30 Minute Full-Body Sculpting Workout | Weight Training for Weight Loss

30 Minute Full-Body Sculpting Workout | Weight Training for Weight Loss

Video Transcript

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hey guys cat C here with Studio sweat on demand I’m really excited to bring you this workout this workout is called weight lifting for weight loss and the key to this is going to be grabbing heavy enough weights to where once you get to eight or 12 reps you experience failure you can’t do anym with good form uh you will need a couple of sets of weights for this I’m going to have three personally but you might be able to get away with having two sets of weights and the weights that I will use are going to range from 7 and 1/2 lb weights all the way up to 15 lb dumbbells okay but you need to pick what works for you you want to grab weights that you can only do about 8 to 12 reps of each exercise with but different exercises um are going to use different muscle groups some bigger than others so that’s why you do need multiple sets of weights to do this really successfully another thing that you’re going to need is something that you can step up on um maybe a chair if you have a high step or a bench you can use at home fantastic if not just grab a chair but push it against the wall when we go into our step-ups and my suggestion to you is that every time you’re done with this specific workout that you grab this tracker there’s one available um for you in the description and you write down the weight that you use for each exercise and how many reps you got in and then you do that each time you can see how you progress and that’s all you’re going to need let’s go get our lift [Music] on all right you guys here we go we got weightlifting for weight loss right here and uh we’re going to do a short warmup only about 3 minutes if you have time to do a longer warmup pause right now and get your warmup on maybe go for a jog or something like that this is cat yes so you got double cat today person the K mine is with the c let’s go ahead and punch it out so we’re just warming up the legs and the shoulders and the Torso a little bit [Music] here let’s give me more side okay just nice gentle squat don’t worry about the tempo you’re going to tap your toes drop your hips back see how I’m coming up on my toes here that’s actually called a triple [Music] extension two and one perfect hands on your hips just give me a nice gentle forward lunge go ahead and go at your own [Music] pace perfect you’re thinking up with me I like it it’s not a requirement at Studio sweat so perfect now you’re going to take your hands you’re going to put them behind your ears take opposite elbow to opposite knee as you come into that lunge so you drop one more check it out we’re going to go into little tiny toy soldier kick where you kick opposite arm opposite leg take a double step see I didn’t tell Cat doing she’s learning it with perfect one more for side we’ll do some butt kickers we’ll grab our weights we’ll get going perect one more cat K it out make sure you bring your heel all the way up to that tushy perfect you got it good good cat yeah go in a circle do it I like it movement I get sick all right ready okay we’re going to start with um if you have three sets grab the one that’s kind of in the middle or the heaviest set your choice I’m grabbing the big guns I’m going for the 15s okay all right we’re going to do a squat with the bicep curl I want you to separate the movements into squat stand and curl give me about 12 reps you can go at your pace it doesn’t have to be mine moving and moving at slightly different P when you’re doing that squat keep the knees behind the toes I give you a big tip of the hip keep your chest that proud one more will get me to 12 and I’m starting to have to use a little momentum over strength that when that’s when you know to just call it okay good set those bad boys down we’re going to go into push-ups now because I have a hand issue I’m actually going to hold some dumbbells when I do my push-ups and same thing we’re looking for about 12 reps I’m going to go a little bit wider than shoulders if you can keep them right at shoulder width cat you going to go from your knees and demo perfect okay here we go deep breath in solid body your keep I’m on my toes on knes once you start to experience any sort of feel you’re in form I want you to drop to your knees inhale down exhale up looking for about 12 Reps don’t make it just an upper body exercise use your core use your [Music] glues okay for me that’s it with good form so that’s when we step away shake it out how that feel cat good now um I’m actually going to use my twelves again we’re going to come up and we’re going to do a little exercise for our back it’s going to be a combo move dumbbell row into a fly cat if you could demo offset stance this is a good option for someone who has any back issues so she’s in that split split position I’m going to go legs just hit with apart Bring It Forward it’s a nice flat back give me a road to squeeze the shoulder blades together Rock and then take the waist to the outside with a fly here we go [Music] one thatat should be t five [Applause] good keep it up keep going come on supposed to be hard nothing that’s good it’s ever easy come on you got it you got it I’m about two away from failure personally that means my form will go to the pot I can do one more all right good cat you good all right I’m going to switch out the weights again cuz I can handle heavier weights we’re going to go back to the top repeat those same exercises so this is a super set with three different exercises okay so the first exercise that we did was the squat with curl you guys know how to do it about hip withth AP on those legs three two one here we go squat curl Tempo [Music] option looking good as a good trainer you always got to make sure the people who are working out with you have good form cats I got nothing to say to you yours looks great all right now I want you to take a note at what my heart rate is it’s at 83% Max that means I am in my fat burning zone I’m building lean body mass [Music] here good while I’m burning fat last one for me good weight lifting for weight loss right there push-ups or nexts and to be honest I don’t really care what I weigh personally I just care how my uh body is made up and I just want there to be more muscle been fat so let’s focus on that going into our push-ups ready cat all right guys she’s ready I’m ready here we go CH up give me about 12 rips if you can you can go more by the time I’m ready to move to the next exercise two more so I mve to my knees because felt my lower back start to Sag I got about two more in [Music] me good he on those push-ups just keeping your elbows in a little tighter than you might think you don’t want them to flare to the side okay come up go back to that back exercise cat deep breath in okay Shake offet stance okay I’ll go legs about hip with apart Bring It Forward row then fly here we go row F got it come come on do [Music] this come on Angela big squeeze let’s [Applause] go so as I’m looking at cat here just to check her form what I’m looking for is does she have a nice flat back keep going can you turn to the side for me cat Okay go again you’re not stopped you’re continuing swims go but you can see she’s got a nice straight line from her shoulders all the way down to her hips that’s beautiful cat really focusing on that [Applause] [Music] back good let’s do two more I believe you can do it come on one more good you did way more than me good job okay now we got one more round before we move on to our next Super set from the top grab the big guys Squat and curl adrenaline adrenaline of the last set here we go inhale exhale you got it at the bottom do good all [Music] right and if you really grab big enough weights you should be slowing down as you go I started on Tempo you see my pace is slower now I got one more good hopefully that was your you know anywhere between eight and maybe up to 15 reps you know what I’m excited about that this is our last round of push-ups yeah love them hate them let’s go all right I want you to dig down deep and give me 15 ladies gentlemen why don’t you shoot for 20 here Ready Set Go can see how my elbows and C’s elbows they’re facing the back corner of the room they’re not out here facing the Sid that’s a perfect push-up right [Music] there come on ladies give me your 15 even if you need to stretch back I want all 15 reps in here you got it you got it me and you and Cat and Cat good okay about my 15 you good cat beautiful do you need a drink of water or you good good I’m good too we’re going to go on to super set number two this is where you’re going to need that chair or bench cat just has a chair cat K with a K I actually have a bench that I’m going to be using here just to be safe I’m going to pull my mat out of the way just a little bit because we want to make sure we’re not dealing with any obstacles here’s what we’re going to do everybody you’re going to take your right foot you’re going to put it on your stair or your bench okay take a deep breath in you’re going to step up pushing through the heel that right foot then bring it back down to the floor with the left 12 times ready cat three two one here we go one 2 3 four five six come on seven eight are you feeling the burn cat yeah 10 she said yes 11 12 finish it 12 good great job you guys you can feel that right here now take the other foot in up there take a deep breath in get ready three two one here we go one [Music] two 5 6 7 8 nine I’m going a little slower on this side 10 11 right side is stronger 12 good aren’t you glad that’s the first exercise okay now look going to grab your lightest set of weights um I’m actually going to go for um some fives reason being we’re going to be doing 24 reps on the shoulders here that’s a lot okay take a deep breath in okay we’re going to take our right foot but we’re going to mirror let me it’s this one step It Forward right foot forward left foot back what I want you to notice before I start is that I’ve got that heel of the back leg in up in the air so Cal is too low here so I’m going to ask her to bend that knee and lift that heel to the sky step this foot forward a little bit and now she’s in perfect position so she went from this to this that’s what we want to see okay she’s like can we go now as you lunge bring those weights up Palms facing down to shoulder height three two one here we go one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 come on two more 11 12 good okay so think about it if now we do the same thing on the other side that’s going to be 24 shoulder raises yay get that back heel up get yourself in a proper position this time when you’re doing your front raise I want you to keep your palms facing each other at the bottom though yep three two one here we go one two you got the count than beautiful you got [Music] it [Music] good good last one that’s my favorite perfect okay now put those weights down we’re going to work the back in the core a little bit more with a renegade row so grab medium set a dumbbells bring it into a high plank position cat I’m going to actually have you demo this one on your knees okay so turn to the side so they can see what I’m talking about she’s going to get this same muscle groups activating here I’m on my toes CAD is on her knees and we’re going to alternate sides bringing that dumbbell up to the chest in three two one like this one oh no push-up just the row two 3 4 5 6 keep going keep going one of the things I want you to notice with cat here she’s keeping her hips Square to the ground throughout this movement so what she’s not doing keep going C is she’s not rotating those hips and she’s doing it right here we go hips [Music] down do you know how many you dead [Music] cat good one more for side everybody come on one two good okay so those are the three exercises in super set number two let’s do them again ready cat so we’re going to go into our step-ups everybody get your right foot [Music] planted stabilize that body 12 step up three 2 one here we go one two 3 4 5 six seven nice eight you got it guys stay with it 9 10 11 should burn 12 good burn good okay let’s move to the other side by the way we have some pretty high steps that we’re working on here I don’t care if it’s one or 2 in high you can even do it on the floor three two one here we go one so keep going cat what would it look like if I were doing it on the floor I just step back into about a half lunge and then I power that knee up all right here we [Music] go I’m going off of her count she says we’re at eight 9 10 11 12 was that about right I’m done I’m good okay all right uh looking for our lighter weights I don’t know why I got on the ground once again look at the heart rate we’re in that fat burning Zone bring that right foot forward left foot back Palms down at the top here we go one [Music] two you got it yes six five get heavy guess why that I guess that’s why they call them weights huh all right we got this guy deep breath in switch to the other side Ready set go Palm in here we go perfect Palms facing each other for this one more like a hammer curl position on the hands squeeze squeeze squeeze 12 [Music] right see good thing I got you to keep me honest [Music] huh comes next going to go a little heavier weight tap from the knees or toes whatever tickles your fancy all hit square one for [Music] week watch this I can move into [Music] it you and with the nasty St keep going all the way to failure good okay starting to get there one more slide for [Music] me [Music] good do you like how I tell myself good good job all right good news CAD final round let’s do it I don’t know about you but I think we’re doing great okay by the way I believe this is the hardest set okay bring that foot up doesn’t really matter which one three two one left step [Music] one I show you Inc things Sten kisses Pretty Lies you’re the King baby [Music] to slow down a little but I’m still [Music] going my 12 oh thank goodness got keep going you got to finish I appreciate the longer break H it’s okay my heart rate was almost anerobic you’re doing me a favor that’s some fat loss right there ladies and [Music] Gent all right Cat Ready two one she’s like thanks for no break for [Music] me I’m going down I’m still going feeling strong last one last one got to get myself stable I want it to do good boom one more baby you got it good good good good Knuckles boom boom okay blun with that front raise grab the light is set deep breath in right leg forward three two one PS down one catch [Music] up [Music] two moreat come on guys you got it blessing that that’s done okay this is great strength guys other side Heel To The Sky Three 2 one let’s [Music] go yes I can say it [Music] how many left is that it one more thank you I was going to stop too early you saved everyone well that’s a good point she said I was going to jop the weights cuz her shoulders were starting to experience too much fatigue that’s always an option sure you’ll do this workout multiple times and if you do it again and you need to drop the weights and just do the motion that’s always an option okay Renegade Road kitty cat here we go this is it three two one let’s Row [Music] one square we got [Music] it so when you get down to that last side you got two choices with your attitude you can either tell yourself shoot I’m so tired cuz it’s the third set or you can choose to use adrenaline and use the last set as your most powerful set I’m going to go with option b three more cat we can do it per side how did I know it was time to stop felt my hips starting to open even when I tried to get them solid yeah yep form goes down okay you guys well done we got one more set left good news this is our quickest one okay now first exercise is going to be a chest press if you have a bench and you want to do a little bit of an incline press you’re welcome to do that I want you to grab your heaviest weight for this though I mean the heaviest you grab for this workout okay so cat you’re just going to demo a chest press okay keep your hips on the ground just the upper body work alone okay here’s what it looks like when you incline it right here slight incline here we go [Music] push you got it now if your Weist feel a little light for this what you can do instead is you can turn your palms to face each other and you can do a fly when you’re doing a fly the weights are further away from your body so based on the lever system principle they’re heavier good I’ve got about two more in me with this weight doing the fly okay good good you good I hope your form is good I didn’t even check I’ll check next time I promise though okay now you’re going to go over to your chair or your bench and get to a flat position if you’re on a bench and we’re going to do tricep dips for 15 cat okay got to work those triceps biggest muscle group in the arm okay you want to keep your butt close to your chair or bench you got the option for the straight leg a little Bend or a lot of bend the most Bend’s going to be the easiest okay they’re all hard 15 reps here we go one two three I’m ahead of tempo four uhoh I’m far from the bench two good tight elbows good cat keep going the thing I like that with this chair is she can’t take her hands too wide she’s forced to keep them narrow so the more narrow your chair the more narrow your grip okay do you get your 15 in perfect now last exercise in this one is just going to be a plank shoulder top just to uh work the core and shoulders a little bit more okay I’m going to hold on to weights but you’ll see cat’s not going to be holding on to weights okay here we go tap tap tap tap tap tap you got it so it’s all about go ahead and come up on your toes this for this one Pat you can do it yeah so she showed you you can do it from the knees but I know how strong she is and I know she has a super strong core that’s why I’m bringing her up here good good good good speed it up a little five four 3 two one first side okay so that’s that said it’s really quick right go back to your dips cat show them on the ground you’re going to go back to excuse me not your dips your uh press here we go cat show them what you got so she’s going to do a press for anywhere between eight and up to maybe as high even as 20 Reps for this one you got it you got it and yes your form looks great I’ll go right to the fly since I got some catching up to do good cat you got it you going for 20 I love it you’re such a beast she said she’s going to do 20 rep because why she can good do you make it ah oh so she said she had a little lighter weight but that’s just it you base it on the weight so she knew she could get in 20 okay now Dipsy should be able to get more reps in just in general we were doing late to 12 maybe before we’re going to do 15 solid dips everybody in three two you know your options let’s go one you can see how I’m trying to get my upper arm parallel to the ground you have the count thank [Music] you 12 come on you guys you got it 13 14 15 I knew you could do it okay you guys so close to home plank shoulder tap I do have an MRI scheduled from my broken hand I will get a fixed Ready set go one two three just like that Renegade keep your hips Square to the ground strong core strong core from the side here you can see I’m holding a solid solid plain position to do that I really got to squeeze my glutes my core good three more for [Music] side perfect interestingly enough my shoulders started to feel the fatigue there from all the other work we’ve [Music] done good choice okay from the top we’re almost done you guys all telling you tell you what you want to do and if you don’t have a i you guys anywhere between eight up to 20 reps depending on your weight and your strength and conditioning here we [Music] go remember if your goal is weight loss I’d love for you to focus a little bit more on what constitutes your m what percentage is muscle what percentage is f a healthy attitude is going to say give me more muscle and then what’ll happen cu the more muscle you’ll get the more fat you’re going to burn just even at rest amazing so it’s a winwin good I’m two away from failure see me start to slow down that’s it if I did another one for would go to the pot all right CAD oh my gosh we’re so close to being done ready 15 Zips in four two let’s beat the beat come on Pump It Out flat back you look at my back you look at cat’s back over there nice and flat I got to tell you you got to tell me where we are 14 15 all right let’s tap it out cat this is it after this everybody gets distress okay ready set go let’s do 15 one I’m going to go ahead of the beat seven strong core come on eight over halfway n got it you and me almost there 13 14 [Music] 15 give me some knos show me your gun show me your gun notice we’re holding up like our chicken wing great job today you guys thank you so much for joining cat and Cat it’s very important at this point that you stretch it out best time to stretch is right after you get your spoor line have a good one and check this [Music] off [Music] oh

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Comments (20)

  • @StudioSWEATonDemand Reply

    Get instant access to tons of body-sculpting workouts just like this with a 7-Day Free Trial of Studio SWEAT onDemand @ https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/freetrial-youtube now!!

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @KerriSingh2Create Reply

    I am starting from scratch so is it better to start with less weights and build up or start with more weight.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @dorag1150 Reply

    It is a winner workout! Thank you !!!❤

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @mgromeo9815 Reply

    Anyone lost weight?

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @listener1571 Reply

    Cat forgot the third set of the bent over flys but I STILL love love love this workout! 🥰

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @almahernandez2922 Reply

    Love this workout. I will keep it in my routine for now on. Thank you 😅💪🏼💕

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @neveahchase8134 Reply

    If you want to shed weight, you need to check out Okibetonic Secrets on google. They'll make it easier to get the shape you need.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @chancetandra9128 Reply

    What is the best product or brand to lost a ton of fat? I read many superb reviews on the net about how Okibetonic Secrets will help you lost a lot of fat. Has anybody tried this popular lose weight diet plan?

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @baileesolis3920 Reply

    As expert, I do believe Okibetonic Secrets is great way to lost tons of weight. Why not give it a chance? perhaps it is going to work for you too.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @hermazimmerman2732 Reply

    Does Okibetonic Secrets (do a google search) help me lost crazy amounts of weight? I notice lots of people keep on talking about this popular fat burn secrets.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @noelanygonzalez9152 Reply

    Can you do this workout everyday or not ?

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @natawegge5105 Reply

    Anyone tested out the Custokebon Secrets (google search it)? We have heard several amazing things about this popular fat loss system.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @severinlemekhov8245 Reply

    What do you think of lost a lot of fat with Custokebon Secrets? I notice a lot of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @nimnims91 Reply

    I've had this workout in my routine for almost a year now! The UK's gyms haven't ever fully re-opened, so I'm super grateful I found this. My arms have never looked in better shape. Thanks <3

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @Silvermoon564 Reply

    I walk regularly but found that my weight was still not shifting. I have been doing this routine for a month and there is a difference in my overall body shape. Thanks for a great work out💕

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @claudinealtvater640 Reply

    I'm kind of concerned that there is no cooldown and stretch element in this program, as well as the very abbreviated warm-up. Lifting is awesome, but the muscles need to be cooled downed and stretched afterward to retain and improve ROM. It is a major component of fitness completely ignored. I'm not going to give my money to a company that doesn't cover the basics of fitness.

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @celemendez8766 Reply

    Do you guys only have this video of lost weight

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @celemendez8766 Reply

    This class is really good it made me have 💪🏋️

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @momminwithcassie Reply

    What are you using to track your heart rate and your percentage?

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM
  • @idalinasoloo7370 Reply

    I did this now the next day my butt is on FIRE 💥💥💥

    May 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM

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