40 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout | IGNITE – Day 27

40 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout | IGNITE – Day 27

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 40 minute full body hit workout so grab some sliders and your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited to have you here for our 40 minute full body hit workout this is the last workout of the ignite program we have a stretch tomorrow but let’s finish off this program crushing this workout okay i’ve taken the workout that we did on day number one of this program added a little bit of spice to it and a little more time so you’ll see moves that are very familiar all i want you to do today is give your all okay this ignite program is meant to set a fire inside of you to where you’re dedicated and you’re pushing yourself hard so show yourself that today in this workout okay what do you need for your workout first of all we need dumbbells i’ve got 10 15 20 and 30 pound dumbbells also have my sliders which we will use at the very end so if you have sliders socks plastic plates anything that will work on the surface that you’re on and water and a sweat towel okay so thumbs up if you are ready just promise yourself you’re going to give it your all right here today let’s finish out this program strong all right arms over your chest in three two one let’s go good keep thinking of your mentality i’m igniting something inside of me that i never have before okay i’m stepping into a bigger version of myself more confident braver stronger all right big circles backwards good get your mind right here and switch directions i want you to leave this workout feeling so proud of yourself and at the end of the workout i’m going to ask you to reflect on how you’re feeling right now compared to how we feel at the end okay heels to your glutes and i promise you’re going to be so proud good let’s go six five four three two one hands to the side twist twist good job we’ve got some full body moves we’ve got some cardio moves a little core work at the end good five three two one all right let’s step it back i want you to go hamstring high kicks good really good warm up here because i want this workout to feel great for you one more each leg last one good stop right here wide feet hands on your hips back and there we go very proud of you for showing up here today and i know you want to close this program out feeling proud of how far you’ve come whether you started fresh or you just stepped it up a little bit every bit of progress is crucial it’s important and it’s something to be proud of all right two and one one last big push forward great job all right shoulders up and back here we go all right first super set you have a couple rows here so we’re gonna go romanian deadlift and row okay and then we’re gonna go row from the floor so first move i want you to take a step out to the side okay tap your toe out here you’re gonna go over one leg come up switch bro okay so let’s go together in 10 seconds i’m going to start with my 15s and you’ve got 40 seconds of work okay all right anchor that right foot here the weight stays on the foot underneath you ready let’s go hinge back come up switch and when you switch i really want you to dig that heel into the floor you’re doing a lot of great work in your back hamstrings good work something to remember here keep your shoulders away from your ears okay [Music] [Applause] good job give me five four three two one rest good now we’ve got a single heavier row okay so you’re rowing from the floor all right taking your right foot out front left hand grabs the dumbbell row put it down step up and switch other arm okay two one let’s go plant that foot big pull and switch nice job remember plant that heel okay make sure you don’t lift with your back first all right don’t arch it up grab it lift yourself a little bit and then pull okay 15 seconds [Music] good job six five three two one rest good back to the top round number two all right let’s kick that leg out to the side okay let’s go in eight and you can switch this one if you want to a wide row a close row three two one all right here we go kick it out come up dig that heel down shoot your butt back pull [Music] i like to keep my vision right in front of my toe so i’m not down here and then creating my neck up here okay [Music] beautiful 12. that’s it six five two one good all right back to that heavier row you’ve got 20 seconds shake your hands out okay jog in place if you need to let’s plant that heel right beside the back of the dumbbell okay other foot staggers flat back let’s go in three two one come on put it down up and switch and you’ll notice my hand is stabilizing on my other leg okay that’s to make sure i don’t open up here keep everything flat when i pull job give me twelve eleven three two one rest 30 seconds for each one last round okay we’re back to the single leg row with the deadlift 30 seconds here okay let’s go in seven take that toe out four three two one hinge it back pull [Music] good keep pushing that heel down 15 seconds perfect six five four come on three two one rest and you’ve got one more round of that bent row from the floor and then we breathe okay we’ll take a little breather ready four three two one let’s go 30 seconds beautiful a little push with your hips and your legs good job ten nine [Music] two one and rest beautiful job let’s grab some water first circuit done we move into a little bit of back combined with cardio here okay first move you have a lateral squat to lateral lunge okay so you’re stepping wide and then a little bit wider we start with our left leg okay so you’re gonna go squat come up lunge the difference in these two moves nothing changes with the leg that’s moving the leg that’s over here is bent and then it’s straight you’re still sitting sitting okay so we go there first if you want to grab dumbbells you can or just grab one going to the left first okay let’s go in four three two one here we go squat lunge squat lunge good think of your foot on one side of a line sit take it to the other side of the line sit again beautiful 15 seconds good job five four three two one amazing now throw that dumbbell out of your way we’re gonna go superman three rows into a burpee okay so you’re not roaming anything unless you want but your arms okay so you’re coming up three two one hands down come up for a burpee okay you’re imagining a bar that you’re pulling to your chest ready two one let’s go three two one and up that’s it modification is up there or you should have already seen it by now i guess but you’re just gonna take the impact out of everything that you need to modify [Music] good job 10 seconds five four three two one rest good job now we take it lateral lunge to squat moving the right leg okay dumbbell if you would like we squat first and then we sit it out to a lateral lunge and four are you ready three two one here we go sit and sit [Music] good job think of your leg doing the same thing the one that’s moving each time you sit down the only thing that changes is your straight leg good job six five three two one rest great job move it out of the way let’s go three rows we’re gonna move these just in case okay pulling that bar back to your chest three times then come on up ready three two one lift it up and pull three two one hands down let’s go good job keep moving come on we’re stronger together remember we’re showing up to crush this workout not to get through it but to give everything right here this is your time and i want you to push yourself four three two one and rest also want you to know i’m doing the same thing okay let’s alternate here are you ready so we go squat lunge squat lunge okay four seconds 30 seconds of work three two one good keep moving [Music] 13 12 come on [Music] six five there you go i’m with you four three two one amazing last round have your sit up and i’m sorry superman and burpee not a sit-up i’m superman come on down let’s go in four three two one three pulls one two three hands down let’s go only 30 seconds here good job first 15 seconds done let’s finish the last 15 right here six five two one and breathe grab some water guys you’re doing amazing all right grab a drink cheers to you being here crushing it with me i’m so proud of you all right so a little cardio here okay crisscross sidekick it’s gonna be your first move so you cross okay kick come back cross kick okay that’s move number one move number two lateral high knees with a crisscross at the end so you’re here stop boom boom stop boom boom okay good all right let’s go in 10 seconds you ready all right i’m going with you crisscross sidekick in five four three two let’s go cross kick cross kick now just keep it moving get into it get into your groove here we go 40 seconds right here [Music] beautiful 20 seconds [Music] good 13 12. [Music] seven two one beautiful high knees down move anything out of the way that you might trip on move it down high knees forward modification right here just march it out and then cross cross okay five seconds high knees chop it out three two one let’s go stop cross cross go again [Music] good just keep moving whatever you want to do with this one feel free to turn it around okay just keep moving just prove to yourself right here you’re working hard daily you’re giving it your best you’re doing that you’re doing everything eight seven five three two one good walk it out for twenty breathe water okay come back in in 13 seconds ready to go harder crisscross sidekick ready all right come on five cross here four three two one let’s go cross kick good give me that intensity lean kick good plant yourself here plant kick good [Music] trust this bottom leg right here keep the pace you’re going come on twelve eleven [Music] five four three two one breathe 20 seconds do you need water if yes let’s go jog it out if you’re good there you go come on this is all about you and i not giving up on each other high knees down two one let’s go [Music] you don’t want short choppy here throughout so you don’t need to be taking big long leaps to keep it quick stop cross and quick again i like to do the same thing with my arms just so in my head it makes sense but as always do what works for you come on today is all about celebrating what you’ve done this month show yourself right here two one beautiful we go to our thirty second round are you ready yeah we’re ready let’s go in three come on two one let’s go 30 seconds right here plant kick plant kick come on we’re doing this for you nothing else right now matters but you your breath your heart your focus and connecting with this time it’s about you five three rest good 15 seconds high knees down and back you ready breathe deep all right here we go four three come on two one [Music] just 30 seconds you can do anything for 30 seconds you can do anything you put your mind to but for right now this is all our mind is on so come on cross [Music] give me 10 more really good seconds come on eight three two one breathe amazing job grab water very proud of you slowing it back down a little your cardio fit right heart rate’s up your breathing is heavy now we’re going to slow it down and show you another way that you’re strong sumo squat bicep curls okay let’s take it down to the bottom you’re gonna go down curl leave it here stand up release okay so i want you to do that front squat out of the bottom all right we’ll go in ten seconds squat curl here press up then release slow i’m using my 15s let’s go two one come on sit curl press up release good so the point here is getting to the bottom stabilize give me a good curl chest up when you lift and then unfold five four three two one rest now you’ve got a hammer curl curtsy lunge okay take your left leg back curl your left arm okay so it looks like this curl come back up curl come back up all right three two one let’s go same side moves [Music] good [Music] keep stepping you’re doing amazing you’re slowing it down and you’re focusing on balance full body control you remember this month for me and you it was all about full body strength core control this workout is going to show you how much control you have three two one you’ve got 20 seconds rest i want you to breathe we’re gonna do that two more times just as everything else has been all day two more times okay ten seconds step it up if you can all right well let’s keep rocking let’s keep going four three two one sit it down curl don’t forget there’s power in the unfolding too [Music] good so much control right you’re not letting your chest fall forward here or here okay you keep it upright spine is strong and straight [Music] five four three two one rest good all right curl and reverse lunge you’re doing great we’ve got this one another combo and then we move into your core work okay seven six three two one left and left good job keep the focus are you doing okay good i’m with you ten more seconds come on [Music] three two oh rest okay last round 30 seconds and 30 seconds can you go heavier i’m gonna try as well eight seconds [Music] okay here we go three two one last thirty come on by the way told you these were my 20s in the beginning of the workout because i thought they were news flash they are my 25 pound dumbbell so i’m rolling with it ten nine seven three two one rest maybe i was ready for that challenge after all good job let’s go reverse lunge and curl same side moves four three two one come on left and left control those core muscles [Music] good job we are right there abs are strong spine is straight right good eight [Music] two one and rest okay grab some water shake your hands out very proud of you for that one i know that was a lot a lot of these strength circuits have had to focus on a specific muscle and then switch kind of variables around that [Music] all right [Music] moving into a bit of cardio i want you to grab two of your lighter dumbbells okay so there will be options up here this one is for mountain climbers dead lift to overhead extension okay you can choose to have your hands on the dumbbells or off totally up to you okay you’re coming back four three two one come up plant your heels pull the dumbbells across your chest lock it out up top okay then you’re back down all right we’re going in 10 seconds grab weights that work for you all right after that we’re going to be standing with cardio and lightweight so let’s go four mountain climbers per leg and then burpee snatch two one let’s go good now think of your core when you go back for these mountain climbers make sure your butt’s not up here it’s here you’re driving those knees under your chest and then you bring those hips forward strong core okay come on 12 seconds [Music] 4 3 two one rest leave one of those dumbbells down you’ve got three twists and a press jack okay one two three come here press okay one two three middle press all right use your core all about the core here three two one one two three one two three [Music] good stay focused here [Music] and rest good round number two let’s go it’s the same thing okay one more round of 40 for each then we go into our 30 second rounds then finish strong with our core okay five seconds three two one push it back let’s go four three two one [Music] go for it come on do not slow down i know you want to i know your body’s saying ah we’re close to the end take it easy not this time remember how much we’ve talked about not this time this month keep that in mind this time is different for you the outcome is going to be different because you’re working different you’re saying i’m worth it and i will do it three two one okay three twists and a press jack okay what you’re trying to do here keep your ribs in tight don’t let yourself open up keep it tight [Music] come here everything up everything back out three two one come on three two one middle there you go any variation of this is great you need to stay on the ground go here back okay [Music] good that rotation is so strong right you’re not letting yourself cave over you’re going here stop pull stop pull stop and then punch it up five four three two one rest okay let’s go 30 and 30. this is your last bit of strength okay 30 seconds four climbers in eight seven six three two come on let’s go good hands down nose between your thumbs knees under your chest plant the heels hips come forward you catch up nine eight seven let’s go one more five four three two one yes there we go come on 15 seconds turn for three press it up you’re ready we’re ready two one let’s go every time i twist i exhale 15. seven [Music] three two one rest beautiful job you’ve got 45 seconds rest and we’re finishing out this month this workout this program with a challenge okay because you’ve been challenging yourself all month and you need to see it pay off okay you need to see your hard work being worth it okay come on down you’ve got two feet on the slider okay one foot at a time you’re tucking in more advanced option on your elbows okay if you want to take it a bit easier on your hands even easier just one foot on a slider okay so go where you need to and feel yourself pull three two one let’s go think about curling your knee right under your ribs 40 seconds [Music] good job come on 15 14 13. stay here six five three two one good now we’ve got 30 seconds of that a little quicker okay so you can come up to your hand all right right here okay five seconds ready four three two hands are down nail your hands to the floor let’s pull push and pull every leg push pull push pull [Music] what’s happening here you’re curling your core in just like you would in a sit up [Music] 14 13. [Music] go go go come on nine eight seven three two one have a seat come on back heels on the slider okay you’re gonna give me sit up and tuck okay sit up here tuck it in all right heels push that dumbbell or the slider all the way in four three two one sit up pull the heels under the glutes [Music] good good good come on 40 seconds that’s it you’re right there two one good come on up here all right we’re gonna go single leg turn turn okay this is tough pushing down the whole time my slider there we go okay ready heels are on if you can’t get the slider to work just give me here okay three two one pull and push [Music] good keep your heels in contact with the ground though that’s what we have to keep in touch good stay here ten nine [Music] six five [Music] three two one rest okay very last one this is it i want you to max out on your slider tucks here okay you’ve got three levels okay level one you just keep one foot on tuck level two you’ve got both feet in tuck level three you go up to a pike okay whatever your level i want you pulling in with power you’ve got one minute right here in three two one let’s go lex it out at the bottom this is it this is your minute your ignite program crushing it right here i’m with you what do you want to get out of this push yourself through because we know we can if you have to dial it back dial it just don’t stop don’t say i can’t don’t say it’s too hard for me it’s not we’re in this together come on you’ve got 20 seconds to wrap up this program with me i know you can 14 13. yes there you go now you’re feeling it nine eight don’t stop for seven six five four three two one and rest move your sliders out of the way come on down to your hands and knees and walk your hands out drop your hips you have made it to your cooldown and that is a wrap on the workouts for your ignite program i’m so proud of you way to go all right let’s open up these hips good now once you’re here curl your chin lift your hips lift your belly button push your hips back over reach forward take a big deep breath in exhale one more time in exhale perfect come on back give me that right leg up top outside your right hand guys another day another accomplishment in your book right another thing that you can check off and say i committed i did this i did it i want you to take your finger point to your chest and say i did it yes you did come on back let’s switch legs do not forget to be proud of yourself you cannot forget to celebrate these moments along the way the journey is about celebrating everything you achieve along the way okay and then the journey staying on the journey becomes the achievement right how many of you have started over and stopped and started over and stopped and this time you just didn’t you just didn’t stop you just didn’t give up straighten your legs walk it into the middle big deep breath hang it down [Applause] right now in your mind you’re saying way to go i’m so proud of myself in this program we have lit a fire in you that is not going to be extinguished okay keep your left leg straight right leg is bent it’s going to be different this time okay we’ve sparked something inside of you here now that says i am worth more i am capable of more switch it over so i want you to do something after this slowly come back up roll your spine good cross your arms over your chest i want you to do something after this that tells yourself you did something incredible okay i want you to reward yourself with something that pushes you closer to your next accomplishment okay is it a new pair of socks that don’t fall off your feet is it a new sports bra some new compression pants whatever it is i want you to reward yourself with things that keep you on track that says you are worth it okay and you’re going to invest in yourself your time you’ve invested your time here i don’t ask you to invest anything else but your time and you’ve done that and i hope more than anything you feel the benefits you’re reaping the rewards of that investment okay whether it is a mental escape it is a physical escape it is just letting off some steam or if it’s having this place where you know this is all about you for just a second in your day i want that for you and i’m going to keep coming back so you can bet that i will not give up on you for that you can’t give up on you for that either when it gets crazy when it gets busy always come back to this place you remember in the beginning of the workout i said think about how you feel now and we’re going to celebrate that at the end of the workout so however you felt at the beginning of the workout however you felt at the beginning of this challenge you are here right now put your hand on your chest and say i did it because you did you accomplished this challenge you finished this workout and i want you to be proud of yourself okay no negativity in your mind no comparisons no i didn’t do this very well i had to modify none of that you’re here right now because you showed up and you knew that you were worth it do not forget this okay so we have officially ignited and i cannot wait to tell you what’s coming next in your accelerate program which is the next program we’ve lit the fire and now we’re gonna pour some gas on it we’re gonna get it bigger we’re gonna keep this ball rolling into your next accomplishment okay so ignite program complete make sure you give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel i love you and i’m so proud of you i’ll see you back here tomorrow bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh follow me everybody’s following me

Improve Your Fitness with HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training

Welcome to your ultimate destination for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)!

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What is HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a workout method that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. This dynamic approach to fitness is designed to push your body to its limits and then allow it to recover, creating an efficient and effective workout routine.

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HIIT is renowned for its numerous health and fitness benefits, including:

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  • Time Efficiency: HIIT workouts are typically shorter in duration but high in intensity, making them perfect for busy schedules.
  • Versatility: HIIT can be tailored to any fitness level and can incorporate a variety of exercises.

Your Ultimate HIIT Workout Guide

At Top Fitness Influencer, we offer a comprehensive range of resources to help you get the most out of your HIIT workouts.

Here’s what we provide:

Expertly Designed HIIT Workouts

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Motivational Content

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To get the most out of your HIIT workouts, it’s essential to wear high-quality activewear that supports your performance. We recommend Top Brand Clothing for their superior products that combine style, comfort, and functionality.

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Top Brand Clothing Products We Recommend

Here are some essential activewear items from Top Brand Clothing to elevate your HIIT workouts:

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  • Leggings: Lightweight and breathable, keeping you cool during intense exercise.
  • Sports Bras: Offering the necessary support for high-impact activities.
  • Swimwear: Perfect for incorporating swimming into your HIIT routine or for post-workout relaxation.

Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to transform your fitness with HIIT?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

Browse our extensive library of HIIT workouts and find routines that match your fitness level and goals. Each workout is designed to be challenging yet achievable, helping you progress and improve.

2. Read Our Training Guides

Dive into our detailed training guides to understand the principles of HIIT and learn how to perform exercises correctly. Our guides cover everything from warm-ups to cool-downs, ensuring you get a comprehensive workout experience.

3. Follow Our Nutritional Advice

Fuel your body with the right nutrients to support your HIIT workouts. Follow our nutritional tips and meal plans to optimize your performance and recovery.

4. Join Our Community

Connect with like-minded fitness enthusiasts in the Top Fitness Influencer community. Share your progress, exchange tips, and find motivation from others who are on the same journey.

5. Shop Top Brand Clothing

Enhance your workout experience with high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing. Browse their collection and find the perfect gear to support your HIIT training.

Focus on Your Fitness Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe in the transformative power of High-Intensity Interval Training. By incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine, you can achieve incredible results in a short amount of time. Whether your goal is to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, or boost your metabolism, our resources and community are here to support you every step of the way.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced the benefits of HIIT firsthand and am passionate about sharing this effective workout method with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a space where fitness enthusiasts can find the best resources, connect with a supportive community, and discover top-quality activewear. Join us today and let’s transform your fitness journey together!

Don’t wait—explore our site, start your HIIT workouts, and gear up with Top Brand Clothing to take your fitness to the next level.

Let’s make every workout count and achieve our goals together with Top Fitness Influencer!

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Comments (41)

  • @cooperscoinsmore9201 Reply

    I did it! 3 years later! I’m doing my best to achieve my goal. 6/6/24

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @kellyclark2258 Reply

    Another workout series, done ! Thank you!🎉

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 31 2023❤

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    Wow, super surprised I haven’t repeated this one before. Really good

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @hannahsmale3499 Reply

    Jan 23 – did this whilst waiting for the new programme. Enjoyed the compound moves and more coordination required

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed this workout

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @jdjdkn914 Reply

    Crushed this 9/28 💪🏻

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Crushed It! Awesome Workout!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    What on earth was that!!! Unbelievable, I loved this workout. Feeling fantastic ready to crush this day. I did it!! Ignites rocked. More strength and conditioning for the September 2022 program. Can’t wait for you to come back. Thanks Syd!!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @sophielewis4088 Reply

    This was brilliant! The slider challenge was so cool.

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @vcarter7744 Reply

    Just crushed the Ignite program today. Feeling stronger.

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    Complete guys 🥵🥵🥵.. even though i not really complete all workout due of my health but i Proud of myself for crushed this day..done day 27!! Will cont rocking with u Sydney for my pregnancy workout after this..very thankful for everything..😁😁🥰🥰🥰

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    Loved the workout and also loved your end of the workout dancing. always makes me smile

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @Aaroneous182 Reply

    I liked this format. I did it! Thanks, Sydney for another month program.

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @marykaycarlson8735 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @snadplab5185 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @enigma4285 Reply

    I crushed it. I did it. Thank you, Sydney. Ignited 💥💥💥💥💥👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @MeredithHazel Reply

    THANK YOU! Sydney you are a wonderful trainer. Can’t wait to start a new program with you tomorrow ❤️

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @loveelon24 Reply

    As im typing this, i cant help but be teary eyed. I never thought i could finish this program. This month had been really hard for me and my family. My grand mother died and i had covid. There were times that i wanna give up and forget about taking care of myself. But i always remembered when i started and why i did it. Because i want to be better. I want to be healthy. I want to be happier. And im glad, i didnt give up. Sydney, your pep talks at the end of each workout really helped me. It really pushed and motivated me. That’s why i always go back to your workouts. Because i always love listening to your pep talks. I hope you know how much you helped me improve my life, my mental and physical health. I love you so much, i told my bestfriend to follow your channel. Shes going thru a tough time. I told her to give your workouts a try. I hope shell enjoy it as much as i did. To all Sydney fans, guys! We did it! Im proud of us!! And i love you all. I love this community. A community that pushes , motivates and inspires everyone! Sydney, keep rocking!!! I love u!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @janiewoods5392 Reply

    I dedicated myself to this programme 1st one ive wver completed as usually pick random 😀 workouts,not this time I didn't ave sliders so who knew plastic picnic 0lates would be multipurpose!!!.Ive just got my resistance band so I'm gonna redo this as I loved it so much to challenge and ignite my body more b4 going onto next level..Good job everyone 👏 👍 👌 who also pushed perspire and persevered to do this..We are Ignitedxx

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @meenalmeans Reply

    I did it Sydney!!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @yasamanmontazeri998 Reply

    i loved this last one so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @snigdhasabarish2758 Reply

    Ignite Day 27 Crushed…. Loads of Love from India xoxo….

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @m.l.vincent1064 Reply

    I know I’m late to the game, but I just finished the Ignite program and made some serious gains in strength and confidence!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @Heidismits Reply

    What an awesome workout to finish the IGNITE program on! Thanks so much Sydney & Dustin 🙌

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @user-lq2ms3sm6h Reply

    Was amazing 🤩

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @nc6191 Reply

    Amazing workout! Congrats all!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @jessmendoza77 Reply

    I finished! 💪🏽

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @peggyyounggren9409 Reply

    Felt tired after 4 mile walk in warmer weather before starting this workout, but completed and ended 💪

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @Sirivaax Reply

    So proud to have crushed IGNITE….woo hoo! Finishing up the stretch day right after this workout. That’s my reward. This is my 6th program with you (in a row). I vouch for the results because my 43 yrs Papa Bear body is looking ripped! Both my cardio and endurance have also tremendously improved which makes other activities I do with my kids a breeze. Thank you Coach SC 👍🏻🏋🏻‍♂️❤️🔥

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @serahmassoud3648 Reply

    im so happy rn

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @vanessarico369 Reply

    I am a month or so behind as I found Summertime Fine a little behind schedule so I started it from the beginning and have done every month's challenge. But holy goodness this was a hard workout. I was legit dripping sweat by the end of it (ok more like 10 minutes into it). Thanks for reminding me to breathe because I may have forgotten a couple of times 🤣😂

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @janedoherty4468 Reply

    Congrats to everyone we crushed the Ignite program together!!!!!! High fives all around!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @aimeedarkness9318 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @karlalopez217 Reply

    I made it!!! (I can't believe that I completed the program)

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @21071989rak Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @allim951 Reply

    Loved this program!! Can’t wait for the next!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
  • @saulele96 Reply

    I did itttt!!! 😍🔥🎉
    Well done to everyone who crushed this and any other workout as well!! 🎉

    June 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM

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