50 Minute Total Body Bootcamp Workout | IGNITE – Day 5

50 Minute Total Body Bootcamp Workout | IGNITE – Day 5

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 50 minute full body boot camp so grab your dumbbells and a jump rope if you have it and let’s get started up guys welcome to your 50 minute full body boot camp you will recognize very similar exercises from earlier in the week earlier in our ignite program but i’m stepping though just a little bit so i’ve got my dumbbells here 10 all the way up to 30 pound dumbbells 10 15 20 25 and 30. i also have my jump rope again so if you want to grab a jump rope your cordless rope your sweat towels to hop around with anything will work it’s just a little burst of cardio okay and then for the modification window there are some exercises today and throughout the program where there won’t necessarily be a modification aside from just lowering the weight so i’ve tried to make that possible for everyone without a dumbbell with a glute resistance band or with a resistance band i should say so you’ll see a curl and press with the resistance band and you’ll see a couple other exercises where instead of body weight i’ll just use a band okay and i always link these in the description so if you don’t have dumbbells you want to make sure you can do these workouts i’ll show you how to do it with body weight or these guys okay so i’m gonna toss this out of the way let’s jump into your warm up thumbs up if you are ready it’s gonna be a good workout guys here we go three two one let’s cross good job opening up the arms good two squats and two kicks one and two again squat squat kick and kick let’s keep that up squat squat good set your hips back and down [Music] good let’s go one more time two squats squat squat and kick good big wide stance touch touch here we go opening up the inner thighs feel a little stretch in your straight leg good and down so glad you’re here today three two hands on your hips let’s go back and forward [Music] good feeling that from yesterday’s glute workout a little tight back here me too so we’ve got this warm up built in we move open some things up and as always no matter what fitness level you’re at you’ll know how to rock this workout with me take breaks if you need them just don’t quit okay make that promise to yourself right now i’m gonna make it through even if i have to stop and jog through a circuit or just breathe through a circuit i’m going to come right back in and finish strong okay heels to glutes stretch out the quads a little bit [Music] great job trust me i’ve seen so many people here in the channel commenting that when they originally started working out they couldn’t make it all the way through a workout without stopping for at least a couple circuits just to breathe but they came back in they showed up again the next day that’s where we see changes okay so trust in yourself we can do this three two and one let’s get some hip circles in front side back side feeling yesterday’s workout again good job boot camp style today so you know we’re going super sets two exercises at a time 40 seconds of work 20 seconds to breathe three rounds per circuit okay back and forth again [Music] good roll your wrists roll your ankles and i’m going to show you exercise number one okay so we’ve got pop squat and regular squats so i’m going to start with my 20 pound dumbbells here okay modification will be here of course feet are together behind the dumbbell i’m gonna hop out to the side sit grab my dumbbells stand okay together apart stand all right let’s go in two one here we go pop it out push chest and hips come up down okay so taking it from monday the squat step side to side we just add a little hop in there a little deeper range of motion so you’re starting down lower right good job and you’ll see me kind of hop from behind to right beside my dumbbells [Music] always stand all the way up good job two one and rest good now we go bicep curl shoulder press okay circuit number or station number two okay we’re going curl press okay so right down by your side neutral grip i’m using my 15’s take deep breath two one let’s go there you go and these are your first two exercises so definitely some double compound moves stepping it up just a little bit and we’re gonna do that together throughout the whole month okay each week will kind of be its own set of progressive challenges where you can kind of see yourself okay i get this okay now i’m gonna step it up a little bit if i can if not i’m gonna master where i am right here and really nail this okay i promise you at the end of this ignite program you’re gonna feel so proud of yourself and rest round two same exact exercises if you want to go up and wait let’s go all right same thing pop squat and dead lift okay or conventional dead lift also like a squat ready jump it out three two one let’s go wide push the heels into the floor and come back good make sure your heels are down so when you come up out of your squat you don’t lift here first your hips and your chest rise together okay they don’t lift without each other pull your core in right before you lift that’s it ten more seconds [Music] three two one yes there we go all right let’s go back to curl and press okay if you want to go up let’s do it all right bicep curl a little bend in the knees if you need to keep your core from going here pull it right here two one let’s go and if you don’t have any bands or dumbbells for this one i would just challenge you to go to a push-up a shoulder tap push up beautiful job come on i’m with you 15 more seconds and we’ll hit both of those one more time to close out circuit one and i promise you in a longer workout like this four three two one beautiful longer workouts like this i know it’s longer okay so the pace is going to be different than say a 30 minute workout so no reason to be intimidated by a 50 compared to a 30. okay we take our time we have more rest get through it together two last round pop squats one let’s go good job pop it out sit come on sit dig the heels down good [Applause] you’ve got 12. [Music] four three two one rest great job all right last round curl and press i’m with you i feel you breathing heavy i’m breathing heavy too we’ll breathe after this curl press let’s go four three two one come on [Applause] [Music] good job make sure you’re not putting pressure on your back here if you are bend the knees pull it here a little more come on you’re strong we are strong together let’s go 13 12. five four three two one and breathe circuit one complete good job grab some water i definitely need it and towel off a little bit if you need to okay next move we start with a lunge pulse times three and stand modification is going to be right here okay so you’ve got a lunge pulse we step it back reverse three two one stand then switch okay all right three per leg if you want to grab dumbbells you can you want to stay body weight you also can do that remember it’s always your workout let’s go together three two one come on step back sit in that front heel for three two one stand on top of it then switch back three come up switch good you really want to hit the quads and the glutes and hamstrings here so push the arch of your foot down and the back of your foot down so arch and heel good feel that probably a silly question i definitely do but feel the difference when you just kind of sit versus when you think about pushing your foot into the floor two one good exercise one done we’re station one station two i’m gonna use the same weights i’ve got bicep curl calf raise okay you can slow those down isolate them if you need to but i’d like for you to curl hold it lift lower then release let’s go tap and pull since you’re pausing at the top i want that transition from down to up to be pretty powerful okay good perfect ten nine good three two one rest great job same thing two more rounds okay 12 seconds three lunge pulses sit sit sit come up and stand okay big deep breath when you need it [Music] all right now let’s go three two one come on touch it three two one try not to push too much off your back leg all right good [Music] nice stay under that tension as much as you can you’ll see me lose balance you’ll see me fall over just keep going okay there’s no expectation to never mess up there’s only an expectation to do what you can and not stop okay three two one breathe all right bicep curl calf raise you want to go heavier let’s do it and i want you to hold that curl at the top as you lift your heels then lower pull okay give me power in that pole two one all right let’s get it good down up good transition go that’s it feel the difference when you just come down and relax versus when you come down and pull yes ten more seconds [Music] four three two and rest okay let’s go three pulses and switch one more round of circuit two you’re doing awesome okay station one see if you can push heel and arch of your foot really into the ground to ignite here and here okay two one let’s go good down two one switch down two one now if you make the mistake of getting too far back here notice how i’m probably not able to push into my heel very well okay you just need to be right behind that foot to where you can sit in your front heel okay if you’re way back here you’re gonna have a problem isolating that front leg beautiful job give me five seconds three two one [Music] okay curl and press you’re doing great guys then we go into a circuit that has jump rope in it okay so five seconds let’s finish this last one three two curl and calf raise come on down pull good what if your [Music] arm definition really comes through this this month as you intensify your tempo so watch the difference in these two okay and then watch this one [Music] see how much harder i’m working in part two i want you to do that good four three two one and rest okay let’s breathe let’s breathe grab water circuit two complete come on breathe with me sometimes you have to choose between breathing and drinking so alternate breathe drink and then let it out [Music] okay we have your jump rope and then we’re gonna step up the bear crawl a little bit now modification will be here of course okay so if you want to stay on your knees and give me a fire hydrant or a bear crawl lift front leg back leg you can also another option is to lift knees off the ground kick okay if you can opposite hand and leg all right so that elevation is where we start three two one let’s start just lift the leg first see if you can keep your butt down okay if you can you want to release opposite arm opposite leg that’s good don’t get up here stay low you have to distribute weight between your hands and your legs so it can’t just be back here it can’t just be up here as soon as you lift off pull the belly button into your spine good job ten [Music] two one and jump rope here we go [Music] go ahead and grab it let’s start together four three two one all right let’s go [Music] good 40 seconds here good breathe with me perfect 40 seconds here and i think i accidentally made you do 50 seconds on that little bear crawl advancement so shorter rest there we’re back on track we’ll get 20 seconds rest here two one now 20 seconds rest okay got a knot in my jump rope too okay we’re back to the bear crawl try to get this out really quick eight seven all right i’ll get it on the next one three two one come on think about your ribs also don’t let your ribs point to the floor make them pull into your spine good i know this is advanced but i know you’re strong enough to focus slow it down and handle it if you need to go to the knees go there squeeze the whole back of your body down and switch squeeze [Music] four three two one good okay back to the jump rope got the knot out of my jump rope should be good now 13 seconds we’ll go together jump rope sweat towels cordless ropes your choice of cardio let’s go in five three two come on [Music] there you go a little bit of different equipment included this month right i always like to switch it up for you [Applause] good job how you doing so far so good okay good 15 seconds i feel like how i just kind of answer you there you’re doing good okay good stay with me i’m with you six five three two one yes okay one more round of those two you’re doing fantastic we’ll get a long breather after this okay back to that bear crawl i want you to challenge yourself here whatever that looks like for you you want to elevate just lift your leg that’s fine okay stay on the ground lift arm and leg whatever is a step up for you let’s try it together here we go and if you’ve got it down first round think about your core more instead of being rolled here you’re pulling your ribs in hard glutes are flexing don’t let your hips swivel so if you feel one side dropping as you lift focus on the abs don’t let that side drop hover those knees about an inch above the ground i know this is hard but i know you are strong come on four three give me one more good rep two one yes awesome let’s finish that one out with jump rope then we’re done with jump rope for a while then you get a nice long minute rest okay here we go seven four breathe three two one come on [Applause] [Music] good get your rhythm down and rock it let’s go up up up [Music] come on i’m with you don’t slow down you’ve got 15 seconds as of now [Music] seven six five [Music] two one and rest [Music] had to finish on a good one good job grab some water big deep breather one minute rest here breathe breathe breathe all right next exercise i’m gonna move some things back a little bit out of my way you don’t have to you’re fine right where you are okay so we have overhead curtsy lunge you’re gonna see the modification here no weight slow it down you can also just do reverse lunge instead of this diagonal swing okay one dumbbell i want it right here okay you’re stepping back curtsy lunge keep your hips straight keep your knees straight so none of this okay none of this we go curtsy up and switch okay i’m gonna start with a 20 pound dumbbell and we’re going together in seven six right here hold the belly in if you can’t get this overhead you go right here two one let’s go good [Music] this overhead position really challenges your core good think of the split between front and back leg you can just relax your shoulders so if you’re here it’s too much just sink right here okay sit it down good job you’ve got four three two one good drop this down i’m going down to my 10 pound dumbbell now squat around the world you’ll see the modification right here okay i’m gonna take it wide in my squat sit circle side back side front stand i’m going down again switching directions okay what i don’t want is a bunch of roll around keep it here circle and stand ready two one let’s sit circle circle circle core stays tight back down i don’t want you leaning if you’re using a weight that’s too heavy and you have to kind of maneuver it’s too heavy drop down your spine should stay straight abs are tight come on good three two one good all right here we are back at the top overhead curtsies you want to go up let’s go up okay ab strength total body’s working together right now okay i know you realize that let’s go in five three two all right step it back and down [Music] good focus on your hips facing forward i can tell it’s been a little while since i’ve done something like a stabilization overhead i can feel myself a little wobbly good news though that means i have progress to get to need to have room for improvement that’s great news also means i’m pushing myself to see some improvement great news i’m always working to get stronger okay five three two one and breathe good start looking at things that way things seem a lot less negative okay i’m having trouble with this move great news i now have a new goal to get better at this move okay it’s not that you’re weak it’s not that you’re inferior you have room for progress we all do okay two one let’s sit it down here we go great work come on sit and hold it hold that spine straight good strong back right no caving here right open that chest up good you’ve got ten [Music] three two and rest beautiful job my friends and one last round okay let’s do it you’ve got a double whammy here intentionally mostly legs but as you can feel arms and legs which means also core anytime you’re training kind of peripherally upper and lower you’re also including your core so total body ready let’s go good now feel confident sitting in that front heel abs are straight hips are straight ribs are straight drive the front heel bring your hips back over it okay think about it again front heel sit down in it bring your hips back over it sit down in it hips over it good job seven two one amazing okay last round i’m sticking with my 15 pounds here 10 15 my lighter weights i just want you to focus on controlling the abs okay let’s go in five four three two and sit it down [Music] you’re doing okay proud of you keep rocking anytime you’re struggling look up i’m doing every rep right along with you ten nine don’t move the core seven let’s go one more together four three two and rest okay grab water whether or not you noticed it we’re in the last third of your workout [Music] okay okay big deep breath towel off [Music] all right so this week we did bent rows kneeling on the mat today i’m going to ask you to stand up off the mat hinging here one two okay one arm at a time i’m gonna go with my 20 pound dumbbells we’re going to start there are you ready let’s go in seven seconds okay here we go bend the knees pull the belly in hinge the hips back and let’s go right here good so now you’re depending on your core your glutes to be active whereas when we were on the ground you didn’t have to do that right everything was stable on the mat now i’m asking you to recruit some more muscles low back abs glutes as well as your back muscles that are rowing okay so i know you’re doing a lot right here let’s go together [Music] seven six [Music] three two one great job i’m going down to my lighter dumbbells front raised side raise it’s also been a minute since we’ve done these guys a little bend in the elbow modification is just lighter weight okay here switch here okay so not really modification aside from just dropping the weight down okay two one let’s go [Music] good make sure you’re a little bit bent in the knees i see people hear a lot and saying why does my back hurt when i do things like this it’s because there is a pressure okay so i bend my knees i get neutral and i come here i’m always challenging my core but also in this way i’m taking pressure off my low back okay seven six [Applause] [Music] two one beautiful job and we’ve got two more rounds of that upper body upper body good work you want to go heavier you can do it i don’t want you to lose your foreman going heavier i want you to go good form challenging weight good form is always first okay let’s go two one come on is your back strong nice and flat right heels are down [Music] make sure your elbow is going backwards and not just high okay [Applause] [Music] good work eight seven [Music] three two one yes oh okay i think i’m gonna stay right there for that last round that was tough i could maintain my form but it was tough so i’m not going to go up on the last round for that one front side raise also another thing if you need to slow this one down you can take one at a time okay that’s always an option outside of lowering your weights okay all right let’s go now can you work on controlling not only up but down as well okay so watch difference here [Music] or which one do you think i’m getting more work out of more benefit out of this one right right control eccentric and concentric so here’s concentric here’s eccentric there’s work to be done here too [Music] five four two one yes beautiful job and let’s finish our last round of bent rose now i previously said i’m gonna stay right here i’m going to challenge myself here and go up again however if i start to fail on my form my weights are right here i’m going to drop down okay push yourself let’s go in two one come on [Music] wow [Music] 15 seconds [Music] 10 [Music] four three two one rest [Music] okay anyone else that pushed themselves right there to a weight that really challenged them great job whatever that weight was if you really pushed yourself just now proud of you my arms are very heavy okay speaking of heavy let’s finish out some shoulders two one all right let’s go guys close your eyes if you need to add a little step in here if you would like good work come on i’m with you 15. ten you’re doing great [Music] four good three two one all right breathe nice and deep another circuit down [Music] big deep breath sweat in my eyeball anyone else okay grab some water we’ve got to jump rope again in this circuit so go ahead and pull that out okay and then we’ve got single leg squats i will provide a modification which will be up here okay i want you to go with what challenges you all right the single leg squat you do not have to put your foot on anything or off to the side or hold it up in the air i just want you to get it kind of out of your way okay so modification will be right there okay i want you to take your leg forward tap the heel out front as you tap your heel out front you set your butt back and down here and back together here back together okay round one we’re gonna just do the right leg i’ve got a 15 let’s go in five four three two one tap it back and down [Music] good and if you want to put your dumbbell here you can you want to hold it right here you can if you don’t want to do any weights also fine okay eight seven one more four three two one good all right i’m gonna move some dumbbells here we’re back to jump rope grab your rope or pick your cardio that you want to do [Music] all right let’s go in ten four three two and let’s do it good oh awesome job now remember we’re pretty close to the end here so if you’ve got anything left in the tank this jump rope cardio minute circuit is your time to put it out there okay 20 seconds let’s go you’re with me yeah seven come on six five two one yes there we go all right we’re back to the single leg squat first round we kept the right leg here did a little shuffle out front okay round two we switch left leg stays now if you want to put your leg here or here we’re here or here you can do whatever you want with that split squat okay that’s an option too ready let’s go [Music] good i know this is tough put your foot where it feels comfortable if you want to go right here fine okay just get it out of the way and get your hips back and then down seven six [Music] three two all right let’s go jump rope we’re back i’m gonna grab a quick drink of water we go in 14. all right i’m ready are you yes here we go i just answered you again i’m just filling in the blank for you two one let’s go now if you’re jump roping things to remember the only thing that should be moving is your wrist and your hand okay so if you’re going here it’s too much if you’re trying to whip it it’s too much you should be holding a marker drawing circles on a white board right beside you also ribs are in okay so make sure you’re not jumping with your belly facing forward okay so here pull it in bend the knees neutral hips you’ve got five four three two one and three one last round we take it to the alternating option okay so you’re gonna take it right here right leg sit left leg sit okay last round of these let’s switch it two one come on [Music] good focus on that range of motion can you get lower and get slower sometimes that’s challenging more so than just going up this is all i can do take your time sit sit sit sit sit and then push out of the bottom [Music] then give your hips back and up back push up good job come on two one rest your last minute of jump rope is right here [Music] i’m personally growing to love jump rope and if it’s not jumper rope for you maybe it’s just a little cardio freestyle minute that you’re learning to love kind of getting into your own rhythm you know the exercise that you do so you just kind of rock it i love that two one let’s go remember ribs are in knees are bit you’re on your toes up up up up wrist circles come on pull pull pull pull up up up let’s go 12 more seconds come on 10. four three two one and rest amazing job jump rope done grab some water we are almost there guys so close two exercises left one superset okay we’ve got a plank drop down knee to elbow combination move you’ll see the modification right here i’m gonna start up in a high plank okay high plank is here i go drop down so wide feet okay elbow elbow push up hand hand when i get back to my hands i cross knee to elbow knee to elbow full speed down up cross cross okay seven seconds we’re going together no weights needed two one pull up into your plank let’s go elbows hands cross crunch crunch now don’t just take it here okay look at my abs here versus here i want them there okay i want you to think of a crunch position you can make the noise if you need to but you don’t necessarily have to just something that comes out of my mouth i don’t know why i feel the need to make noises [Music] that’s it feeling this in your arms in your abs for sure let’s go two one yes beautiful now we have sit-ups and bicycles okay you’re gonna do one sit-up get me set up here back down one two three four five sit up then you go for five okay two one let’s go five four three two one you can keep your hands on your head that’ll be more challenging than [Music] swinging twelve [Music] four three two one rest good and flip it back over you’re doing great [Music] two more rounds of this circuit and we’re done 50 minute boot camp you’re this close to being finished guys that’s it come on up high plank drop to the elbows in four three two one let’s go down up cross cross [Music] what’s challenging you right now if nothing can you push harder i don’t think anyone’s gonna say nothing but find where you’re really pushing yourself focus there think about the focus being i’m getting stronger not my abs are burning my arms are shaking my abs are getting stronger my arms are getting stronger four three two one breathe beautiful job all right let’s go back sit up five bicycles all right eight seconds are you ready hands by your head for the most advanced option arms up if you need to help to swing let’s go [Music] now i should mention on your bicycles make sure you’re not just bringing knee to elbow you’re twisted all the way over [Music] i told you this month i’m gonna get your core stronger right rep by rep we do that together seven three two one yes last round let’s go ten second rest we’re going right into it in seven come on you got this mentally yes we do yes we can yes we will two one let’s go down up cross whatever pace you need to do it you go for it and you don’t stop as much as you want to pop your hips up in the air i know me too i almost did it but then i pictured you there looking at me to push yourself and in a way that pushed me we are in this together i’m not going to quit on you you’re not going to quit on you let’s go last 20 10 come on drop it down push it up seven one more together three two one i’m so proud of you flip it back over let’s finish this 50 minute boot camp strong come on [Music] okay breathe take a second seven seconds talk yourself into it yes i can yes i will here we go two one exhale that’s it come on breathe push push push come on you need that extra motivation think of your stronger self a week a month in the future depending on you right now to do the work good job come on ten more seconds rep by rep we get stronger two one and rest you’ve made it to your cooldown amazing job flip it over hands and knees i’m gonna grab some water let’s do it really quick i feel you there me too [Music] all right let’s cool this down come on to your hands and knees big inhale as you drop your hips forward and belly down exhale lift again [Music] again one more time great job left leg up outside your left hand drop your hips down let’s open them up i know we’ve done a lot of good work this week it’s not going to stop but be proud right here in this moment before you look ahead and say oh my gosh we’ve got a whole 22 days left right you just did something really great right here right now be proud of that go ahead and switch back before you look at the sum of the whole or the sum of every single action that needs to happen to get to your results relish in the fact that you just completed one really really great workout okay so don’t skip over the small victories to look at big goal and it’s it’s not like i haven’t achieved it and then i have and i can’t be happy until i have no you have to enjoy this whole trick up to that goal otherwise what’s the point right tuck your toes down lift your hips up straight legs come into the front in the middle roll it down forward if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing why put yourself through it right and i’m not saying every workout should be pure joy the whole time okay bend one leg keep the other one straight i know there’s a struggle i know there’s a battle to get to the end of this workout within every minute i hope you’re not just wishing away the time like ah whatever i’ll do these reps i just want to get done i hope you push yourself throughout the workout in the same way that you start the workout then you push rep by rep by rep to get to the end of the workout that’s what we have to do in life to get to our goals rep by rep slowly roll up day by day choice by choice think of every single thing that you do in a day you have the power to make a better choice okay this is not me saying judge yourself if you are imperfect or if you get off track or mess up that’s reality that’s going to happen okay as long as you don’t get off track and then stay off track and then you completely stay off track you get off you come right back on okay that’s the journey practice consistency what habits can you change right here today what’s the next habit that you’re going to rock into that says i will improve myself okay so we can do this together i’ll be here for you tomorrow as well make sure before you head out you give the video a big thumbs up subscribe to the channel and then comment below let’s do this and i’ll see you back here tomorrow bye guys [Music] [Music] just watch me

Transform Your Fitness Routine with No-Equipment Bodyweight Workouts

Welcome to your ultimate guide to bodyweight workouts that require no equipment!

These workouts rely solely on the resistance of your own body to build strength and endurance. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned athlete, bodyweight exercises are perfect for any level. And while you’re here, check out our top-brand clothing products to ensure you look and feel your best during every workout.

The Benefits of Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight workouts offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness:

  • Convenience: No need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can perform these workouts anywhere, anytime.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
  • Efficiency: Bodyweight exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout.
  • Functional Fitness: These exercises mimic everyday movements, improving your overall functional strength and stability.
  • Minimal Injury Risk: With proper form, bodyweight exercises are less likely to cause injuries compared to weightlifting.

Essential Bodyweight Exercises


Push-ups are a fundamental exercise that strengthens your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

  1. Standard Push-Up: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up.
  2. Modified Push-Up: Perform the push-up with your knees on the ground for a less intense variation.


Squats are excellent for building lower body strength, targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

  1. Bodyweight Squat: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and knees over your toes. Return to the standing position.
  2. Jump Squat: Add a jump at the end of each squat for an extra cardio boost.


Lunges are great for working your legs and improving balance and stability.

  1. Forward Lunge: Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back to the starting position and switch legs.
  2. Reverse Lunge: Step backward with one leg and lower your hips, then return to the starting position.


Planks are a core-strengthening exercise that also engages your shoulders and glutes.

  1. Forearm Plank: Lie face down and lift your body onto your forearms and toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position.
  2. Side Plank: Rotate onto one forearm and the side of your foot, lifting your hips to maintain a straight line. Hold and then switch sides.

Bodyweight Workout Routine

Here’s a sample bodyweight workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a complete workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or jumping jacks.
  2. Push-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg.
  5. Forearm Plank: 3 sets of 1-minute hold.
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching.

Upgrade Your Workout Wardrobe with Top Brand Clothing

While bodyweight workouts require no equipment, having the right clothing can make a significant difference in your performance and comfort. Explore our top-brand clothing options to enhance your workout experience:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Our yoga sets are designed to move with your body, providing maximum comfort and flexibility.
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  • Breathable Fabric: Stay cool and dry with activewear made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials.
  • Supportive Fit: Enjoy the perfect balance of support and flexibility for all your movements.


  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for squats, lunges, and more.
  • Durability: Made from high-quality materials that stand up to intense workouts.

Sports Bras

  • Optimal Support: Our sports bras provide the support you need for high-impact exercises like jumping squats and planks.
  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for all-day comfort with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.


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  • Chlorine-Resistant: Durable materials that withstand the rigors of regular swimming.

Why Choose Our Top Brand Clothing?

  • Quality Assurance: We only offer products from top brands known for their quality and performance.
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  • Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to customer satisfaction ensures you’ll love every purchase.

Shop Now and Elevate Your Fitness Journey

Ready to take your bodyweight workouts to the next level?

Browse our collection of top-brand clothing today and find the perfect pieces to complement your fitness routine. With the right gear, you’ll feel more motivated and confident in every workout session.

Embrace the power of bodyweight exercises and transform your fitness journey without the need for equipment. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier you!

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Comments (27)

  • @girlfromoutside2542 Reply

    Its day 5 and Im still on period but I did everything in its own pace . luved every second . thank god I found whitney , seeing visible results .

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @velvetyblue Reply

    Loved it, thank you Sydney and Dustin <3

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @j.c.dotson9859 Reply


    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 6 2023

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Day 5 done!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @kendralaughlin9013 Reply

    Love this one!!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Awesome Workout! Crushed IT! Great Full Body!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @abuzzingbee Reply

    we made it! i was worried about the 50mins but i was surprised when it ended!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @elizaflores3146 Reply

    Let’s do this 💪. day 5 🎉

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @nicolec6485 Reply

    The ab stuff got me so great though thank you for these! I was pushing!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Crushed it 💪

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @jd6030 Reply

    Crushed it! 💪🏻 8/11

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    Oh my goodness!! That was a challenge. I”m so happy to finish this one. Wow, ready to crush today. .Thanks Sydney!! !

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @sagime2506 Reply

    Today's workout ✌️

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @alicianatale2945 Reply

    Lets do this! I just wanted to say how much I admire you! I kicked this workouts ass in front of my two little girls. They saw me struggling and I pushed through! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Much love and respect to you

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @manonstovel Reply

    Felt so good 👍 loved this workout!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @Laray9260 Reply

    Repeating this program: Day 5

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @eirinipagiasli5585 Reply


    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @gabbyrdl Reply

    Amazing work out 💪 thank you

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec3269 Reply


    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @505calivibes5 Reply

    I am back to 140 lbs at almost 30 after having my son and am honestly in the best shape of my life! I haven't been this weight since like high-school and now I am healthy AND strong 💪 Thank you for your motivation and encouragement and this fitness community all in it together.

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @catherinejones7588 Reply

    Really enjoyed the control on this one. Thanks Sydney from Totty UK

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @Aaroneous182 Reply

    This 50 min went so fast, loved it!

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @amanialqaq3943 Reply

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec3269 Reply

    This was incredible! I love a kick butt bootcamp and this was everything 🙌

    June 3, 2024 at 2:44 PM

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