30 Minute Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 8

30 Minute Cardio and Abs Workout | IGNITE – Day 8

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 30 minute cardio and abs workout you will need some sliders and a jump rope today so grab those and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our cardio and abs workout as i mentioned you won’t need any dumbbells today but what i do have are some sliders so if you want to grab some discs or some towels some paper plates some things that kind of move on the surface that you’re moving on if it’s going to be a carpet surface something hard plastic will work if it’s more of a slick surface something smoother like sweat towels or t-shirts will work okay and i’ll have those options of course if you don’t have those to put them up in the modification window same thing with the jump rope okay so i have my jump rope here you can use sweat towels you can use a cordless rope or you can just modify that and do another form of cardio that i will again put up here in the modification window okay modification window will have low impact no equipment options today and make sure as always before we get started that you have subscribed to the video and let’s go ahead and jump into your workout all right thumbs up let’s jump into the warm-up we’re going to start with heels to glutes nice and slow and low and three two one let’s go good we’re going to be doing one round of every exercise today so no repeats 45 seconds just enough to kind of transition into the next move three two one stay wide let’s go down to the floor stand good job there we go so the breakdown of today is two cardio exercises and then two core exercises for the whole workout two and two one more good hands on your knees let’s sit low push your knees out shift left and right there you go good come on up top arms over your chest good i want you to be open today to working hard whatever mood you showed up in whatever kind of motivation you have or do not have regardless we’re here doing this because we respect our bodies we respect our health arms go up and back there you go you show up you give it the best that you’ve got right now i’m here for you i’ll be here for you the whole time each day good step it on back so don’t think you have to be fully motivated or totally in the mood to show up and just get it done just show up i’ll take care of the rest i won’t leave you by yourself i’ll talk you through it we’re going to come out of this feeling better together good last one all right big hip circles there we go so excited that we have officially completed week one of the ignite program rocking into week two look back at your first week and say how was i in terms of work ethic ethic and effort okay switch directions you can step that up for yourself you know i’m gonna challenge you to do that okay here in the workout and your nutrition focusing on your mental health your hydration your sleep okay this week two startup is a great reflection point to learn from yourself okay let’s jog in place here for a second learn from yourself re-motivate yourself right here right now saying this is my start this is my day this is my workout this is my time i deserve this okay yeah all right let’s jump into your workout the first move we’re gonna do modification will be up here is punch jacks okay feet are together you’re gonna hop wide punch across together wide across okay so we’ll go together in 10 seconds low impact you’re going to stay on the floor tap and punch ready 45 seconds four three two one let’s go right here good punching straight across perfect keep your core tight good now let’s punch it up over over i’m going to keep you moving i’m going to keep you engaged today there you go there you go punch it down to the floor down down that’s it come on six five four three two one and rest we’re taking it out to a lateral slide okay move this here we’ve got slide slide one two slide slide one two ready let’s go in three two one here we go slide slide good work one and two stay on the ground if you need to just move it quick okay there we go 15 seconds up up beautiful five four three two one and sit it down come on down we’ve got a canoe crisscross flutter okay so we’re on the floor hands are under here cross over under if you can lift your hands right here three two one let’s go good the lower you go the tougher this is so go to where you feel challenged good work breathe that’s it are you breathing now glue your tailbone down to the floor okay don’t leave that tailbone up in the air relax arched crunch pull it down five four three two one rest now feet down you’re gonna take one in the air one at 90 degrees sit up touch go down switch touch switch ready three two one let’s go good keep that lower back flat especially when you roll up make sure it stays rounded and you’re not rotating here okay tough one a really quick burner today right we’re starting off the burn early 10 seconds let’s go five four three two one oh okay oh come on up your two abs are done we’ve got two skips and four high knees okay so you’re going one two one two three four okay slow slow fast fast fast ready let’s go one two one two three four keep that tempo in mind one two sprint good perfect make them a noticeable difference okay that’s it one two three four come on just over 10 seconds left and rest good next move inchworm push-up with a switch jump there’s a lot going on here i’ll give you a little bit more rest okay walk it out push up okay when you’re done there one two then walk it back okay we’ll go in seven modification right over there walk it out push up switch jump switch jump walk back let’s go see if you can switch the foot that you do your jump with first each time good keep moving you’re doing fantastic come on ten more seconds five four three two one and rest beautiful all right coming down we’ve got jack knives laid on the floor okay up one at a time here and switch ready let’s go you can make this tougher by floating your legs okay keep exhaling are you breathing on the way up there we go good job you’re right there ten more seconds two one and rest we’ve got a seated tuck one leg at a time release okay so you’re here feet off the ground you’re gonna open your arms in one leg boom and back in okay let’s go with the right leg first two one here we go open tuck good modification would be to just take that leg out open okay keep breathing beautiful job come on ten nine five four three two one and this is the time where if you have them grab your sliders or your sweat towels if you do not you’ll be right here modification will be mountain climbers okay if you have them we’re taking your mountain climbers and adding some sliders okay so the toe on the slider your hands are here right here okay three two one let’s go now notice a lot of times when people do mountain climbers with sliders they rest here and rest here if that’s you i need you to stop putting your knee past your hip okay they stay back there breathe push into the floor one two one two come on let’s go eight more seconds three two one and rest sliders out of the way we come back up for some squat drops okay circling it up you’ve got a squat drop turn drop turn okay rotating left middle right ready two one let’s go beautiful just keep moving breathe that’s it come on let’s get it started today let’s think about our best selves okay six five three two one and rest all right next move we have a superman with an arm extension at the top okay you’ve got 10 seconds we’re gonna lift up out up and down okay let’s go in six three two one squeeze everything up side up down and when you squeeze out to the side i want you to squeeze those back muscles remember your core is the entirety of your thoracic cavity so it’s not just your abs in the front that you see but everything that maintains that spinal stability that’s your core okay so we’ve got to address the back as well keep going good work give me five four three two one and rest an option for the sliders again you’ve got either plank hip taps which i’ll show you right here or you’ve got a slider crunch okay so towels sliders if you have them we’re coming in two legs at a time now okay press into the floor really hard pull in push out ready four three two one let’s go and these do not need to be super fast they also don’t need to be where you’re seated on your feet right here see my abs are not working at all okay i need you to bring your knees under your sternum push back out think about your hands locking into the floor keeping your hips nice and steady beautiful job focus here keep your hips steady and those feet are putting the hands to the floor you’ve got ten beautiful four three two one rest great job i’m so proud of you for accepting these challenges i’m throwing at you today another challenge burpee hand release pop up at the top hands are down you’re gonna jump or step back jumper step up wide sit show your hands okay two one let’s get it sit down show beautiful just keep it moving here if you’re stepping back stepping up step up and then drop your butt then show us your hands okay beautiful stay moving stay moving don’t slow down ten nine eight seven come on three two one stand up breathe grab some water good work we’re passing over we have already passed over actually the halfway point breathe and grab a drink there we go okay coming back in we’ve got lateral kick four high knees one kick four one kick four okay we take it out take it out okay i know my hair is looking crazy i’ve had about 17 rubber bands break in the process of filming today just letting it go we’re letting it happen ready two one let’s go out four high knees plants out four high knees plant there we go keep that going beautiful come on no matter what you’re here fighting through okay your rubber bands break and your whole entire hair is just falling down it’s okay that’s not gonna stop us right you’re tripping over your mat never stopped me before you guys know that come on six five let’s go three two one breathe 15 seconds leg raise hip raise lay it on down modification will be right over here you’re going down and up ready two one join me lift the heels as soon as they pass the hips here great job come on keep the legs strong as well so make sure you don’t go down they bend they get really heavy okay 15 seconds shoot those heels up good five four three two one sit it on up oh we’ve got a seated v-sit twist with a calf tap i would love for you to keep your legs here okay one arm at a time you reach back tap your calf right here twist twist okay ready let’s go now if you can speed this up do not touch back here and wait go for it touch touch keep your legs right beside each other though so don’t let leave one here and here and here they’re both here good job i know this is tough 12 11. five four three two one ah rest all right you’ve got an option for two rounds of jump rope here or modification that i’m showing right here left leg knee driver if you’re using your jump rope go ahead and grab it let’s go in two one here we go good job good job come on there you go so proud of you for showing up today make sure the last part of this workout your effort is not halfway so it doesn’t slow down because the workout’s coming close to ending you keep pressing the gas pedal okay whatever you have mess-ups or not keep going four three two one rest now if you’re modifying to not do the jump rope you’re gonna switch to the other leg okay it’s workouts fighting against me today hair bands are breaking jump rope is it a knot it’s okay here we go round number two in two one let’s go this is what i mean bad it doesn’t have to be perfect you just have to keep going okay if i would have stopped the workout when my hair started falling down or when my jump rope started nodding up i would have missed out on a whole bunch of great potential for me to push myself okay come on let’s go let’s go beautiful job let’s go 15 more seconds okay come on up up good five more seconds five three two one beautiful lay it down on your left hip all right modifications right up here we’ve got a mermaid crunch it’s been a minute right legs together up down if you need to modify your one leg two one let’s go you’re on your glute here not your hip bone not the side of your leg here i’m rolling back so my butt is on the ground squeeze keep those heels together you will be working inner thighs here as well so you’ll feel that burn that’s normal keep going good job seven six three two one rest come on over same thing on the other side mermaid crunch on the other side modification is up there you need that one leg option it’s there the whole point is getting your legs to lift okay and you’re meeting them in the middle two one let’s get it so you slow down on the way down that requires core strength you lift up legs towards the midline of your body you’re using inner thighs abs come on fight through it your legs start to get heavy they start to bend you start to want to just do this don’t don’t do it you’re almost there you’re too close to slow down you’re too close to lessen your intensity this is the time when we sprint to the finish line not slow down and let everyone pass this in that final home stretch right five four three two one come on up you’ll notice i use a lot of track and field references i was a track athlete so it’s just how my brain works six punches six scissor chops six five four three two one six five four three two one okay let’s go come on fight through it three each arm three each leg good work think of envisioning punching something out of your way that’s stopping you is it your excuses is it your need to relax too much to where you stretch it out way too long you can’t get re-motivated whatever it is get it out of the way for this week and rest good crisscross squat knee drive here we go crisscross squat knee drive okay then you do it again other side are you ready yes we are two one let’s go crisscross squat knee drive good whatever this looks like even if we look a little bit different keep going the intensity is there right you’re working hard right good that’s all we need that’s what we’re doing together breathe let’s keep going come on ten more seconds seven six three two one grab your sliders again we’ve got a slider and a rope okay not at the same time just that’s all that’s left okay so we’ve got a slider tuck side to side or we’ve got a plank knee to elbow crunch okay options for the slider crunch most difficult will be two legs knees to elbow a little bit easier one leg knee to elbow you go back completely to a plank before coming to the other side so it’s not a here here it’s plank drive push drive push okay or the two legs five seconds let’s go three one keep your belly button pulled in you always return to the plank you’ll feel that’s when your legs start shaking right or maybe that’s just me probably not i can bet you’ve worked hard too don’t let your belly drop either like this start to get tired you start to want to do this pull it in 15 more seconds six five three two one rest and you’ve got a minute of jump rope or your choice of cardio you’ve got something else in mind you’d like to finish with go there i’m gonna grab my jump rope we’ve got 60 seconds one minute sprint to the finish line okay we going five come on come on come on let’s go two one come on intensity is all the way at 100 right now check in with yourself can you go harder every 15 seconds i’m gonna ask you that good work come on check in again just checking can you turn it up a little more let’s go 30 seconds down last 30. let’s go let’s go last 15 come on go go go go you’ve got it nine eight faster seven finish finish finish four three two one rest you’ve made it to your cool down oh my goodness how many people surprise themselves with our effort today yes amazing job high fives nice job let’s cool it down don’t forget you got to cool down to feel better tomorrow so breathe i’ll keep you standing shift it out to the side great work today i’m always trying to look forward to challenging you or i’m always looking forward to trying to challenge you switch it over to the other side i hope today you felt challenged you felt like the next level of you was asked to step up to the plate i love that feeling right it’s a little uncomfortable and maybe if you don’t do it often you have a little resistance against it right the more you challenge yourself that next best version to come a little closer to you and kind of show themselves the more comfortable you’re gonna get with stepping into what’s tough okay you never get any better staying complacent we’re wanting to never challenge yourself that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate who you are what you are right now i feel strong i feel proud of my efforts today but i’m so proud that i challenged myself in the next best version of me to come out today those sliders at the end that was the next best version of me coming a little bit closer because i challenged myself i pushed outside of my comfort zone and i know it’s comfortable that’s why it’s called the comfort zone it’s nice and easy and it’s great to stay there but if you’ve got some goals that challenge you to come into that next best version don’t be afraid of that okay pull your heel to your glute always know through anything that life throws you you’re going to pull on that strong version of yourself okay whatever you’ve got to get through today tomorrow next week next month this year whatever you have to get through in life as life does present us with surprises that next best version of you that stronger version of you that’s inside of you that you just have to reveal is going to come out okay and i’m challenging you to pull that person out often so you get accustomed to oh i can overcome these challenges i can do the two slider knee tuck i can’t jump rope i can maybe add hop into my knee drive right whatever it is my job is to push you into getting to know that that version of you that steps up to the plate and says i’m ready for this challenge it’s going to be tough yes it’s going to be maybe more than i’m used to yes but i want to keep pulling that person out of you i want to keep pulling that version of you that’s in here already i’m just trying to convince you of it you already have that person inside okay so my job is to say hey let’s pull them out today let’s challenge them and as you get more comfortable pulling that person out pulling that version of you out you’re going to start to see that you progress trusting that version of yourself okay so let’s keep pulling that version of us out okay i’m gonna keep challenging you i’m gonna challenge myself right along with you so anytime you need to look up and see someone’s with you someone’s got your back i’m here okay and i’ll be coaching you through it i’ll be pushing myself as well so you know you’re in good company okay make sure before you head out if you haven’t already please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and i will see you guys back here tomorrow bye you

Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with Effective Cardio Exercises

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to cardio exercises that will transform your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina!

Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, incorporating cardio activities into your routine is essential for a healthy heart and overall well-being. Plus, discover our top-brand clothing products to keep you comfortable and stylish during every workout.

The Importance of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart and body. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Heart Health: Strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Increased Stamina: Enhances your endurance and ability to sustain physical activity.
  • Weight Management: Burns calories and helps with weight loss or maintenance.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood.
  • Overall Fitness: Improves lung capacity, muscle strength, and overall fitness.

Popular Cardio Activities


Running is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio exercise.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Getting Started: Begin with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time as your endurance improves.
  • Tips: Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.


Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that is easy on the joints.

  • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, tones leg muscles, and boosts stamina.
  • Getting Started: Start with short rides and progressively increase your distance.
  • Tips: Ensure your bike is properly adjusted to fit your body for maximum comfort and efficiency.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and highly effective.

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and enhances endurance.
  • Getting Started: Start with a few laps and gradually increase your swim duration.
  • Tips: Wear a comfortable and durable swimsuit to enhance your swimming experience.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent high-intensity cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

  • Benefits: Burns calories, improves coordination and increases cardiovascular fitness.
  • Getting Started: Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you get fitter.
  • Tips: Use a properly sized jump rope and wear supportive shoes to avoid injuries.

Sample Cardio Workout Routine

Here’s a sample cardio workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a comprehensive workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking.
  2. Running: 10 minutes at a moderate pace.
  3. Cycling: 15 minutes at a steady pace.
  4. Swimming: 10 minutes of continuous laps.
  5. Jumping Rope: 5 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off).
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching exercises.

Maximize Your Workout with Top Brand Clothing

Wearing the right clothing can significantly enhance your cardio workout experience. Check out our top-brand clothing options designed for comfort, performance, and style:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Perfect for warm-ups and cool-downs, our yoga sets offer unmatched comfort and flexibility.
  • Stylish Designs: Choose from a variety of stylish and functional designs.


  • Breathable Fabric: Keep cool and dry with activewear made from moisture-wicking materials.
  • Supportive Fit: Designed to move with you, providing the perfect balance of support and flexibility.


  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for running and cycling.
  • Durability: Crafted from high-quality materials to withstand intense workouts.

Sports Bras

  • Optimal Support: Essential for high-impact activities like running and jumping rope, our sports bras provide the support you need.
  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for maximum comfort with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.


  • Versatile Use: Our swimwear is perfect for both swimming and beach activities, combining style and functionality.
  • Chlorine-Resistant: Made from durable materials that resist chlorine damage.

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  • Fashion-Forward: Stay on trend with the latest styles in activewear and swimwear.
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Shop Now and Enhance Your Cardio Workouts

Ready to elevate your cardio workouts?

Browse our collection of top-brand clothing today and find the perfect pieces to complement your fitness routine. With the right gear, you’ll feel more motivated and confident in every workout session.

Embrace the power of cardio exercises and boost your cardiovascular health, endurance, and stamina. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!

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Comments (46)

  • @stephaniewalker712 Reply

    I have to go back to Sydney’s older workouts like these to get the intensity that I desire for cardio. This one is a good one!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @boymom7713 Reply

    Good cardio and abs workout!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @amandahinkle3755 Reply

    What a fun no repeats surprise 🥳

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @samanthawilliams9789 Reply

    Crushed it!💪🏋️‍♀️❤❤

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 15 2023

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @jaclynriendeau7785 Reply

    I crushed it! Thanks, Sydney and Dustin, for this great workout! Love and appreciate you both xoxo 👌 💪 🥵 ❤️

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @marycorres9679 Reply

    Crushed again in Sept 2023!! Sine Ab moves were still burning but not as much as when I did it the first time!! 💪💪💪❤️❤️

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    oh my gosh mermaid crunches! I LOVE that and had a blast pretending I was a mermaid! 😆 Thanks, Sydney!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @QueenofHearts02 Reply

    Hmmm, I think the fitness Universe makes me gravitate towards all Saturdays with Sydney….this was great and I definitely pushed to the challenge zone with the jump rope today. Great one! 5.6.2023!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @Rosabella206 Reply

    Killer cardio challenge I crushed it 🔥🔥🔥

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @staceylouderback6911 Reply

    Crushed it,,,

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @annamariacianciulli1964 Reply

    Bellissimo cardio e ABS,grazie Sidney, ti aspetto per il nuovo viaggio.Grazie.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @amandawindland6713 Reply

    Busy yesterday morning, but got it done today! I agree the second time was so much fun! I completed the slider movements this time!✔️

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @margaretvanderhoek4292 Reply

    2nd time around even better

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @barbaragauthier668 Reply

    Crushed it to end Move !

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @cpnewman2 Reply

    Great workout. I love the modifier box but wish it stayed up longer. I have used a lot of streaming programs and you are by far the best trainer around. So happy to have found you.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @samanthawilliams9789 Reply

    Crushed it!!!💪🏋️‍♀️🥵🥵🥵❤

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it!!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    8/16 crushed it !

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @samanthawilliams9789 Reply

    Crushed it!!!!💪🏋️‍♀️🥵🥵🥵💜

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @jaclynriendeau7785 Reply

    I crushed it! Thanks Sydney 🥵 💪 😘

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @alicianatale2945 Reply

    Thank you for the challenge! Youre the best! Awesome company!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    I using a plastic bag for my sliders 😆😆..its really hard though..but i crushed it day 1 on week 2 of IGNITE PROGRAM.. I started on Tuesday n i will never give up on myself .. thanks coach for always been with me 😁😁😁..

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @Laray9260 Reply

    Repeating this program: Day 6!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @robynmay6686 Reply

    Yes!!!!!! Great workout Sydney! Thank you! 💕

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    Proud of every drop of sweat !!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @marysiac.2229 Reply

    Thank you Sydney! Loved this workout, I chose burpees as my last cardio move – I regretted it but pushed through 🥵 see you tomorrow my dear Trainer! ❣️

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @amanialqaq3943 Reply

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec3269 Reply

    Somehow missed this one during the Ignite program but got it done today 🙌. What a good one!! Loved it

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @nc6191 Reply


    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @jaclynriendeau7785 Reply

    I crushed it! Thanks Sydney 🥵 💪 😘

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @samanthawilliams9789 Reply

    Crushed it!💪🏋️‍♀️💪

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @nostalgic_blue Reply

    I love that you always offer low impact options, and also options for when we don't have the equipment used. You make it so much easier for us, I appreciate it.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @marialemos1711 Reply

    SO GOOD <3

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @enigma4285 Reply

    Crushed it! Awesome workout. Push more, Sydney.

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @emilywiese2583 Reply

    6-8. 160 active cal

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @sheetalshetty3885 Reply

    Thanks a ton Sydney..love you 😘❤❤❤

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @nothingimpossible3377 Reply

    Ever since i come across ur channel, cardio becomes my favorite esp I cant jog now 😪…and i challenge myself…and today i realized how crazy are u…why? U still can talk non-stop during the intense cardio…Gosh! Salute!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @claudiagiribaldi7226 Reply

    I made it to my cool down!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @snigdhasabarish2758 Reply

    Ignite Day 8 Crushed… Loads of Love from India xoxo…

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @allisonhawk8831 Reply

    That was definitely one of my favorite cardio core videos! I wasn’t bored at all, and I could push myself hard knowing that I only had to get through each workout once!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @Melanie-si2iw Reply

    Only wish there was more ab work. I do wish the mod window was clearer & up longer to follow, I've had to improvise moves on this one

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @shaniscott8281 Reply

    Thank you Sydney, your workouts and outfits are killer!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • @peggyyounggren9409 Reply

    Pushed my limits!

    May 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM

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