30 Minute Tabata Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 12

30 Minute Tabata Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 12

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 30 minute tavata cardio and abs workout so grab a light dumbbell and your jump rope and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our cardio and abs workout we have 30 minutes together so we’re going to maximize every single one let’s go ahead and get you set up so we can get started okay for my dumbbells today i’m just using one light medium dumbbell so for myself i have a 15 pound dumbbell you don’t need anything super heavy i’m just going to add it to your ab exercises we’ll do a little agility work over top of it so nothing super heavy mainly focus on what would be comfortable for you to move in an ab exercise okay i also have my jump rope you have a jump rope you can pull that out your cordless rope or your sweat towels we’ve got a couple rounds of that and my sliders okay some slider discs so you can have the soft or the hard part you can also use socks sweat towels anything like this okay so go ahead and get your stuff set up grab your water grab your sweat towel and we’re gonna jump right into our warm up all right before you head out make sure you have subscribed to the channel and let’s go ahead with our arm cross in three two one let’s go good big open in the chest thumbs face the ceiling when you open good five four three two one pull your heels to your glutes there we go so tabata today we’ve got 20 seconds of work 10 seconds rest three rounds per exercise okay nice wide stance let’s hinge and stand good three rounds per exercise and we’re gonna do straight sets so one exercise at a time all cardio and then all core and then all cardio all the way down two and one good hands on your knees and let’s drop down into a squat press your inner thighs out open little swivel if you can as always i’ll have the modification window over here to my right what looks like your left okay come on up let’s step it back nice high kicks good job so if you don’t have a dumbbell if you don’t have sliders you need to take some impact out that’s what the modification will be so whatever level fitness you are we’re gonna work hard together okay two and one perfect let’s take our hands down to the mat now take it back into a pike position pedal your heel so we can stretch our calves out [Music] good job up and down [Music] two and one big wide stance let’s drop the hips into a plank and drop it down to the floor good turn left and right there we go three two one lift your hips up pull the core back in walk it back to your toes and slowly roll up arms to the side turn tap the back toe good job [Music] three two and one all right give me your single dumbbell all right modification will be right here you’re gonna go four toe taps one burpee okay you ready for that we’re gonna go in ten seconds so four toe taps you can stay on the ground if you need to take it back to a burpee 20 seconds of work ready three two one all right let’s go one two three four take it back and up [Music] now 20 seconds of work that means your intensity is high okay move quickly you’ve got five four three two one good rest feel free to jog in place okay we’ve got two more rounds of that let’s go again two one here we go four three two one burpee make your transitions nice and quick move your arms with your legs good four three two one breathe good one more round of that one more time then we move on two one let’s go four three two one down work your arms good job seven [Music] three two one and rest good job grab some water you’ve got a dumbbell straight arm sit up okay all right have a seat [Music] grab some water here okay straight arm sit up you’re taking your dumbbell right over your chest you have it sit up arms stay straight up the whole time okay let’s go in seven three two one we’re up down tap and go good 20 seconds so see if you can touch low back push up good four three two and one rest good job ten seconds rest two more rounds same thing ready two one let’s go up tap good exhale as you come up four three two one rest good give me one more round i’m making you move today staying moving two one let’s go [Music] good work nine eight three two one and breathe great job grab water again we’re pulling out the sliders slider mountain climbers okay i will put the modification right here so if you’re not using sliders regular mountain climbers slow it down even more if you need to with just plank toe taps okay this is a cardio move but you’re gonna feel it in your core too okay so we’re here you start starting a plank right here okay seven seconds and we’re going are you ready we’re ready three two one let’s go good keep your core right here nose between your thumbs good ten more seconds go ten nine three two one breathe one down two to go good work let’s go again round number two in three two one we’re up let’s go [Music] good ten five three two one one more time good job this one’s tough on the quads too right two one let’s go [Music] right up under the chest make sure you’re not coming up and sitting okay all the weight is in your hands oh you’ve got nine and the quads are on fire three two one oh my goodness okay oh geez good work we’re done with the sliders for a little bit good job okay we’ve got a dumbbell v-set okay so i’m gonna grab my dumbbell optional of course okay toe punches so we’re seated okay i’m gonna straighten my legs and punch the dumbbell okay body weight is also an option keeping one heel on the ground also an option seven seconds let’s go pull it here you’re on the top part of your glutes two one up up [Music] good seven [Music] three two one rest for ten let’s go again two one [Music] five i’m feeling the burn just like you are three two one rest oh now it’s legs and arms and abs okay one last round let’s go two one come on now the point here is to keep your core strong through all of this movement eight seven five two one and rest beautiful job okay throw that dumbbell in the middle of your mat you can also just use a sweat towel okay we’re going lateral over top of this guy okay so we’re here here tapping with both feet on each side okay all right let’s go in five four two one here we go tap tap now look at my arms they’re not here right they’re moving [Music] good job five four [Music] two one rest good job five seconds we go round number two three two one let’s go need you to push push tap tap okay even if you’re just doing an imaginary line push [Music] five four two one good one more two down one to go we go in four three two one come on push push that outside leg gets you over [Music] beautiful five four two one breathe another one down check it off amazing job okay so we’re gonna leave this out here okay big deep breath i’m with you okay we’ve got a plank dumbbell drag i’m gonna show you from this angle okay so if i’m in a plank both arms are here i’ve got a dumbbell behind one of my hands okay if it’s behind my right hand wide plank i’m gonna reach over left pull reach under my body pull okay keeping my hips stable the whole time so make sure you’re not here pulling okay you’re here all right let’s go together in three two one grab and pull challenge yourself through all the twisting that you want to do when you go single arm don’t twist [Music] three two one rest if you want to stay here in a plank feel free it’s only ten seconds let’s go again in four three two come on let’s go see if you can pull your ribs in just a little bit more oh i almost fell there keep moving nine eight four three two one rest good oh let’s stay in the plank if we can one more time are you ready three two one let’s go on pull under abs are strong they’re keeping your hips straight [Music] beautiful eight seven five three two one and rest amazing job another one down we’ve got four high knees and then four overhead high knees i’ll show you this in just a second grab water [Music] now depending on what weight of dumbbell you have you can use maybe your lightest dumbbells but i want you to take your arms here and here okay high knees four and four so i got four three two one four three two one if you want to go up for your four with dumbbells you can but know that i want you moving here as well okay we’ll go in nine seconds and we’re officially on to the second half of the workout okay let’s go three four here four here two one let’s go one two three four one two three four keep it up ten [Music] four three two one breathe step step let’s go let’s go again round number two in four three two one here we go one two three four up two three four let’s go ten four three two one breathe one more time let’s go and then we’re back to some slider abs let’s go three two one [Music] four and four five four two one breathe grab some water you’re doing great you’ve got a slider plank knee to elbow [Music] okay breathe these 30 minute workouts they are intense okay just like it sounds plank knee to elbow if you don’t have sliders you’re right here okay just taking your knee to the side same side elbow okay so five seconds we’ll go here okay start a new plank with me two one squeeze squeeze back squeeze keep the same pace let’s go plank squeeze plank and squeeze plank squeeze five four two one rest good stay right here now let’s go for round number two same thing keep this pace two one let’s go squeeze plank squeeze plank good pull your ribs in nose between your thumbs don’t let yourself fade back from your hands [Music] you’ve got five two one rest good can you step it up a little bit drop down to your elbows would you like to let’s go four three stay right here over your forearms let’s go plank back plank squeeze plank come on six five four two one and rest okay sliders out of the way grab water come on stay with me we’re turning this cardio up just a little bit lateral slides and a vertical jump this can be tuck jump this can be calf raise it can be a squat as well you’ll see the modification here slide slide squat so you’ve got anything you want to do up up or squat okay ten seconds we’ll go together it looks like this one two here or here we’re here okay two slides let’s go two one here we go one two [Music] five four and rest good one down two to go five three two let’s go [Music] good job ten two one rest ah these get hard after round two one more to go come on four three last round step it up if you can let’s go seven come on three two one and rest water slider pikes alright next okay we’re back to the core if you can straight leg pike okay modification is here if you’re not able to pull it in straight leg i challenge you to try and pull it in at least bent leg okay so we’re going here up plank on you when you drop down do not drop down here plank ready i’ll give you eight seconds come on start in a plank think about lifting your hips up and then back to the plank ready let’s go so much power in the lowering do not go down and bop lift okay pause squeeze up pause squeeze up six five three two one good one down two to go do not let your low back arch four three round number two two one let’s go lift lift ten [Music] three two one rest one more time good think of pulling your belly button up into the air okay two one all right let’s go come on keep the weight in your hands eight seven [Music] three two one rest grab your jump rope [Music] good work all right come on we’re gonna stay moving right i’m with you you’re with me jump rope if you don’t have a rope here right here any variation of cardio you would like okay hopping skipping eight seconds are you ready three two one come on let’s go [Music] good give me that intensity that i know you’ve got left in the tank come on nine three two one breathe two more rounds how you doing good great fantastic okay good just making sure two one let’s go good job good job come on 10 seconds speed it up [Music] good four three two one good one more let’s go five four three come on two one get it let’s go let’s go yes beautiful twelve speed it up [Music] come on six five four [Music] two one and breathe we’re almost there grab water one more time with those sliders i know they’re tough i know this is challenging okay modification right here it’ll be kind of a mountain climber variation but what i want to do here is four rounds over at 20 seconds okay for every four rounds in your 20 seconds you’ve got two slow crosses four mountain climber sprints okay looks like this slow one slow two whoops one two three four slow one two one two three four okay ten seconds grab your sliders your towels your socks your plates whatever you’ve got let’s go in four give me a plank three two one come on slow cross slow cross four six five three two one rest okay three more rounds of that now you notice which leg you brought up first on the cross i want you to switch that this time two one let’s go cross cross four sprints good job three two one rest ten seconds two down two to go are you ready switch those knees again two one all right let’s go cross cross four sprints four three two one rest ah we’ve got 20 seconds of work left you are doing great come on four let’s go three two one come on slow two one two sprint four three two one come on i know it burns me too five four three two one and rest okay you’ve got a minute of jump rope 20 seconds of work 10 seconds rest twice that’s it let’s close it out right here ready five seconds jump rope four three two come on big sprint 20 right here okay you give me 20 rest for 10 give me 20 and we’re done seven six five three two one beautiful 10 seconds last 20 of work we came here we worked hard and we’re gonna finish strong three two one let’s go come on turn it up a little more for ten nine five come on four three two one and breathe guys you got one more minute of slider i’m just kidding totally kidding high five you’ve made it to your cooldown okay hinge forward hands on your thighs a nice flat back here i want you to fill up your lungs first there you go again one more good right leg down left leg back let’s go drop it to the floor i am so proud of you that was short and spicy and i hope you worked very hard i want to stretch out your hips here from the slider movements that i’m challenging you to tune into this month okay good push up on that front leg nice and straight lift it up let your head hang if you can beautiful work awesome step up let’s switch legs let’s hit the other hip okay front leg is bent back leg is straight drop the knee down feel the stretch right here the hip flexors they did a lot of good work on the core and those slider moves i tell you i am so out of breath and i loved the push that that workout brought anyone else tabata just makes you think i can do anything i can do all this so it’s only 20 seconds all right straighten your legs up let’s walk it into the middle both feet point forward and i want you to turn your heels in hands on your inner thighs and let’s push open here breathe as the clock rolls out to zero don’t forget before you head out too make sure you’ve subscribed to the channel okay dig your heels in drive your chest up up up up up there you go nice and slow come on up don’t forget to subscribe don’t forget to share i want you to challenge your friends with this workout now that you’re done you’ve got someone in mind that i know you want to share this workout with that you’re thinking oh they would love this i have someone in my mind too so make sure you share it with your friends i’m gonna make sure i share it all over social media so people know fitness does not have to be something that only a certain amount of people have access to with me everyone has access to fitness okay if you’re looking for anything specific check the playlist tab on the channel i’ve got all the months programming grouped together i’ve got workouts 30 40 50 60 minutes long stretch videos no equipment required videos low impact videos muscle isolation i’ve got everything categorized for either so if you’re looking for something specific or you know someone who is send them to the playlist tab okay thank you guys so much for being a part of this workout with me pushing me whether you know it or not i knew that you were going to show up here that’s why i pushed so hard so thank you i hope you did the same for yourself and like i said make sure you give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and i will see you back here tomorrow go grab some water and i’ll see you then [Music] you

Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with Effective Cardio Exercises

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to cardio exercises that will transform your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina!

Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, incorporating cardio activities into your routine is essential for a healthy heart and overall well-being. Plus, discover our top-brand clothing products to keep you comfortable and stylish during every workout.

The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood.
  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

Maximize Your Workout with Top Brand Clothing

Wearing the right clothing can significantly enhance your cardio workout experience. Check out our top-brand clothing options designed for comfort, performance, and style:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Perfect for warm-ups and cool-downs, our yoga sets offer unmatched comfort and flexibility.
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  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for running and cycling.
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Sports Bras

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Shop Now and Enhance Your Cardio Workouts

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Shop now and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!

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