30 Minute HIIT Cardio Workout | IGNITE – Day 19

30 Minute HIIT Cardio Workout | IGNITE – Day 19

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 30 minute hit cardio workout no equipment needed so grab your water and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 30 minute hit cardio workout so pumped that you press play and you’ve joined me today now all we have to do is start moving okay don’t need anything as i mentioned just your water and your sweat towel some space to move around and i’ve got the rest covered for you 30 seconds of work 15 seconds rest all day today and i have a feeling this workout is going to fly by so let’s jump into your warm up big wide stance i want you to bring your heels to your glutes in three two one let’s go good add a little arm pull in here let’s wake up the upper body as well format of the workout it’s going to be three exercises circuit style so one two three three rounds of that okay place your feet down let’s sit slow and stand sit sit sit stand good take your time letting your hips open up now start your breath good there we go two more last one arms to the side tap the back foot twist twist hope you’re feeling good today either way i’m glad you’ve joined me knowing that you’re here pushes me okay so i hope i can give you my all to push you as well three two one good arms across your chest there we go the modification window will be up here in the corner as always general rule of thumb for any modification that you need is to take the jump out slow it down okay good this feels amazing anyone else two one nice and wide bend one leg keep the other leg straight big inner thigh stretch good work i just want you to work hard today there’s no expectation to never modify to only do everything perfect to never lose your balance big big tip here as long as you are mentally focused on working hard none of that stuff will get in the way have a great workout two one all right let’s jog it out get a little pump in your heart okay be ready great great workout today guys get your mindset moving in that way this is going to be a good workout now i’m going to ask you to go jumping jack kick jumping jack kick in three two one let’s go jack kick good right out front light on your feet come on there we go good 15 seconds you’re halfway there one two kick good core is tight eight seven six four three two one now let’s go inchworm plank jack watch closely walk it out jack jack walk it back in modifications right here four three let’s go in two one walk it out inchworm two jacks one two back to your toes right back out [Music] good think of something moving at all times whether it’s your hands or your feet great job ten more seconds [Music] five two one now drop down to your knees next move step up rocket jump come back down modification right here just no jump okay here we go four three two one step up jump sit back down good now make sure you shift your weight over your foot as you bring your other one under you then go [Music] good job and this will close out circuit number one we’ve got two more rounds of that so you know what to do for the next about five minutes right and rest good all right those same three exercises one through three two more rounds okay five seconds if you need water grab it we’re back to the jack and kick two one let’s go let’s just move today right celebrate what your body can do for you breathe good open close kick open close kick 15. beautiful eight seven three two one all right inchworm plank jacks we’re back okay modification is just gonna be to stay in that plank right over here okay and take your feet in and out let’s go ready three two inch wearing plank jack here we go on that plank jack make sure your butt’s not popping up so you don’t want to stay up in a pike okay you’re going to be down core tight two quick hops that’s it 15 more seconds [Applause] seven six five three two one drop to your knees good job trying to make these movements kind of flow into each other right so jack then you plank then you just drop down all right knees to squat rocket jump two one let’s go push there we go use your strong legs keep your core strong [Music] beautiful let’s go ten nine come on close out round two four three two one and rest okay quick drink one last round last time through all three [Music] all right ready three two one let’s go good you’re here right now because you want something for yourself right a mental escape a little bit of mental health self-love moving your body to feel that sweat that you work to earn okay feeling stronger whatever it is i’m just glad you’re here but keep remembering why you’re here come on three two one and breathe crush that one let’s go plank jack inchworms last round here big deep breath there you go i know you’re working hard i’m proud of you two one let’s rock tight core as you bop in and out keeping your weight your nose right over your thumbs that’s it move with intention today ten nine eight seven six three two one drop to your knees last round kneeling rocket jumps and then we’ll take a breather that’s longer than 15 seconds okay four three two come on let’s get it explode out of that squat if you’re not jumping put your heels down stand into a calf raise and then sit back down good you want to use both feet for this jump so wait until your other one comes underneath push ready nine seconds [Music] three two one and breathe beautiful job circuit one is done we’ve got four big circuits one down let’s move on to number two so next one you can put your towel in the middle if you would like you don’t have to six high knees and step over so we do our high knees here step over modification will be here just that power march so you’ve got six here six here okay let’s go in eight seconds okay big deep breath six hop over two one come on [Music] good if you hit seven high knees if you hit five you’re fine sometimes you get a little mixed up and that’s okay all i said in the beginning we’re moving with intention seven six come on and rest exercise two i want you to straddle that towel you’re gonna lunge touch one touch two kick with that back leg if you want to turn it up you can hop one two kick okay right leg out front let’s go make sure you land on the second one then go kick okay that’s it four three two one great job crisscross lateral kick you’re switching every time on this one so you go cross kick cross kick okay five seconds three two one let’s go cross kick that’s it and that is your second circuit high knees with the step over lunge pulsing kick crisscross and kick seven six five three two and rest great job let’s go back to those six high knees step over okay you’re doing great breathe [Music] there we go two one let’s go use your arms don’t just hold them here we’re here okay and tension remember [Music] nine eight good job [Music] three two one breathe last round for our lunges right leg is out front this time we switch left leg is out front go down for two and kick forward jumping we’re just kneeling to tap two one let’s go there you go come on land on two and bring that back foot through good come on five four three two one rest i told you in the beginning i’m gonna lose my balance so you saw it there if you haven’t already seen it all right crisscross lateral kick come on let’s close that round two ready three two one let’s go like to bring my arms with it so it just kind of makes sense for my body that will help you you can do that good plant that heel on the straight leg on 13 12 11. come on be here right here every rep me and you four three two one last round grab water if you need it i need it personally six high knees and step over [Music] let’s go two one and we’re off one two three four five six see if you can pull your core in and get a little quicker so instead of being here we’re here ten more seconds that’s it a little quicker for me six five two one beautiful now last round of these lunges we do lunge lunge kick okay so we go right left kick with that back leg okay let’s go in three two one come on go down one two bring the back leg and kick one two kick keep it here for 15 and then we’ll switch kick legs three two okay now switch your kick leg back leg [Music] good come on keep moving moving three two one amazing crisscross lateral are you ready [Music] let’s finish circuit two we rock into the second half of the workout four three two one let’s go cross kick [Music] that’s it come on keep your intention right here why are you here keep showing up for that [Music] yes there we go come on eight seven we’re right there four three two one and rest thirty seconds breathe grab water so proud of you high five mid workout good job [Music] all right here we go first move lateral squat touchdown and hop over okay you’re just thinking of yourself as a little leaping frog over over over okay here over okay three spots side middle side all right let’s go in 12 seconds i’ll give you an extra 15. okay go out here you’re not squatting and jumping you’re squatting and stepping okay three two let’s go down down down and you’re just leaping over leaping over [Music] you want a little bit more quad focus pull your hands right here sit your butt down don’t just bend sit ten nine five four three two one okay mountain climbers are next modification is just to slow these down a little bit okay right here four three two one let’s go [Music] knee comes right under your chest whether you’re stepping or you’re hopping good job all right 15 more seconds come on go go [Music] right under the chest not a butt kick a knee drive seven three two one rest great job plank knee tap is your last one wide feet touch opposite okay four three two come on touch touch now you wanna keep your nose right between your thumbs belly button in the same spot so you’re not going here and then opening keep it here locked in tap push tap push and by push i mean push that heel back to the back [Music] good job ten [Music] get your rhythm and then speed it up if you can four three two one and rest okay squat leap overs we’re back to leapfrogs anyone else remember that game leapfrog we’re just leapfrogging with ourselves here today but two one let’s go beautiful find a spot focus on it and then focus in on your breath last 15. this is the part in the workout where your brain starts to say this is getting tough let’s slow down but you’re not going to do that today because you came here you’re spending the time already the time is going to pass rest you might as well get a lot out of it right okay mountain climbers we’re back back so soon come on down slow it down or speed it up two one let’s go up up up up keep that determination and anytime you show up for a workout and you’re not motivated think of this feeling right here i’m pushing through regardless i can do it i know i can nine eight come on five four three two one breathe keep this feeling in mind you’re tired but you’re not quitting are you it’s not even an option for us you’re here you’re pushing through that’s resiliency love that about you four knee taps in your plank two one touch touch i like to go wide with my feet so that i can have a good balance when i come back same thing with my hands [Music] good job we’re not gonna quit breathe and come back in that’s it six more seconds five four three two one yes we’ve got one more round to that one you are ready we’ve got this let’s crush this one okay last one will be a little bit more fun than this one this one is definitely that grinded out circuit just tell yourself you’re not gonna quit and get it over with two one let’s go there you go see how mental you can kind of reframe your whole mood i want you to always know you can do that you always have control over how you’re perceiving things this is terrible and you hate it and you’re angry and you want to say curse words right now drop that think about what you’re getting out of this five four three two one and see we’re already done with that one come on down think about the benefits that you working out gives you okay keep going there mentally in this tough round keep going there two one let’s go last 15 come on push push push [Music] climb it out you’ve got eight five four three two one breathe let’s finish this circuit the last one i promise will be more fun than this one lots of variety in that last one lots of switch-ups to keep your mind occupied let’s go plank knee taps three two one pull those abs in let’s go try not to let your hips swivel as you bring your knee under keep them flat good job ten five four three two one oh glory we made it through that one okay last one each exercise is kind of a two part okay we’ve got a skip with a clap under times two and a burpee so we go one two hands down come back one two all right ten seconds and we’re going there let’s crush this let’s bust it out okay skip skip burpee in three two one let’s go your hands down and back [Music] so you already know one of your last three moves okay keep it up 12 10 more seconds beautiful five three two one okay split squat hop times two knee drive times two so we go one two nope sorry stay here one two drive the back knee one two okay sit sit drive drive three two one let’s go sit sit drive [Music] drive [Music] good stay focused one two one two ten seconds [Music] good two one [Music] okay four leaning knee drives and push-ups so we just drove this leg now we’re gonna take it here okay four three two one hands down push up come back up same leg right leg first two one let’s go four three two one hands down push up and keep rocking last 15. six five four two one good that’s it that’s your last three right there all right skip clap under burpee you go in five three two one we’re here let’s go breed i’m with you eight seven come on [Music] three two one okay well last round we were left leg out front hop hop drive drive now we switch right leg is out front are you ready yes we are two hops two drives two one let’s go [Music] almost there 10 seconds come on we got this three two one all right knee that was driving is now here for four hands down push up come on i know how you’re feeling you’ve got five seconds we go right into it three two one let’s go four three two one turn hands down good come on just keep moving right here i know you can [Music] seven six five three two one okay breathe you know what’s happening here at the last part right 30 30 30 non-stop ready let’s go two one [Music] one two and then all the way down all the way up come on right after this you’re gonna go lunge and kick come on eight seven [Music] four three two come on up lunge and kick alternate ready let’s go [Music] kick leg becomes your front leg and you go again that’s it come on [Music] ten four three two one left leg first let’s go four four three two one next time you come up go right leg okay so you switch every time come on let’s go finish here 20 seconds switch it every time finish finish finish come on let’s go 10 more seconds you ready come on up let’s do this last one together five four three two one and breathe drop to your knees fill your lungs up with air you have made it to your cool down set your butt back reach your hands forward and put your elbows down feel your lungs up [Music] big deep breath lift up and pull your hips down forward exhale good come on to your hands and knees give me that left leg up beside your left hand drop it down beautiful job today i’m so proud of you way to push through that i know that was quick and spicy and very short and very intense okay switch legs but that’s what i promise you when you show up here you push me okay so this is your fault that it’s this crazy i’m just kidding you push me knowing that you’re here right now is everything to me okay so i know if i don’t show up and give you my all why would you show up and give yourself your all right we’re in this together this is very much a wee thing okay come on up wide stance bend bend there you go fill up your lungs that’s it we are a team we always will be okay whatever point in your fitness journey you’re on doesn’t matter slowly come on up one vertebrae at a time take your left arm up and over keep breathing keep filling up your lungs always know i’m here with you i’m your trainer but i’m also your teammate i want nothing more than to push hard right alongside you and i want you to get that from me and i want this to help you get that from yourself okay come on up never doubt your own abilities guys i’m telling you you will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of when you challenge yourself to step up to the plate you’re really going to shock yourself with how much you’ve been holding in how much you’ve been ready to move forward but maybe you’re just kind of chilling in the comfort zone right now you’re chilling with what you know what you’ve done in the past i can tell you the next best version of you is ready for you to change that mindset from this is what i know this is what i do this is why i can’t do more this is why it’s comfortable here and get rid of that and say what’s next for me what’s my next best version of myself and the only way to get there is to keep pushing yourself keep challenging yourself and your efforts okay your best effort every day is a success no matter if you think it’s perfect or whatever nothing is perfect your best effort consistently is what gets us moving forward so promise yourself right here right now today or when you wake up tomorrow my best effort is enough and i will not stop until i reach that next goal okay pinky promise i’m with you i’m right there with you so let’s keep rocking make sure you share this video with your friends i think it’ll be a great one for anyone needing to get something in quick and just move on with their day okay and then before you head out make sure you give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and comment below that we crushed it and i will see you back here tomorrow bye guys [Music] you

Improve Your Fitness with HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training

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What is HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a workout method that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. This dynamic approach to fitness is designed to push your body to its limits and then allow it to recover, creating an efficient and effective workout routine.

Benefits of HIIT

HIIT is renowned for its numerous health and fitness benefits, including:

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  • Time Efficiency: HIIT workouts are typically shorter in duration but high in intensity, making them perfect for busy schedules.
  • Versatility: HIIT can be tailored to any fitness level and can incorporate a variety of exercises.

Your Ultimate HIIT Workout Guide

At Top Fitness Influencer, we offer a comprehensive range of resources to help you get the most out of your HIIT workouts.

Here’s what we provide:

Expertly Designed HIIT Workouts

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Proper nutrition is key to maximizing your HIIT workouts. Our nutrition experts provide tips and meal plans to fuel your body for intense exercise and recovery. Discover the best foods to eat before and after your workouts to enhance performance and results.

Motivational Content

Stay motivated with our inspiring success stories, workout tips, and daily motivational quotes. Our blog and social media channels are filled with content that will keep you pumped up and ready to conquer your fitness goals.

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Top Brand Clothing Products We Recommend

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  • Leggings: Lightweight and breathable, keeping you cool during intense exercise.
  • Sports Bras: Offering the necessary support for high-impact activities.
  • Swimwear: Perfect for incorporating swimming into your HIIT routine or for post-workout relaxation.

Getting Started with Top Fitness Influencer

Ready to transform your fitness with HIIT?

Here’s how you can get started with Top Fitness Influencer:

1. Explore Our Workouts

Browse our extensive library of HIIT workouts and find routines that match your fitness level and goals. Each workout is designed to be challenging yet achievable, helping you progress and improve.

2. Read Our Training Guides

Dive into our detailed training guides to understand the principles of HIIT and learn how to perform exercises correctly. Our guides cover everything from warm-ups to cool-downs, ensuring you get a comprehensive workout experience.

3. Follow Our Nutritional Advice

Fuel your body with the right nutrients to support your HIIT workouts. Follow our nutritional tips and meal plans to optimize your performance and recovery.

4. Join Our Community

Connect with like-minded fitness enthusiasts in the Top Fitness Influencer community. Share your progress, exchange tips, and find motivation from others who are on the same journey.

5. Shop Top Brand Clothing

Enhance your workout experience with high-quality activewear from Top Brand Clothing. Browse their collection and find the perfect gear to support your HIIT training.

Focus on Your Fitness Today

At Top Fitness Influencer, we believe in the transformative power of High-Intensity Interval Training. By incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine, you can achieve incredible results in a short amount of time. Whether your goal is to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, or boost your metabolism, our resources and community are here to support you every step of the way.

Who Am I?

Hello, I’m Chris, the founder of Top Fitness Influencer. I’ve experienced the benefits of HIIT firsthand and am passionate about sharing this effective workout method with others. I started Top Fitness Influencer to create a space where fitness enthusiasts can find the best resources, connect with a supportive community, and discover top-quality activewear. Join us today and let’s transform your fitness journey together!

Don’t wait—explore our site, start your HIIT workouts, and gear up with Top Brand Clothing to take your fitness to the next level.

Let’s make every workout count and achieve our goals together with Top Fitness Influencer!

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Comments (38)

  • @judesalmon9714 Reply

    crushed it. really miss these workouts in your current programmes 🙏💪💝

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @archanapaul8922 Reply

    I crushed it again ❤

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @shivid7680 Reply

    Thanks Sydney for an intense & spicy workout. Loved & crushed it once again 💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😊

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @Caymen300 Reply

    Great workout! 💪👌

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @sarasalt7967 Reply

    This was hard 😅

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @tatyanamarsman1296 Reply

    I chose to do this cardio today during rest week just to push myself (because I usually hate cardio😅) and I am WHOOPED but feeling so good!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @EdWaken Reply

    I crushed it at 66 years 11 months. Good hard work over time produces results! Blessings!!! 🙂

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @jules11yates Reply

    The last circuit was a doozy! 🥵💪🏻

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @pokemonlatias Reply

    Man I wish she did videos like this again

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @TheTruletta1 Reply

    We crushed it‼️

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @crystinamarie1 Reply

    I was tired and sweaty as hell 😅 phew love you Sydney!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @georgiacadoret9231 Reply

    Your reminders that I am worthy of being here, in the zone, in my body, doing the work to achieve the best version of myself always fill my heart with so much gratitude – for you and for myself! Thank you Sydney <3

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @stephaniekhairallah Reply

    Thank you Sydney! ❤

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @anaareia2267 Reply

    loved it

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @ladiiANDRADE Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @susantyler9789 Reply

    I crushed this workout again on Tuesday, 1-2-2023! I always give my best effort!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @monicabranch3831 Reply

    I loved it! Thank you S x

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @ArleneWhitfield Reply

    I say this all the time but I freaking love this girl!!!, 🫰🏼🫶🏼🫰🏼🫶🏼🫰🏼🫶🏼🫰🏼🫶🏼🫰🏼🫶🏼

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @marthabrito9390 Reply

    ❤❤Embrace day 4 rest day for me!! Wow, I have never done this one before! Loved 🥰

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @cazb3922 Reply

    First workout back in a while 🎉

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @francesmarks3453 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @user-vd1ue1wo7h Reply

    3rd time doing this sweaty workout. Thanks for pushing us Sydney & thanks Dustin for all these great videos.

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @yolandriacrittendon442 Reply

    I just love a excellent and amazing cardio workout! This workout was so much fun! I just have so much energy to be a older lady . That is so very active with loud music playing with my Maine Coon Cat by my side! WoW” do more cardio workouts like this one! Fabulous job

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @yolandriacrittendon442 Reply

    I got this workout let go

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @yolandriacrittendon442 Reply

    This workout is amazing! Let’s go!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 22 2023😊

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @Trudy927 Reply

    This is my all time fav workout of yours. These types make me sweat. I’ve been doing your workouts since Covid 2020. Your older workouts like this one make me sweat. The newer ones not so much. But I’m glad I save all of my fav workouts of yours to come back to 🤩

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @user-ss5cc5cq7e Reply

    HOLY FIRETRUCK!! this workout was no Joke… I am sweating all over – firestorm for sure – thanks Sydney you push me when I feel like stopping!! I push this 64 year old body and can't go as speedy as you but my heart is beating fast and breathing is hard!! Thanks Sydney for being my favourite start to my day – now coffee

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @rainbowdayisafunday6380 Reply

    Great workouts!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @lashonkelly6580 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @tessabiltz3029 Reply

    Sooo spicy! Thank you!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Day 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Whew that was shockingly difficult 😆

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @redkitty92 Reply

    I don’t think I’ve ever been this sweaty in your workouts, girl! What the h?! Lol. Thanks for the push!

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @emmaharris3367 Reply

    Loved this, some really great and different moves ❤thank you xx 33:17

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @gau1115 Reply

    it's amazing thank you❤️

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @alejandrafernandez1552 Reply

    Day 11✅💪🏼😅😅😅

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM
  • @marianaibrahim9282 Reply

    I crushed it

    June 28, 2024 at 4:01 AM

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