Ultimate Cardio Core Kickboxing Workout : 36 Minutes Of Intense Fitness! – SHRED DAY 7

Ultimate Cardio Core Kickboxing Workout : 36 Minutes Of Intense Fitness! – SHRED DAY 7

Video Transcript

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hey everybody I’m Amy from Buddy fit by Amy and this is your cardio core kickboxing workout in this workout we’re going to get body weight cardio using a mix of kickboxing as well as some core we’re going to keep it all standing and then finish with some things on the mat and of course I’m going to give you lots of different options both high impact and low along the way are you ready let’s do it go ahead and start just by moving your body you can get a little March or step touch can pump those arms we’re going to get a quick dynamic warm up and within this we’re going to get our bodies prepped ready to punch we can roll those shoulders and kick and obviously work our core as well the way this is going to work is we’re keeping it all body weight so we’re not adding any load with weights but we are going to get our muscles working hard with just our body weight let’s take one shoulder open it up to the back we’re going to keep that heart rate up we’re going to make this more of a flow so don’t let that worry you I know some people prefer the intervals but with kickboxing it can be really helpful to have a flow Let’s cross those arms over and under right through here and then we can add a little step out into that side lung what I love about a flow with boxing is that then we can spend a little more time building up our circuits and our combos so that way nothing feels too complicated you can always start with the Back to Basics and then build from there that just gives us a little more time we we don’t have to stay within that certain time frame where by the time you feel like you’ve mastered the move the time is over right so we’re going to keep it more of a flow let’s just shift our weight right through here and what that means is you are going to have plenty of breaks in between where I say you know box your Shuffle or March it out whatever it is let’s take it flat back down and round it up all through your back so whenever you have those points you can March it out you can return to that boxer Shuffle or you can take a real breather all right so don’t feel like it’s going to be constant constant really heavy cardio the entire time take your arms right here roll those shoulders what we’re going to get is a lot of conditioning cardio cardio conditioning more of the those one and two zones and then we’ll have some hit intervals with that to really get your heart rate up let’s tap it back right here also along with that we’re going to be adding lots of core to this boxing what I love about boxing is we get a lot of that rotational movement anyway hold this one here you can take it straight up you can just leave it here or you can take it down right through here world’s greatest stretch even drop that knee a bit and take that top arm so boxing has a lot of core work rotational movement through your torso through your back as well but we’re going to get even more step up and in so a little more of a focus on the core take it here hold it here reach it over if you want if you want take it all the way down you can drop that back knee and reach it up to here reach through so as I said everything is going to build so no crazy combos nothing too fancy just ways for you to add on if you want go ahead and step it in here pedal those feet and slowly warm it up so take it right here roll it up but also warm it all right so we’re going to tap and reach here finish our cardio portion of our warmup and then we’ll get into some warmup punches all right just to review some things so just follow my lead I’m going to talk you through everything as long as you moving during this workout that is all that matters and if you need a breather take a breather get water when you need it all right this is your workout you do you I want you to be where you are today and maybe that’s taking the lower impact version maybe that’s taking more breaks maybe that’s going harder than me whatever it is for you be where you are today all right if you showed up today you’re moving your body that is all that matters all right team so a little stretch right through here so most of what we’re going to do in the first part of this workout is going to be all standing there will be a few times that you have a standing option of something and an option to take it down to a core to a plank position let’s just do our little Bob and weave or box your Shuffle we’re going to turn to that one side remember we have our Orthodox and our Southpaw which is our left and right right so we’re bringing it up you can just do a little weight shift we’re going to stagger here those hands protecting your face little side to side again it can be here or it can be here core is engaged and we’re going to start with just that jab just that little one two punch whatever you want to call it here we go one and two and don’t think too hard on it we’re just getting warmed up with these punches here and getting that heart right up again in those lower cardio zones and then we’ll have some hit cardio zones as well take it here one two one two so sometimes depending on what format if it’s kickboxing cardio cake or boxing we’ll call them one two or Jabs crosses whatever you want we’re not really that concerned as long as you’re moving 4 eight 7 six 5 and watch my torso I’m getting that little core twist right here let’s take it hook and hook up and around up and around here turn your body knees and hips but nice strong core Four 3 two can we pick it up right here yes four three two let’s take it upper take it upper Up and Under right still protecting that face and now sometimes I get more in a rhythm of it but I don’t want you to worry about trying to be on the Rhythm or with the music that’s it’s not this kind of a workout just move for four core engage three two all right can you take those uppers double time quick 5 six 48 7 6 5 4 3 two I want you to take it to the center box or Shuffle or a little side to side we’re just going to take it right here little core here we got side side you can just be in that little athletic squat stance don’t think too hard in it but right through here eight 7 6 5 4 3 2 twist right really getting that core working as we’re still warming up punch it across yes team so again you should be in those heart rate zones getting it done W right taking it across we got four three two good take it here twist twist it can be as small as you need it to be just little core engagement or really get low take that sumo squat twisting in the core yes little leg burn Four 3 two boxer Shuffle side to side now we’re going to switch gears all right right side left side Orthodox South Pole let’s get them both in exactly what we did before we’ll start with that onew punch with those Jabs and then we’ll take it hooks and uppers protect your face here we go and you can take it slow or you can really go for it up to you we’re in that conditioning phase we’re going to have some hit intervals coming up so get ready is where we just learn those punches can you pick it up right here one two one two yes 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 take it hooks right here I got my pony in my face slow it down even more focus on that core up and around [Music] can you pick up your pace hook hook not quite the same as our quick Jabs right but you can still pick it up up and around up and around eight seven six 5 4 three two uppers take it [Music] up yes you can Team keep it moving upper upper core and tight four three two double time yes quick ones feel that core feel those arms nice and tight yes you can four 3 two little jump rope right I know feels like we’ve been going forever so just hang with me right through here we got a Brea or coming tap those heels you’re either here or you’re here and I want you just to go for it we got a little hit interval here so we’re getting that heart rate up even more right we got low impact you could be here side to side high impact let’s keep it moving so strong arms strong core whatever you need wherever you need to be in this moment we’ve got four three two one tap it out right here all right so guys that was really just an extended warm up right where we got those punches we got a feel for things let’s grab some water grab it here cheers y’all so we’re keeping that core moving with every punch that we do we’re going to add some knees and some kicks as we go but just thinking rotational movement wrapping that core zipping it up bringing here as you punch and as you kick let’s do it all right so back to here keep those feet moving tap it out right through here to that boxer Shuffle and we’re going to angle it just a bit southp Orthodox whatever it is for you you can mirror me or you can match me again side to side or you’re up here and let’s start with that one two punch right here one two or your jab and cross now I’m going to stay angled but I may turn to the front to show you a few things as we add on I want you to keep that front punch punch knee punch it’s your back knee you don’t have to get very high you can just keep it here or punch twist twist power through right here you do you if that’s lower impact or a little slower that’s okay if you want to add that power or that jump here we go four three two you stay here but watch me one 2 3 so three punches and that knee twist twist twist knee it’s your back knee I know often we do this one two three front knee eight seven six three five four wo three two hold that knee right here you can start slow cross it twist cross it let’s get that core working right I know here we go cross up trying to figure out my heart rate onone but it’s not telling me four three two just your knee and went strong cross for core up up slower lower or get that power yes you can 8 7 6 5 four three two let’s take it front little chamber and upper right here knee up come up and under and here slow pull it in and here four more slow four and up three [Music] two one more can you pick up your pace Up and Under Power Up and Under so this time front knee and then you come up and under from the back and all of it I want that rotational movement you can do it here we go four eight seven six breathe five four yes three two good hold it here knee knee let’s take it quick Pull It in lean back on that back leg let’s add a Twist right here twist twist breathe yes you can 8 7 6 five watch me slow can we put them together we’ve got Jab knee knee upper jab back knee front knee upper punch back knee front knee I know it’s a little tricky don’t think too hard on it and don’t worry about it if you feel like you’re not getting it it’s punch knee knee upper punch punch I know me too last one hold those knees cross them here cross cross so take them out nice and wide right through here then let’s twist it twist twist can you get more of that torso working yes you can Team eight s six breathe five 4 3 2 good boxer shovel take it to the other side side to side again you can mirror me you can be sball you can MO Orthodox up to you you can take it plant your feet same thing from here don’t think too hard on it let’s get it done punch and knee punch back knee so it’s a little bit of that difference in weight shift Right Punch strong power it up this would be all offense we bring that front knee up it’s more of that defense and up right here breathe power remember you can keep it slow and L you can take it here four three two good can you get one two three so it’s that back punch one two [Music] three you got your other punch leading that’s okay whatever works for your Rhythm get that twist strong punch strong core four three two good hold your knee slow and breathe yes take that elbow across four more slow yes you can three two one here we go bring it up up cross it does not have to be fast you do you eight 7 6 5 4 three two front knee right here knee upper take it slow if that heart rate is up and you need a little breather you want to bring it back down to one of those lower levels power knee upper defense offense yes you can here we go 4 eight s six five there we go four three Get Up and Under two good can you take a knee knee to the back breathe add that twist right here twist twist four three two can we put them together watch me slow jab back knee front knee upper jab back knee front knee come up and under punch punch back knee knee upper cross knee knee upper wo I know I’m forgetting it two one more punch knee knee upper bring those knees up take them to the front team Let’s cross them here eight seven six check them across five four 3 two one let’s T it side to side all right team we’re going to get some water in just a minute before we do one little interval we’ll keep it 30 seconds only you can just do what you just did and think of it as a standing mountain climber or if you want you can take it down to that regular Mountain climb right here and bring those knees across across it’s a 30 second interval just get a quick little blast standing or lower then we grab some water and we’ll get some kicks so join me here strong core either way tuck it here we go and it can be low impact either way from the standing or from down below or you can run it but remember I want those knees into the chest we’re not running so fast that we’re sacrificing our form we’re about halfway there we got 15 seconds to breathe stay lifted stay breathing stay tight can you pick it up for these last 10 I think you can whatever is for you this is a hit round for five 4 3 2 one stretch it back all right team how are we feeling let’s grab some water I know I’m feeling that you guys I hope you are [Music] too let’s go ahead and take it back how are those zones looking woo I don’t know but hopefully you are feeling good there we go tap it out all right team so hopefully you can tell the difference right we get some of our conditioning like right now where that heart rate is in the the lower zones we get some hit rounds like that we get a few that are kind of in between up and down up and down right that’s the idea with this flow so don’t worry I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep up or you have to do everything exactly right as long as you are moving all right so we’re going to work our way into adding in some kicks we got a couple more minutes up top then we’re finishing down on the mat and if the mat is not right for you you can keep it standing or you can call it a day all right team so right here you know these kicks we’re going to angle it to the front we’re going to start with that chamber and then that side kick right here join me up or a little side lift sometimes that chamber is more towards the front again no matter who you’re doing your kickboxing with you may have different names for things cardio kickboxing is certainly different than boxing boxing I do both so my classes are always a little bit of a combo of both and that’s okay in and up speaking of you can just do a little lift and then if you want to kick low you can if you want to do that push kick with your heel or that almost like a roundhouse with the pointed toe either one is fine you do what’s best for for you let’s go three two feel that core one right here take it low take it kick right here low so I’m angled this way but let me show you from the side think of it still in that diagonal right tap it low kick it out whatever kick is better for you if it’s your push kick or if it’s all the way up here we’ve got eight and up seven can you get low with it six five four three two good I want you to hold it here find a wall or something to grab onto all right if you can balance great but I want you to start with just those little lifts lifts to the side we’re really going to isolate that oblique those hips while we give our heart rate a little break up keep it going four three the idea with the balance is you’re trying to keep it off the ground take it up kick it out kick it out halfway down now what I’m not doing is leaning all the way in I’m trying to take it here if you don’t have balance tap it down in between if you have balance try to keep it up hold it up right here baby kicks so we’re going to get a lot of glutes we’re going to get a lot of those obliques wherever you are if you don’t have balance just kick it low 8 7 6 5 4 three two take it here upper upper woo right let’s switch this to the front upper upper I know right take it jab and cross little burn in that side right so let’s shake that out out taking hooks hooks hooks let’s put some things together watch me slow jab upper knee kick take it jab upper knee and kick when we speed it up you can of course take some of this out maybe you want to take the knee out maybe you want to just do one punch knee and kick we got jab upper knee up to you maybe you just want to do a punch and a knee just like we did before we just want that core working we got some punches we’re going to speed it up to get that heart rate up in three two one whatever is good for you jab upper knee kick jab upper knee kick Ki kick four three I got to get on beat right two last one side to side Twisted right here right turn turn in that core stretch out that back just a little Mobility exercise reach and reach punch H yes four three two good take it here side knee and kick take it slow bring it up bring it up o knee and kick up right here pull it up and in and then side kick and again if you need to this can be that push kick with a flat heel you can come around whatever is best for you keeps that core working you need balance the whole time you can otherwise let’s take it right here here we go knee and kicks a little quicker knee not very many but we’re going to get that side Little Burn breathe [Music] four boom three two one find your balance so you’re either balancing here keeping it on the ground or grab right here little lift little lift lift I guess we did more of that knee than that lift in the beginning part that’s okay cuz you knew what you were doing right breathe trying to keep it off the ground or high enough that we maintain that tension kick it out right here it can be low or high up to you a little bit of balance you’re not leaning far into it I want you to stay steady right here but up breathe core all the way up and in and especially those sides kick kick glute burn I know but right here stay lifted eight 7 6 5 4 three two right here check reach it out I know so not crazy high heart rate but lots of burn right through here that’s what I love about boxing when we get these going uppers take it [Music] up we for four three two right here here we go jab upper knee and kick let’s slow it down Jab jab upper knee or lift and kick take strong jab upper can you pick up your pace jab upper don’t overthink it you can get those first ones then power power ja upper power power if you want to just do that knee that works too or just a jab knee kick you do you it’s your workout I just want those obliques working I want that heart rate working I want some punches and some kicks four yes three two last one here we go take it side to side twist I know four let’s keep it right here three two cross cross I want a little bit of cardio little bit of a hit round right through here right can you get low with it I don’t worry I’ll get my shoe you keep going yes team four eights seven six five 4 3 2 1 one right here catch your breath quick sip this is at Team home stretch we’re adding a little more core on the mat I’m hoping that you’re feeling it like me where you’re getting that high heart rate on those hit intervals keeping it pretty steady and feeling a lot of core let’s keep that going as we go watch me here we’re going to sit low drive it up so it’s strong punches to the front whatever punch you want it can be upper it can be ones twos whatever and we’re going to get low with it then we’re going to add a little pop back not a full Burpee but a pop back where we get those punches from the plank so join me 1 2 3 [Music] 4 get low and I want you to think about that core working right watch me here if you want take it down take it here we’re going to punch punch punch punch take it up punch punch punch or quick one so I want you to stay low in that squat pop back if you want if you don’t want to go all the way down you just take it down and up here we go four three two pop it back four three two pop it up four three two pop it back four or walk it back three two up four three two take it back four three two last one four three two I want you to hold it here knees take it across yes you can or standing bring those knees to the chest Four 3 two one seated position you can do this seated you can keep it standing but we’re going to start sitting up nice and Tall with that punch punch right halfway back really small if that’s not right for you you can keep it seated you’re still going to engage that core right so keep it going breathe take it up little bit further down breathe now I want you to keep this slow and controlled on the way down I don’t want anybody using their back but if you want to take it all the way to the mat take it slow down for two up and punch down for two if that’s not right for you you just go halfway back or you stay seated you do you halfway back or all the way but deep core not pulling with the back really maintaining right through here three and two one more hold it here eight seven can you get back a little further maintaining right through here yes you can four three two one stretch it out right here up onto your feet team we are so close I want you to take it back to here here’s what we got side knee punch right here Power It Up Get Low I really want you to turn into it if you can if that’s not right for you keep it low and just punch across the front of your body we’ll start slow then we’ll speed it up here side knee punch side knee get low and punch if you can pivot on the knees and the hips I want you to turn into that lunge but if that’s not right for you just cross it just go here punch across here punch across two more yes last one here we go take it up and punch [Music] punch right through there keep it moving team I know we’re in the home stretch breathe 4 eight punch seven six five four three side knee two Bob and weave take it here my hair is all over the place all in my mouth take it slow side knee and punch take it up and punch can you get low with it high with that side knee then turn into it low if that’s not right for you just punch across you don’t have to get that low hopefully that heart rate is getting up there I know I’m feeling it breathe side can we finish it out right here double time yes you can power lots of core [Music] twist here we go for eight s six so close five four three two one tap it out right here how we feeling team hopefully good right a little bit more of that cardio conditioning and a little bit less of those hit rounds but sometimes that feels more sustainable sometimes it goes faster right tap it out right here let’s get a little [Music] hamstrings it’s fun watching if you don’t have a watch don’t worry just pay attention to how you feel but I have liked since I’ve had my Apple watch watching how those zones go up and down and how I feel it in different ways right don’t worry too much about the numbers but it can be really helpful if you’re curious about that but otherwise just workouts like this where we can get those highs and those lows and read more about Zone 2 cardio we’ve been doing a little bit more of that conditioning really important for our overall health let’s take it right here let’s get a little stretch hips to the back yes team I know we’re going to keep these stretches short so please make sure that you get more of a stretch on your own you know I want to get you in and out and we had a strong 30 35 minutes of cardio right let me know how you feel in the comments do you like kickboxing I know not everybody does but a lot of us love it do you like the flow or do you like intervals either answer is fine cuz I have both and if you’re looking for a little finisher to this I have a 10-minute cardio core kickboxing quick hit this is just 10 minutes similar lots of core lots of boxing tons of 10-minute videos if you feel like you have a little gas in the tank you want to get it done highly recommend check out my 10-minute playlist or check out those quick hits otherwise don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel leave me a comment leave me a like join us over in the body fit Athletic Club on the body fit by Amy app check out the links in the description below so you don’t miss a beat thank you so much for being here with me today team let’s get one big deep breath in and out you did it that was your cardio core kickboxing workout great job everybody want to make

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The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
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  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

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Comments (33)

  • @jamiesteadman146 Reply

    I love love kickboxing! Thanks Amy! This is one of my favorite workouts!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @gaileenpeters8206 Reply

    Hi Amy, kick boxing would be my least favourite type of exercise. However, as a 61 Yr old, I focus on doing my best and maintaining my mobility. As you say, I be where I am today. 🙌🙌🙌
    Keep up the great job of providing a variety of workout programs. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @suzannemanning4135 Reply

    Yes take me kickboxing…a jab a rear knee in the ribs aim for the chin and block with your front knee.. I like intervals by the way.. nice workout 😊

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @emmaharding2451 Reply

    I love your kickboxing workouts but I found that so tough on my legs, lots of leg lifts my quads were burning soooo much! A struggle today!!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @lizlutzlambert Reply

    Loved it but after first 14 minutes got too complicated to keep up.

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @cynfullysweetkw Reply


    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @Liliana-Alberghina Reply

    you're the queen of kickboxing workout! this one was amazing!!! Soooooo fun

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @Wendy16801 Reply

    Loved this class!! Everyone should give it a try. And don’t freak out if you jab when you should undercut. Just keeping going and have fun!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @Diamondsonthesolesofhershoes22 Reply

    Brilliant !

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @marlaaltberg429 Reply

    Thanks, Amy, that was fabulous!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @MaryPalomaChipman Reply

    Flow for cardio is the best!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @ryanconnor485 Reply

    Loved it Amy 😊 I do enjoy the kickboxing workouts 💪

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @annenolan6257 Reply

    kickboxing is alway great

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @ds9399 Reply

    Great boxing combo moves, that was fun 🤩

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @user-mk1zk3vq5x Reply

    Yes, please lots more kickboxing. Love the flow. Thank you

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @TheDsgrant79 Reply

    More kickboxing flow workouts, please. 😊

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @monicawu2231 Reply

    This was SO fun! I used to avoid kickboxing and now I love it – all thanks to you Amy! Thanks for a super fun workout!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @rimastein8587 Reply

    It would be good to have more kickboxing as it adds variety and challenge to the workouts. Thanks Amy

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @yolaa4369 Reply

    Love Kickboxing! This workout was amazing. I am always excited when I find kickboxing in the schedule and I look forward to it. Thank you so much Amy ❤

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @johnmulligan5111 Reply

    Great demo ! Love the combinations and the leg movements !

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @spycygiggles Reply

    I always feel clumsy doing kickboxing but like it now even though some combos I feel a bit wonky about 🤣😂

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @lorigruber3785 Reply

    Yeah kickboxing I LOVE bc it tones our whole body especially the CORE. Worked up a good sweat and BURN 🔥🔥. Keep em coming Amy!!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @deliadaniela9766 Reply

    Loved it. ❤

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @sarahpalik7746 Reply

    Usually I check out the week’s playlist on Sundays, but I didn’t this week, so I was truly surprised and excited to see kickboxing this morning. Love it! 😅

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @karensmart461 Reply

    LOVED THIS! I miss boxing the most from belonging to a gym-now work out solely from home-PLEASE keep these coming!!!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @priscillaromero151 Reply

    Love your kickboxing classes!!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @iamprincessbecky Reply

    I love your kickboxing workouts but then again I love all your workouts 😂😊 I get a little extra excited when I see a new kickboxing one

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @gwensmith9399 Reply

    Amazing! Thank you Amy, Kurt and Vivian❤

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @amandabrown369 Reply

    loved this!!! i love kickboxing so much!!!! Thank You!!!!!

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @bethanylapp9583 Reply

    Great workout!!!🎉

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @Rarefind1212 Reply


    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @lorihayes6746 Reply

    Yes!! More kickboxing, please!! 🥰

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM
  • @BodyFitByAmy Reply

    It’s Day #7 of your Summer Fit '24 SWEAT Challenge! This bodyweight cardio workout uses kickboxing and boxing-inspired exercises in an intense yet easy-to-follow flow. Take it up or down with high and low-impact options for all fitness levels.

    July 28, 2024 at 6:16 PM

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