40 Minute Low Impact Full Body Strength Workout | IGNITE – Day 20

40 Minute Low Impact Full Body Strength Workout | IGNITE – Day 20

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 40 minute low impact full body strength workout so grab your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for this 40 minute low impact strength workout we have a full body workout today we’re targeting chest triceps back biceps legs and glutes and i know you’re gonna love this workout only two rounds per exercise 40 seconds each and i’m gonna keep you moving today tons of variety okay i do want to mention before we get started because i get so so many questions and i’m so excited to finally have these back in stock for you guys the glute resistance bands are back so we have the light medium and heavy glute resistance bands we have the tri-color set which comes in a little pink bag if you get all three and then we also for the guys that have asked or for the girls that don’t like the tri-color we have the all-black set also comes in all black uh bag and it’s a black band with the white logo okay so we have these as well if you want to grab those you can grab yours at the link in the description but i am going to use mine today in the workout so if you have yours go ahead and grab them also 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells is what i’m using today grab your water and your sweat towel and we’re ready if you are okay big arm cross over your chest in three two one let’s go there you go add a little toe tap right behind your heel good low impact so no jumping today there’s no modifications for today other than lower your weight okay for every kind of movement pattern we will have a heavier two heavier moves and two lighter moves and this will make sense once we get started and you’ll see the pattern throughout the workout backward circles okay but you’ll have heavy heavy lighter lighter for a push circuit a pull circuit leg circuit glute circuit [Music] there you go all right heels to glutes good feel the quad stretch opening your hips up as well [Music] good work four three two and one have a seat go down up down up if you can look down at your feet make sure you’re staying in the center good three two one turn your torso here let’s get the core activated i’ve got a really great stretch for you tomorrow and it’s an entire upper body stretch so if you hold any tension in your shoulders or your neck your shoulders or chest back are tight you’re not going to want to miss that stretch tomorrow okay last couple stretches here high [Music] kicks good work pull it up i like to pull my toe back towards my knee and for anybody who loves a good strength workout you’re gonna love this workout all right you’re here i’m proud of you for being here let’s push hard together today okay know you’re capable know that no matter what you started you’re gonna finish we’re gonna do it together okay while you’re here spending the time make sure you make it worth it okay hips back and forth good think of your intention for the day what do you want to feel when you’re done how proud of yourself do you want to be how relieved do you want to be for this little mental health break from your day how much of a pump do you want to feel right whatever you want to feel at the end of this workout picture it and let’s make it happen okay your first circuit is a push circuit so we start off with chest press okay so go ahead and grab your dumbbells i’m going to start with my 20s all right and we’re gonna go in 12 seconds first one chest press second one overhead tricep extension okay so let’s go together chest press in two one all right let’s go 40 seconds right here second round through we’ll go 45 seconds since you already know the moves that are coming good job right around your chest if you start to get tired and feel yourself kind of floating those dumbbells up near your ears it’s a little too high for your shoulders seven six good job two one now drop one of those dumbbells down your second move is a skull crusher or tricep overhead extension we’re going right here if you can use that same weight that’s fine if you need to adjust you’ve got about 10 more seconds all right so these are two heavy moves let’s start on the overhead in three two one come on [Music] good work get to the bottom and push try not to move your elbows okay so make sure you’re not pulling back and forth like this okay elbows lock right here [Music] that’s it ten nine three two one all right now for your two lighter moves you have a chest fly as your first one okay so i’m gonna grab my ten pound dumbbells for round one all right we’re gonna open up right here okay nice long rounded arms so they’re here not here ready two one let’s open good think of reaching out and trying to hug a bunch of people or hug a big stability ball you’re wide and you’re rounded your wrists are past your elbows i think that’s something we all can really picture in our minds instead of being wide pressed where your wrists are stacked over your elbows it’s different it’s out here something that helps me is to make sure my wrists are kind of keeping themselves protected like this instead of here okay seven seconds good two one all right and your last exercise for the push is a tricep kickback remember i told you it was too heavy too lighter so we did our light chest now we’ve got our lighter tricep okay you can do one at a time if you want to isolate that way you want to go two at a time i recommend doing that with your lighter weight two one let’s go there we go looking for the lockout back here okay not just for the swing back and forth it’s not about the cycle of the dumbbell it’s about stopping and getting the [Music] flexion there we go so after this remember what’s coming you’ve got one more round of all three or all four of those chest press skull crusher chest fly and kick back three two one beautiful round number two and our last round through if you can go heavier we’re back to chest press [Music] all right this one 45 seconds each [Music] we go in four three two let’s go [Music] that’s it keep exhaling you went up and wait don’t think you have to match the same pace you have intensified in one way already so rock that [Music] good job give me ten more seconds [Music] three two one good all right skull crushers now i’m also intensifying this for you by cutting out some of your wrists okay let’s go in five four three two one let’s go sometimes the dumbbell transition is smooth and sometimes it just gets stuck on your leg or in a weird position it happens we just keep going come on [Music] beautiful come on 15 more seconds [Music] breathe good job [Music] two one and rest okay oh that was a burner all right we’re back to our two lighter moves now if you’re going up that’s fine just comparatively it should be a little lighter than the first round or the first two exercises i mean ready just fly let’s go [Music] good you’re going to hear me breathing a lot today this is a slower paced heavier workout so your breath should match your reps every time you’re pushing the most so in the case of a chest fly when i pull back together i should be exhaling that’s it 10 more seconds [Music] and rest tricep kickbacks here we go stand up grab those dumbbells i’m gonna stick with my tens and we go in four three two one let’s go there you go beautiful you’re right there keep the elbows pinned right where they are worrying less about going back and forth and worry about flex at the back straight arm extend okay [Music] good job five four three two one and breathe beautiful job we’ve got 35 seconds rest and we start back with goblet squats i am going to use a glute resistance band for my squats okay i’m gonna use a 30 pound dumbbell okay medium band we’re going in 14 seconds just your goblet squat okay so right here all right let’s go together in four three two one here we go 40 seconds right here if you have your band on you’re driving your knees outward on the way up and on the way down okay so it can’t just be here and then push out right keep going got about 20 seconds [Music] left [Music] three two one good now sumo squats i’m going to go for a wide stance with this on my back if you don’t feel comfortable on your back you can always hold your dumbbells here down in front okay we’ve got a wider stance and sit okay let’s go in three two one let’s go good wider base i like to check in look down every now and then make sure that i’m not shifting my weight to my stronger side good job keep pushing outward strong legs beautiful work you’ve got seven six three two one great job lateral squat walks now if you have a band and you want to keep it on you can keep it and add weight if you don’t have a band you can just add weight we’re going side to side level hips so you’re staying low the whole time ready whatever you have combo of the weight in the band just the weight just the band let’s go now something to make sure of you’re not stepping out with your foot ahead of your knee your foot stays under your knee okay if you’re sliding here this is just a transition of weight okay so don’t let your foot exceed where your knee is take the knee with the ankle feel the difference i like to even imagine myself stepping out with the pinky side of my foot down first so i can really work my glutes good job put that pinky edge down and rest good job squat single foot tap out okay so we’re going to go down tap up down tap if you want to add weights you can okay i’m gonna add some light weights to a front rack hold okay if you want to modify this just take that tap out okay let’s go [Music] good there we go great job eight seven rest good i was about to start a three two one countdown and we were already there okay we’re back very top goblet squats are you ready all right let’s rock it three two one come on let’s go good these bands make everything a lot more work for your legs and your glutes mainly your glutes okay [Applause] remember breathe in exhale to push [Music] there we go come on drive the soles of your shoes into the floor or the arch of your feet ready five four three two one rest good 45 seconds there remember round number two we’re back to our sumo squats with or without the band all these are the same okay [Music] let’s go three two one all right sumos so they’re just a little bit wider than your hips [Music] keep fighting for it you’re fighting for your strong today okay it doesn’t always feel the same every day but you’re strong is your effort how hard are you working to be pushing yourself to be better okay you can definitely appreciate where you’re at and push for more at the same time all right let’s go 10 more seconds two one and rest beautiful lateral squat walks if you’re using the band that’s fine if you’re not also fine i like to give my back a little breather on these so i’ll take the body weight option two one let’s go that’s something i’m constantly working on just side note while we’re here spending this time together constantly working on making my back stronger which i really appreciate and i can feel the progress in my leg exercises and upper body exercises [Music] good job out onto the pinky edge of your foot [Music] good can you drop a bit lower for the last 10 i think we can come on we’ve got some arms up next so let’s work hard here on the legs five four three two one rest and we’ve got that squat tap out for your last round okay like i said to modify that take the tap out or you can go squat tap at the top okay ready two one let’s go [Music] come on push through you’re about to be done with your legs for a little bit good stabilize that’s what we’re working on here ten nine eight three two one rest okay grab some water nice work we’re moving on to a pull circuit back and biceps grab some water all right to stick with the low impact theme long single arm rows is exercise one okay so try these out before we start you got about 20 seconds okay we’re starting here and then you’re gonna scoot back from that dumbbell pulling back okay one arm at a time so i’m going to start with my 20 for both arms i feel a lot more controlled with that weight okay let’s start with our right arm ready all fours and then scoop back so there’s an extension here two one let’s go something you can also do is bring another dumbbell in to kind of elevate yourself okay still give me that extension though [Music] what’s with the extension the lat involvement okay if you start up in an extended position and you have to contract back there’s this extra little contraction from your lat and posterior delt that i want to add in here like i said always looking to get stronger in my core okay the main supporter of so many of our heavier lifts and rest good all right hammer curls are up next this is our heavier bicep move okay so you have the option to go alternating if you’re using really heavy dumbbells or if you’re using a little bit lighter you can maintain double let’s go here ready here we go what you want to make sure of is at the top of your curl your elbow is not facing forward okay your elbow’s still pointing down to the ground because all you’re doing is curling you’re not scooping to hold curl just flexing the elbow okay 15 more seconds good you’ve got five four three two one good there’s our two heavier moves we’re back to the back back to back and we’re going back flies okay hinging here flying back okay if you need to dial this back a little bit one at a time okay let’s go in three two one here we go good i like to think of my shorter shoulder blades meeting right in the middle of my mid back okay so not up around my traps not here but here okay low back you’re thinking for aiming to the mid low back [Music] there we go 15. [Music] yes let’s go let’s go nine [Music] four three two one all right last lighter pull move it’s for your biceps again you’ve gotta curl drop single arm okay not a drop set but you’re gonna hold isometric one arm you’re gonna drop curl drop curl drop one curl it back to the hold ready i’m using my tens again two one let’s go drop drop so you’re kind of hitting that bottom part of the curl one arm is always flexing make sure you’re not switching before one of them is paused or before both of them are paused i should say [Music] good keep your shoulders back if you’re leaning in like this keep it back we gotta open that bicep up seven good four three two one beautiful long rows we’re switching over to the left arm okay you’re doing great we need to grab some water [Music] all right left arm let’s go put it under you and then scoot back a little ready let’s do it keep your chest straight there’s no lawnmower starting right you don’t need to rotate this way you need to just pull back keep all of this level good job come on we’re almost there ten three two one rest good hammer curls let’s go if you can bump the curls up hammer style i’m going to bump mine up and add in the alternate option okay so left arm right arm not at the same time okay let’s go two one pull switch again i don’t want my elbow coming when i get here it scoops under and kind of does the rest of the lift for me okay this little scoop is not bicep activated so keep the elbow pointed down the whole time you’re just kind of giving a thumbs up great job nice work okay good you know how i mentioned i’m always going to keep going with you knowing you’re there pushes me this is one of those times i just drew from your energy it’s burning we’ve got five four i’m not gonna quit until three two one good rest so thank you for being here for knowing me knowing that you’re there mentally pushes me back flies okay back to back two one let’s go i don’t even know if that was funny the first time but definitely probably not the second time those shoulder blades come on don’t dive into it shoulder blades start this movement so don’t get into a a little bob to get going okay [Music] beautiful 15. that’s it we’ve got four three two one good curl drops and then we’ve got a glute circuit [Music] you’re doing amazing hold one drop drop drop four three two let’s go [Music] pause drop pause check in with your shoulders throughout this move okay if you’re going here and rotating in with the drop you’re not letting your bicep do all the work nothing moves except your forearms see how my elbows aren’t shifting nothing moves but my forearms good strong wrist 15. here’s another moment i’m needing your energy right now come on keep going with me five four two one beautiful great job i’m so glad you’re here grab some water if you can lift your bottle up so two heavy glute moves two lighter glute moves heavy glute moves romanian deadlifts you can go alternating if you would like or you can stagger okay i would love for you to do one leg dominant then we go down to glute bridges two legs on the ground [Music] okay after your glute bridges i’m gonna add in my band okay we’ve got kneeling fire hydrants okay we’ll start left leg first round right leg second round and then the last one will have a straight leg pulse which i’ll use my heavy band for so it’ll all make sense once we get started let’s start with our staggered deadlifts okay you’re going one and then two stagger or if you feel confident lift that back leg okay let’s go in 10 seconds quick demo here or here and if you’re modifying you’re right here okay two one let’s go [Music] beautiful keep that core tight right back good stay confident here you can do this nine who’s good enough five four two one good come on down for a glute bridge heavy band for myself we’re just going up and down okay no pulses no abductions up then down okay here we go feet set three two one up and down let’s rock [Music] and for your glute resistance band if you have one the further away from your hip this band is the tougher it is for your knees to open wide so if you need to dial it back maybe you scoot the band up a little bit more if you want to go heavier up towards your knees [Music] squeeze those glutes together to lift not when you lift squeeze them to lift there you go when you do that do you feel your backbone your tailbone kind of stuck under that’s what we need two one good okay now i’m going for my light band if you don’t have a light band for the fire hydrants i’ll give you a couple more seconds here if you don’t have a light band i want you to click this right here and lift here okay try and point your toe so it’s not so hard to flex and feel those tendons behind your knee all right but if you have a band go ahead and grab it if you want to use it we’re going right leg out first all right let’s go in two one here we go [Music] good job [Music] there you go you’ve got [Music] we’re taking that same leg and we’re going to lift out back and just pulse here here okay so let’s point the toe on this one point your toe and if you have a dumbbell you want to remove that or if you want to hold it either way let’s go in three two one here we go up up keep your hips straight and this is our lighter hamstring and glute i know you feel this in your hamstring as well no need to rush through this one if you have to bring it all the way down and rest come back up that is okay let’s just see if we can keep it going okay good ten nine eight seven four three yes two we’re back up to our romanian deadlifts okay alternating you’re staggering or you’re lifting and if you’re doing neither of those you’re just going right into standard hinge okay all right let’s go in four three two one all right here we go there we go come on let’s finish this one strong this is it last round of this glute circuit look down in front of your toe not ahead of your nose down at your toe so your back is flat all the way up through your head six five three two one beautiful heavy band let’s go if you have it glute bridges come on let’s go two one all right let’s lift [Music] good job last half can we hold it up here can you hold up can you squeeze your cheeks together at the bottom and hold let’s try it let’s do it together up up up up up come on don’t let go dig the heels in squeeze the cheeks under and together you’ve got five four three two one rest beautiful fire hydrants come on back dumbbell or band [Music] all right let’s go in three opposite leg now remember two one let’s go [Music] i want that control okay lift to 90 degrees from your other leg [Music] good you should feel this top part of your glute right here okay this glute medius is what’s working hardest to resist this band okay that upper part of your glutes i hear people say like i want a rounder glute i want my glutes to be more rounded this glute medius so powerful in that rounded kind of aesthetic all right if that’s your goal it also helps support your hip function keeping you stable and balanced so in so many ways it’s beneficial and rest beautiful we have one more okay take that toe point it lift it back here we lift up in five four three two let’s go yeah hip stability is really beneficial with these glute resistance bands so when you get down to the bottom of a squat so you don’t sway or round i’m talking right now so i’m not noticing the burn as much i still notice it but just to talk about all the functional benefits of using these it goes well beyond the aesthetic how you squat how you hold your posture how your glutes activate [Music] come on ten nine [Music] four three two one beautiful rest and let’s take this band off or you can move your dumbbell down if you want a little surprise twist you’ve got a one minute plank to close this out okay we’re gonna go in eight seconds one minute plank okay so most beginner version you’re here you want to go down a little bit to challenge yourself go here let’s go in three two one here we go one minute and we’ve hit arms and legs all day i know you’ve got some stored up core energy right now core strength here you think of this as kind of just all your muscles working you want to run through the anatomy of our body real quick all right let’s do it elbows right under your shoulders correct can you check that off your checklist okay we move to the chest you’re not arch down your chest pulled in ribs are nice and tight they’re reaching for your spine good belly button also reaching for the spine okay so notice this and this we want this okay squeeze your glutes together for me good flex your quads by trying to straighten your legs out good now shoot your heels away from your head ten more seconds hold hold hold you’ve got six five four three two one and drop down you have made it to your cool down amazing work guys so proud of you okay sit it back back back reach your hands out forward i hope more than anything that last minute right there just reminded you you are strong in so many ways okay this was very push-pull legs focused glutes as well but then i throw in a core move and challenge you to go endurance mode whatever you did just now you pushed your hardest for one minute on something that we hadn’t even focused on the whole workout okay why did i throw that in there i planned it trust me it was on the workout plan right there i planned it just to pull in how your body works together all the time okay shift forward drop your hips down you are constantly working your whole body you notice the plank wasn’t something that you felt totally not warmed up for right you’ve been using your core all day and this whole program is core and full body focused and i just want you to feel that okay i want you to feel that your core has been working with you when you were doing bent rows when you were doing deadlifts it wasn’t that your core was completely cold and you had no idea how to plank just now because you weren’t warmed up right you’re always using your full body so tuck your toes down lift your hips up to the sky push your heels down okay i want you to know strength is full body okay it’s not just isolation when you’re doing a bicep curl you’re also holding your core tight you’re also keeping your spine erect okay you’re also maybe squeezing your glutes so that you don’t sit back into an arch okay walk your hands back to your toes for me same thing with your squats right if you’re doing a squat it’s leg focused technically but you’re also using your back you’re also using your arms to hold dumbbells okay bring your knees just a little bit roll up slowly for me one vertebrae at a time come up slowly find something to look at breathe okay let the blood kind of rush out of your head a little bit all right and i hope more than anything today you felt that power in yourself throughout the whole workout okay i isolated a little bit isolated isolated and at the end i just threw a plank in at you full body you’re strong okay that’s what i always want you to believe in in so many ways you’re stronger than you realize in your workouts and in life you know it’s coming and in life but really the way that you learn how to train here is the way that you learn how to push yourself outside of here it’s not a coincidence that as you’ve gotten stronger you’ve gotten more confident in other areas of your life mentally you felt like okay i appreciate myself a little bit more now those bare minimum things that i want for you they don’t just come out of coincidence or are just out of the blue they come from you showing yourself number one you’re worth it number two you deserve it and number three you can and then most importantly number four you will okay so it’s not a coincidence that you’re reaping benefits outside of the workout and that’s why i want you to keep coming back so that you’re the best version of you as a person as everything that you are outside of this workout and i love you for all of those things and i want you to be better in any way that you need okay whatever makes you feel better makes you feel like royalty like royal change says that’s what i want for you okay make the changes that you need to feel like royalty and i think it starts here so i’m so proud of you today make sure if you’re interested in those bands check out the link in the description they are back in stock i’m so so proud of you for coming here today showing up and feeling strong make sure before you head out you give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and i’ll see you back here tomorrow bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh me

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Comments (33)

  • @bsq4659 Reply

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @Naturally82 Reply

    Jan 2023 💪🏽

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 26 2023

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @rungta12 Reply

    Great playlist. Anywhere I can access it

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @mariabarcelo4737 Reply

    One more time done💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @viscegliadesiree5593 Reply

    Crushed it!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @tegallu Reply

    I've been working out with you for two years and this workout is one I come back to when I am looking for a full body strength day. It is comprehensive and well-paced and challenging. Thank you Sydney! I love your strictly strength days that let you focus on the work.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply


    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @helencoppola3021 Reply


    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @mariabarcelo4737 Reply

    Done…so many times…my all time favorite 💪🏻

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @jennifermoreno4834 Reply

    Revisiting this in Feb 2023. Holds up like a mutha! Your workouts are timeless, Sydney. Thank you!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    Crushed this 9/13 💪🏻😎

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    amazing full body workout!!! Whoo!! I’m sweating like crazy. it was low impact but my heart rate was up the entire time. Syd keeps you moving on this one. I have loved the Ignites program. I hope when you come back you’ll do a program like this. Thanks Syd!!! 🙂

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @marshalinder5849 Reply

    Great workout!!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @mariabarcelo4737 Reply

    Crushed it for like the 10th time💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @reneebousquet4866 Reply

    Still coming back to these programs!! I think I’ve done summertime fine 3.0, 3 times now? 😅 figured I’d check out ignite! I bounce around all the time, so this huge variety of workouts and focuses is awesome! I hope mama and baby are doing great! Sending love and peace your way! Love this channel, love my girl Sydney, love ALL the positivity! Woo hoo!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @MaRiAm936 Reply

    Crushed it☺️

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @tracyharding1945 Reply

    Thank you, Sydney! July 2022!!!💚💚💚

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @baybiie Reply

    hi team!! lets crush it

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @brilliantdecember Reply

    Great workout Sydney.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @gabbyrdl Reply

    Amazing 🤩 thank you so much this work was awesome 👏

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    My gut r telling me today ," u must rest today '‼️‼️but i beat that felling to crushed this workout on sunday yeyeyeye…😁😁😁 N i done day 20.. feel good about it today..thanks coach Sydney..😍😍

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @newwithtags2698 Reply

    Loved this for a Monday morning!!!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @christifigueroa1263 Reply

    I went back to this workout today, because I want more than the 20 minutes planned in the Push program. I had it on my favorites list and I sure wasn’t disappointed! This was a great workout! Again!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @Laray9260 Reply

    Repeating this program: Day 8

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @susmitamishra9016 Reply

    Thanks Sydney for this amazingggg workout🎉. I did this on the 2nd day of my period with a pair of 2.5kg dumbbells & I killed it💪🏼🔥. Can't even describe in words how I'm feeling right now.🥺💖

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @nadinebasha7877 Reply

    Crushed it! Who’s here in March 2022? This was my favourite workout from Ignite yet!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @marylouhixson2423 Reply

    FAVORITE full body workout. Flew by too! Feeling so strong, thanks to you, Sydney! ❤️

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @maddybell8338 Reply

    sick as a dog and I pushed through this one to feel more like me today. Thank you, Sydney!

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @a9aayel Reply

    This is my second time I do this workout and I’m going to do it again, thank you Sydney 🥰🥰😊

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM
  • @turbocole2929 Reply

    Wow, that was over in the blink of an eye.

    May 29, 2024 at 12:57 AM

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