20-Minute Full Body Workout | Killer Fat Burning & Muscle Toning Class (No Equipment Needed)

20-Minute Full Body Workout | Killer Fat Burning & Muscle Toning Class (No Equipment Needed)

Video Transcript

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hey guys cat calm here with studio sweat on demand and you just clicked play on a 20-minute killer cardio hit workout if you’re looking for the ad-free version of this class just go over to studioswithondemand.com and get yourself a free trial there and after your free trial over at studio sweat on demand if you’d like you can use promo code hit 5 yt to get a full month of unlimited on-demand ad-free workouts for only five bucks let’s hit it i do it takes whatever it [Music] [Music] the takes whatever it takes [Music] hey guys mayor w with studio sweat on demand coming at you with a 20 minute sculpt all you need for this one is a towel so you can thank nikki and sylvia for that one but we’re gonna just need that towel a little bit longer of one so a short little rectangle will not work you need a little bit longer so that you can do some pull downs with it and really engage those lats so let’s go our first two sets are up okay we get to stand so you’re gonna you’re always gonna have a little bit of tension on there so that my lats are engaged okay i can’t come around there’s a choker but no just hold it but i want to be able to no no no yeah tight there you go yeah okay little tension this this is not going to work for me okay you got to have it nice and tight right there yes because it’s going to ease your upper body we are going to take a lunge forward we’re going to twist rotate over that front leg staying on the same side let’s go [Music] you want you can bring it back in up to [Music] you keep me [Music] switch it up other foot goes forward in that lunge twist the other way hey my core engage as i twist use my obliques bring my torso back [Music] stop okay you’re gonna take it out to a plie okay we’re gonna drop down and pull down okay just like you were doing a lap pull here [Music] come on [Music] [Music] you’re gonna take it back behind you okay if you’re gonna like that find out nice and long you’re gonna press up we have 20 of these okay so i am pulling out on the towel okay out nice and wide [Music] high as you can go it’s comfortable for you [Music] out [Music] so if you need to step it over walk it out walk it in step it over [Music] [Applause] okay round one done round two coming up lunges where we start again back out there okay let’s go out twist [Music] out [Music] last one on this side [Music] okay other side here we go [Music] kimberly is there some tension on that towel i know the shoulders are burning but you got it [Music] [Music] four three [Music] two [Music] one nice job okay toes forty-five i’ll see that plie okay nice tension on that towel drop it down 12. got it josh four three two one okay back behind you for that tricep or those triceps there we go okay out long press it up if it helps for your back you can always offset those feet hey arm’s [Music] five four three two [Music] here we go let’s go hop over burpees is done [Music] picking me [Music] teamwork nice job okay grab that towel final round lunches we got 12. okay a little tension on that towel step it forward good margarita [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm i’m up there two left final one nice job switch it up other side [Music] [Music] three two got it erica last one nice job hey so i forgot yeah that’s what i want to do with my towel right here yep margarita good idea right here hey here we go let’s go twelve five you feel those laps four three two one nice hey around last set for our tries okay arms nice and long that’s fine long push the butt back reaching it back [Music] a little madonna for you [Music] that core tucked up towards the vine here hey flat back eight seven six five four three two one nice job hop over burpees hey final set of them you will not have any more burpees after this let’s go [Music] as you hop over zip those legs up keep them together two more final one we’re gonna come out by lunch front raise 12 each side ready ready audrey yeah let’s go find lunch it up push the butt back here [Music] one other side let’s go inside still on the tower okay second one coming on down we got 12 push-ups okay you can’t take these up to a wall too that’s your option let’s go 12. [Music] come on josh let’s go [Music] is take it out [Music] two 12. three two good kathy [Music] here we go [Music] one other side we go twelve [Music] two [Music] three two one [Music] going on the ground you’re still gonna need that towel okay we’re getting going too roll it up okay rolling it down arm’s over the head roll it up zip it up nice and tall one vertebrae at a time comes down i am pulling out on that cow go heather paint job okay [Music] get rid of the towel okay end here okay that’s your option okay do what you can do challenge yourself lashawn you can’t play down it’s not enough okay here we go on yeah it’s like jump rope exactly josh jump rope i know we’re all built differently so some people wait i like margaritas back there she’s nice and tall she’s like i’m gonna jump rope over it and i’m gonna jump right back i like it three i got stuck two [Music] two okay you go heels on the ground or you can take your shins perpendicular you are parallel parallel here we go let’s go rush to twist reach back there but i do a little bit really get the obliques four three two one roll up we go back we got those three three times and you are done pay up nice and tall scroll it down reach it over roll it up [Music] exhale if you roll it up there [Music] you choose two one let’s go [Music] reach hey you can bring those shins up if you would like [Music] no kimberly back there like my heels are down five four three two one okay roll up final round hey this is it up tall roll it down [Music] you got this making that court a lot stronger here set it up tall [Music] i am you have two left two last one [Music] [Applause] those start off so easy and then i don’t know what happens they just get really difficult okay we’re ready let’s go finish our last two things come on here we go [Music] i lost my towel three two one hey here we go [Music] i i gotta change things up four three two one nice job first time roll it out how long reach it reach our toes out stretch that body out it’s time to cool down and stretch [Music] when you are ready go ahead bring one knee in plug it in nice and tight [Music] then gently pull it over to the side reach out long away go ahead release it down hug that other one nice and tight and then pull that one across your body [Music] go ahead and release it roll it up nice and slow [Music] exhaling on the way go ahead and release it one last stretch bring those heels in for a butterfly stretch [Music] you all did fantastic this morning just to tell your upper body should be a little on fire when you’re done go ahead and release it you guys are done great job all right how’d it go did you hit it hard are you ready to head over to studioswithondemand.com and get yourself a free trial and then don’t forget when that free trial is over and you want to keep going for only five dollars you can get your first month using promo code hit with two eyes five yt we’ll see you over there day long

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Comments (7)

  • @StudioSWEATonDemand Reply

    Get instant access to tons of body-sculpting workouts just like this with a 7-Day Free Trial of Studio SWEAT onDemand @ https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/freetrial-youtube now!!

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @colleenobrien6479 Reply

    can do this on hardwood?

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @dorag1150 Reply

    Brilliant! And I am traveling and I need this awesome work out!!!!

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @amredrisco8416 Reply

    Quite motivational…great to see a 'real' workout class. My only niggle is that I do find the music irritating and too loud in relation to the coach's voice, but thanks anyway!

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @anniebutton7453 Reply

    Fantastic, thanks so much for sharing this freely for all of us,😘😘

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @irinacecilia4876 Reply

    Top top, best class

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  • @youngboyrapper8814 Reply

    Mam ,I learn that heart rate slowly recovers to resting heart rate ,after exercise maybe it takes a day after intense workout like playing football for 4_5 hours ,so at night I just focus on my heart rate dropping and can't sleep all night because heart rate dropping shows time ,what to do mam reply plz?

    May 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM

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