40 Minute HIIT Strong Workout | IGNITE – Day 13

40 Minute HIIT Strong Workout | IGNITE – Day 13

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 40-minute hit strong workout so grab your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys welcome to your 40 minute workout we have a strength workout today mixed in with a tiny bit of cardio we’re going to be operating in hit style so 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest in which you can opt to kind of stay moving or just breathe in between our sets okay we’ve got three rounds of every exercise so we’ll go supersets today one and two one and two one and two and then we’ll move on okay so as far as dumbbells i’ve got 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells i’ve also got my jump rope so you can pull that out if you have yours either a jump rope cordless ropes tank tops t-shirts something to swing or you can opt to switch that out for another form of cardio as always grab your water bottle and your sweat towel and i’ll be popping the modifications up right here in the video so you can know bodyweight exercises and low impact exercises as well okay thumbs up if you are ready don’t forget to subscribe to the channel before you head out today let’s jump into your warm up okay wide stance hands on your hips we’re going to bend right and left stretching out your inner thigh in three two one let’s go [Music] here we go sit back feel this in your inner thigh good and then work on pushing out of your bent leg so we’re activating the glutes and the quads four three two one arms up here walk in and twist there we go [Music] three good job feel it in your core two one arms across your chest open here we go so glad you’re here today so glad to be able to work hard with you in this workout whatever you’ve got today do your best give it your all and then we’re going to crush this workout together starting strong finishing together three two one oh that one felt good let’s go heels to glutes good this feels good as well we’ve had a good week of workouts okay so let’s close out week number two of the ignite program with this workout make it something that says i’m proud of myself for this workout i’m proud of how i did today regardless of how your week has gone regardless of where you’re starting i want you to finish this workout proud of you two one all right step it back kick it up high kicks for your hamstrings [Music] great job one more each leg there we go hands on your hips take a wide stance let’s go back and stand up here we go [Music] there you go opening up the hips a little bit four three two one all right roll your wrist throw your ankles we’re gonna hop in with sumo squats for exercise one okay right after that we’re going into heel click squat jumps 40 seconds of your sumo squat then rest 30 seconds of your heel click squat jumps okay so sumo squat if i have dumbbells you can hold them here okay squat and stand then you got 20 seconds rest then you go into heel click squat okay low impact option will be up there it’s here okay if you’re staying on the floor looks like this just tapping over all right so grab your weights that you want to use for a sumo squat [Music] okay you can hold however you would like and we’re going in 10 seconds are you ready all right let’s go heels down four three two one let’s go [Music] good try not to shrug your shoulders or roll them forward or pull them back too much keep them right here in neutral that’s it breathe out push the floor away from your hips [Music] good job you’ve got 12. [Music] three two one good job move those out of the way we’re going into those heel click squats modification is here okay keep a light little bend you don’t have to sink all the way down bend pop okay five four thirty seconds here two one let’s go good we get the hang of that you can speed it up or you can land here okay wherever you’re at today keep moving this is the whole body exercise right feel your core inner thighs pulling together nine eight let’s go speed it up for five four three two one rest come on over heavy squats again you can hold these squats anywhere by the way okay right here gonna hold it on your back right down low one or two dumbbells let’s go together four three and here we go good job you’ll notice at the top i’m not hyper extending okay i sit squeeze back to neutral [Music] good job 15 seconds [Music] beautiful work five four two one and rest good all right heel click squats low impact of course is here okay make this your own you’re double hopping if you’re hopping and holding let’s go five three two one come on click sit good you see me using my arms right you’re not just here so i’m staying grounded i’m opening sitting there you go [Music] you’ve got eight seven three two one and rest okay one more round 40 here 30 with the heel clicks [Music] okay if you can go up in weights let’s do it ready come on four three two one let’s go sit back and down drive the feet into the floor [Music] i like to inhale make my thoracic cavity nice and strong right breathe in hold it as you push up exhale [Music] when you exhale don’t let your back round okay nine [Music] six five two one and rest good job all right let’s go last round heel click squat hops you’ve got nine eight seven remember use your arms okay four three two one let’s get it use the inner thighs use your arms sit power these hips forward okay that’s it give me 10 more seconds let’s speed it up good power come on two one and rest grab some water beautiful work all right big deep breath [Music] we’re going for shoulder press and lateral raises okay two shoulder exercises both dumbbells shoulder press is here overhead no modifications for these two it’ll just be a lighter weight okay so 40 seconds of your press 30 seconds of your lateral raises okay you want to go down a little bit right here okay seven seconds let’s go round number one three two shoulder press let’s go you can make sure wrists and elbows stay set even if you need to scoot them here a little keep them over top of each other meaning don’t come here have your elbows in front of your wrist okay right here stack it up strong wrists thai core it’s okay if you lean a little bit right see my low back lean just a little bit but i’m not here right four three two one shake it out okay take this shake break you’re gonna need it in rounds two and three it’s gonna burn okay you’re gonna start to get tired 20 seconds rest you want to jog you can we’re going lateral raises in seven [Music] okay i’m going down to my 10 pound dumbbells from my 20 ready let’s go 30 seconds meaning intense stop down here as little as possible okay lift slow as soon as you get down go again 15. bend your elbows just a little bit do not shrug first keep them down three two one and rest beautiful okay back to my 20s you can go 20 25 15. whatever works for you that heavy slow shoulder press okay ten nine [Music] three two one let’s go keep your wrist strong and straight okay don’t let your forearms get weak and let your wrists fall beautiful 14 13. nine [Music] five four two one rest for twenty good and back to my ten pounds or your lighter weights this exercise will be the one this and one other exercise where you use those super light weights okay the lateral delt very isolated on this lateral raise five four three two bend your knees pull your core in let’s go 30 seconds keep those shoulders down away from your ears nine eight [Music] five three two one okay last round of shoulder press you’ve got 20 seconds think about it can you go heavier if you can let’s go we’ve got a little halfway through the workout cardio break coming up soon okay so push yourself here ready five four three two one come on beautiful second half let’s go come on ten nine four three two rest okay oh boy 20 seconds we’re going back to those lateral raises i think i just kind of feel like this right now shake it out nine eight lateral raises for thirty come on finish strong shoulders right here three two one let’s go [Music] good remember our tip lift up slow on the way down when you get there go good job come on 13 12. [Music] six five three two one rest okay come on grab some water stay with me here we’ve got a little core circuit then we hit that halfway mark cardio circuit all right so first exercise we have a single leg set up okay we’re using a dumbbell if you can let me move some things out of my way here [Music] okay so i’m gonna take my 15 pound dumbbell up to you if you want to use one or not modification is here if you don’t okay you’ve got a sit up toe touch both heels are down you’re taking this dumbbell over okay and i want you to lock your biceps right beside your face one leg straightens you go here okay as you crunch you keep that dumbbell or your arms as close to your face as you can okay let’s go in five seconds are you ready here we go two one come on beautiful come on exhale and lift keep the arms right beside your face [Music] feel the difference then when you let them go away and then you roll up keep them locked right here good job four three two one set up good job we’ve got seated twists okay you can choose to go without a dumbbell or with one okay i’m gonna pick my 15 pound dumbbell up right here okay keep your torso straight and leaned okay three two one let’s go good now if you have a bigger chest you wanna go opening up this way just torso twist okay if you’re not able to touch the ground i still want your chest facing this way and then this way okay that’s the control of the obliques it’s not necessarily that you hit the ground or that you’re holding a dumbbell it’s the twist okay so bigger chested friends you have those options i just want you to twist i got that question the other day thought it was a great question so i hope that helps you four three two one great job we’re back over straight leg sit up [Music] all right come on down [Music] dumbbell or not heels down let’s go in six lock your hands right beside your face or your biceps beside your face and let’s go good so there’s power in stopping the dumbbell from going all the way back keep those arms locked good come on [Music] eight three two [Music] rest good seated twist come on up you’re doing great so good right like i said you have a bigger chest you can’t wrap your hands out here touch the floor i just want you rotating okay dumbbell here holding it here we’re not ready two one let’s go good try also not to be too rounded okay going like this try to keep it tall long spine twist [Music] ten more seconds good job five three two one rest and we’ve got one more round let’s go one last round hopefully it makes sense what i’m saying about my arms you look at my bicep i want them right beside my face even when i go up and when i go down okay let’s go two one come on [Music] looking right to the left and the right i see my biceps right beautiful job 15. [Music] breathe let’s go let’s go two rest seated twist and we pop up for that halfway cardio burst all right we’ve got three different styles of jump rope okay no two different cells sorry two different styles of jump rope are you ready five seconds three two one tall and twist [Music] always get over and i think squeeze crunch and then i think of activating my other side obliques to pull me back squeeze crunch pull squeeze crunch [Music] okay beautiful job give me ten more seconds right here [Music] three two one rest beautiful job all right grab some water throw your dumbbells up and out of the way we’ve got a little jump rope circuit to break up the workout here okay so the two styles of jump rope i want you to do or without the rope we’re just swinging towels first one is in and out okay so we start jump over the rope in swing jump out okay so let it go under your feet before you jump out all right so we go in out in out watch my feet i’ll try to do it slow okay we’re going in then we pass it out in out in out okay so let’s go there in eight seven ready three two one in and out let’s rock [Applause] use your inner thighs to pull your heels back in so you go out while it’s over top your head that’s it come on come on nine eight seven good three two one fifteen seconds rest now we go two hops per leg okay so left left right right okay let’s go in five four three two one come on left left right right [Music] good job then when you start to get the hang of it you can start to kind of add a little kick or go here here okay come on five four three two one fifteen seconds rest you’ve got two more rounds of that okay in and out let’s work on it let’s master it okay jump in jump out pull in out ready three two one let’s go [Music] that’s it in and out whoops keep going [Music] beautiful let’s go four three two one rest we’re back two and two one one two two one one two two okay seven six five three two one let’s go left left right right good come on pop keep it up keep it up whatever you’re doing right here give me the intensity [Music] good job give me ten nine three two one okay last round one more of each okay in and out for thirty one one two two for thirty all right this time we’re not taking a break we go right into it okay 30 seconds here let’s go two one in and out come on one minute straight then we rock into that second half of the workout let’s go let’s go 14 13. good five seconds and we go in and out in and out two one one two let’s go 30 seconds right here [Music] that’s it finish strong and we’ll rock on with that last half of the workout [Music] good you’re doing great you got 10 seconds left let’s go eight seven [Music] three two one and rest oh beautiful all right come on grab some water moving into some compound moves all right we started off with squat curl and press okay you can take it wide or you can take it kind of conventional deadlift style okay squat curl press okay or you can go in the middle squat curl press okay so you pick which way you want to do 40 seconds there then 20 or 30 seconds of plank drops okay i’ll show you those when we get there all right we’re going in ten seconds squat curl crest ready four three two one let’s go [Music] [Music] 40 seconds good work [Music] good job how you doing okay all right good 13 12. four three two one rest good dumbbells out of the way we’re gonna go plank jack open up i think i said that wrong when we first talked about it but modification is here okay you start with feet together you open open close open open okay if you want to make this more difficult you go down to your elbows ready five four three two one open it up hands to the sky so you open your hips to face forward obliques you’re keeping your hips up bring it down close open make sure you’re not here here okay it’s low [Music] 15 seconds good job [Music] nine eight [Music] four three two one great job squat curl and press we’re back if you can go heavier you know i’m gonna challenge you to do that for yourself technique over everything okay eight seconds [Music] three two come on sit curl press let’s go [Music] good job are you breathing i need you to say yes here [Music] there we go three two one rest okay come on down round number two this time i want you to open with your feet together okay so we’re going wide all right you start wide you come in open open in open are you ready three two one let’s go pull them in now if you can’t stack your feet go over okay wide together now i challenge you to find a spot right in front of your face so when you open up to the side you’re not just here right you’re looking straight ahead everything tightens up [Music] nine eight with a little bit of passion three two one all right let’s go one more time are you with me yes okay 12 seconds squat curl press come on six [Music] two one let’s go [Music] keep breathing i’m with you on the breathing [Music] ten more seconds come on three two one [Music] rest okay come on back down this time forearm plank jack okay come down to your elbows in and out open ready four three two one let’s go elbows in and out open i keep on good job come on give me 14 13 12. nine eight [Music] four three two one and rest grab some water you’re doing amazing how you feeling okay all right we have a sumo dead lift and row and a dumbbell plank so i want you to grab a dumbbell if you want to put it on your back for a plank set it out here to the side if you don’t we’re holding a plank for 30 seconds okay you want to add that dumbbell put it out here if not just be ready and know that that’s coming okay your sumo deadlift in row you’re going to have a wide stance okay i’ve given you an option up here for body weight you’re going to go down row wide squeeze back up to the top okay i’m using my 20 pound dumbbells we’re gonna go in four three are you ready two one let’s go hinge squeeze those glutes as you row back in do not let your back round if it’s here you’re incorrect if it’s here you’re good squeeze the shoulder blades come back to flat then squeeze in do not lift your shoulders up towards your ears shoulders stay away from the ears four three two one rest now if you want to put a dumbbell on your back for that plank you’ve got it okay my best advice is to put it here on your knees okay put your elbows down and then stretch your heels all right we go in five four three drop your butt two one let’s go with or without the dumbbell your butt should not be above your shoulders if your dumbbell is riding up and hitting your head your butt is above your shoulders it doesn’t just defy gravity and climb up your back okay your butt is higher than your shoulders come on pull it in squeeze squeeze squeeze ten nine pulse if you’d like five three two one drop to the knees push yourself back up good job and we’re back sumo dead lift and row two more rounds of that and you have made it that’s it okay come on let’s go eight seven four you got it three two one let’s go think of elbows back towards your tailbone [Music] good [Music] that’s it come on 13 12. four three two one come on dumbbell plank let’s go throw it back there are you ready right in the lower back okay stretch yourself out let’s go in five four three two pull the ribs in let’s go let’s go through a little anatomy scan here shoulders right over top of your elbows right okay good ribs are they flared to the ground pull them up squeeze your butt together ten flex your legs heels are shooting away from your head [Music] four three two one last round let’s go last round of both you want to go heavier do it let’s go are you ready seven come on i’m with you we got this strong think strong two one come on [Music] come on strong strong strong right you’re still squeezing [Music] last 20 seconds come on [Music] nine eight one more four three and rest same thing here you can go heavier for that plank this is your last 30 seconds of work okay let’s go [Music] are you ready we’ve got four three two one come on squeeze don’t just squeeze your abs squeeze your legs squeeze your butt together 30 seconds come on let’s go nine good squeeze hold hold hold you’ve got six seconds five four optional ten more seconds ready two one let’s go ten nine eight you’re already here might as well stay five four three two one drop it down you have made it to your cool down [Music] okay raise your hand if that was your favorite workout of the week i loved it amazing job have a seat let’s cool it down make sure before you head out you subscribe to the channel so i can keep bringing you these workouts every single day i just want to be a part of your journey i want to watch you become your best self take yourself out to your right straight leg exhale and if you started ignite program day one with me you’ve officially completed your first two weeks we have a stretch tomorrow so that’s your rest day if you’re rocking with me day by day okay tomorrow will mark day 14 so day 14 is your rest day [Music] great work open it out to the other side and just know you’re doing this okay i’m showing up telling you what to do but you are doing it all right so be proud of that be proud if you’re showing up no matter what okay this is one of those programs i want you to feel the power coming alive inside of yourself that’s why it’s called ignite i want you to discover what fire you already have inside of yourself i’m just setting it on fire so you can remind yourself okay all right both feet together fold over top we did some back work so let’s stretch the back out a little bit okay i’m trying to ignite the flame that you already have inside of yourself you’ve already got so much more inside of yourself than you’re aware of my job this month my mission this month is to show you that it’s to remind you i am capable of so much more than i have been or that i know okay always pushing yourself to be that best the next best version of yourself all right come on over to your hands and knees so let’s make a promise to ourselves two weeks into a challenge i can tell you this is when it gets tough week number three holding on for the whole week week number four all right the momentum might have died out the motivation might have faded this is where you change the course of your results right here you just decide walk your hands out drop your hips down this is not going to be the time where i do like i normally do when i do what is expected where i do what is easiest and i slow it down i kind of dial back the temperature i might turn my burner down not you not this time okay just make it this one time that you say actually i’m not going to slow down actually i’m not going to let that energy fade and even if the energy does fade i’m not going to quit i’m not going to stop i’m not going to accept when it gets hard it’s too hard for me it’s not you can do this okay shift your hips back not you not this time you’ve stopped and you’ve given up too many times before we all have in some way or another okay not this time not you you deserve more you’re capable of more and most importantly you deserve the most okay tuck your toes down lift your hips up and always know i’m gonna push you every single day you push yourself by showing up giving your best that does not look the same every day but your best is a state of mind okay it’s not a number on a dumbbell it’s how you’re willing to do the hard things okay slowly roll it back up it’s how you’re willing to show up what you’re willing to push through and how much you’re willing to overcome to say no this is me this is my best today and my mindset says go for it okay it doesn’t mean i row the same weight as i did last week when i was feeling amazing it means i show up and i row the best i can today okay take your rest day tomorrow stretch do not skip that not a suggestion it’s mandatory for you to feel incredible okay you’re going to continue to feel incredible the more you continue to stretch so put that stretch in your rest day keep moving all right go for a walk drink lots of water nutrient dense foods we’ll come back again for week number three of your ignite program ready to crush it remember we’re not gonna quit not this time not when it stops being exciting you’re pushing through and you’re teaching yourself i am capable of so much more than i thought it was okay let’s keep that fire alive i will see you back here tomorrow to stretch i love you make sure before you head out you give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel i’ll see you tomorrow guys bye [Music] me

Improve Your Fitness with HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training

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What is HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a workout method that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. This dynamic approach to fitness is designed to push your body to its limits and then allow it to recover, creating an efficient and effective workout routine.

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  • Time Efficiency: HIIT workouts are typically shorter in duration but high in intensity, making them perfect for busy schedules.
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Top Brand Clothing Products We Recommend

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  • Swimwear: Perfect for incorporating swimming into your HIIT routine or for post-workout relaxation.

Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to transform your fitness with HIIT?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

Browse our extensive library of HIIT workouts and find routines that match your fitness level and goals. Each workout is designed to be challenging yet achievable, helping you progress and improve.

2. Read Our Training Guides

Dive into our detailed training guides to understand the principles of HIIT and learn how to perform exercises correctly. Our guides cover everything from warm-ups to cool-downs, ensuring you get a comprehensive workout experience.

3. Follow Our Nutritional Advice

Fuel your body with the right nutrients to support your HIIT workouts. Follow our nutritional tips and meal plans to optimize your performance and recovery.

4. Join Our Community

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5. Shop Top Brand Clothing

Enhance your workout experience with high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing. Browse their collection and find the perfect gear to support your HIIT training.

Focus on Your Fitness Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe in the transformative power of High-Intensity Interval Training. By incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine, you can achieve incredible results in a short amount of time. Whether your goal is to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, or boost your metabolism, our resources and community are here to support you every step of the way.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced the benefits of HIIT firsthand and am passionate about sharing this effective workout method with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a space where fitness enthusiasts can find the best resources, connect with a supportive community, and discover top-quality activewear. Join us today and let’s transform your fitness journey together!

Don’t wait—explore our site, start your HIIT workouts, and gear up with Top Brand Clothing to take your fitness to the next level.

Let’s make every workout count and achieve our goals together with Top Fitness Influencer!

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Comments (30)

  • @cooperscoinsmore9201 Reply

    Showed up and pushed through. Loved the plank challenge at the end. 6/9/24

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @j.c.dotson9859 Reply


    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 14 2023

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @mafaldapereira3098 Reply

    Love this!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @denaeb5897 Reply

    Awesome workout!!! Been loving this program:)

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Great Workout! Crushed It!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @pattyhoffman909 Reply

    feeling good!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    Yes!!! Love strength and conditioning. So fun!! Super sweaty and whole body is on fire. Thanks Syd!! 🙂 Happy Friday.

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @LndyLyn Reply

    I moved up to my 20 pound dumbbells for all my bicep curl and shoulder exercises today! I am so, so excited! Thank you Sydney

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @juliemunoz-najar105 Reply

    Felt so strong doing this one today! Forgot how much I loved the ignite program! Thank you, Sydney!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @alicianatale2945 Reply

    Keeping that fire alive! Thank you ! Much love and respect!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @tegallu Reply

    I love when Syd said, "Shoulders keep away from elbows." Totally see her as a mom in that comment 🙂

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @naomiearhart2365 Reply

    Loved it. Thanks again

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    Love the cues and the visualizations you provide. Can close my eyes, listen to your instructions and get more from each movement

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @amanialqaq3943 Reply


    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @turbocole2929 Reply

    Loved it!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @sarahmann9559 Reply

    This pep talk had me in tears. Thank you for the motivation, Sydney. This is my first series with you and I am in LOVE.

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @lisanicholson5709 Reply

    Wooooo thumbs up baby!!!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @enigma4285 Reply

    Crushed it! That was amazing and I’m very sweaty!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @lornavillamil56 Reply

    Wow!!!! Sweating in places I didn't know I could jajaja

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @Koz_t1 Reply


    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @BeeSuper420 Reply

    completed may 25, 2021

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @sheetalshetty3885 Reply

    Thanks a ton Sydney…love you ..God bless u😘

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @snigdhasabarish2758 Reply

    Ignite Day 13 Crushed…. Loads of Love from India xoxo….

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @emmacarter5791 Reply

    Can’t wait for Week 3!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @babsriley5043 Reply

    I enjoyed that, full-body workout, I also love that skipping has been introduced during the ignite program.

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @deniselongley4401 Reply

    Your message at the end is so important. I was suffering with a sore and niggling lower back today (pulled a muscle two years ago and sometimes it niggles still) so i kept my weights down. It's frustrating as i know i can do heavier usually but you know what, it's more important to stay injury free and there'll be a day when i can do heavier. So to everyone, you've done amazing, no matter what kind of day it was, you crushed it regardless 💪

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM
  • @janineporter3848 Reply

    LOVE this workout!! Thank you!!!

    June 27, 2024 at 3:59 PM

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