30-Minute No-Equipment Cardio & HIIT Workout

30-Minute No-Equipment Cardio & HIIT Workout

Video Transcript

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we are in luck today because we have the founder of the sweat charlie atkins here to take us through a no equipment cardio workout that’s right we’re going to do three circuits today guaranteed to break the sweat let’s go all right are we ready to go let’s go let’s go let’s go ahead and get started with jogging in place so we are doing the sweat workout today there is going to be three different circuits first part that we are going to get started with is our warm up because you can’t start a workout without being warm that’s right so we have anna over here doing modifications and i have my girl christina right here that will be keeping up with me high fives all around oh yeah now you two got a high five too there it is there it is yeah all right so starting out we’re just gonna jog in place to make it fun let’s do a little lap around our maps we’re just going to do a little lap around our maps yeah just adding a little pizzazz i like it so if you are home you can be running some laps too go ahead and stop see if you can get your heels a little bit closer to your towards your booty just trying to get the heart rate up you want to make it fun again you need to add a little fun hands up hands hey right here for five more seconds jogging in place love it and then all we’re gonna do is move into our jumping jacks now if you don’t want to do the actual jumping portion of the jumping jack you can do over here what anna’s doing and you can always step it otherwise we’re jacking it up you guys gotta tell me when you start to feel well get the blood i’m starting to feel warm okay good shoulders okay full body we got about eight seconds here stick with us now as we get ready to transition we’re just to go ahead and come to the sides of our mats we’re going to do some inchworms so all we’re doing is just walking yourself out stopping at push-up plank position pausing for a second and then coming right back up christina we’re going to reach up oh oh yeah doing it again so the warm-up should feel a little bit like an active stretch getting us ready to break the sweat because that’s what we’re doing today right oh yes we are breaking the sweat let’s go ahead and get one more inchworm out there walking ourselves out coming right back up now all we’re going to do is we’re going to come into our butt kicks we’re going to face over here to the side really making sure that we get our heels up to the booty get that stretch now this is gonna help open up your quads from part of the legs just bumping it out go in go in go down we got about eight seconds let’s should we go quicker a little quicker here we go quicker all right let’s go ahead and face forward we’re going to do a squat with a twist so we’re just coming down and then you’re going to break opposite knee towards opposite elbow try to open up the spine also bring that knee up exhale on the up good oh yeah abs are starting to feel warm what are your guys’s thoughts on sound effects i’m here for it they’re here you’re here to eat them love it all right we got about five seconds left here let’s get one more on each side ah and then we’re gonna go hands out quick feet here we go here we go here we go see if you can walk forward and backwards making a little fun out of it swing the hands if you want yes burn those lower legs warming up we got 15 seconds are we going to go quicker let’s go quicker [Music] 10 seconds stick with it yes breaking the sweat we got five seconds and three two and i recovered oh my god let’s go ahead and come on down to our mats we’re gonna do some hip circles so we’re just going to be here in this quadruped position we’re going to start with our left leg so you can see what we’re doing and then we’ll move to the right your left knee just going in a giant circle oh yeah that feels good so this should be a nice stretch so i’m trying to make sure that i keep my back nice and flat core is engaged right sometimes you get a snap crackle pop in that hip you know i know right let’s do one more on this left side and then let’s go ahead and switch right leg so we’re just drawing a giant circle with our knee try not to lean too much on the opposite arm right now we’re doing the right side if you’re doing the left all good we got about 15 seconds oh this feels so good in my hip abs abs arms see if you can push your hands a little bit further away from that give me another two let’s go one more and there we go go ahead and come on up to standing butt feeling good or good yeah all right high fiving out that was our warm up okay we got about 30 seconds left till we get started but here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to do our first circuit set each exercise is going to be done for 50 seconds total with a 10 second recovery we’ve got the time all you have to do is work out right first exercise that we’re going to do is a down dog with a toe touch now i’ll be telling us what we’re going to be doing throughout the entire exercise again you just follow along we got the timer first exercise let me demo for you really quick all we’re going to do is start in our push-up plank position and we’re going to come up christina and i are going to bring our opposite hand towards our opposite foot touch the toe right back out let’s go ahead and just keep going on this one now anna in the modification she’s just moving from a downward facing dog to a push-up plank now christina what are you feeling as we do these oh i’m feeling it in my abs my back my arms yeah and a nice hamstring stretch too yes anna how you feeling good you know when you really pull your abs in to go down into that down dog it’s like a crunch yeah so i feel it now i love adding this exercise in to the beginning of my workout because i feel like it’s a great warm-up even though we’ve already warmed up but it also full body so we’re kind of hitting everything just like they said abs arms i love it in my shoulders the downward facing dog feels so darn good let’s go ahead and recover come on down to your knees for a second so we’re gonna do a 10 second recovery next exercise that we’re going to do is a mountain climber with a hold so we’re just going to be in a push-up plank position and then christina and i we’re going to go one two three hold on the third round climber will hold so we’ll just go ahead and bring one two three hold the third and then switch one two hold one two hold now you go ahead and keep with that tempo modification if you need it just go ahead and step the mountain climber now if you can spread the hands nice and wide breathe out on the whole yeah filling in water what are you feeling oh baby it’s burning we got core we got arms now if you can see if you can flatten your back keep the hips low using the breath now remember we’re doing cardio today are we not oh totally sure we got about seven seconds who’s with me yeah give me three two oh and then recover oh ten second recovery okay burn girl we’re gonna come to sound next one i’m breaking a little bit of sweat breaking a little bit of sweat all right let’s see sumo squat so let’s just start with a basic sumo squat together okay christine and i are gonna take it up a notch on the third one we’re gonna hop oh and then we’re gonna do one two and then we’re gonna hop on this one ready chew there it is modification if you need it you just stick here with what anna’s doing you don’t have to add the hop if you want to try the hop throw it in right or hop it in you’ll never know until you try now when you’re doing these summer squats from home really think about driving the knees out keeping the chest up and really using that explosiveness to get you up off the ground over here it’s burning over we got five seconds we got this yeah here we go let’s get one more in there one squat and recover all right good speed skaters speed skater so all we’re doing is we’re just taking it side to side right so bringing it down stepping it back so as we move through these let’s go ahead and get started modification take it nice and slow christina and i we’re gonna kick it up we’re gonna add that hop keep the chest up if you can’t look up at us there it is give us a smile get that smile use the breath oh i love this one in my booty feels so such a good good news is after we do the speed skater we’re going to start right back at the top do all of those exercises one more time through come on pushing through 10 seconds left to go yeah hop five more yeah three two and recover okay so we’re just going to start right back with a downward facing dog to the toe all right we good yeah i’m good here for this all right here we go push up plank position coming up to down dog opposite hand opposite foot us while we catch our breath right yeah it’s a good tempo change though you know so you catch your breath but you’re still working now we’re back to that good good stretch mixed in with a little bit of ab work feeling good you know one of my favorite sayings for working out two of them it feels good to feel good agreed right second one feels good to feel strong right yes we got about eight seconds sweat yeah and recover all right 10 second recovery moving right into our mountain climber holds so one two three on the third one you hold you’re just going to go ahead and keep stepping through on our mark csa shall we let’s do it ready so one two hold he’s doing so good yeah now make sure that your shoulders stay right over your wrist use the breath on that hold keep the back flat hips low and spread wide try to keep the neck neutral this is a full body exercise man this is great every muscle is working right now yeah that’s what we want to hear christina how you feeling oh fabulous yeah we got about 10 seconds butt low good five seconds and recover oh yeah sumo squat with a hop so we’ll just start with the basic sumo squat we’ll add in a hop ah let’s go keep the chest up ready to hop here we go yes yes good whoo i am sweating i feel like we should name all of the exercises love this right this is the la sumo squat with lei hop now when you’re doing these get low right sink through the tailbone hop up with the chest up make sure you’re driving the knees out i love those points makes all the difference mini ones right just small things to kind of keep you in line with what we’re doing we got about eight seconds whoo killing it it’s burning oh here we go let’s get one more squat in and recover blubber all right we are back to our speed skaters which is the last exercise of this set hey we’re going to finish it off with 30 seconds oh that’s good are you good do it squeeze hairs let’s start slow christina tell me when you’re ready and i’m going to keep up with you ready here we go chest up yeah adding that hop turning it to that other side of the mat [Music] man love a good cardio sesh love a good cardio sesh we’re looking good team feeling 15 seconds here we’re going to do a quick cardio push and then we’re going to take a recovery send us right into our next circuit finish it up with speed skaters we’ve got about five seconds pushing through to the end and recover let’s go ahead 30 seconds quickly yeah 30 seconds on our marks when we get set let’s go running my arms pumping them you can swing them quick quick quick oh it is swing the hands you can bring the feet in and out yeah all right let’s count together ten nine eight seven six five four three two one yeah that’s what i’m talking about oh my god charlie you guys i’m gonna take a quick hit in my water all right we got a minute recovery recovery is so important i feel like we always forget to recover yeah yeah this one is just a minute you’re gonna die it’s a good time to leave it out set us up for success again oh yeah sweat sweat success i haven’t been doing plyos in so long but even doing the modified and keeping up a good tempo my heart rate is up yes plyos and i really feel like these recoveries remind you that this is like totally doable yeah oh yeah totally do oh we still got 20 seconds it’s going to give your mental mixing to hype you up right yeah this is like our setup for the amp up all right so our first exercise for circuit number two is going to be a reverse lunge into a balancing act so we’re gonna start with the right leg back we’re gonna go reverse lunge modification anna’s just gonna bring her knee up now for what christine and i are gonna do we’re gonna do reverse lunge tap toe and we’re gonna come to an airplane fly and we’re gonna go right back so we’re just doing the right leg good now here’s what you can do with the arms you can reach them out like an airplane or you can put them right in front of your chest like a prayer position and all we’re trying to do is really just oh balance working the legs filling in the hamstrings what else do you guys feeling abs control now again we got about 10 seconds left on this right side 10 second recovery and then we’ll take it over to the left side five seconds left to go i feel like we get one more right christina yeah let’s go right into the airplane yeah and then recover some intense focus there yeah the balance is always hard now if you trip and you fall we do it too right yep we get up all right let’s go ahead do the left side still facing this way over here left foot is going back knee taps down touch the toe airplane for me it takes a second to really you know come into that balance adjust to the other side there it is that’s exactly style inside adjusting now i feel like we’re always worried about these straight lines if your back leg on this airplane is slightly bent that’s all good right yeah all good yeah my glutes and my hams are going to love hate me tomorrow you too yeah just don’t blame me i’m really you can you can blame me i’ll think of your phone you can blame me i’ll be sending you an iv message tomorrow we got about five seconds at least you know i’ll be thinking about you when you wake up in the morning i love that memo and that message and then recover so next exercise we are just going to do our in and out squat so christina and i are going to be hopping it let’s go ahead and get started let’s start with the walk so we’re just going to go feet out feet together now christina and i are going to take it one notch higher we’re gonna hop it now again when you are doing any squat related exercise drive the knees out drive them out keep the chest up drop through the tailbone and just keep it pumping i love that center squat hop yeah i think it’s like a quick like little reset we’re all about that recovering reset tell me where you’re feeling it christina and a booty we got 15 seconds here oh yeah all right 10 seconds left the good news is this circuit only has three exercises so we’re going to start right back over with our balancing act we got three seconds left to go yeah and recover all right did that right back at the top yeah three seconds on our marks get set reverse lunge right leg goes back tap the toe balance it out oh left leg is shaking so this is a lot of lower body right here right yeah the good news is our next circuit you’re going to love hate me more we’re heading right into abs oh yeah right that is the love hate abs i always find that one of my legs is stronger than the other totally i was just thinking that too yeah because when we go to that left side it’s going to be a little bit of a show focused yeah we got about five seconds left to go christina i feel like we can do one more right we got this down tap fly and recover cool oh yeah shaking it out shaking it out left leg shake it out okay exactly where i want to feel it though yeah right in the glute hamstring connection all right left side here we go taking it back tapping it going for a fly [Applause] i love how we’ve kind of like really zoned in on this yeah i felt the energy perfect part of a workout to really just zone in takes a second to shake off those like initial pre-workout jitters and we are in it second round you always have a little of an advantage on the balance but less of an advantage on the strength totally you’re like i’m getting tired but my balance is better oh yeah man that airplane is so nice feels good on my back yeah getting those arms open five seconds left to go [Applause] last one right here fly it out and then recover whoa all right that’s good ten second cover now we’re gonna try and squat this one hop it a little bit quicker i’m gonna stay low low low this time yeah good low anna stay low on our marks get set here we go we’re gonna stay here the whole time christina right yep and looking good keeping the back nice and flat right when i mean flat i mean you want to make sure that the spine is nice and long you don’t want it to arch and again always in the squats driving the knees out knees out now when you come in for that center hop light feet right left v belly button spine as they always say or engage leg core right the core lay abs here we go booty low booty low booty low making a burn making it work now we’re gonna take we got eight seconds here quick ten second recovery right back to quick feet are we good with the quick feet yeah all right three two and then recover all right 10 second recovery and then we are going to quick beat it out quickly all right on our marks get set go oh man burns so good yeah it’s so good come on i got it it’s all good oh you got me swinging there i’m swinging the arms yeah halfway through halfway through burning yeah oh ten seconds picking it up pick it up pick it up right tight quartz oh christina i like your moves you were going in and out forward and back four three fun with it two and recover you should feel like your legs are going to kind of like tell us kind of drop is agile i love that our yells have turned into whispers we’re like it’s our recovery yeah all right so who’s ready for labs we’re going to take the math fluid you will not leave the map for this next one all right let’s go and set it up first exercise is what i call a triple triple love love it lay love it i love it all right what it is let’s go ahead and get started three regular crunches one two three legs up three reverse crunches okay now go ahead and get started on the reverse crunches anna’s gonna do the modification all she’s gonna do is tap her feet down just like that make sure you’re lifting up from the chest we’re targeting the core so when we’re moving to that crunch really think about the regular crunch lower back presses into mat right 20 seconds feeling good feeling great [Music] [Applause] i love stating my ab exercises for the end [Music] all right let’s get three more regular crunches in one two and then recover all right so good yeah we’re gonna flip over next one now anna’s just gonna do a traditional plank on her elbows palms down on the mat christina and i are gonna do a climber so let’s go ahead and get started we’re just gonna pull our knee in hips come up blow him right back down we’re just climbing [Music] good now if anna wanted to and she wanted to take it up a notch you could always tap your knees or you could come down to them whatever works we are holding that plank now make sure the shoulders stay right over the elbows and when you extend the legs try to bring that booty back low right so you’re kind of getting a hip extension by engaging the glutes christina tell me you feel it girl oh my god yes these planks are killers yes tight core tight core come on talk to that core talk to the quad say fire up buddy we got five seconds left fire yes three two and recover oh all right now the next one my most favorite ab exercise a little bit of a stretch it scares me butterfly oh yeah she’s down for her she’s here for this all right let’s go and get started so christina and i are coming all the way up slapping the other side of the mat modification if you need it is you’re just doing a clasp crunch now it takes a lot of strength to kind of get you up here so if you’re doing the crunch it is also tell me where it’s hitting you anna oh right in the middle i am getting it from the top to the bottom top to the bottom there we go and then having the knees out feels so good on the hips right yeah i feel like so many ab exercises pull in and sometimes when we get fatigued we like focus on pulling our knees in using our hip flexors more than our abs great way to burn them out which we don’t want to do we want to burn the abs out oh my gosh stick with it you got about six seconds push through push through three two let’s get one more get one more crunching and then recover all right we’re right back to the towel that’s so good remember our first one yep you stay here it’s got that triple triple three regular punches three reverse crunches oh here we go three regular crunches lifting up the chest legs kick up and boop boop pardon me while i don’t speak for a second just really trying to live right live your best life live my best life less wet life let’s sweat life you know what the good news is we have a few more exercises and we’re going to be done this is where you’re going to tap into that deeper self oh yes give yourself that little extra pep talk you are over halfway through you are literally nearing the end we got eight seconds left here triple triples try not to stress the neck on that crunch coming into our final three seconds get it in one two and then recover oh that burns so good all right we’re gonna do our plank climbers we’re gonna do our butterfly sit-ups you got my forearms what are you going to prepare all right here we go plain climbers now trick of the trade let’s go ahead and get started here coming into your planks your plank climbers when you are doing plank climbers or planks on the elbows put the palms of the hand down on the mat flat good right a lot more stability sometimes i feel like when i hold my hands in the center it kind of torques my elbows out and it doesn’t end up feeling good on the shoulders the next day that dom’s right that delayed onset muscle soreness keep the booty low keep the booty low booty low yeah there you go that challenged it didn’t it christina oh my gosh i am burning come on fire up your glutes fire up your quads and scream to your core say i got this i got this i got this i want this i got five seconds and i’m going to finish it three it’s gonna finish two and recover whoa all right okay so now the favorite the butterfly the butterfly all right now i love a little cardio burnout so i want to tell you this is our last exercise let’s go ahead and get started but we’re going to take a quick 10 second recovery when we finish these butterfly sit-ups and then we’re going to burn out 30-second cardio burn plank jabs so yes let’s get it tell yourself some positive things right talk to you change the conversation in your head say i’m going to finish this i got this i’m fully committed to these butterfly sit-ups right slapping it out we got about 13 seconds [Music] yes come on fight it fight it yes yes we got five seconds who’s in it to win it who is it last one and recover oh let abs all right we got ready burn it out let’s go look like jacks all right so we’re gonna push a plank position and then all we’re gonna do christina and i are hopping our feet out here we go fired up modification if you need it and it’s just going to step one foot and then the other now usually what happens when we get fatigued our booty goes up pull it down line it up shoulders right over the wrist core is tight oh baby talk to you talk to you yes that’s what it is final eight seconds speed it up christine here we go a little quicker a little quicker a little quicker yes three two and the cover oh good little party yes final burn so proud of us oh my gosh you guys are amazing amazing [Music] i’m here for that this girl let’s go this girl this girl that girl there [Music] i’m going to massage my right knee in towards my right armpit oh my abs are on fire yeah i still feel them same now all i want you to do is come into a basic spinal twist right arm goes out right knee crosses over left side look over the right shoulder take a breath feel that through the spine feel an opening that feels so good take another good exhale let’s bring the right knee back in left knee into chest massage it a few times left knee goes into left armpit deep breath in on the exhale left arm is out left knee crosses gazes over that left shoulder [Music] feels good especially after all those ab exercises we really got to do some back strengthening also coming back to center go ahead and have both knees into the chest draw them in a little circle go ahead and rock side to side and then we’re just going to roll over onto our right side let’s go ahead and push ourselves up we’re going to come into a runner’s lunge just get into the hamstrings the hip flexors so left knee is down right foot is forward right knee is right over my right ankle all i want to do so first i want to kind of see if i can bring my chest up bring the chest up hands can come to the top of the knee yeah hip flexor good now hands are going to come down let’s go ahead and extend the right leg slight bend in the knee you just want to get into the hamstring now go ahead and give three rounds of that so let’s do hip flexor chest up hands come up oh hands come down extend the right leg exhale [Music] coming down that two more times one hands up oh yeah i aspire to be able to straighten that front leg one more let’s go ahead and bring hands up and then hands will come down frame the right foot we’re just going to switch legs so just go ahead and bring the right foot back left foot will come forward let’s go ahead and hold into this hip flexor stretch first so my right sorry my left knee is forward right knee is back i’m going to take hands up if hands up is challenging you can leave them right there on top of your knee otherwise exhale hands down frame the foot let’s go ahead and extend left leg slight bend in the knee toes can come up right back down right knee comes down chest hands come up breathing in hands come down let’s go ahead and extend whoo back knee comes down arms come up let’s hold this one for a little bit longer a few breaths one more all right bring the hands down now go ahead and step the feet together we’re just going to come up to standing bring the arms up oh moving side to side yeah let’s go ahead and finish off in the quad so i’m going to try and balance on my mind try and balance just pull my right foot back right there top the leg i can’t believe how fast that workout went by that was was that 30 minutes i can’t believe that was so much fun switch over to this side all right there we go really focusing here on the balance all right okay let’s go ahead and bring that arms up let’s go and finish it up hands come up with the eyes closed hands come down to the center yeah that is your sweat sesh of the day oh man thank you so much incredible i feel so good this girl yes thank you guys for working out with us you are officially sweated awesome le sexy [Music]

Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with Effective Cardio Exercises

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to cardio exercises that will transform your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina!

Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, incorporating cardio activities into your routine is essential for a healthy heart and overall well-being. Plus, discover our top-brand clothing products to keep you comfortable and stylish during every workout.

The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood.
  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

Maximize Your Workout with Top Brand Clothing

Wearing the right clothing can significantly enhance your cardio workout experience. Check out our top-brand clothing options designed for comfort, performance, and style:

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Shop Now and Enhance Your Cardio Workouts

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Shop now and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!

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Comments (44)

  • @ciarareidhead6078 Reply

    Great cardio workout❤

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @EditWhit Reply

    Ads during the workout? 🙁

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @zoeantonoff2474 Reply

    The energy of this video was infectious!!!!!!! Thank you POPSUGAR for another incredibly positive and uplifting workout video of women empowering women✨✨✨

    (Also, I was losing it when they said le core, le abs, LOL)

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @shroomsforbreakfast Reply

    I burned 215 calories 🙂

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @elenascotti1397 Reply


    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @user-dk9zl7mm9k Reply

    ОГОНЬ !!!!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @user-py2ti8cc1r Reply

    Genial podemos 💪🏽 gracias ❤

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @maureenjc8459 Reply

    Loved this!!! Thank you girls! The Only thing… Could we have louder music! I am so motivated by loud music.

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @knt9556 Reply

    thank you for sharing the video! I have been doing 2-3 times per week and feeling much stronger! big fan from Japan!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @mutendamalaula854 Reply

    4 years later this exercise still feels great

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @cara8302 Reply

    Why do I feel like they all did cocaine before this video?

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @eliananobach2519 Reply

    Yep! Sore today after doing this fun workout yesterday! Love it!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @SuhaasAhuja Reply

    Although I wasn’t keeping up with your tempo all the time, at the end of the workout I thought it was a bit easy. But this morning – I felt it!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @LesVarioufs Reply

    Been doing this for about 6 months consistently – fittest I've been as an adult, thank you! Is it normal, btw, to be able to keep up throughout the hard one sometimes, but be shaking after the warmup at other times? 😂

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @mdyunusansari3677 Reply

    Is it only for women?

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @nhisservice1 Reply

    Thanks for the great workout !

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @Chandrafay Reply

    I am just starting to workout again, I couldn’t go to the gym today and found this … y’all made me sweat tough. All modified and I took more breaks but I am spent. Sweat is real! Will be doing this on all my can’t get to the gym days!! Thank you!!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @MonicaVillanueva123 Reply

    that was so great! I feel amazing and the time went by so quick!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @Ynnek18 Reply

    Life changer! Lost 13kg in 67 days doing this workout 3 to 5 days a week.

    Yes i also went into a calorie deficit of around 1700 – 1800 a day, 60 days no alcohol and basically only drinking sparkling water or coffee 3x a day max.

    But damn im proud of myself and thx for this amazing video!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @user-no7fw8ul2k Reply

    Best ! As you can follow easy n hard! Great exercise video

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @nikitasoni4529 Reply

    Liked the workout but too much talking and high fives which is very distracting and annoying for me..also there is no separate count down for each exercise which i didn’t like.

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @sonikapunia5477 Reply

    Very helpful class

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @sammy327 Reply

    Thanks ❤

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @editabaguna8677 Reply

    wow is nice workout I love it ❤❤❤

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @annahay2346 Reply

    Brilliant work out!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @richard-en2dx Reply


    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @mosoulreal7806 Reply

    I didn't have to say nothing 😂 she felt that energy 😂

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @nasro871 Reply

    How many calories do i burn

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @andreakhan1197 Reply

    Love this workout!!! Just finished and I am Le Red like a beetroot and Le Sweaty 😛

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @annikacanales22 Reply

    feel so good Thank you so much

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @moedara1510 Reply

    When you realize it was just a warmup…

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @salmayusuf8905 Reply

    I’ve been doing this workout for about a week and I’ve certainly seen results only thing I am worried about is how many calories I burn

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @mmarchese304 Reply

    1st. time working out with this video. This workout is one I will stay with for the near future. Breathless, sweating, burning; loved it.

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @letsbreakthesilence7 Reply

    Going to try this workout this week!!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @emilyanderson5354 Reply

    I normally get bored during workouts but this was so fun!! Thank you!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @laflaca6283 Reply

    The trainer looks like Meghan Markle🙈

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @suzigassit9809 Reply

    He BEST ab workout on Popsugar – AMAZING! Seeing results so quickly! And seriously does not feel like 30 minutes 🤩

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @ovictoriapetrenko105 Reply

    I did it!😅

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @deanwhite8413 Reply

    I have lost 10kg following this routine on a near daily basis for the past 2 months. Aiming for another 10 before 2023!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @schultz6606 Reply

    Used to do this workout with my girlfriend a while ago, so she wouldn't do it alone. I'm doing intense combat sports on / off (injuries permitting), but for the last 3years or so keep coming back here every 6mths-1 yr to assess my fitness lvl. Good work girls! Edit – I'm a man

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @lorenafrazao155 Reply

    wow wow wow! powerful workout, I love it!

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @jeidee8205 Reply

    Done 1st day! 🎉 02102022. Doing this every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday! Thank you 🌸

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @MerrilDiniz Reply

    Totally felt it 🎉

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM
  • @ThisIsSammii Reply

    I liked it. But if you’re used to an intense hiit then this is a bit slow.

    May 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM

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