60 Minute Bodyweight Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 24

60 Minute Bodyweight Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 24

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 60 minute bodyweight cardio and abs workout so grab your water and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our 60 minute workout just to break it down for you you don’t need any equipment we have 60 minutes of work three exercises grouped together for cardio and then three four abs and then three for cardio three for abs all the way down you’ll see some circuit styles so you’ll repeat an exercise twice one through three and you’ll also see some straight sets where we do the same exercise two times in a row then move down okay but you can know three exercises for core three exercises for cardio throughout our whole workout okay so if you want to think about it little mini workouts throughout the workout just to break it up you’re going to do great okay i’m so proud of you for being here make sure your water and your sweat towel are somewhere close and we’re going to jump right into your warm up okay also before you head out make sure you have click subscribe below the video as soon as you finish and let’s go ahead cross your arms over your chest three two one let’s go i know your time is valuable and we respect your time so let’s jump into it i’ve tried to make each kind of group of three exercises very similar so we’ll have a sports theme for cardio for three we’ll have some boxing we’ll have some core with twisting i’ve grouped everything so it’s very closely similar i guess you could say for each little three exercise set all right cross your feet over kick to the side let’s get a little hip rotation in here good arms out a little bit of rock hat action good bring those kicks into the middle now [Music] good what i’m doing here is getting your hamstrings nice and straight little active warm-up five four three two and one good pull your heel to your glute and switch pull switch [Music] there we go [Music] good two more perfect hands on your hips sink it back and stand now i want you to know in the 60 minutes i programmed it out so we can last together okay the intensity is different than say a 30 minute workout all right this is going to be more of an endurance style so nothing where you have burpee tuck jumps there’s actually zero burpees in this workout so you’re welcome if you hate them sorry if you love them but lots of different varieties and i know we have to last for 60 minutes so the workout is programmed that way more endurance stuff so i just want you to stay moving today okay if you have to stop and breathe stop and breathe don’t stop and leave okay four three two and one backwards arm circles yeah you can do this i’ve had plenty of people tell me hey i had to skip out on a whole round and breathe and then i jumped right back in that jump right back in is what’s most important okay all right let’s fold forward hands on the ground walk it out heels on the floor let’s pedal there you go feel some tight calf muscles let’s stretch the left heel down down down five four three two and one switch to the other side five four three two one both feet back on the ground drop your hips down and look up there we go so let’s walk it back up in ten seconds you’re gonna start with a skip skip overhead reach okay so we go skip reach skip reach join me in three two one let’s go over up over up low impact options will be right over here throughout the whole workout good a little hop and open up your arms there you go 45 seconds here beautiful you feel your body kind of warming up getting a little arm stretch in here too good [Music] and i’ll show you your second exercise when we’re done with this one [Music] five four good three two and one come into the middle chop out jumping jack you go diagonal chop jack chop jack ready low impact right here good that’s it let’s start with the left leg three two one chop jack here we go kind of shoot your hip out and out [Music] move your arms you’re going to get more out of this workout if your arms are not here okay [Music] also use your pore a bit more when your arms and your legs are working good job come on [Music] establish a pace here okay just know you’re gonna keep moving today okay so know when you’re breathing there we go you’ve got five four three two one breathe crisscross arms and legs low impact option is here over over okay let’s go in five four three two one we cross cross good let’s start down low here arms in front of your legs [Music] good move it up to the second level right here in front of your chest let’s go [Music] that’s it move it up a little higher forehead level that’s it [Music] there you go overhead for 10 9. good job four three two one breathe we’ve got that one more time through so grab some water and then we’re done with it that’ll be our first three cardios [Music] all right slide it over and skip ready two one let’s go now round two you know what’s coming so have fun with this okay you wanna get a little lower get a little dance action in here go for it you’re over and together [Music] good breathe [Music] that’s it last round through last 15 seconds can you speed it up all right let’s go [Music] two one good all right we’re back chop it out jumping jack okay modification is here right let’s go in four three two one we go out up out up beautiful i know we’re hopping around a lot on this first circuit we’ll slow it down you’ve got three core exercises up next good job 20 seconds down and 20 to go right here [Music] that’s it keep moving think of your whole body here ten quicker for nine eight seven good five three two one beautiful and the last one crisscross jumping jacks all right low impact is here all right let’s go three two one start down low cross [Music] all right let’s go ahead and lift your arms up a little bit more chest level good now open your hands on the side you get a little chest involvement here beautiful last 15 overhead come on cross cross you’re pulling your elbows back down [Music] good you’ve got five come on four three two one have a seat you’ve got 15 seconds and we’re going into setups all right sit ups right here you’re gonna sit up toe touch modification is there we go in three two one sit up touch when you’re at the top you freeze pull your abs in so you’re not here okay you’re here on the top part of your glutes boom boom beautiful so this one these three core exercises are straight sets okay so we’re gonna do two rounds of this exercise before we move to the next one [Music] that’s it breathe four three two one rest grab water if you need it right here okay same exercise one more time [Music] let’s go you ready three two one we go up straighten and back down and i want you to control the lower so don’t just get up there and kick fall right get up freeze bend straighten then lower [Music] good job and i mentioned early in the workout that all the exercises in each set would be very similar as you could probably tell from set one very jumping jack rotation kind of focused okay you’ve got 10 more seconds here i’ll show you your next move which we will do for two rounds three two one now we have a sit-up to a single leg okay so straighten your legs out for me modification is right here first round you’re gonna sit up crunch to the right leg back down okay so you’re crossing over ready two one let’s go up and over same leg for the whole round round two we’ll go to the other side good your modification is just going to allow you to keep your lower back on the ground and twist and keep in mind everyone starts somewhere so no matter how tough this is you just don’t quit we’re all here to get better no matter where we are in our journey you’ve got ten more seconds here on this side [Music] four three two one breathe lay it down flat breathe breathe breathe and now we go over to the left knee right elbow to left knee okay breathe five four two one let’s go up and over oh that’s burning already right good so know that you’re not alone we’re gonna do it together every rep if you’re starting to burn focus in on your breath as you sit up exhale that’s it beautiful you’ve got about 20 seconds left here and then we have one more core exercise two rounds of it before we’re back to cardio six five four two one and rest your last one is a seated slow bicycle modification is right here heels are down hands are behind your head cross cross okay so let’s go in two one hands up chest open turn turn give it all now if you feel good about this you want to lift those legs off the ground you got to keep it slow though so just know wherever you’re at is slow slow good job 15. [Music] [Applause] you’ve got eight seven six five come on two one rest oh all right all of these in a supinated position so open one more round of that one then we’re back to some cardio and it looks like we’ve got a little boxing cardio up next so let’s finish strong here two one slow bicycles come on little boxing and kickboxing up next something to look forward to [Music] right and twist keep a nice tall spine [Music] good slow and burning smooth 15 14. and you will get 30 seconds to rest after this so work hard through it [Music] eight seven four three two and rest you’ve got 30 seconds and we’re gonna start off our next round with a jab jab cross okay all right so we’re moving down the mat give me your right arm first we’re going to the right jab jab cross jab jab cross okay we go in six five come on two jabs as you travel down and then cross it over two one let’s go jab jab cross jab jab step cross jab jab step cross okay [Applause] [Music] boom good big cross for me jab jab boom that’s it ten [Music] four three two one rest good job all right now we go two hooks two forward kicks so you take your hand hook front hook front kick and kick okay hook hook kick kick let’s go in two one come on hook hook kick kick right up to the front there we go turn turn middle middle good keep that up let’s go 20 right here [Music] 10 9. four three two one breathe now lateral kick same side arm jab okay so you go kick jab kick jab all right you want to combine those two boom okay two one let’s go [Music] good job come on give me that knee heel then lean and punch okay knee up peel out punch [Music] beautiful come on 15. let’s go one two perfect seven six five three two one breathe now let’s switch it right over to the other leg round number two and we’ll work our way back up the set in reverse order okay so right leg kick right hand jab ready three two one let’s go kick jab oh i’m sorry i’m doing a cross kick and cross let’s go boom kick same side punch kick same side punch good beautiful give me 20 more seconds right here then we’re working our way back up okay good job are you breathing yes good out forward out forward seven two one and breathe and we’re back to hook hook forward forward you ever wanna add a little jump in here forward forward that’s okay go for it ready two hooks three two one let’s go hook hook forward forward come on [Music] good right about chest we’re face level here here beautiful come on [Music] ten good four three two one breathe good last one jab jab cross okay gonna step and punch step and punch step cross okay so each time your foot lands your punch lands okay two one let’s go punch punch cross punch punch cross [Music] step punch step punch step cross good now give me some good twists here ah there you go eight seven five four one more three two one and rest great job come on down into a plank [Music] all right in 14 seconds and eight you’re gonna go down here modification is right above me ready two one let’s go right here on your forearms you’ve got 40 seconds here 45 seconds okay pull up in your tummy squeeze your quads squeeze your glutes together pull your ribs in good now i want you to reach out and around like you’re swimming reach around replace it reach around replace it good [Applause] [Music] forward around keep those hips level good give me five more seconds two one drop to your left elbow left side plank okay no special anything here just a left side plank on your elbow or left elbow plank okay come on up two one let’s go modification is over here beside me you’re just going to take some of that pressure off of your feet to balance and you’re going to drop to your knees and you’re going to come up to lessen the angle up onto your hand okay good now try and open up your hips and your chest for me so you’re not here you are forward here belly button tucked like you’re pulling it up to your chest like a zipper good now lift those hips up ten more seconds let’s go nine eight beautiful four three two one beautiful drop it down let’s head to the other side all right same thing here fat feet stacked or knees four three come on up two one let’s go and just think open hips okay so your hip bones are both facing forward your chest is open so that i can see your collarbones i can see your sternum right not literally but that’s where they’re pointing right straight ahead so not here okay no crossover i need you open i need your body willing to support itself on all along the side here on the bottom your glutes are working your hips are working your obliques are working your shoulders working all along that bottom side if you twist and fold over here things could easily get out of whack for you and i want to keep you safe five four three two one yes and we’re back to that forearm plank we’re going to start with a reach and circle reach circle okay grab a towel if you need it or a pillow here we go two one let’s go we’re already at the last round straight out and around and see if you can stare down at your mat so that your hips don’t open up good come on i’m with you don’t slow down we have made such an impact on our core strength this month and i want you to show yourself that impact here today okay just not willing to stop just not willing to give up and say this is too hard for me you push through right where you are i know you’ve gotten stronger two one rest this month was all about full body and core strength so we’re really dialing it in here right left elbow come on down four three two push it up and let’s go [Music] good job stay focused and open we need a little anatomy run down your shoulder should be right above your elbow so if you look down you shouldn’t have any kind of angle like this okay also shouldn’t be over top of it like this stack them okay chest nice and open not folded okay if you need to fold down i would rather you fold down here on your knees okay legs are flexed abs are pulled in five four three two one good okay other side let’s go i don’t know if you noticed but we are almost halfway through this workout so if you’re feeling like i could give more know where you are in the workout we’re almost into the second half okay you’re doing great two one let’s push up [Music] beautiful just focus here think about how far you’ve come in this ignite program you’re able to rock this workout at your fitness level feeling confident if anything i want you to feel more confident than when you first started this program okay if you’re working on figuring all this movement stuff out i want you to feel better about it you’re working on getting stronger i want you to feel your body more in control you’re able to control the tempo of your movements ten nine come on let’s finish out this four circuit six five three two one drop good job all right let’s grab some water you’re doing amazing all right moving on we’ve got a little bit of agility here on our mat okay so we’re gonna be moving forward and backwards side to side okay first one is forward to backwards so you can go either on your mat tapping forward and backward or you can go behind it tapping onto your mat modification is right here if you want to dial that back a little bit okay but we’re going here all right light on your feet again let’s go in five ready four three two one let’s go pull your arms in right here and you’re tapping out front from the side looks like this okay you’re chopping forward and backwards now you’ll notice i’m not here hanging out right i’m pulled in tight here arms are walking right past my ribs my core is tight so that my feet can move quickly if i’m open and loose up top here it’s going to slow me down okay so take from here to here good job nine eight seven [Music] three two one great job now we start in the middle we are in here we are out here you go in out in out okay let’s lead out with the left leg first so left goes left left left left ready three two one let’s go same thing arms are working quick you come back to the middle middle out middle out good job [Music] there you go last 15 right here come on keep your core tight in and out [Music] [Applause] [Music] three two one breathe now if you wanna go sideways on your mat we’re gonna start in the middle off middle off middle off middle off okay if you’re on your mat you’re here here here here okay so let’s go in two one tap off bring it to the middle off middle off middle okay and then you just speed that up [Music] perfect take that foot tap it bring it back in tap and tap in [Music] perfect any type of movement here side to side is exactly what we need if it doesn’t look the same it’s okay we’re moving side to side five four three two one breathe beautiful we’re back to forwards backwards right here okay agility keep your body moving quickly at a good speed short precise powerful movement so not here okay pull it in tight let’s go [Music] good your light on your toes okay so i’m never coming back and putting weight back on my heels i’m toes toes toes toes good there you go pull the core in arms go quicker your legs will go quicker too toes go toes goes 15 more seconds come on quicker 14 13. eight faster seven five four three two one and rest beautiful now we come back to in and out we start in our right leg goes out first so we’re in right right right foot leads the way step out with your right foot first three two one let’s go right right same thing if you’re on and off your mat right here okay i just want to show you from the front right right [Music] good keep your arms moving keep your core tight light on your toes toes go [Music] 15. [Music] a little quicker seven [Music] four three two one breathe and the last one here side middle okay [Music] all right let’s take that left foot off to the side and then back to the middle here we go middle side side side side and then replace it [Music] good you see my weight is still in the middle of my mat so i’m not going out here i’m sitting here tap middle tap middle good let’s go come on i’m with you 14 13 a little quicker pull your core in get lower tap middle [Music] four come on three two one and breathe you’ve made it through another cardio set grab some water and let’s have a seat all right seated twists with your legs up okay so want your legs off the ground if you can if you’re not ready for that you’re right here okay let’s go here ready two one come on touch touch okay if you need to dial it back put the heels down touch try to reach your opposite arm over so that you can be sure that you’re not just here touching right you’re not just tapping down you’re fully rotating [Music] chest should be facing the hip direction good same thing here it’s not fast it’s slow and controlled so we’re focused we’re strong and focused come on keep your eyes following your fingers four three two one great job feet down with the twist to the left and middle okay so i’m going over to my left heels are down on the edge of my mat hands are here i’m going to lean back left middle left middle ready let’s go straight spine good and if you’re not able to twist right now once you’re going left lift okay we’re just operating on the left side here for a second [Music] good job 15 more seconds [Music] you want to make this tougher legs are here i’m going to stay right here seven two one yes good job let’s swing it around or you can say right there i’m going to swing it around same thing on the other side okay we’re going right middle all right if you’re feeling a little burpee that’s normal burpish not burpee not the exercise ready let’s go when we twist like this you kind of massage your digestive organs a little bit so you might feel a little bit of hips are getting tight right might feel a little bit of movement there i always kind of find myself burping a little bit 15 seconds good [Music] ten three two one all right one more round throw stretch out the hips really quickly if you need to we got 10 seconds okay back to regular seated twist two arms and five three two one let’s go [Music] yeah this is a burner set for sure you’re with me that’s what’s pushing me right now okay i hope i’m doing the same thing for you if you’re in pain you’re not alone we’re moving and we’re making this rotational core stronger [Music] good come on we’re right there eight seven [Music] and rest good we’re taking it over to the left side and then back to the middle okay straighten out that left hip for a second four three two one let’s go [Music] it does help also to straighten your spine up instead of rolling it here straighten it up and just think core ribs torso great job fifteen we’re almost there seven [Music] three two one rest okay one more round on the other side then we’re done with this one this is a tough one shockingly tough okay let’s go to the right and then to the middle three two one let’s go tall spine twist [Music] just push through come on just know you’re gonna finish this no matter what open your arms up a little bit more that’s it last 15. let’s go five four three two one rest oh boy all right grab some water gladly grab some water we’re done with that one good work all right moving into a little bit of sports cardio up next don’t have to have played a sport before to do this [Applause] okay so this sports cardio we’ve got basketball volleyball and softball or baseball okay so first one we’re taking a side step jump shot okay so the outside hand is going to shoot so when you step over you are ambidextrous and you shoot with the other hand okay so low impact looks like this okay if you’re jumping you’re gonna go over up over up over up okay follow through are you ready let’s go in five seconds we’ll start step over left and shoot two one let’s go step shoot step shoot good perfect outside hand takes it up and shoots it the other hand is there to hold it until you’re ready to push through and shoot come on ten five good three two one rest and we’ve got volleyball bump and block so you’re taking it down low bump block bump so half squat forearms are reaching out front then you come up full extension block ready let’s go black thumbs together too okay you’re doing amazing by the way just in case you’re wondering so proud of you 15. good eight seven four three two one and rest and now we’re playing baseball a little rotation here so hands are here stacked you’re gonna turn swing okay turn swing so arms go back as you step back forward as you step forward ready two one turn middle turn middle good feel free to stack your hands like you would if you’re swinging a bat okay and then switch them on the other side just keep moving and rotating [Music] [Music] two one breathe and we’re back to basketball shake those legs out jump shot then volleyball and then softball baseball five four come on get into your own head your own sport two one let’s go good 15 seconds down [Music] beautiful sports cardio anyone else love it may say no but at least it gets you thinking in a different way right you don’t have to be perfect for them but you can think i’m playing a sport right now instead of just doing burpees wear high knees five three two one good volleyball anyone else play volleyball in school college recreationally let’s go five hit it low bump it high or block it high two one let’s go [Music] beautiful let’s go come on you doing okay stay on the ground if you need to up hinge as you hinge a little bend in your knees [Music] good wherever you’re at today you’re just marching right here and breathing stay here don’t leave stay here leave and breathe or stop and breathe don’t stop and leave okay i’m with you two one okay last one baseball softball cricket i’m not sure how qriket looks in terms of technique but i think it’s generally the same concept so a swing and a rotation two one let’s go [Music] good just take it side to side you’re not really sure how this should feel just go side to side okay we’re just rotating good 20 seconds and we breathe and we move on to some lower abs let’s go 12. [Music] three two one and breathe basketball and volleyball and softball baseball cricket season are all over now we’re going down to some abs grab some water first all right beautiful so [Music] let’s go for leg raises first okay keeping it simple here all right so modification right there see how we’re doing one leg down at a time if you need that it’s there if you can go two legs that’s here as well okay we’ll go in five seconds come on down a little stretch in your feet feels good right two one crunch your shoulder blades up if you can and let’s lower come on [Music] you want to make this tougher arms go up overhead or behind your head and you don’t come up so high so you stop here maybe back down okay [Music] that’s it six five three two one now leave your legs up top here i want you to put your hands behind your head crunch your head up a little bit release your left leg twist to your right leg and we twist and we twist okay that’s your next move so twisting to the opposite straight leg if you need to bend that’s okay ready let’s go the other leg goes away as you twist across across across [Music] good i challenge you to make sure your legs are strong so you don’t get down here and it gets heavy and you have to bend you feel your back arching everything’s straight and strong again you feel that slow control right yes you crunch up your shoulder blades are lifted it forces your belly down seven four three two one rest and your last move oh big deep breath lift and lower chop out so hands are under your glutes how low you go is going to depend on where you want to go in terms of control but your opening closing the lower you go the tougher okay ready let’s go we need to stay up top stay here if you can work your way down and up let’s do that if you can stay at the bottom you can do that too [Music] good need that big big deep breath sometimes anyone else thirteen twelve [Music] four three two one and rest we’re back to leg raises hands under your tailbone if you need to behind your head if or over your head if you can let’s go three two one come on [Music] this will be your last core circuit okay so push it here we’ve got a cardio to finish it out [Music] i need you to know yeah for sure i gave my all today that’s it gave it all you had [Music] do not go any lower then you can go with your back flat on the floor you get here and it starts to arch come back up okay it’s just the control of the hips [Music] five four two one rest straight leg jack knives with a twist you’re doing great all right ready legs up hands behind your head let’s drop that right leg first three two one come on twist right elbow to left knee good [Music] keep the shoulder blades crunched up if you can [Music] good job 15 more seconds come on [Music] fight for it six three two one oh boy okay come on up [Music] breathe for a second you’ve got your chop outs all the way down all the way up or if you need to just stay up top ready four three two open close lower if you can maybe you want to stay at 45 degrees maybe you can go up and all the way down [Music] i feel you come on last bit of core see if you can push a little bit more crunch those shorter blades up oh i know that makes it burn even more [Music] good 15. let’s go together come on 12 11 10 9 5 4 3 2 1 and rest okay oh boy we made it through the core in our 60 minute core and cardio workout we just have to finish with some cardio okay grab water we need it all right we’re taking it 30 seconds at a time here to turn up the intensity right at the end first 30 seconds is high knees work modification right here ready two one let’s go come on high knees right here 30 seconds only so shorter time higher intensity [Music] good arms are working legs are working you’re on your toes pushing hard good eight seven [Music] three two one rest good crisscross knee drive so you go cross drive cross drive okay six five come on intensity is up cross drive one two one let’s go [Music] good 15 come on [Music] good the finisher is meant to be here’s everything i have left in the tank and then here’s a little bit more come on three two one breathe come on down to mountain climbers okay we’re doing two straight up two cross body so you go one two one two one two one two ready three two one let’s go cross cross up up cross cross [Music] [Music] seven five four three two one rest and we’re back high knees come on walk it back to your toes breathe all the way in we go again in seven are you ready yeah we’re ready last round through these three come on you give me all you’ve got and then you give a little bit more two one let’s go good beautiful 15 seconds a little faster quicker arms go quicker six five two one yes there we go crisscross knee drive how you doing pretty good cross cross knee drive and then what do we have after that mountain climbers come on two one let’s go cross drive try to forget the mountain climbers maybe that was intentional you know maybe my mind was working for me you don’t want to do these mountain covers again probably but we’re gonna do them we push through the things that challenge us right that’s how we do it together most importantly five four three two one breathe okay now i remember mountain climbers so come on down just straight up don’t worry about the cross give me a sprint here can you do that we can we can do this four three two one let’s go come on burn it out burn it out it’s faster than you’ve ever done you’re light on your feet all your weight is in your hands your feet are moving so fast you barely tap down come on 15 more seconds turn it up go go come on burn it out burn it out you see that theme right the red means burn it out two one and drop down to your hands and knees big deep breath in big deep breath out again big deep breath in fill up your lungs big deep breath out and you’ve made it to your cool down push your hips back relax your feet take a deep breath in again exhale don’t worry i want to get you out of here on time okay i’ve got you but i need you to stretch first definitely rock up forward with me if those hips were burning in the workout do not skip this oh please come and join me for this i need you to feel better tomorrow then if you are not stretching right now things are going to be a lot tighter a lot stiffer i want you to recover well fitness isn’t just about demolishing yourself and then walking away it’s about working hard taking care of yourself so you can continue to work hard okay if you’re sore and achy and tired and injured you can’t work hard good come on to your hands and knees again and push your right foot up outside your right hand shove those hips down lift your right hand up and reach it back towards your back leg good feel how deep you’re pushing into this hip stretch now good job so 60 minutes we’ve made it right so don’t be intimidated with the 60 minute workouts a lot of times the intensity is dialed down compared to a 30 still going to give you an incredible workout it’s just going to be different intentionally okay come back in i can challenge you in all different ways let’s shift the weight up to the other left foot okay and you’re going to be the most fit and strong version of yourself by doing that open it up left arm goes up and back beautiful so we’re almost done with the last week of the ignite challenge how is this possible straight legs come up in the middle and don’t you worry i’ll be talking more about what our next challenge is you’re gonna see a little change of scenery for our next challenge okay so we’re headed back to the stage that you have gotten to know over the past eight months before our ignite stage we’re headed back to our great spaceship type stage okay so we’ll be there for a month and then i’ve got something else exciting planned for you but first and foremost we finish this challenge strong okay the whole point of this challenge come on in slowly stand it up the whole point of this challenge was to ignite in you the passion for your goals the determination to reach for the things that you want and igniting that passion and igniting that determination hopefully ignites you challenging yourself to achieve the discipline that it takes to get to your goals okay it’s really just setting the month off setting the year off right so we can awaken that strong version of yourself we can awaken or reignite the passion that you have for your goals okay sometimes it gets a little tougher sometimes it kind of fades out so if i give you a total body program and i give you a strong focus on your core i know you can dial it in and i know you can ignite your passion your drive your determination for anything you want to accomplish next so we have to finish this challenge out strong to truly be ready for the next challenge all right so i love you guys i’m so proud of you before you head out today if you wouldn’t care if you crushed this workout make sure to give it a thumbs up and then subscribe to the channel comment below we crushed it and i will see you back here tomorrow so proud of you bye guys [Music] [Music] i got you wrapped around my finger

Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with Effective Cardio Exercises

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The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood.
  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

Maximize Your Workout with Top Brand Clothing

Wearing the right clothing can significantly enhance your cardio workout experience. Check out our top-brand clothing options designed for comfort, performance, and style:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Perfect for warm-ups and cool-downs, our yoga sets offer unmatched comfort and flexibility.
  • Stylish Designs: Choose from a variety of stylish and functional designs.


  • Breathable Fabric: Keep cool and dry with activewear made from moisture-wicking materials.
  • Supportive Fit: Designed to move with you, providing the perfect balance of support and flexibility.


  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for running and cycling.
  • Durability: Crafted from high-quality materials to withstand intense workouts.

Sports Bras

  • Optimal Support: Essential for high-impact activities like running and jumping rope, our sports bras provide the support you need.
  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for maximum comfort with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.


  • Versatile Use: Our swimwear is perfect for both swimming and beach activities, combining style and functionality.
  • Chlorine-Resistant: Made from durable materials that resist chlorine damage.

Why Choose Our Top Brand Clothing?

  • Quality Assurance: We offer products from top brands known for their quality and performance.
  • Fashion-Forward: Stay on trend with the latest styles in activewear and swimwear.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to customer satisfaction ensures you’ll love every purchase.

Shop Now and Enhance Your Cardio Workouts

Ready to elevate your cardio workouts?

Browse our collection of top-brand clothing today and find the perfect pieces to complement your fitness routine. With the right gear, you’ll feel more motivated and confident in every workout session.

Embrace the power of cardio exercises and boost your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!

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Comments (38)

  • @sydneycummingshoudyshell Reply

    I hope you're reading this either before your workout looking for a sign to go crush it (HERE'S YOUR SIGN! YOU'VE GOT THIS! GO GET IT!!) or post workout here to check in for accountability knowing you already crushed it! I'm proud of you in either situation! Make sure you let me know your favorite 3-exercise circuit here and don't forget to subscribe here!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/sydneycummings?sub_confirmation=1

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @kadiegoodman6639 Reply


    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it 🎉

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    60 more minutes with Sydney done…. again 🙂 👍

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @fanniboros1181 Reply

    So refreshing❤ thank you so much❤

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    5 months later…. done again !

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it! I always come back to see how far I have come! Thx Syd❤

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 28

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @user-ps2sk6sc8y Reply

    Crushed it.

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @melindasprinkle6 Reply

    doing extra today

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @ronaldmarston8505 Reply

    Crushed it🎉 I have done this before but I felt more confidence 🎉 broke phone again 😢getting a new one using boyfriends iPad 😂 not stopping with Sydney!!! AUG 2023

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @NicoleStoudemire-oe3wu Reply

    Thank you for this! It was rough after cake yesterday but back on track! Worked up a sweat!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @melanielauck1942 Reply

    absolutely love your format. Great for my body as well as staying interested.

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lisahopkins7949 Reply

    Wow! I have been working with you for three years now, and love that I can find any kind of workout to add to your summertime program, and this was a GREAT 60 minute workout!! To be honest, some of the 60 minute routines were a little on the challenging side, and this was the just the right amount of challenge and diversity to get my heart rate going but still endure!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it! I can't believe the change in my mind, body and soul from your workouts!!🎉

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @nigarsultana7126 Reply

    Sydney please make more 60 minute cardio and abs videos. Exactly the same pattern of exercises like this workout . Loved this session ❤

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @terrifichb6304 Reply

    Almost to the end. Crushed this 60 min workout.

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    I did this 1 year ago and I'm repeating my comment yowza !

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @tracyharding1945 Reply

    Came back for more, another amazing workout! Thank you, Sydney!💚

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it! Compared to 9 months ago, it's crazy how much stronger I have got from YOUR HELP!! ❤

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply


    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @Drew-zp8yz Reply

    If you are following this in the playlist, day 25 is missing, just so you all know. But you can search for it and find it easily

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @aprilwaguespack8547 Reply

    We crushed it!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @staceylouderback6911 Reply

    I really love this program so much I’m doing it for a second time.

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @keelymcgough7051 Reply

    Crushed those holiday calories! 🍪🔥🔥

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @annamariacianciulli1964 Reply

    Bellissimo cardio e ABS,adoro,un'ora intensa.Grazie Sydney!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @warshaswaris9266 Reply


    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @tracyharding1945 Reply

    Love the variety! Thank you!💚

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec6964 Reply

    This was super cool!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @amalyaneumann227 Reply

    That was amazing!! I worked so hard yet had so much fun!! Thank you!!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    Crushed it !! 9/19

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @juliaf6429 Reply

    Crushed it

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it!!What a workout!! I'm drenched in buckets of sweat!!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @marleenong9604 Reply

    Love the sports cardio Sydney

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    Oooh boyy i made it to cool down!!!really fun workout today n as usual i crushed it 💪💪😁😁😁‼️‼️‼️..60min is long enough workout for me as housewife.. thanks coach Sydney..

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @lynngardner76 Reply

    Whoo hoo! I. Crushed. It. My abs are burning !! Thank you!

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
  • @princessclarissevillanueva5239 Reply

    My all time fave Sydney Cummings❤ thank you so much for the words of wisdom. It makes me feel better 'bout myself and it makes me feel accomplished.

    May 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM

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