40-Minute Total Body Strength Training (Low Impact) | Joanna Soh

40-Minute Total Body Strength Training (Low Impact) | Joanna Soh

Video Transcript

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30-minute workouts 20-minute recipes 10-minute mindfulness ready to become [Music] get feel on the app store or google play hi everyone it’s joanna here today’s workout is a 40-minute tall-to-body traditional strength training that means we will be targeting each muscle group separately this is not a fast paced workout it’s not a high impact workout we will take it slow because we want to really hit each muscle group and really build your muscle strength all right so there will be a total of three circuits the first circuit will be working on our lower body second circuit on our upper body and the third circuit will be focusing on our core so if you have a pair of dumbbells get your dumbbells ready and let’s start lifting [Music] if you only have one pair of dumbbells then choose a medium weight pair of dumbbells i would say between four to six kilos if you have two pairs then go for medium weight as well as a light pair of dumbbells okay so let’s start with a little bit of warm up stand shoulder width apart with your toes pointed forward what i want you to do is place your fingers directly underneath your um toes and just squat back straighten legs squat down look straight and straighten your legs okay so we’re warming up on our legs as well as stretching on our hamstrings good down push your butt back open up your chest and push it back very nice good if you can’t straighten your knees that’s fine keep it slightly bent okay if you can’t grab your toes that’s fine too grab hold of your ankles squat and up all right two more last one and up okay now let’s do a little bit of side to side lunges okay so step in the middle step to the side feel the stretch on the inner thighs as well as your outer glutes step back in the middle to the left back in the middle and to the right good step out push your butt back and get your legs and step back in push it back in one more step out really go as low as you can and back in all right a little bit more stretches what a way to do is get into a lunge position okay what i want to do is just feel the stretch on your legs and now i want you to switch over stretch it out open up reach the top good step back into a plank out stretch it up last few more back step in stretch up step back in up and now slowly come back up all right so grab your dumbbells okay the first workout is going to be a tempo squat so just place the dumbbells on your shoulders what i’m going to do is stance shoot straight with a pot and slowly lower yourself down in three counts and push yourself back up in one count okay so one two three up remember we’re not rushing through our workout i want you to really focus on your form and really engage your quads and your glutes push yourself up suck your belly in and up good nice and easy and push yourself back up all right so remember push your butt back up keep your elbows close and up squeeze your glutes right at the top all right so drop one dumbbell we’re getting into a single leg lunge take your left leg back grab hold of the dumbbell on your right hand again simple movement all i need to do is lunge down and come back up okay i want you to lean your body forward slightly this way you will really feel the work on your right glutes good and place your hand back so all the work should only be on your right thigh back down and up okay so lean your body forward slightly but still keeping your chest up right so you’re not hunching forward okay it’s just a slight lean and up good one leg at a time up straighten it up push it back lower yourself down if you want to you can look straight ahead and up good now let’s change side okay so left leg forward right leg back switch over again a slight lean forward right hand back and step back and get into a lunge so your knee should be in line with your toes if you can if you can try to get your right knee to tap the floor gently and come back up i really want you to go deep go low and really feel the engagement in the glutes and that work on your glutes and your left leg okay so this is not a fast pace workout we’re not going to increase our heart rate too much we’re going to keep it at a steady pace but i want you to really feel the work on each muscle group back down up down again up few more find your balance and up all right place both dumbbells down now let’s get on to all fours it’s going to be a bridge leg sweep okay so let’s start on our left side what i’m going to do is kick back squeeze your glutes extend it out and immediately kick back and out to the side so it’s like a sweep but at the same time try not to rotate your hips too much that constant squeeze should be you should feel the constant squeeze on your left glutes okay that under butt squeeze it really lift it up try to keep it back flat squeeze it good slow and nice and feel the work on your outer thighs as well squeeze kick it out up good there you go feel that tension that’s what we want that constant contraction and up all right now on your right side so switch over again remember kick back to to the side back and to the side okay kick it up good view the squeeze on your glutes okay point your toes out to the side straight back as high as you can without overarching your lower back up squeezing good squeeze extend up and to the side good you might find that your body is trying to lean down when you’re sweeping your leg to the side so brace your car tighten your car pull it back kick it back very nice out up squeeze last two more push it squeeze it one more and up okay now let’s work on our outer thighs okay if you want to you can grab the dumbbells or you can do this workout without the dumbbell so it’s going to be a side leg raise with weights okay so point your toes lift it up to the side with the dumbbell on your thigh you’re going to feel extra um tension and it’s going to make your leg work a lot harder so it’s going to really scalp that outer thigh if this is too much drop the dumbbells okay a gentle tap and up don’t rest tap up squeeze i can feel it burning up nice as high as you can remember that your legs should be slightly back okay so do not go forward this is wrong back up and down feel the burn keep the tension good and now let’s switch over oh good very good doing really well again just gently place the dumbbell on your thigh and ready point kick it up down and up okay if you don’t have a dumbbell you can also use a plate push it up tap it down up good chest upright do not sink push your shoulders away tap and up there you go lift it up good keep going and we want to repeat the entire circuit again right after this good job keep going up feel the burn let’s not stop right now squeeze few more give me three more one two last one more squeeze and now just come back up okay grab your weights we’re starting from the first workout which is a tempo squat all right so remember stand shoulder width apart point your toes and your knees forward do not step too wide or go too narrow okay and gently rest the dumbbells on your shoulders all right chest up stand tall push your butt back and one two three push yourself back up squeeze your glutes right at the top good i want to see a deep squat go low up there you go very good up as you can see all these workouts it’s working on one muscle group at a time and it’s very specific okay it’s not a functional movement but rather it’s really targeting each individual muscle group down and up good push your butt back up keep your elbows close to your body squeeze down up one more up and good drop one weight okay are we ready single leg lunge let’s start with our right side forward left leg back find your balance brace your core look forward and remember a slight lean forward just a slight lean tap down and come back up okay low lunge try to get your left knee to tap the floor and push up with your right heel up squeeze your right glutes good so you’re just grabbing on to the dumbbell okay not too tight good done it up push it up keep your back flat breathe out as you come up good up good again we’re not rushing through the workout so slow down fuss up okay now let’s switch over all right left leg forward right leg back hands dumbbell on your left hand ready a slight lean forward let’s go tap and push up okay so find a comfortable spot where you’re able to balance yourself so don’t step too wide or too narrow good back down push up and remember don’t lock your knees okay keep a slight bend throughout good squeeze your left glutes feel the burn keep going that’s the tension we want feel it right on your glutes your hamstrings and your thighs good lunge up and down okay drop the dumbbell okay now let’s get into the lake bridge sweep okay so get onto all fours starting on one leg kick it back sweep it to the side up squeeze remember as you squeeze wholly for one count and slowly drive it to the side okay i want you to feel the contraction before you sweep your leg out squeeze good breathe out and squeeze let’s do it together very nice right at the under butt good push it point the toast give me two more okay let’s go two more one two and now let’s switch over all right still on all fours brace your core keep your back flat spread your fingers if you need to and ready kick your left leg back to the side up squeeze to the side and up very good again remember that you should be pushing away from your shoulders to the side squeeze out do not drop your legs try to maintain a straight line squeeze good feel the stretch on your hamstrings and the tension on your glutes keep going breathe out with every contraction breathe out good come let’s kick it higher good job last few more last one more give me one more okay up and back down okay choose your option either with or without a dumbbell okay side leg raise so just gently rest your upper body straighten one leg and ready raise it up point tap down up tap up good so just gently rest the dumbbell on your thigh and feel the work on your outer thigh okay and also your glutes your outer glutes as well up good gentle tap we want to maintain the tension do not rest right now keep the tension going feel the burn that’s what we want breathe out oh gosh it is burning there you go slow movement yet very effective to build muscles up down up and down good change side okay this is the final workout for your lower body circuit so give me your best effort dumbbell on your thigh ready let’s finish this strong tap up down up good job you you should find that one leg is usually stronger than the other so my left my right leg is stronger tap and down good and remember again breathe out as you raise your leg up good keep going look forward up squeeze it hold for one count right at the top back down up down up last two more up one more up and good job just drop the dumbbell take a shot one minute break and we want to move into our upper body circuit [Music] for the second circuit we’ll be splitting the exercises to work on your back your chest shoulders as well as your arms okay so grab the heavier dumbbell okay for the first workout we will be working on your back muscles so it’s going to be a row with a reverse fly so let me just show you again stand shoulder width apart with your toes pointer forward keep a slight bend on your knee and i just want you to slowly bend from your hips remember do not hunch okay flat back pull the dumbbell towards your waist and then now pull it out so remember dumbbell towards your waist spread your wings and fly good so point your elbows back to begin with and now spread your elbows out so it’s a row and a reverse fly this is going to work on your lats your traps your rhomboids basically every part of the back muscles and remember a slight hinge forward good maintain that position row and reverse fly good point your elbows back reverse fly very good the second exercise is going to work on your shoulders alternating are not pressed so start by keeping your palms facing towards you okay so what we’re going to do is to rotate and press the dumbbell up one at a time okay so always keep your elbows close to you press it up feel the work on your shoulders and back down there you go so rotate your wrist out and press the dumbbell up using the strength from your shoulders avoid this okay don’t do this if you’re doing this then the weight is too heavy for you brace your core keep a slight bend on your knee and press the dumbbell straight up very good there you go and back down okay this time i want you to drop the dumbbells and grab a lighter pair of dumbbells i would say between one to three kilos the next workout we’re going to work on your side delt and also your front delt okay so it’s going to be a side raise and a front raise good so spread your arms out to the side and drive your arms forward remember that your palm should always be facing down don’t do this this is wrong palm facing down point your elbows back and keep a slight bend on your elbows so this is not an easy workout our shoulder are small muscles basically so you can grab lighter weights okay forward and side good spread to the side and forward again avoid bouncing good and drop it still with the lighter pair of dumbbells we’re going to work on our arms specifically on our triceps so tricep kick back again just like the first workout hinge forward slightly keep your elbows tight kick the dumbbells back okay so as you can see i’m only moving my forearm and i’m squeezing my triceps right at the top okay hold it for one count right at the top and lower it back down good so it’s not this this is wrong keep your elbows close move your forearm bend from forearm squeeze your triceps right at the top lower it back down up back down and up good breathe out as you drive the dumbbells up good slowly lower it back down with control very good now drop the dumbbells get down onto the floor grab your heavier pair of dumbbells this is going to be a bridge fly okay so this is going to work on your chest lift your butt off the floor dumbbells up spread your elbows and bring it in that’s it so gentle tap on the floor and drive the dumbbells in palms facing in alright use the strength from your chest to drive the dumbbells in and squeeze good if this is too heavy you can use the lighter dumbbells and remember keep your glutes up squeeze your glutes i want you to be working on your glutes at the same time squeeze it do the work on the chest if this is too much just drop your butt and just focus on your chest good so choose your option very good now slowly come back up the finisher is going to be a renegade roll i love this exercise because it works on your chest your shoulders your back as well as your arms so grab the dumbbells get into a plank position we want to add a push-up and a row okay so spread your feet wide one push up to work on your chest and as you roll it’s going to work on your back your shoulders as well as your core to balance you good roll push up if this is too tough remember choose the easier option get onto your knees if not stay with me this is your final workout for this circuit and we’ll repeat the entire circuit once more row good it’s a challenge but it’s a good challenge up row and row all right okay short break let’s get back up grab your dumbbells first workout is going to be a row and a reverse fly okay so we’re starting with our back so again point your toes forward keep a slight bend bend from your hips do not drop chest up push your butt back a little bit remember keep your elbows tight pull the dumbbells in spread your elbows out pull the dumbbells in good spread it and pull good the contraction should be on your back and remember slowly lower the dumbbells down do not just release the dumbbells roll out very good this is a great combo for your back muscles roll and out there you go and just gently gaze on the floor okay keep a neutral neck good one more reverse fly and come back up all right alternating are not pressed okay so bring the dumbbells up pumps facing you and now rotate your wrist press it up rotate and press good job keep pressing it up and up one at a time okay fully focusing on one shoulder at a time so remember slowly lower the dumbbell down do not just let it collapse press up the dumbbell should be right above your head okay good job strong arms strong shoulders push it very good up breathe out as you push up a few more one more on each side and last one and now drop it grab your lighter pair of dumbbells if you don’t have any you can even do the workout without any dumbbells okay it’s going to be a side to a front raise ready out keep your elbows bent forward good raise your core spread it to the side up very good nice and controlled okay don’t just let the weights drop up control forward nice spread feel the squeeze on your side and your front shoulders up good job small muscles but we have to work on them okay if you want a nice and defined arms this is one of the best exercises to do up spread it out forward that’s one more forward and okay tricep kickbacks okay so just like the first workout keep your knees slightly bent lean forward tuck your elbows close to your body only moving forearm let’s go kick it back hold it for one count up hold it squeeze at the top that squeeze is going to really help you to develop strong muscles okay every rep counts every wrap should be a quality wrap so make it worth it squeeze don’t rush through the workout squeeze very good feel the contraction on your triceps up down there you go up and down hold it stay with me holy good strong arms ladies let’s go up down one more up and down okay drop the dumbbells grab your heavier dumbbell let’s get down onto the floor into a bridge position dumbbell straight up bridge position let’s go chest fly okay spread your elbows out a gentle tap on the floor and bring it back up okay brace your core squeeze your glutes squeeze your chest up so your dumbbells should be in one straight line with your chest it should not be too high or too low look directly at your dumbbells feel the contraction on your chest up nice and controlled down and up good job up let’s go love it or hate it we got to make our upper body strong okay a finisher workout renegade row one of the toughest but best workout for your upper body and we’re going to add a push-up so spread your feet wide one push-up row and row if this is too tough what you can do is release one hand place it on the floor and row and do a normal push-up and row okay this is an option if you have strong wrists then stay with me push up hold on to the dumbbells and row remember keep your back flat okay do not pike this is wrong back flat but down push up strong arms one more and just rest it out oh my gosh can you believe it you have completed two circuits lower body upper body and the finisher is going to be your core okay we’re going to be working on our upper abs lower abs as well as our obliques so take a short break [Music] for this final round you can choose to do all the exercises without any weights if you want to challenge yourself then grab one dumbbell okay so we will be on our mat throughout the entire workout so lie on your back grab your weight or you can choose to do without any weights it’s going to be a full crunch so the first workout what i want to do is raise your leg to a 90 degree position extend the dumbbell out crunch in drive your knee into your chest extend your legs straight crunch in and out good so do not rest your legs on the floor okay this is a full crunch working on your upper as well as your lower abs remember to only extend your legs straight out without overarching your lower back so really squeeze your core engage your core tighten it and breathe out as you come up good working on our core muscles last two more crunch up and drop the dumbbell okay we won’t need any weights the next workout is going to be alternating leg raises so this workout will focus more on your lower abs what i want to do is just place your hands by your head lift your shoulders off slightly straighten your legs and just alternate your legs up and down okay if you can’t this is too tough what you can do is bend your knees this works too okay so choose your option if not straight legs straight legs up and down good breathe out okay this is a painful workout but it’s really good for your lower abs so no rush one step at a time breathe out and out ah i can feel the burn okay get back up let’s get into a plank position and we want to work on spiderman plank and this is going to be for your obliques okay so get into a high plank drive your left knee to your left elbow right to your right elbow okay nice and easy feel the work on your obliques good spread your knees out open up your hips and try to get your knee to your elbow good keep going stay in a high plank do not pike your butt up okay maintain this position stay in a high plank good knee to elbow very good keep going you’re almost there that’s one more and just drop onto your knees okay the final workout is a really simple yet effective workout plank that’s all we’re gonna do okay simple yet effective and i want you to really focus on your core and just hold it for 45 seconds okay so keep your back flat push away from your shoulders okay so remember this is not a plank this is not a plank okay back flat and really brace your core suck your belly in tighten your core feel the shake if your entire body is shaking that’s all right that is normal okay i want you to really feel the work on your entire body not just your core but you should feel the work on your upper body as well as your legs hold it a nice solid plank only five seconds left five four three two and one okay ah that is the end of our call circuit and we want to repeat the entire thing once more all right so now let’s lie on your back choose your option with or without the weights okay you’re towards the end of your workout so everything is that little bit more challenging all right grab onto your weights lift your legs up keep it at a 90 degree position extend your arms out crunch in extend it out and in good breathe out breathe in and breathe out okay the goal is to get your shoulders off the floor and drive your knee close to your chest extend it out and in good job just focus on every rep again if this is too much i don’t want you to um i don’t want you to stop the workout drop the weight okay last one more out and just drop the weight all right are we ready for alternating leg raises okay just gonna quickly tie my hair all right so arms by your head extend your legs choose your option okay so you can drive one knee in and extend one leg or if you want a more challenging option straight legs up and down okay choose your option my abs is absolutely burning let’s not stop right now go for the easier option okay stay with me finish the workout strong and just look straight ahead or gaze at the ceiling oh my god if you’re feeling the burn like me let me know in the comments below okay get back up time to work on your obliques spiderman plank all right so the goal here is to spread your fingers apart for you to have a better base get up and now drive your knee out and forward good there you go one step at a time keep your back flat tighten your core and just drive it forward good without strong core let’s finish this push good that’s few more give me two more that’s one more and drop okay oh my god oh core exercises are always more challenging okay but you have to build a strong core in order to have a strong foundation let’s end with a plank okay on your elbows ready hole i know the last place that you want to be right now is right here but i want you to finish the workout strong with me okay so just know that you’ve gone this far you’ve gotten this far through the workout you are strong and we will finish this workout strong you only have 20 seconds left hold it tighten your core squeeze feel the shake i am shaking with you ten seconds left do not drop right now five seconds four three two and one oh my gosh okay now let’s just get into a child’s pose and just slowly stretch it out take this time to breathe all right okay very very well done you have completed a total body strength training workout okay we have worked on our lower body our upper body as well as our core so let’s spend two to three minutes to stretch our body out okay so what i’m going to do is just lie on your belly pumps by your side and just get into a cobra and push yourself away from the mat and feel the stretch on your lower back your core as well as your arms okay and remember you’re pushing away from your shoulders do not sink in push away and just look straight ahead very good and just breathe right here all that hard work well done and now it’s important to also stretch your muscles out because it will help to reduce muscle soreness and now just bring your left leg forward okay we want to stretch out the hip flexor and just drive your arms up push your weight forward all right push your weight forward for those of you with type hip flexor you will really feel this stretch up look straight ahead and hold here for 10 counts and now slowly drop your arms and twist to the side and just look as far back as you can [Music] okay and now straighten the front leg and feel the stretch on your hamstrings okay we’ve done a lot of work on our legs so let’s just gently stretch the hamstrings out i have tight hamstrings so this is really important for me stretch it out good and now bend the front leg into a 90 degree position straighten your back leg and i just want you to slowly lower and drop your body this is going to again stretch your hip flexor but also your glutes okay so only go as far as you can if this is your limit that’s fine if you can go lower then rest your elbows onto the mat for those of you who are super flexible then by all means extend forward okay and remember with every stretch don’t fight against it breathe into the stretch and really just embrace it okay don’t over stretch as well and now slowly come back up and now push your left leg back bring your right leg forward we’re going to repeat the entire stretch on the other side again arms up remember drop your body weight forward good so you should feel the stretch on your left hip flexor right here extend flat back look straight ahead and just hold the stretch for 10 to 15 counts okay good and now slowly drop your arms twist and look the opposite side as far as you can keep your back flat feel the stretch on your spine your lower back good and now straighten your front leg stretch your hamstrings good so avoid bouncing okay just hold the stretch and now just fold your front leg drop the back leg and again drop your body forward either on your elbows on your palms or all the way forward and just hold it right here very good and slowly push yourself back up okay guys very well done that’s a 40 minute workout okay i hope that you will continue to do this workout because this will really help you to build muscle mass and to also get you stronger okay what you can do is combine this workout with my other hit workouts to add in the cardio element and if you enjoyed this video give this video a thumbs up add this to your playlist do this workout consistently for at least um four weeks repeat it two to three times weekly and do check out my youtube channel for a lot more other full length workouts as well as healthy recipes and i will see you in my next workout session all the best let me know in the comments below how you felt

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Comments (21)

  • @helgawernicke5612 Reply

    Love your workouts!

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @deidrarichards5801 Reply

    I haven't worked out with you for a while. I went to some of the other trainers to get variety. But I had to come back here. Only your workouts give me that great burn! Thanks Joanna.

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @user-yh6ms5yq4u Reply

    How do you talk while working out I can barely breathe!!!

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @maithrikumari21 Reply

    Superb workout ❤😅

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @user-xv6eq1yj4f Reply

    Brutal on my abs this morning but I made it!!!! Yay🎉🎉 I’m 52 yrs. old🙂

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @user-xv6eq1yj4f Reply

    Great work out, a real Ab burn for me but I made it😅 Really enjoying all the work outs I’ve been doing and have noticeably strengthened. Thanks, Joanna!

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @RuthSingalong Reply

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @montahir2551 Reply


    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @montahir2551 Reply

    Thanks i get back to work out after a year break☺️

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @biolinsyiemlieh6507 Reply

    Really good

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @sumayyanoufal283 Reply

    Can i do this workout for 2 month ? Total body strength training vs traditional training which is more effective plzz replay

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @user-vi2hb4nh6v Reply

    Great workouts every time ; love her vidoes

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @brookee.4546 Reply

    Great workout! ❤

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @JosephRVilla Reply

    I like this version of strength exercises. It's good for my back, shoulders, thighs, and legs.. Great workout. Thanks Joanna.😊

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @junelian1892 Reply

    I just started a month ago and it works. My weak
    right arm is no longer feel strained.

    Thank you, Joanne

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @vedshreethakare8273 Reply

    Does this workout will help for toning the body?

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @estherikwuagwu6319 Reply

    Did this exercise today, it was really tough and challenging 😭😭but I pushed through.. Struggled a lot with the 3circuit especially the plank and spider

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @JosephRVilla Reply

    great strength training. It helps with my back and shoulders. pain,

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @missprofe Reply

    One of the BEST routines I have done. 🙂

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @cunite9263 Reply

    Downloading this one as it uses the dumb bells. Regards to Joanna 🙂

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM
  • @Ronnie001 Reply

    I just found your YouTube channel and am loving it. Want to ask is there any exercise to make a sagging breast firm and perky again?

    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 AM

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