Strength Training

Strength training focuses on building muscle mass, improving strength, and increasing overall power. It typically involves using resistance, such as weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises, to challenge muscles and promote growth.


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [ __ ] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] ah all right so we got an armed dead day and got a little wife beater under this but can't walk into the gym with a wife beater it's just like you just don't do that you got to throw a pump cover on and uh warm it up with some triceps probably the best thing to start with is this cross body tricep uh I guess would be a tricep push down but you want to set the cables up so when you're like this when you bring your arms up the cable is in line with your arm so you're keeping it pretty much in like a straight line the entire time puts a lot of stress in your tricep and I did about I think three sets here and triceps are pumped right now but um I've really been doing this whole thing with an arm day where I haven't...

Brutal Leg Day | Over Indulging

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] for all right so we got another leg day today and I had to break out the headphones because on the way here I had suicide boys bumping Meek Mill going it was just like super hype and I got in the gym and it's just like it's not the music you want to be listening to on a leg day so had to break them out but you know on the way here very unfortunate circumstance I was driving and this big [ __ ] spider like when I say big spider it was huge it was like one of the big like white clear tan whatever color spider and you know it was just like [ __ ] Big B to the point where it was like kind of hairy and when they when spiders start to get hairy that's when it's like all right that [ __ ] big and I see this thing crawl across the lap and it's on my...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm doing a bran for [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right welcome back we have another R day and I realized that I'm through workouts into exercise and I haven't said jack [ __ ] to the video and you know it's just one of those days it's been a hell of a week we got everybody got taxes they got to pay got other bunch of [ __ ] going on moving it to a house and that has been so stressful I'm really excited about it but this is like you know this is some grownup [ __ ] like I was looking at the price of a couch the price of a couch bro like it's expensive got to buy a couch a mattress I never in my life stressed about buying a dining room table and chairs until now and you know like I...

BRUTAL BACK WORKOUT | Get Big Before Summer

Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel [Music] I rather be smooth a what these boys arguing about bro this is like us the other day what are youall arguing about bro huh what are yall arguing about videos what do you think what's different what what's different what's different what what's different oh what's new I'm not understanding storytelling what I'm not understanding storytelling I under I but we had this conversation and I said I don't want this to be cinematography storytelling I just want it to be how I wanted it to look this is like the one time I was this is my branding idea I want this campaign I want the video to be like this I always let you guys do whatever the [ __ ] you want this time I was like I want it like this that's my your Way's going to edit this what Von's going to edit this put an iMovie B can do [Music] [Music] it [Music] good come on good go Y...


Video Transcript Welcome to Top Fitness Influencer Your Ultimate Destination for Building Muscle and Power! Are you ready to take your strength and fitness to the next level? Subscribe to the Top Fitness Influencer Channel and with that being said I [Music] [Applause] forgot we have the blank shorts this collection one very hard this pretty much like a collector's item if you can prove that you have collection one shorts we're going to do like some sort of giveaway to everybody um so [Music] come on yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] one [Music] day game that'll be what Chris wants our daughter to be a crossfitter but I feel like I don't have the genetics for CrossFit so I don't think it's going to happen overhead little your elbow overhead Trish is a [ __ ] of your tricep over here behind the head French Press was like a quar I did like four rests that last HED you up you come in like normally do twice that weight you're just fried [Music] yeah 10 lb [Music] second f so I don't really know how the entire couch is in all these boxes but um same thing happened with...

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