30 Minute HIIT Glutes Workout | IGNITE – Day 26

30 Minute HIIT Glutes Workout | IGNITE – Day 26

Video Transcript

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what’s up guys it’s sydney and this is your 30 minute hit glutes workout so grab your glute resistance bands and your dumbbells and let’s get started what’s up guys i’m so excited that you’re here today for our glooce workout we are going to be operating in hit style so 30 seconds of work 15 seconds rest three rounds per exercise okay if you have them go ahead and grab your glute resistance bands we’ve got some work with these guys today if you don’t have them you can grab yours in the link in the description below we have restocked the three colors and the all black set okay for my dumbbells i have 10 15 25 and 30 pound dumbbells heavier dumbbells will be for your glute bridges on the floor lighter dumbbells will be for things like squat and lateral raise okay also grab your water and your sweat towel and if you’re ready i’m ready let’s go ahead and get started okay thumbs up we’re gonna go heels to glutes in three two one let’s go so a good activating warm-up here this is going to be a low-impact workout so no modifications the only modifications today will be to dial your weight down a little bit okay hands on your hips let’s go back and forward good and as you stretch when you reach back i want you to engage when you pull forward good job let’s go a little deeper three two and one good take your left foot back toe on the ground plant your right foot let’s lift that heel for ten good nine eight six five four three two one replace that foot and let’s lift the right heel flex your toe up towards your knee and here we go ten nine eight seven six five three two one good turn it back to the front shift your weight to your right leg now pull your toe up on the left side let’s lift here for ten ten nine eight good and throughout the workout today we will have single leg exercises if you need to dial that back and say you need to do a single leg glute bridge you need to do it double that’s okay and switch it over to the other side good ten all right so i’ll show you the options for two legs but for a lot of this will be single leg 30 seconds of work okay six five four three two and one good come on down very last one we’re going to go body weight glute bridges okay heels down hands beside your hips dig your heels in come up and squeeze pull your belly button under hips rotate backwards good tap down let’s go five four three two and one all right let’s get into your moves for your first exercise now i am going to use my medium glute resistance band so if you have one grab it okay we’re gonna go squat and left leg kick back you wanna hold dumbbells by your side you can okay dumbbells in resistance band optional today okay so left leg moves we’re going to go squat kick back squat kick back all right 10 seconds you can also hold your dumbbells here on your kickback you will need a little hinge okay so let’s go in four three two one here we go squat kick back good make sure you’re not rounding your back on the squat keep it flat sit drive [Music] that’s it good ten keep that toe flex toward your knee back here five four three two one fifteen seconds rest we switch to the other leg same move right leg kick back okay weights if you want not required keep your toe flexed not back here but here ready let’s go so as you come up you’re shifting your weight to the left leg to drive the right heel bring it back sit okay make sure that lift back is controlled or the kick back hips stay facing forward so you’re not opening here okay seven [Music] two one good all right two more rounds of those two left leg first then right leg if you want to go heavier you know what to do grab that next weight ready left leg two one [Music] keep the heels down on the squat drive on the lift and i want you connecting with that muscle today don’t be flipping i want you to lift and squeeze squeeze good job eight seven [Applause] two one rest and we go round two on the right leg three rounds total here okay let’s finish out round number two and five three two one let’s go come on right heel drive and come back to start good notice a lot of core and back strength here [Music] nice job keep driving sit drive lift down come on nine good straight back keep your hips facing forward two one all right good we’ve got two rounds of alternating okay you go squat left squat right okay last two rounds we alternate let’s go in two one come on squat and left leg come back squat right leg [Music] the challenge here will be not opening your hips heel drive straight back from your hips [Music] good pull your abs in really quick before you lift your heel to make sure you’re not arching okay three two one rest for fifteen we’ve got one more round same thing then we switch exercises like wait this is three right three three yeah after this we switch four three two come on sit drive give me a good pace here keep your legs apart especially if you have a band if you bring them back together the band will fall i’m not going to do it here because i got my hands holding dumbbells but you see how my legs never come back together come on 10 more seconds four three good two one and rest grab some water beautiful job okay next move single leg again your options are to isolate it with one leg for the squat or two legs for the squat but you will have a single leg lift okay so left leg is gonna start working first i’m gonna come up on my left toe okay sitting in my squat powered by the right leg when i come up i lift my left okay so right leg squat left leg lifts let’s go in five you want to hold a dumbbell let’s go right outside the right leg ready here we go squat come up lift and make sure you’re not lifting from here lift from here a completed squat then drive the heel so you hit your glute medius right here okay if you open it up you’re gonna hit a lot of quad so toe points forward heel lifts away six five two one good job we switch it over okay left leg squats do not need the band you do not need the dumbbell if you’re modifying two feet on the squat squat stand lift okay two one let’s go sit drive don’t lean on the lift i just caught myself doing it so straighten up lift that toe or lift the heel good job come on eight seven and remember your leg on the ground as you lift is holding this resistance band too two one great job now if you want to go up you can go up in weight you can go up in resistance band i’m gonna go up for myself and let’s start back right leg squat left leg lift three two one here we go sit and drive [Music] good job still even as i progress in my resistance band i do not hold my toe to point to the ceiling keep that heel flexed [Music] three two one rest good same thing other side keep the toe flexed here so you can isolate the glute medius top part of your glute okay right leg let’s drive three two one sit it down into the left drive the right heel away good keep your core lined up you’re doing great this is a workout you’ve got to push yourself you’ve got to know i need that heavier weight i need that resistance band to push me to push myself okay we’re working hard together four three two one oh and rest so if you lose your balance don’t worry you’re in great company you do it all the time one more round let’s alternate okay so holding the dumbbell here you go squat lift and lift ready all right two one [Music] [Applause] good anyone else shaking already oh yeah this is about to be a fantastic glute workout you gotta let me know when you’re done how early you started shaking for me it just happened three two one rest okay one more round of alternating yep that back foot started vibrating okay one more round of alternating let’s go three two one come on good job core tight keep it in there you go 15 14 13 12. come on three two one and rest oh boy beautiful job if you’re using a glute band go ahead and take it off you will not need it for this next set and grab some water everybody good work okay options on your next move you have options there are three of them we’ve got a single leg romanian deadlift okay option one you stagger the foot back that’s not working okay so you’re here come up touch back all the weight’s still in this front leg all the work is still here option two you float that back leg okay same thing leg on the floor does the work option three you give me a little bend here okay when you go down for your deadlift you pulse and you come back in keep it bent pulse come back in okay so pick where you’re at pick your level no glute resistance bands and keep in mind that you are imbalanced here okay i’ve got one leg working so lighter weights if you need to heavier if you just want to go single leg strength okay let’s go in 10 seconds all right i’ll give you some time to get your weights we lift the left leg first okay four three two one left leg let’s go and if you’re adding the pulse it’s during the pause in the hinge good for myself i’m really working on my balance so i’m challenging myself here in this one if you’re struggling the whole time for balance i want you to keep one foot on the floor focus on your glute power five four three two one rest good same thing on the other leg again your options stagger float or float vent and drive ready let’s go good job tight core belly button is over the heel that’s staying on the ground eight seven six five two one rest and we’re back to the left leg okay heavier if you don’t want to do any of the single leg pulsing lighter if you do one’s for balance with the lighter weights the other one is more for strength and power ready two one let’s go right leg stays left leg is back we’re lifting [Music] good come on focus focus focus [Music] good you’ve got five four three two one rest good the other leg here we go stay focused stay balanced all right when you hinge belly button is over that heel on the ground two one let’s go [Music] good [Music] beautiful job [Music] seven six three two one rest and you’ve got one more round of both come on let’s go single leg for each one of these last two rounds not alternating just keep it single okay so left leg moves one last round of alternator of single leg four three two one come on hinge squeeze that glute forward with that leg on the ground [Music] wherever you are staggered straight leg lift or bent leg lift you power through with a stationary leg come on finish strong here [Music] good seven six five three two one good and let’s switch it over one last time with the right leg moving focus on your strength in your balance ready four three two one come on [Music] [Music] stay working on it patience and focus [Music] good come on ten nine five four three two one and rest beautiful job and we finished with the standing portion of your workout for the next part of the workout you’re on the ground okay we’ve got a glute bridge circuit here okay first one is a staggered lift left staggered lift right that’s our first round okay staggering meaning one foot is slightly in front of the other just about a half of a shoe length ahead hip width apart push okay if you want to use a band you can raise your hand if your legs are shaking okay just making sure i’m not alone you can stack a weight on top your hips you can use a glute resistance band if you’re using a band knees drive out okay either way whatever resistance you have full hip extension right leg in front left leg in the back we go in five hands down three two one come on squeeze together two lift don’t wait until you get to the top and then squeeze [Music] good job [Music] four three two one switch your feet stagger just a little bit the other way okay you ready dumbbell if you would like we’ve got three rounds of these two ready three two heels down let’s lift up good and you don’t have to have your toes pointing to the sky sometimes it just feels more comfortable for me whatever gets you to push heels down hips together [Music] ten nine [Music] two one and rest you switch your legs back advance it if you can can you throw a dumbbell on top if your answer is yes or maybe i would love for you to do that ready four three two one let’s go [Music] good let’s go let’s go [Applause] ten nine four three two one drop and switch you’re doing great come on advance if you can stay where you are if you need to let’s push together four three two and we’re up [Music] nice job come on stay focused here last 15 seconds and we’ll finish round two and then we’ve got one more round of each five dig those heels in squeeze the glutes together rest okay switch back one more round [Music] ready come on i want you to squeeze from the floor not wait until you get to the top knees stay out around your hips hip width let’s go up [Music] as far as how far your feet need to be away from your glutes it’s going to vary by person because of the length of our femur and our tibia and fibula bone okay just whatever feels like it’s not pressure on your knees but you can fully flex your glutes and your hamstrings don’t be driving through your toes just the heels three two one yes let’s switch it over last round right here then we switch glute bridge exercises we’ll probably be able to go heavier on this one this next set four three two one and let’s rock [Music] good full extension good give me ten more really good seconds come on [Music] four three two one and rest your next set is glute bridge abduction okay so you go up here lift and back down supersetted with boot bridge pulse so you’re up up okay so i’m gonna take my 30 pound dumbbell my heavier one for the day okay and we’re going to start with that abduction in five seconds you lift open and close and then come back down ready let’s go you do not need a glute resistance band for this you just open your knees about this much out and back down but it definitely intensifies this abduction and again we go back to glute medius this top part of your glute that everyone says how do i get my butt to look lifted that glute medius up top round it out makes that appearance okay it’s a good balance two one and rest now we go up and we come halfway down up up okay i’m gonna save that until we have to start four three are you ready breathe in exhale and go [Music] beautiful only modification here no weights no bands or if you need to go all the way down reset and then come back up i understand four three two one rest we’re back up lift abduct come back in okay when you abduct make sure your butt doesn’t drop you stay there while your legs open and close then come back down three two one lift stay pulse out and lower if you look over real quick i see this a lot okay when you go out your butt drops that’s defeating our purpose here i need you to stay up open close then lower eight seven [Music] two one rest good all right let’s go back to it lift and pulse in three two one come on up up [Music] think of your cheeks together at the top you let them relax a little on the way down and then squeeze them again to lift [Music] good picking up something off the ground and lifting it back up to full extension seven six three two one rest for five seconds let’s hit this last round non-stop okay two one here we go lift open close and down [Music] we got 30 seconds here you go right into 30 seconds of your pulse okay you’re almost there and then we’ve got a little closer fire hydrant circuit okay but let’s finish strong here nine seconds and you lift and stay up with a pulse [Music] three two okay come down exhale lift up pulse here we go [Music] come on oh you’re right there 15. i’m laughing with you not at you i’m laughing through the pain oh come on eight seven [Music] let’s go three two one oh heavens okay throw that dumbbell down and if you have your glute resistance bands this is where you would use your lighter one if you do not you can clamp a dumbbell right between your back leg okay and if you’re gonna do that you’ll want to have a dumbbell in between each one okay we’re going bladder style here to close it out fire hydrants okay hands are down you go one and one and then you go two pulses two pulses three pulses three okay we go in seven seconds for one minute straight one minute to burn it out okay ready let’s go if you keep climbing you go up to two switch two on the other leg go to three three on the other leg you’ve got 60 seconds [Music] keep your belly button pulled in toe flex toward the knee 30 seconds left come on [Music] 20 seconds straight out from the side good five four three two one and sit your hips back back back back back reach them back hands are forward oh yeah you’ve made it to your cooldown my goodness amazing job all right come on up to a tabletop drop your hips down let’s open the hips up you did amazing today second to last workout of the ignite program your glutes are not on fire what you are superhuman tuck your toes down lift your hips up pull your belly button up to the sky and drive your heels down to the floor guys amazing job today i challenge you if you’re interested in kind of stepping up your leg and your glute strength these bands make a world of a difference oh 30 minutes i’m shaking my glutes feel hot to the touch i know that they were challenged today and that’s the most important part what challenges you slowly roll up that’s what we’re focused on what makes us stronger together okay so no matter what fitness level you are you and i are rocking together take your toe pull it up and then forward that’s it come up and switch exhale amazing work today let’s switch that one more time as we close this out today make sure you check out the bands make sure you check out what’s coming in the description everything i put everything down in the description of the video that i want to talk to you about okay one last switch good come up slowly and give me a good little push on your tailbone always be pushing all right i feel that we have set a fire in ourselves this month we’re not done yet but i just feel the energy it’s different right it’s different this time it’s different than any other time cross your right leg behind you bend forward there we go it’s different than the times that we’ve given up on ourselves it’s different than the times that we’ve slowed down because it’s gotten harder switch legs it’s different than the times we’ve given ourselves an easy out or a pass to accept our excuses okay this time is different and we’ve got to make sure together we hold each other to that i will not give up on you you just cannot give up on yourself i’m going to keep showing up every day whether you want to do the workout or not i will be here with your workout switch it over you’ve got to know you’re worth it you’ve got to know that you have to do this if you have that goal in mind and the only thing that’s stopping you it’s a little bit of work in between you and your goal you’ve got to know no matter what just show up it doesn’t have to be perfect it doesn’t have to be impeccable every day but the consistent effort has to be there that’s what separates us from what we’ve achieved before and to what we are about to achieve okay you and your goals here’s us here’s our goals this middle ground is just consistent work just not giving up just not saying i’m not worth it just not saying i’m incapable just work work imperfectly work sloppy work do it with your excuses and with no motivation just keep working okay and then those goals are ours all right i believe in you completely make sure to come back here tomorrow let’s close out this program together give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel when you are done i love you guys have a great day [Music] you

Transform Your Fitness Routine with No-Equipment Bodyweight Workouts

Welcome to your ultimate guide to bodyweight workouts that require no equipment!

These workouts rely solely on the resistance of your own body to build strength and endurance. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned athlete, bodyweight exercises are perfect for any level. And while you’re here, check out our top-brand clothing products to ensure you look and feel your best during every workout.

The Benefits of Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight workouts offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness:

  • Convenience: No need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can perform these workouts anywhere, anytime.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
  • Efficiency: Bodyweight exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout.
  • Functional Fitness: These exercises mimic everyday movements, improving your overall functional strength and stability.
  • Minimal Injury Risk: With proper form, bodyweight exercises are less likely to cause injuries compared to weightlifting.

Essential Bodyweight Exercises


Push-ups are a fundamental exercise that strengthens your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

  1. Standard Push-Up: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up.
  2. Modified Push-Up: Perform the push-up with your knees on the ground for a less intense variation.


Squats are excellent for building lower body strength, targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

  1. Bodyweight Squat: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and knees over your toes. Return to the standing position.
  2. Jump Squat: Add a jump at the end of each squat for an extra cardio boost.


Lunges are great for working your legs and improving balance and stability.

  1. Forward Lunge: Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back to the starting position and switch legs.
  2. Reverse Lunge: Step backward with one leg and lower your hips, then return to the starting position.


Planks are a core-strengthening exercise that also engages your shoulders and glutes.

  1. Forearm Plank: Lie face down and lift your body onto your forearms and toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position.
  2. Side Plank: Rotate onto one forearm and the side of your foot, lifting your hips to maintain a straight line. Hold and then switch sides.

Bodyweight Workout Routine

Here’s a sample bodyweight workout routine to get you started. Repeat this circuit three times for a complete workout:

  1. Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or jumping jacks.
  2. Push-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg.
  5. Forearm Plank: 3 sets of 1-minute hold.
  6. Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching.

Upgrade Your Workout Wardrobe with Top Brand Clothing

While bodyweight workouts require no equipment, having the right clothing can make a significant difference in your performance and comfort. Explore our top-brand clothing options to enhance your workout experience:

Yoga Sets

  • Comfort and Flexibility: Our yoga sets are designed to move with your body, providing maximum comfort and flexibility.
  • Stylish Designs: Choose from a variety of stylish designs that make you look as good as you feel.


  • Breathable Fabric: Stay cool and dry with activewear made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials.
  • Supportive Fit: Enjoy the perfect balance of support and flexibility for all your movements.


  • Freedom of Movement: Our shorts offer unrestricted movement, making them ideal for squats, lunges, and more.
  • Durability: Made from high-quality materials that stand up to intense workouts.

Sports Bras

  • Optimal Support: Our sports bras provide the support you need for high-impact exercises like jumping squats and planks.
  • Comfortable Fit: Designed for all-day comfort with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.


  • Versatile Use: Perfect for both swimming and beach workouts, our swimwear combines style and functionality.
  • Chlorine-Resistant: Durable materials that withstand the rigors of regular swimming.

Why Choose Our Top Brand Clothing?

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Shop Now and Elevate Your Fitness Journey

Ready to take your bodyweight workouts to the next level?

Browse our collection of top-brand clothing today and find the perfect pieces to complement your fitness routine. With the right gear, you’ll feel more motivated and confident in every workout session.

Embrace the power of bodyweight exercises and transform your fitness journey without the need for equipment. And don’t forget to gear up with our top-brand clothing to look and feel your best.

Shop now and start your journey to a stronger, healthier you!

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Comments (21)

  • @sydneycummingshoudyshell Reply

    I hope you all loved this burner of a workout today! I know I felt it in the first couple of exercises and I hope you crushed it with me! Make sure you are subscribed as we are hoping to help more and more people feel healthy, happy, and strong every single day! Thank you for choosing me as your trainer! http://www.youtube.com/c/sydneycummings?sub_confirmation=1

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @NatoshaHenry-bd8rq Reply

    Love your workouts! Would LOVE more 30 min glute/band workouts!! 🤩🤩

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @hadasitalki7247 Reply

    thank you Sydney! 💕💪✅

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @hannahajayi6964 Reply

    So effective!

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @nidhiraid Reply

    Oct 30

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @Freibott Reply

    Awesome motivational workout!!

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @thisthatfarah Reply

    You’re the best Sydney!

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @sharonnorwood5004 Reply

    Got up to 5 reps at the end ! 6.23.23

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @Drew-zp8yz Reply

    If you are following her program workout for this in the put together playlist, day 25 is missing. If you don't want to cheat yourself out of a day of the program, you can search for it easily. It's just not in the playlist itself

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @enamontiel4237 Reply

    Awesome workout never gets old!

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @jdjdkn914 Reply

    Crushed this 💪🏻 ❤9/27

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @michaela78 Reply


    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @shivid7680 Reply

    This was a burner even without weights. Thanks Sydney, loved it & crushed it, and yes the bands definitely make a huge difference. Good start to Monday morning 😊💪💪💪💪💪💪

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @nyssa9891 Reply

    Me during bridges: oh gosh I hope this is it and there’s not some crazy finisher
    Sydney: you’re almost done! We just have our fire hydrant ladder finisher!
    Me: 😨

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @user-lm6bp9ly3b Reply

    You are the best

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @cbalbierz2347 Reply

    I will continue to keep working ! Thanks Sydney

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @mimio839 Reply

    Great workout. I love this one. I started shaking during my RDL’s.

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @Perissis Reply

    Where is Day 25? Is there a Day 25? 🙄🤔😁

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @lindseymccue2686 Reply

    Couldn't do PUMP today bc of work but I crushed this glute workout🔥🔥🔥

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @Miauxful Reply

    Teared up during your motivational talk in the end 😭 thanks for being there for us

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  • @anithanandialath2779 Reply

    Time just flies with Sydney whether it is 40 or 50 minutes

    June 4, 2024 at 2:46 PM

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