45 Minute Full Body Bootcamp Workout | IGNITE – Day 3

45 Minute Full Body Bootcamp Workout | IGNITE – Day 3

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 45 minute full body boot camp so grab your dumbbells and a jump rope if you have it and let’s get started up everyone welcome to your 45 minute full body boot camp i’m so excited to have you here today i’ve got some things i want to go over with you before we start as always this month we’ve added in the modification window and today some of the exercises won’t have modifications so what i’ve done is pull in a resistance band for the things like bicep curls there’s not really a modification outside of just making it body weight or lighter weight so i thought if you have something like this i want to show you that option up there okay so you’ll see me use this in a couple of the modifications i will link this in the description below but if you don’t have access to dumbbells right now these are a great option or if you can’t get heavier dumbbells a great option to use them for more resistance okay also i am going to be using my jump rope today if you don’t have a jump rope or if you don’t have the ceiling height clearance to get a full jump rope they make cordless ropes so you’ll be spinning the same way okay just not going smack on the floor and you don’t have to worry about how high it goes above your head okay i’ve also seen some people just kind of take a sweat towel use it the same way so we’ll have two rounds of jump rope today so those are your options all these things i’ll link in the description below just if you want to grab some things but as far as dumbbells go i’ve got 10 15 20 25 and 30 pound dumbbells so grab your weights grab your water grab your sweat towel and let’s jump into our workout are you ready all right big wide stance i want you to go down half squat okay heel to glute staying nice and low in three two one let’s go pull pull there we go so get the quads a little bit warm we’re kind of bouncing here in a squat intentionally good four three two one i’ll take it down and up good sit back and down i hope the modification window is helping you guys out for anyone that needs to dial it back so you’re just starting your journey or you get to that point in the workout where you’re just tired you need to make sure your form is great i hope that’s helpful for you last one good let’s get some hamstrings stepping on back nice high kick [Music] here we go pull the tail back towards your face beautiful i’m really excited as you may or may not know boot camps strength and conditioning my favorite styles [Music] good one more each leg [Music] and good all right arms across your chest big open good pouring this in my shoulders a little bit anyone else from those shoulder press pulses good five four three two and one perfect feet a little bit wider let’s go side to side with your hips now you won’t see too much cardio today we do have a little bit of jump rope okay we have some bear crawls some jump rope lateral squat walk but we don’t have too much cardio so think pretty much low impact strength workout supersetting an upper body and a lower body exercise two more [Music] [Applause] good great job roll your wrists out let’s get a little jogging good get the heart rate up just a little bit so make sure you’re showing up to this workout today thinking positive thinking i’m ready to work thinking i’m going to give my best today whatever mood you showed up in i promise at the end of our time together i’m going to make you feel healthy strong proud of yourself okay we’re gonna fight through this together four three two one all right let me show you your first two exercises boot camp style one exercise is here this is station one one exercise here station two okay first one we have is a dumbbell squat with a push over okay so taking dumbbells here i’m going to think squat tap over squat tap just a little slide over okay exercise two maybe similar weights shorter press okay so let’s start with your squat right here in five seconds are you ready four three two one let’s go squat and over so you’re kind of dominating the push with one leg i love to kind of start off a challenge with some work on unilateral work poor work stabilization work so you’ll see a lot of that today good 20 seconds down we’ve got 20 to go [Music] nice job breathe out [Music] good two one perfect now you may have a very similar weight shoulder press just taking it right here overhead okay let’s go we’ve got three rounds of these two so pick a weight that you want to start with move up at least once let’s go in five three two one here we go station two of our first circuit [Music] lock it out up top [Music] i always like to think dumbbells down to my ears and then right back up first 20 seconds done here we go [Music] beautiful all right we’re back to station one slide over with the squat so sit as you’re pushing up shift the work to one side okay doing good so far all right five seconds round two three two one let’s get it good you really learn to trust and work on one leg at a time here good let’s go [Music] there you go focus on strong 15 seconds good job [Music] sit and push come on five two one good all right station two shoulder press round two how you doing good let’s breathe nine eight here we go round two four three two exhale and punch that’s it and you can bring your arms 45 degrees here just make sure elbows are stacked under your wrist okay so if you get out here and you start to get a little bit inflexible and roll here that’s dangerous for your shoulder wrist and elbows stay stacked okay [Music] nine eight five two one and rest okay let’s go station one squat push over one more round of both are you ready yes we are we are ready big deep breath let’s go trust your strength here three two one let’s go good i think quads straighten the leg that’s their job right straighten that leg chest stays up core stays tight so you don’t have to worry about that [Music] beautiful [Music] six five [Music] two one rest and i went up on that last one for squats this will be an increase for me for shoulder press as well whether you’re increasing weight or speed or intensity that you’re pushing increase it in some way okay four three two all right let’s go [Music] good job breathe telling myself as well breed sydney [Music] come on push into the challenge 15 seconds [Music] seven six [Music] three two and rest okay circuit one we’re done let’s grab some water beautiful job if you’re new to working out with me you’re gonna hear me do this a lot it’s just kind of like my exhale excitement phase okay finish circuit one we’re moving on to circuit two legs and arms again okay so moving on i tried to pair exercises that i thought you would be using similar weights in so as always modification is here walking lunges is exercise one okay stepping forward heel toe sit and sit okay two and turn around if you have the length of a yoga mat like me okay eight seconds we’re going together walking lunges dumbbells here or body weight whatever you’re comfortable with two one let’s go good now if you’ve got more room to walk around go ahead [Music] there you go step out make sure your chest is not falling over your quad okay leg goes out in front you sit down [Music] here we go eight seven three two one okay rest now bicep curls is your next exercise station two for circuit two this is an example where i showed you a demo or a modification with a band otherwise it’s just drop your weights down okay so seven seconds we’re going right here okay i’m using my 15s let’s go in two one breathe and pull nice tall chest make sure your elbows are not coming out and then helping you tuck up okay they stay pointed down pull turn it [Music] that’s it come on 15 more seconds [Music] good six five [Music] two one yes there we go all right round one of circuit two done we go back to your walking lunges okay modification is here just stand okay here we go eight seconds go up and wait if you can if you would like three two one let’s go [Music] sit it down you don’t have to touch your knee to the floor don’t need to do that just get down to what would be a squat depth right here with this front leg so if that’s here for you totally fine if that’s here totally fine as well [Music] good job 15 more seconds let’s go [Music] five four three two and rest good water anytime you need it in your 20 second breaks bicep curls so station two round two are you doing okay let’s push ourselves here seven six three two one come on pull turn it in [Music] good turn your pinky in towards your chest at the top and then slowly open it back up good 20 seconds down 20 to go come on see it was again i don’t even control it anymore just it just happens it’s me wanting to give you a whoo and also to breathe three two one last round let’s go finish out circuit two right here if you can go heavier if you would like to go heavier i want you to try okay [Music] ten nine let’s go four three two walking lunges round three come on heel toe sit all right don’t sit down until you feel your heel pushing into the floor okay you come out here on your toe and you try to sit everything’s gonna get very wobbly not safe i don’t want you doing that okay stick the foot out heel toe press the heel down as you sit just like you would in a squat right heels are down [Applause] [Music] good work five four two one all right curls round three station two of circuit two you’re doing fantastic we’ll take a breather after this we’ve got a little body weight circuit total body jump rope and something else i’ll wait till we get there to tell you three two one let’s go come on nice work [Music] breathe with me that’s it [Music] fifteen seven six four three two one and rest circuit number two done let’s grab some water sending high fives fist bumps at you great job you’re doing fantastic all right so if you have that jump rope or sweat towels or you just want to sub jump rope out all together that’s fine exercise one will go in 14 seconds is a bear crawl modification right here okay you’re going to put your hands down lift your knees up opposite arm and opposite leg move you’re keeping your butt down ready two one let’s go come on [Music] now i want you to pull your abs in once you feel like you’ve got it together you notice your hips floating up you’re not pulling your core in roll those ribs up towards the sky knees are hovering just a couple inches off the floor the whole time beautiful come on 10 seconds stay down two one rest we’ve got jump rope so grab the rope i’m gonna use my black jump rope here you can use the cordless rope your jump rope your sweat towels or sub it out for any other cardio exercise you would like okay i’m showing a low impact modification up here let’s go together two one come on there we go one minute your cardio [Music] that’s it light on your feet here knees are bent you’re on your toes doing okay good come on keep it up [Music] beautiful give me ten nine eight seven five good work good work four three two one and rest kind of fun right okay fair crawls round number two are you having a good time yes i know everyone 100 of people just said oh my gosh yes me too i’m so glad you’re here all right toes down pull the abs in lift the knees two one let’s go no in all seriousness i am really proud of you for being here all of us could be doing something else right now right for me i’ve come to love the way fitness makes me feel mentally and physically just a little more energized a little more clear minded alright that’s why i do it i want to feel strong i want to feel good throughout the day and i hope you’re feeling those same benefits that’s what it’s about four three two one rest all right jump rope round two are you ready all right ropes towels whatever you have eight seconds big deep breath can you step up this jump rope or this cardio a little bit more i think yes two one let’s go [Music] good think of your own intensity right now you were looking at yourself trying to really impress yourself with your hard work what would that look like and i want you to make that happen right [Music] here beautiful 14. [Music] that’s it six five three two one rest one more round fair crawls are you ready last time through each one and we will have finished circuit number three four three toes down knees up two one let’s go come on round number three keep those hips down think of a bowl of soup right on your tailbone if you lift the hips up the soup is spilling down your back i want you to keep it flat no soup spillage abs are in arms and legs are strong you think positive strong strong strong [Music] good work good dig a little deeper here now for ten you’re almost there come on come on five four three two one one more round of jump rope come on let’s finish it circuit three exercise or station two 40 seconds right here and then we get a drink [Music] ready big deep breath again impress yourself here show yourself i’m working hard three two one come on [Applause] [Music] good if you mess up come right back in there’s no worries you work hard imperfections and all mess-ups and all we just don’t stop keep impressing yourself with your work ethic right here push push push 15. seven come on six five three two one and breathe water grab some water we’re back to the weights here in a second great work so far truly appreciate you being here letting me be your trainer i’m always psyched about that okay we’re starting back with reverse lunges and a squat turn okay so two lower body exercises here we’re gonna double up hitting the quads twice okay reverse lunges i’ll show you a modification right there okay we’re gonna step back stand switching legs the whole time okay grab weights you want to use again 40 seconds of work then i’ll show you exercise two seven seconds four three two one step it back and sit down in that front heel step back sit in the front heel good one leg at a time you stabilize and you push with power good bent to straight good work ten more seconds ten nine three two one good as i mentioned double legs here okay i’m gonna drop down one i’ve got a squat 45 degree step and turn okay dumbbells are here i’m gonna squat step over turn step up front step over turn so it’s left front right front ready let’s start in the front two one step over and then separate it come up separate it okay good when you’re turning make sure you don’t sit until you’re stable and straight there we go nice work ten [Music] that’s it push push push three two one yes there we go and that is circuit number four right yep number four okay let’s go back to station one circuit four round number two reverse lunges let’s go three two one come on [Music] good big push try not to jump too much off your back leg so if you get down here and you feel yourself ending up chest over your thigh too much then you straighten up it’s too much back leg okay think of it as a front leg squat sit down stand right up on top the front leg [Music] 12. four three and rest beautiful here we go squat 45 degrees step and turn just a little core rotation in with this so as you’re turning squeeze turn squeeze okay seven seconds are you ready three two one let’s go [Music] that’s it double leg for this circuit you can probably guess what’s coming next double upper body [Music] [Applause] good job 15. six five three two one breathe can we go up can we push ourselves anymore here it’s up to you to say yes or i’m good i’m pushing hard right now okay [Music] station one circuit four round three okay here we go six five three step it back two one come on good push off the front leg majorly okay the back leg is going to help okay but you don’t need to be pushing back shifting back and then pushing up okay sit there we go and we just get stronger and stronger with each rep twelve [Music] six five good job four three two one yes there we go all right guys station two last round stepping it back we’ll start in the middle you’re doing amazing breathe then we get a breather then we get a drink five four come on three two one let’s go step it over and turn good and i’ve got a front rack hold here to challenge my core a little bit more okay so if i’m here a little bit less core more back okay i’m gonna use my core to keep my chest up and to stand up back neutral at the top okay 12 seconds let’s finish strong turn sit [Music] five two one and breathe all right grab some water another circuit done [Music] all right beautiful work guys we’re moving to like you probably anticipated two upper body exercises okay so we’ve got bent rows for our first exercise okay big deep breath i needed it as well bent rows we’re gonna go to the floor okay so take a little pressure off your back all right so one arm at a time you’re gonna pull driving your elbow right past your hips okay so it’s here down and switch okay let’s go together in five i’m using my 20 pounds we’re nine kilograms three two one left and then right here we go and i want you to focus on keeping your belly button here in the middle so no twisting okay you drive it back like your elbows reaching for that tailbone [Music] there you go strong back muscles are going to help so many things posture [Music] dead lifts squat planks leg raises i can go on and on shoulder press you get the point right this strong back muscles help every single movement your core is the foundation of it all good job ten nine [Applause] [Music] four three two one rest that’s exercise one station one station two we have a lighter move okay i’m gonna go down to my 10 pounds you have a lateral raise and a straight arm kickback okay so i’m here lateral and then from the side i hinge and push so up hinge push are you ready let’s go hinge drive good a little bit of a rounded elbow here on the lateral raise hinge drive those pinkies to the sky that’s it breathe with me i know exactly how you’re feeling shaky sweaty breathing heavy good [Music] four three two one beautiful job we’ve got two more rounds of that okay station one again let’s go bent rows you know the drill if you can go heavier let’s do it i want you to push yourself here okay no rotation so keep your core strong and tight four three two one big pull come on that’s it stabilize here [Music] good we’re halfway [Music] that’s it ten more seconds come on keep your head neutral three two rest all right station two lateral raise tricep kickback straight arm kick back so your triceps are keeping your elbow locked out all right here we go five four two one that’s it make all the weird faces you need to i tend to do this a lot okay annie strange weird face grunting noise massive exhale whatever you need to do just do it get through it you’re pushing yourself i’m doing it with you okay so don’t judge me if i make some strange faces or weird noises i encourage you to do the same five four three two one okay let’s go last round last strength round or last uh dumbbell exercise i should say okay our last round of dumbbell exercises and then we finish it out with a little body weight circuit five seconds show me how strong you are how hard you’re working i’m with you ready let’s go that’s it come on we’re stabilizing here the lower back is taken care of so all you have to worry about is pulling that shoulder blade into the middle of your mid-back [Music] come on we’re strong we’re getting stronger let’s go let’s go six five three two one good okay station two this guy is burning right anyone else’s shoulders on fire okay let’s finish it out right here then we get a breather then we finish it out strong okay three two one let’s go lateral hinge [Music] that’s it come on i’m right there with you 20 seconds come on three two one and rest okay grab some water great work you’re already five circuits in we’ve got a three exercise circuit to finish okay so boot camp with three stations at the end you’ve got jump rope you’ve got shoulder tap plank jacks and you’ve got a lateral squat shuffle that one i’ll leave it up to you if you want to add in some weights okay so we’ll start here lateral squat shuffle okay you’re going to step out sit all right step out sit step out sit so you’re leading with the lead leg out sit okay let’s go in six five keep your butt down the whole time three two one good [Music] middle sides come on see if you can keep it down for me the whole time without standing and locking out here [Music] add a little intensity with the arms here [Music] good you’ve got ten nine eight good four three two one come on down clank tap or plank jack shoulder tap okay so you’re in a plank tap tap jack jack okay ready let’s go tap tap jack jack tap tap and out in out now check in with your ribs are they here i need you to pull them here neutral think of this as a total body move arms legs and abs because it is not just me telling you to hypothetically view this as a full body workout it is it’s totally full body seven three two one yes ten seconds jump rope let’s go grab that rope four three two one hit that jump rope let’s go 40 seconds here and we’re rocking through this one three times and that’s it that’s all we’ve got today i keep telling you make sure you’re impressing yourself with how hard you’re working not me not someone else you if you were to look in a mirror right now would you say great job good work i want you to be able to say yes good come on six five three two one and rest ten seconds head back to that squat here we go we’re rocking right into it in four in three two one step six good pull your abs in i want you to stay down the whole time think of your hips as you’re staying low and shuffling you’re moving your feet but your quads are working the whole time [Music] 10 seconds three two one back to your shoulder tap plank jack tap left tap right two plank jacks are you ready two one let’s go now if your feet are wide on your shoulder taps you’re going to feel a lot more balanced if they’re in close you’re going to feel like you have to tear a little more or fight here a little harder okay nine eight [Music] four three two one okay ten seconds we’re back to the jump so rope right all right round two we’ll hit all these one more time jump rope two one and let’s go [Music] yes okay just making sure come on i’m with you i’m right here let’s go [Music] seven six five two one okay let’s go squats we’re going into it in five four three two sit it down and push sit push sit come on this round you can probably guess what’s coming if you’ve been working out with me for a while you know last circuit last round sometimes i like to turn it up a little bit so just take the rest out of your mind for the rest of the workout okay because we’re not going to use it we’re going to rock right into the next move good 15. get ready to hop down shoulder tap plank jackson seven come on two one let’s go right here tap tap plank jack [Music] come on come on keep that butt down i’m with you [Music] [Music] almost there let’s go 15 more seconds and then we rock right into jump rope i know i’m struggling too three two one okay i’ll give you a couple seconds grab your rope we’ve got one minute one minute straight are you ready three jump rope two one 60 seconds let’s rock your best minute right here go go [Music] mess up come back in and come back in harder let’s go let’s go let’s go good are you still with me yes we’re gonna finish strong together come on [Music] just 25 seconds you got this we’ve got this let’s count it down 14 13. [Music] eight seven faster four five four three two one and three oh my gosh okay guys you have made it to your cool down yes high five amazing job have a seat with me come on down let’s take right leg out to the side left leg tucked in roll forward just breathe focus on that breath for a second good come on up let’s switch sides other side right over the middle good work today hope you’re feeling really strong right now you might be feeling out of breath that’s because you are strong enough to push yourself hard and i want you to know that you finish a workout your mindset around it is everything okay come on over to your hands and knees okay i want you to drop your hips down lift your chest up and think about this how am i immediately finishing this with my thoughts okay if you’re going into a place of judgment of negativity of i didn’t do well enough i had to modify this the whole point is you came you showed up you did it for yourself and you worked your hardest that’s it there’s no other stipulation you are literally not able to do anything else but your very best okay come on to your hands and knees and then tuck your toes down push your heels to the floor as you lift your hips up and i want you to remember the best is your best okay the best that you can do is your best not anyone else’s you’re never going to have fun in this journey you’re never going to enjoy the journey or feel proud of yourself which is crucial to staying on the journey if you keep comparing yourself to some standard okay walk back back back to your toes i get it you know as a someone as a professional fitness trainer as a ex division one college athlete i know competition is healthy okay but if you turn competition into judging yourself it’s not healthy okay you use it to motivate you use it to show you here’s what’s possible okay people are doing this and i know if i look at it in a way that says they’re better than me it’s going to be miserable but if i look at it in a way that says wow look at what they’re doing all they’re doing is working really hard that’s how they’ve achieved these things okay then you’ll know i’m capable of that too right pull your heel to your glute good this one feels great right okay use people working hard around you as motivation okay not as a place to start putting yourself down or thinking negatively about them or about yourself just look at people and say thank you for that inspiration even if it’s just mentally in your head and then you rock with it you rock with pushing yourself you rock with saying i can do this it is possible okay the most consistent hard-working people see the results okay and they inspire people around them so if you’re one of those people don’t stop you might feel lonely in the journey but that’s because people are looking up to you and they’re saying thank you for that motivation okay if you’re someone that’s looking towards others for motivation keep looking keep reminding yourself of what’s possible that’s how we as a team feed off of each other in the journey some days you’re going gonna need to be the the admirer and some days you’re gonna need to be the inspirer okay know that each day you’re one of those so let’s keep rocking together as a team one day you need to look at someone and say thanks for the motivation the next day you’re someone’s motivation okay and i hope to be here for you every single day if you’ll have me i’ll keep showing up for you every single day as your trainer i want nothing more than results for you and your life to be better than it was before okay so i will see you back here tomorrow guys thank you for working out with me make sure if you had a great time today or if you crush this workout give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and then comment below i crushed it tell someone else great job in the comments as well all right i love you guys bye [Music] [Music] just watch me

Transform Your Fitness Routine with No-Equipment Bodyweight Workouts

Welcome to your ultimate guide to bodyweight workouts that require no equipment!

These workouts rely solely on the resistance of your own body to build strength and endurance. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned athlete, bodyweight exercises are perfect for any level. And while you’re here, check out our top-brand clothing products to ensure you look and feel your best during every workout.

The Benefits of Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight workouts offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness:

  • Convenience: No need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can perform these workouts anywhere, anytime.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
  • Efficiency: Bodyweight exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout.
  • Functional Fitness: These exercises mimic everyday movements, improving your overall functional strength and stability.
  • Minimal Injury Risk: With proper form, bodyweight exercises are less likely to cause injuries compared to weightlifting.

Essential Bodyweight Exercises


Push-ups are a fundamental exercise that strengthens your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

  1. Standard Push-Up: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up.
  2. Modified Push-Up: Perform the push-up with your knees on the ground for a less intense variation.


Squats are excellent for building lower body strength, targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

  1. Bodyweight Squat: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and knees over your toes. Return to the standing position.
  2. Jump Squat: Add a jump at the end of each squat for an extra cardio boost.


Lunges are great for working your legs and improving balance and stability.

  1. Forward Lunge: Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back to the starting position and switch legs.
  2. Reverse Lunge: Step backward with one leg and lower your hips, then return to the starting position.


Planks are a core-strengthening exercise that also engages your shoulders and glutes.

  1. Forearm Plank: Lie face down and lift your body onto your forearms and toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position.
  2. Side Plank: Rotate onto one forearm and the side of your foot, lifting your hips to maintain a straight line. Hold and then switch sides.

Bodyweight Workout Routine

Here’s a sample bodyweight workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a complete workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or jumping jacks.
  2. Push-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg.
  5. Forearm Plank: 3 sets of 1-minute hold.
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching.

Upgrade Your Workout Wardrobe with Top Brand Clothing

While bodyweight workouts require no equipment, having the right clothing can make a significant difference in your performance and comfort. Explore our top-brand clothing options to enhance your workout experience:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Our yoga sets are designed to move with your body, providing maximum comfort and flexibility.
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  • Breathable Fabric: Stay cool and dry with activewear made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials.
  • Supportive Fit: Enjoy the perfect balance of support and flexibility for all your movements.


  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for squats, lunges, and more.
  • Durability: Made from high-quality materials that stand up to intense workouts.

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  • Optimal Support: Our sports bras provide the support you need for high-impact exercises like jumping squats and planks.
  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for all-day comfort with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.


  • Versatile Use: Perfect for both swimming and beach workouts, our swimwear combines style and functionality.
  • Chlorine-Resistant: Durable materials that withstand the rigors of regular swimming.

Why Choose Our Top Brand Clothing?

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Shop Now and Elevate Your Fitness Journey

Ready to take your bodyweight workouts to the next level?

Browse our collection of top-brand clothing today and find the perfect pieces to complement your fitness routine. With the right gear, you’ll feel more motivated and confident in every workout session.

Embrace the power of bodyweight exercises and transform your fitness journey without the need for equipment. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier you!

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Comments (50)

  • @sydneycummingshoudyshell Reply

    Welcome to the workout today everyone and welcome to day 3 of the IGNITE program! I am so happy to have you here and if you are just joining me, make sure if you got any value from this workout that you click here to subscribe! It helps out channel reach more people and most importantly change more lives! THANK YOU! http://www.youtube.com/c/sydneycummings

    Don't forget if you haven't already to purchase your workout calendar for this month to know whats coming and stay accountable! https://www.royalchange.fit/store/p144/IGNITE_January_2021_Workout_Calendar.html

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @girlfromoutside2542 Reply

    Ive done this series and I did day 3 just now , I luuuuuv uuuuuu sydneeeeey and I will do day 4 tomorrow

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @israelmartinezbarahona299 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @franswissink3062 Reply

    Goodmorning dear Sydney. That was hard work. Enjoy it crushed it all. Feel good. Bye, bye bye you bye 👋

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @franswissink3062 Reply

    Goodmorning Sydney thanks for this workout. Yes for sure i crushed it. Realy good. Bye bye you bye 👋

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @chelsisales9847 Reply

    thank you!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 4th 2023

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @amandareynolds77 Reply

    Done. Was definitely not my best as having a bit of trouble with asthma and allergies but I finished and did my best for today

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @sheeranmeatte Reply

    Day 3 complete! "Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say I'm doing my best?" I think I can today. Thank you for that reminder 🙂

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @fanniboros1181 Reply

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @terrifichb6304 Reply

    I crushed it.

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @pinkysweetypea Reply

    Fourth day of doing her workouts! I’m not new to working out but her exercises get me out of my comfort zones. I grew up with instructors who would talk (as opposed to music and a timer beeper) so I love hearing her talk and her words of encouragement. Also completely impressed at how she’s able to talk so calmly while doing such tough workouts! Time passes by so quickly despite the initial “oh man it’s FIFTY minutes??” initial dread I feel. Thanks so much for the awesome workouts!! ❤

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @Kim-jc1lo Reply

    This was a great workout! I really like how the moves were broken up into lower and upper as I'm not a big fan of combo moves. Thanks Sydney!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @raffaelamirigliano6277 Reply

    Thank you so much for your amazing workouts. Your inspirational words get me through each day!!! God bless you!! ❤️

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @kendralaughlin9013 Reply

    I love the end comment “sometimes you are the admirer sometimes you are the inspirer” ❤️

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @abuzzingbee Reply

    ma'am you made it rain indoors (i'm sweating so much)

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @elizaflores3146 Reply

    I crushed it Day 3 🎉. I feel stronger 💪

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @Rosabella206 Reply

    Amazing bootcamp workout I crushed it 💪💪💪

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @emmaharris3367 Reply

    Thank you ❤❤

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @lynngardner76 Reply

    Thank you for encouraging me everyday to work hard! I. Crushed. It! I loved this workout! Boot camps and strength and conditioning are my absolute favorites! Love it! Thank you!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @katrinapilgrim6647 Reply

    Just finished this one and crushed it.. body shaking lol

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @johnrhodes4238 Reply

    Oh damn!! That was a tough boot camp especially the cardio finisher. My heart was thumping and my quads are on fire. Loved your words “sometimes you will be in the inspirer and some times you will be the admirer” Great words of wisdom. Thanks Syd!!! 🙂

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @litestealer Reply

    I crushed this workout early Sunday morning, I had no motivation but my future goals…. And I MADE IT ALL THE WAY TO THE END!! PROUD OF MYSELF and our lovely community xo thanks

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @rachelmack6009 Reply

    This workout is incredible!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @alicianatale2945 Reply

    You keep me going! Thank you for being my teammember and trainer! so much respect and love

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @fadhilahraimy3850 Reply

    I crushed it day 3 with proud 💪💪💪..🥵🥵🥵..i started late evening but i glad i complete this workout..

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @francesroth9729 Reply

    Great Workout! Crushed It

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @Laray9260 Reply

    Repeating this program: Day 3

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @eirinipagiasli5585 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @pybest91 Reply

    you are a Motivation! thanks for your work!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @Aaroneous182 Reply

    My 6 yo says, "she's got some good dance moves". Her favorite is doing the stretches with me then watching Sydney dance 🙂

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @uvs6565 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @amanialqaq3943 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @nc6191 Reply

    Fantastic! Thanks Sydney!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @ManjuKumari-rm9qj Reply

    So good to work on these again. I crushed it

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec3269 Reply

    This was a sweaty one! Loved it!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @nurdanokcu3906 Reply

    Amazing workout, thank you so much. I killed it. I thank myself also for killing it .

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @gabbyrdl Reply

    Loved every minute 🥰 thank you so much

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @toimathews-parson8665 Reply

    I crushed it 💪🏽

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @amandaczerwieniec3269 Reply

    Wow! Such a scorcher 🔥

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @turbocole2929 Reply


    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @neidavega9023 Reply

    Im exhausted but I crushed it

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @annemarieharm7996 Reply

    I'm visiting back here after some months focused otherwise; you TOtally delivered, Sydney and team — yet again. Thank you!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @enigma4285 Reply

    Thank you, Sydney for the motivation ❤️❤️💪🏻💪🏻🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @enigma4285 Reply

    Thank you, Sydney for the motivation ❤️❤️💪🏻💪🏻🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @kimlett8070 Reply

    crushed it!

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @brittanygibson6976 Reply

    Loved this workout it went so fast felt good and challenged. Thank you sydney Good job everyone for sticking with it

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  • @courtneypearce1586 Reply

    So inspiring ♡♡♡ I crushed it 😀

    June 2, 2024 at 2:40 PM

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