ve got a great workout coming for you tomorrow as well be proud of yourself right here if you can give me one second here today and just close your eyes be proud of what you just did you did it you made it you’re stronger because you did it okay just accept that little self-love moment here with me i want you to appreciate yourself okay there’s no need to go on a journey where you just batter yourself all the time and you measure yourself up to some standard that you’ve made up for yourself which kind of keeps you in that cycle of always feeling like you’re failing you’ve got to stop that and you’ve got to be proud right now you’ve got to be proud of what you just accomplished what you’re working on accomplishing every day and what you plan to accomplish in the future but right now right here stop putting yourself up against some standard that says i’m not enough yet yes you are you are enough right here right now imperfect completely sweaty exhausted you’re enough you did it we did it don’t forget this feeling okay don’t forget if you can remember one thing today you are enough and you have to be proud of what you did just here right now okay now i want you to go forward after this workout and do something else that will add to this positive contribution bank of health that we’ve got going on workouts water great food great sleep stress management prioritizing yourself setting up some to do list to keep yourself mentally on track and not scattered and not reactive okay do those things keep pouring into your positive health bank and i promise you this lifestyle will become something that is just natural to you and you just feel great and feel great about yourself thank you for spending this time with me today i’m so proud of you make sure before you head out you share the video with your friends on social media you give the video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and then like i said comment below let me know what you thought how you did and what you plan to do today after this to keep pouring into your positive health bank okay i will see you back here tomorrow i love you have a great day [Music] [Music] just watch me

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Comments (23)

  • @catherinejones7588 Reply

    Tough but satisfying workout today. Definitely booked sweat. Great tensionbuster after getting a bad diagnosis today. Thanks Sydney

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @redjessa Reply

    I'm following Drive but didn't feel like a rest day. This one hit the spot! Great challenge. I appreciate the variety.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @joycemann9787 Reply

    I have been using your excellent sessions since before the pandemic and I love the ones that balance cardio with strength training, but… maybe because I am 76, I would prefer sessions that keep you on the floor for a sustained period of time rather than constantly having to jump up and down. But keep on with your inventive and caring work.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @donovan2327 Reply

    Thank you syd.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @fanniboros1181 Reply

    Thank you so much, Sydney! ❤

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @Flower200 Reply

    CRUSHED IT !!!!!LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @catherinejones7588 Reply

    BRILLIANT workout to get sweating!Thanks from Cath and Gail 8n Totty England

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @SLocky82 Reply

    Did this as rest day REPS phase 2!!! I've never done Ignite before, loved this one!!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 27 2023

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @user-zt9um2ru4n Reply

    Crushed it

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    On the home stretch for this workout! Day 22 done!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @Shannon-ul2dh Reply

    2023 🎉❤ and lovin it

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    This one is so incredible

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it again !! Loved it 2 years and loved it now!! Gave me a mental clarity !!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @racheletherington4312 Reply

    Thank you xx that was tougher than I thought it would be. Proud of myself for continuing to exercise every day (with one rest day where ill just walk). Thank you for everything x

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @corinnecampos8299 Reply

    Making breakfast and listening to a podcast after this awesome workout.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    LOVED this 50 Minute Workout! Awesome! Crushed It!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @danelleolivier7901 Reply

    LOVE these workouts!!!!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @emiliagausse6962 Reply

    Today was tough.. But I'm tough too! New mantra. Thank you Sydney!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @alyssaneverett3657 Reply

    I can never decide if I like strength or cardio more so these workouts are so perfect for me! Thanks Sydney!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @femiadebayo9165 Reply

    Had to repeat it

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  • @annamariacianciulli1964 Reply

    Fantastico workout,forza e cardio,bello,grazie Sydney, grazie a tutti!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM

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